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Macros are going crazy. First three weeks of the server the macros were on point as they work on GOD/Classic, now however they fck up and do some tasks twice. This macro :

/target Person1



Ends up sometimes using assist twice and it fcks up everything. PLEASE FIX

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We need more detailed description of your issue for a fault diagnosis and correction, because we did not receive any appeals/ticket about macro. Please, provide us with all information which can help us to resolve this issue (screenshots, video, other materials).

You are free to use any file sharing resourses to upload your screenshots, f.e. http://prnt.sc . You can upload your video on YouTube and send us a link on it.

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There is not much to be recorded tbh, it is not as smooth as on Classic/GOD. Every 5-6 uses of the macro it fcks up once either with attacking the target you were supose to assist or it assists the mob and it fck up. I can't find any great video to show you an example other than this 144p crap

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Fd_YB3ad0k . However it shows you once you target a mob with the macro, it does not stop hitting the mob.

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Anyway, I want to add that to fix the "problem" - we need a clear definition of it on the example from our server.

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There is not much to be recorded tbh, it is not as smooth as on Classic/GOD. Every 5-6 uses of the macro it fcks up once either with attacking the target you were supose to assist or it assists the mob and it fck up. I can't find any great video to show you an example other than this 144p crap

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Fd_YB3ad0k . However it shows you once you target a mob with the macro, it does not stop hitting the mob.

I have the same "issue"... is not as smooth as we like to have.. ( sometimes skips some commands / sometimes repeats some - or just starts from the beginning )..

my advice is to enable background performance , and add a delay 1 after getting target ..

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I have it removed.

You obbiously have never played any classic or GOD to know how those marcos work- so please, stop adding false information.

/target Person1




this works excellent. I mean I can stay on this macro for days/weeks/months without problems.

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Listen kid, you're full of shit. For a month now I've been farming 4 windows each of it with a wolf. The macro does not work properly anymore fullstop.

Wolves randomly return to MA instead of killing the mob.

Go farm posts somewhere else.

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Listen kid, you're full of shit. For a month now I've been farming 4 windows each of it with a wolf. The macro does not work properly anymore fullstop.

Wolves randomly return to MA instead of killing the mob.

Go farm posts somewhere else.

pfff. if u haven't enough IQ to write correct macro it is not my problem.

or maybe u have some problems with your kurwa-client :peka: i've used this macro from lvl 40 to 80 (now), with wolf and w/o it. No problems. But its too hard for you :nu4to:


so cry more my little retarded kurwa-friend

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