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Saint A.L.

PR-event [Task №2: Skype]

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Task №2: Skype


Possible reward:


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02ff5b55252ac00403253293049ff609-skype-icon-logo-by-vexelsf4c5b.png #Skype

Necessary condition:

  • Set your status: Stable Gracia Final x3 with chronicle upgrade to High Five! From two teams E-Global and Shock-World - 10 September! https://goo.gl/ct8Ypk

  • Set an avatar (Link)
  • You need to add our support an your Skype contacts:
    • Skype: e-global.support

    [*]Leave a message to support "I'm participating in PR-event and have set a Avatar and status. My account is: %your game account% (you need to mention regarding which condition has been met: avatar, status or both)

    [*]Send a screenshot where your contacts can be seen:






    [*]Avatar and status must be set up until 12 September (including).


    • Period of event: 31.08.2017 — 10.09.2017;
    • If you don't set a status or avatar once you add our support - you will not take part in event (until you will let you support know that you have met all conditions);
    • If you don't set a status or avatar at the end of the event - you will not take part in it;


    • Each day of status and avatar at your Skype - 4 Family coins
    • You need to have at least 30 contacts in Skype (you need to send a screen to show you amount contacts);
    • You will receive your reward in 2 days after server start.

Профессиональная пропаганда культуры и спорта.

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