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Spoil rates **NOT LOCAL**

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  • Spoil has been changed for some monsters (thanks to players' bugreports). Now it works correctly.

RLYY/?? it's not some mobs !!!!

ALL moBS over the map have fucked up spoil.. read the full post ... I wont go to check every mob now .. u did not update spoil rate all over the map that's for sure!!

anyway I wont bother to report anything anymore because it just make me angry ...sorry guys.. u have one of the best private server.. but some essential game mechanics u dont want to fix... why?? idk

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RLYY/?? it's not some mobs !!!!

ALL moBS over the map have fucked up spoil.. read the full post ... I wont go to check every mob now .. u did not update spoil rate all over the map that's for sure!!

anyway I wont bother to report anything anymore because it just make me angry ...sorry guys.. u have one of the best private server.. but some essential game mechanics u dont want to fix... why?? idk


What exactly does that mean? The spoil rate on the server matches server settings (announced in the topic with the server description). At the moment we have no any complains on "wrong spoil from all mobs" except yours. Just words are not enough, we need at least some confirmation (screenshots, videos, links on official databases, etc.). Especially considering that fixes to spoil were already made and applied in our new patch from October 14. Links to the new patch:


If you have any real confirmations that some other mobs have problems with a spoil too (I mean AFTER fixes from October 14), then please provide them to the Support Service as confirmation. You can create a ticket to Support through the Control Panel (unlike communication at the forum, this will speed up the process of communicating with our Technical Department, if there are some real bugs/defects found).


Thank you for understanding.

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What exactly does that mean? The spoil rate on the server matches server settings (announced in the topic with the server description). At the moment we have no any complains on "wrong spoil from all mobs" except yours. Just words are not enough, we need at least some confirmation (screenshots, videos, links on official databases, etc.). Especially considering that fixes to spoil were already made and applied in our new patch from October 14. Links to the new patch:


If you have any real confirmations that some other mobs have problems with a spoil too (I mean AFTER fixes from October 14), then please provide them to the Support Service as confirmation. You can create a ticket to Support through the Control Panel (unlike communication at the forum, this will speed up the process of communicating with our Technical Department, if there are some real bugs/defects found).


Thank you for understanding.

- 2nd time when I tell u this, read the whole post again.. I counted at least other 5 ppl complain about..., why do you say I'm the only one??? I try to help this server and this is the reward...

- but don't believe me, go all good mats spots and see how many spoils.,,, nobody.., also go in game and ask players...

- do u want me to go to find all 32132131237 mobs from map??? rly :))) run the script/tool that modify the npcdata with the new rates and compare it with yours

- I don't care about what pach says.. if the spoil rate is fucked..

- I made a post on forum because if more ppl see this u will be forced to take action, otherwise u dont do anything... it needed 1 week to change 3 mobs... :))

-pls explain this to me ... how it is possible that let's say only few mobs got the wrong rate.. or why u are so sure that only few mobs had this problem?? because I can bet u did not change the rate manually so that mean's u used a tool or u have an extender for that.. don't matter which method u used should affect overall mobs.. so that means that all mobs where affected by this issue

ps. I know enough about software and programming, also about l2off/l2j software and how is working so stop bullshiting me

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for your information,

I said.,, ok lets find more prof that the spoil is wrong... I went in branded with my spoil and guess what I found... all the mobs that should have mats/parts that are 100% are limited to 70% ( tested.. not only based on client info)


Barrow Overlord - http://lineage.pmfun.com/npc/21240/barrow-overlord.html

charcoal should be - should be 100% on retail that means the quantity should be 3x and the chance 100%, according to your client is 70% and 3-16 items (quantity is 3x but the chance is decresed.. again rate should be 100%.. in reality only from 2 of 5 mobs I gave me Charcoal.


Lith Shaman and Gigant Confessor - http://lineage.pmfun.com/npc/21173/lith-shaman.html http://lineage.pmfun.com/npc/21194/gigant-confessor.html

both mobs have the same spoil rate for CBP and SOP, retail CBP 1/3 & SOP 1/6 that means on your server should be CBP 100% and SOP 1/3, well your client again says that CBP 70% and SOP 51%... well in reality I killed from 14 mobs I got 7 CBP and 4 SOPs that mean the rates is around of 50~% for CBP and ~28% for SOP..

so the SOP rate is correct...


so in my point of view... pls remove this limitation of 70%.. because is bullshit.. and also fix the spoil rate.. because is crap

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I can put prints from npcdata if u rly want to prove you that the rates are wrong, but I think I said more the enough

... now is very clear what you did... and why spoil sucks

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Hi , i would like to ask what are the ACTUAL spoil rates of the server . On server description it says 3x chance,1x quantity . On monster spoils it says close or exactly the same chances as on 1x spoil rates , from l2dropspoil . This is not a local "THERE'S SOME MOBS HERE AND THERE WITH BAD SPOIL RATES WE'LL FIX FORGET ABOUT IT" kinda thing . This is on all the monsters in the game. If the tooltip in-game is misleading and gives bad information on spoil rates,fix it and give us a confirmation that it doesn't show what it should . If it is working as intended,change spoil rates on server description to 1x chance ,1x quantity and stop misleading people . If you actually intended to make spoil rates 3x on chance, get to work and tell us that you started working on it .


Thanks and looking forward to a straight-forward answer from Staff .

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I already told them about this... they "fixed" 3 mobs :))))

also here I put some profs about wrong spoil https://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/i-got-disconnected-again-wtf-is-wrong-with-the-server.25947/


the main idea is the fallowing.. they changed some rates but something like that..

- if the spoil chance was let's say 33% or 40% they did 3x that means 100% or more.. but they limited to 70%,, u can go all over the map u will not find one single spoil that is 100%

- most of the mats spoil rate was not changed at all... especially the bigger lvl mobs (60+)..

- e.g. I spoiled in branded for 1h.. I got ~40 cbp and 30 sops... with top gear+ g.wolf killing at respawn 2 rooms... at 3x rates I should got at least 200 cbp & 100 sop ... the rate is really really shit... and they dont change it... why... I think everybody knows why.. the mats price is very high .. even if adena is hard to gather .. and ppl have to donate for coins and get adena/mats.. simple economy.. based on donations

- admin had the nerve to tell me that I'm the only one who is complaining about spoil rate.. when are at least other 10 ppl who posted about this.... 2nd of all most of the players dont use forum.. 3rd of all the reality is on game when u dont see spoilers on top spots is a big question mark... something is very very wrong..

- every day that is passing I want to play here less and less because of the admins callousness

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Adena is really not hard to get on this server, you know.

But about spoil i agree, it's my first server i believe, where i just don't spoil at all. it's not worth the time, as easy as that.

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I know many of you will hate my party cause we tried to make Dusk win. I'm just wondering why you play this game, to farm farm buy adena farm and then what? Do you even know what dusk gives you and what big clans loses? Just go check, like I read ALL the rules and x party on last festival won with a bug.

You can go to festival NPC and read the rules that "No pet is allowed" while you doing the 20' instance. This party had kookas alive and they won. I tried to solve that with a ticket but I don't think they can help me there (They doing pretty job btw, helped me on other cases) so please I want an admin or any staff to help me on this, I know now it's too late, all people at dawn that won, grabbed their AA, sold them etc. I want at least to give our AA back cause we were farming non stop whole week for this and we lost cause of a bug.


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I can translate that, I guess every forum is the same.. Ofc you won't accept it cause whole server registered to dawn and you belong to xside. I'm not asking for dawn to lose which is the right thing cause rules should be rules.

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