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пастер пастер... твой хайфайв шлак не воспринимается даже за ла2 ) мне лень банально жать кнопку "воспроизведение" едва я вижу на заставке 4 панельки скиллов)

покажи что-то с гф, эпилога, да хоть с интерлюда)

9 tebia ponial . pojalyi idi naxyi xDDD GF = xroniki klana , hf = xroniki pa4ki .

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yes, I am sure of it.


Last eglobal Gfinal server + the server before that: admins always said the same, but when server started they jailed 2-3 scripts for 1 day, after that every single russian party free to use full scripts no more jail, no more bans


anti aggro, anti backstab, anti hide, anti bubble, anti res, auto cancel, anti nobless... etc etc


11 times vs be4a before scripts, lost 1 time

11 times vs be4a after scripts online, won 1 time

=> be4a top russian pack =) , same as every single other rus group


I can totaly understand your objections.

However, we did our lessons.

Our partners (as part of our team) not only against the soft by words, they against it by tools.

So, we will do as much as possible to kill all the PvP soft at all.


You should know - we don't want to support any of pvp soft, it create not only too much trable to our team, but too much trable to server balance.

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I can totaly understand your objections.

However, we did our lessons.

Our partners (as part of our team) are not only against the soft by words, they are against it by tools.

So, we will do as much as possible to kill all the PvP soft at all.


You must know, we do not need to support any of the pvp soft, it's not just too much trable to our team.


All you had to do was perma BAN people who used scripts, after that nobody would ever use scripts again; Like RPG-CLUB old G Final servers (5x, 15x, 3x):

- use anti hate? -> perma ban

- use anti bubble? -> perma ban etc etc


As long as you dont perma ban the FIRST script user they will never stop using scripts. Adrenaline can always bypass any protection, only solution is permaban from Day 1!


Why do you think there are no scripters on Gran Kain ?? Not because they have protection but because permanent ban!

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All you had to do was perma BAN people who used scripts, after that nobody would ever use scripts again; Like RPG-CLUB old G Final servers (5x, 15x, 3x):

- use anti hate? -> perma ban

- use anti bubble? -> perma ban etc etc


As long as you dont perma ban the FIRST script user they will never stop using scripts. Adrenaline can always bypass any protection, only solution is permaban from Day 1!


Why do you think there are no scripters on Gran Kain ?? Not because they have protection but because permanent ban!


You may not be on my side of thinking about 3rd party software, however you should know:

- There wasn't the only way to solve this problem.

The main reason: We did support the bigwar.

What you propose is - earease all the CP's from server. Grain Kain did lose a tons of users due to that politics.

The better solusion - fight agains software, invest in protection system, instead of bot-hunting system.

When noone can use it literelly, you show the right way to all community.


However, we support the both method.

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All you had to do was perma BAN people who used scripts, after that nobody would ever use scripts again; Like RPG-CLUB old G Final servers (5x, 15x, 3x):

- use anti hate? -> perma ban

- use anti bubble? -> perma ban etc etc


As long as you dont perma ban the FIRST script user they will never stop using scripts. Adrenaline can always bypass any protection, only solution is permaban from Day 1!


Why do you think there are no scripters on Gran Kain ?? Not because they have protection but because permanent ban!

ur the most stupid fuck ive seen for years. Rpg PERMA BANNED (didnt perma ban no one, u pay u play) oh and full protect of renevans party on gf x3 with full afk bots like 24/7 , with drown full subb skills and lots and lots more what i dont wont to tell to random fuck like u . but plz tell me more kiddo about rpg plz xDDDD

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- There wasn't the only way to solve this problem.

The main reason: We did support the bigwar.

ok, now it is clear to me that this server will be no different compared to last eglobal g final, ty for answer !

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Хеллоу гайз, это я стою с матерями форза и маршала.


ну, от человека с IQ не большим чем у шимпанзе иного и не ожидалось)

п.с. моя мама умерла 3 года назад, так что задеть ты меня явно не сможешь такими штуками, сосунок)

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ну, от человека с IQ не большим чем у шимпанзе иного и не ожидалось)

Мне кажется ты приматов оскорбляешь, когда сравниваешь их с этим заикающимся дегенератом. Не хорошо так, чем тебе мартышки то не угодили?

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