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Saint A.L.

PR-event [Task №5: Ask]

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Questions for those who already played on L2E-Global:

  1. What are your best memories of L2E-Global?
    Mass pvp on interlude x25
  2. What is your game account (login)?
  3. How long did it been since your very first L2E-Global experience?
    My first serwer was gf x7
  4. When did you 1st time heard about L2E-Global?
    Same as above, before gf x7 i never heard about E-Global

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  1. What are your best memories of L2E-Global?
    PvP :) I rly enjoy pvping on every server, i remember playing with my friends here on other servers having fun pvp :)
  2. What is your game account (login)?
  3. How long did it been since your very first L2E-Global experience?
    About 1year
  4. When did you 1st time heard about L2E-Global?
    as above, like 1 year ago :) a friend suggested to play here

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  1. What is your expectation of L2E-Global? A: A stable and long-lasting server for fun times! Also very interested in how the updates concept will play out.
  2. What is your game account (login)? A: NLKSkyCraft
  3. How long will you stay on L2E-Global? A: Hopefully as long as it stays active.
  4. How did you 1st time heard about L2E-Global? A: An ugly orc told me about it (from a friend).

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2. Questions for those who has never played on L2E-Global before:

  1. What is your expectation of L2E-Global? i hope the best experience on private server.
  2. What is your game account (login)? DEEdbz
  3. How long will you stay on L2E-Global? as long it go
  4. How did you 1st time heard about L2E-Global? few days ago some dude from my old party told me about this server, pvp all time and balanced sides.

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  1. Questions for those who already played on L2E-Global:

    1. What are your best memories of L2E-Global? Mass pvp and clan wars
    2. What is your game account (login)? WOUkarolisr
    3. How long did it been since your very first L2E-Global experience? 1,5 years
    4. When did you 1st time heard about L2E-Global? My friend recommended this server about 1,5 years ago

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Questions for those who already played on L2E-Global:


  1. About 12 years ago in low rate interlude client. When anytime yr language was not appropriate u get banned for 24 hours no chat :P
  2. KRAmanolis
  3. about 12-13 years ago
  4. Same age.. about 12-13 years ago at an internet cafe :P

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1. My expectations about l2e-global is just one, be stable and do not shut down as long as it will be possible. We all know that nothing win live forever, and especially we all know all problems about L2 free servers, but i really trust that its possible to make really good server, with good administration, game economy and e.x. i don't believe that everything on L2 servers depends on players, no! A lot depends on administration and their vision of game, how they will develop all parts of server. So wish to all (players, Administration) good experience and have fun, that's all.

2. My game account is UPP13lack13ird

3. I think, not only me, the most part of players will stay on server till they feel comfortable there, feel that server is stable, and till they know that sever have pro administration without any incidents on Rb, Sieges of taking sides. (these are the most important components of servers lifetime.)

4. I was Lineage2 Player for a long time , i was just playing on my country servers, on Georgian servers. But soon i understood that all servers in my country are pretty bad and i left playing lineage2, i uninstalled every part of this game and started playing dota2. I was watching Dota2 streams on twitch.tv and after several years i remembered my favorite game L2, so i tried to find it on Twitch and i did. I was watching one of Russan streamers twitch and they had a huge clan, a lot of enemies, as i remember there was siege or Rb raid, but that picture gave me so much emotions, that massive fights brought me to my past and i immediately downloaded all files for L2 again, and that server was L2e-global. but soon that server was shut down, because one big clan left server and i even had not there character. so i said i will wait for next low rate Gracia and will play there for 100%. so im here now. <3

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