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well i came to forum only because i cant find any party, i tried 3 days - useless :) I'm tired solo grind, i started already with 2 boxes running. Feels like in old days private small servers then you need bd/sws/wc because server does not have enough players. So I stopped played. I though maybe something changed or new server opend. Anyway @S3Ri0us at some point saying true :)

Now it's hardcore to farm items and lvl :) only donate/donate seems.. anyway thank you for answers. I got what i asked :)

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this is true my friend. but before ppl leaving was also like this situation only 2-3 clans make big pts and farm epics etc. we can gather a small groups and make new things dont go away. i see 2 little clans still playing anyone who wants can leave a afk message at giran for pt. hopefully hi5 server has the power to operate with less ppl too.

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plus that gms make everything it is possible to keep the server alive. NEW merge will be done the next days with the e global gracia final. Than means that 500-600 ppl from there will continue to play in e global hi5. So ppl this server i think isnt done yet.

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plus that gms make everything it is possible to keep the server alive. NEW merge will be done the next days with the e global gracia final. Than means that 500-600 ppl from there will continue to play in e global hi5. So ppl this server i think isnt done yet.

Funny. My mate just told me about the merging, and since I was bored af, decided to come read the forum. I'll add a few words on the matter at hand, if you don't mind. So I think I'll open with this - It won't help. That's just how things work. I left GF after I realized that there were literally no players out there that can fight on our levels (I can give a lot of pretty screwed up examples of this, btw). There were some random dudes that nobody knows about and nobody cares about running around some of the more primitive castles, but they literally were "one shot's" to even most of my box supports. Nobody wants to fight with you when they have no chance to win even in numbers. And obviously, that creates boredom. As for the other clans - they like to rage-quit (which they obviously did), talking about the more or less big-war clans, not the little folk with random numbers on each siege and 4 months too-late gear on em'. That's just how community is our days. Some play, sell everything, buy themselves some cheap alcohol and lay around brain-dead in the guestroom for a few weeks, before repeating the process on a new server. Others play, believing that they are god-incarnate, until they get smacked in the face with a rubber dildo: reminding them that they are no more than mid-tier level cannon fodder (which makes them cry a little, get raging-mad at their surroundings, call the server and people on it shit and finally leave). The masses, some of which leave the server when they hear that some so-called "top" clan is leaving (usually get destroyed by the opposition and the CL starts to whine like a little blonde bitch and demoralize the remaining members and other people that happen to pay attention). Which is obviously stupid, like, why the fuck would you care if some random faggots leave, right? But, nonetheless, it's how it is. Well, I can keep on going, there are a lot of categories and opinions on the matter after all. But my point is, that merging won't help. It may add a few souls or even resurrect some old-nostalgia-fetishists, but that won't solve the problem. The HF server is dying, just as our GF died. Never heard of reviving the dead by swapping coffins or pilling everyone in one big grave, have you?


I am not trying to discredit the server in any way. In fact, I loved my experience on GF. It was the most fun I had in the last 5 years or so.

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