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As of the latest update , my in-game map (press M or alt-M ,depending of if you have enter chat or not) is in RUSSIAN . I understand that a big part of server's population belongs to said country , but let's not forget we're still playing on the continent where the de-facto international language is ENGLISH . If that were not the case,i would request my updates to change my in-game map in ROMANIAN . If such a request seems unreasonable, then your changing the in-game map in Russian is also UNREASONABLE and i hereby request the next update to fix the problem,either by giving players the option of switching between english and russian-typed in-game maps or ENGLISH only ,as it should be .


Thanks and have a nice day !

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You need to copy the file localization from the system folder in the patch and replace it in your current folder.

try to use one the following links to download the patch from October 14, it could fix issue




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