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Spoil rates **NOT LOCAL**

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This is why there are two sides man, one wins other lose. The fact is to win with a fair way.. It was your choice to register dawn, mine to register dusk, just let's not lose the point

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Your party had 4924 score at nolimit festival.

It's like... nothing?

Good party must have 8k+, decent party - 9k+. Your party have less then 5k.

Just chill and play the game, or leave cause you won't see your AA, your choice.

BTW i would lose absolutely nothing if dusk won, so it's not rage, just facts.

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Your party had 4924 score at nolimit festival.

It's like... nothing?

Good party must have 8k+, decent party - 9k+. Your party have less then 5k.

Just chill and play the game, or leave cause you won't see your AA, your choice.

BTW i would lose absolutely nothing if dusk won, so it's not rage, just facts.


We had 5k without pets which are not allowed to be in there. If our supports had more MP we could make more points.

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I know many of you will hate my party cause we tried to make Dusk win. I'm just wondering why you play this game, to farm farm buy adena farm and then what? Do you even know what dusk gives you and what big clans loses? Just go check, like I read ALL the rules and x party on last festival won with a bug.

You can go to festival NPC and read the rules that "No pet is allowed" while you doing the 20' instance. This party had kookas alive and they won. I tried to solve that with a ticket but I don't think they can help me there (They doing pretty job btw, helped me on other cases) so please I want an admin or any staff to help me on this, I know now it's too late, all people at dawn that won, grabbed their AA, sold them etc. I want at least to give our AA back cause we were farming non stop whole week for this and we lost cause of a bug.


may be its your sh1t party report me, rofl

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hello guys,


how title says 'I will no longer play here, until you fix the SPOIL'. Also I will try to get back all my donations because this is a bullshit what admins dose regarding this subject. Is more then 2 weeks since I reported first time this issue (I'm not the only one who reported this!!!) and there are at least another 10 ppl who are complaining about this(in my posts)... All I want to have a spoil rate like description of the server says... right now the spoil is limited to 70% chance if the retail rate x 3 exceed this value.. witch is bullshit.. 2nd of all mobs that have bigger lvl (i'm guessing 60+) have the retail spoil rate...

Anyone who think I'm right pls like my post and join me in this form of protest!

Also I will try to flame and write on all forums that are related to l2 about how "perfect" is this server... btw bots works fine...


with love, Kaos:uuuuu:

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nobody cares about you , calm dawn

neither about you, but this is not about me... it is about ppl who want to change something and take action to change that...

at this point I really don't care if I will play here or not... because it stoped to be fun...

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Kaos noone cares because they simply put a bot for spoil and dun care about the rates since they dont waste their time doing it :D


Im with you, spoil here is the most fukd up from all servers ive played on...

IT is simply not worth to spoil by hand and that is just fukd up

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