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well, I would suggest you to move a little bit the server start ... how in the hell did u choose a Sunday evening to start the server ???


In announcement, how you can see in the picture above is says Open Beta Testing... and yesterday when I wanted to test the server .. I found out that I can't and is CBT... wtf???

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Hello, Kaos


Why you don't like Sunday as the start date?


We have already written about CBT question in the topic above, please follow the link


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Hello, Kaos


Why you don't like Sunday as the start date?


We have already written about CBT question in the topic above, please follow the link


because normal ppl go to work on monday :p

2nd I think u did not read carefully .. my problem is that you announce that will be an Open Beta and is Close Beta Testing... it's a difference

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because normal ppl go to work on monday :p

2nd I think u did not read carefully .. my problem is that you announce that will be an Open Beta and is Close Beta Testing... it's a difference

As well as in any other day)


Closed Beta Test: August 18

Open Beta Test: August 25

Grand Opening: 10.09.2017 / 17:00 (CEST)


And I provided the link that you need if you want to participate in the CBT

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client at site global is empty... if download from others site work?

Could you provide a screenshot of error when you tried to download client from our site?

You are free to use any file sharing resourses to upload your screenshots, f.e. http://prnt.sc

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client at site global is empty... if download from others site work?

Actualy yes, but before u will be install the Patch - delete "system" from your "Third-party" client.

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