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First thing first, this topic is made because the last topic about spoil rates has been closed by Admins .

Second , this topic is made because my last topic on this matter has been merged with ANOTHER one .

Thirdly, this topic was made because i did not request such a merge and it didn't make sense,since i gave a different insight into the problem .

Fourth , and the most important, i make this topic because it's needed for both players to have a more enjoyable gameplay and for staff to acknowledge the problem and have an easier life with the community .


Now that this has been put aside , let's start with some server description quotes :



The point is not the money and advertising. The point is people and strong relationships, you are not looking for just "Official files" or "Grand opening", but for the well-organised show. Our primary resource is your trust, which has the highest value. We were able to create a community who awaits E-global servers with its unique traits and atmosphere. What is more, our team wants to justify your trust and expectations, bringing our servers to perfection."


"Spoil Chance x3, q-ty х1 (if chance is over 70% drop quantity will be increased)" , i will presume "q-ty" stands for "quantity" and i hope i'm correct .


I shall start with enumerating the problems with spoil :


1) If the spoil rates are above 70%, they are capped biased around 70%.

2) Most if not all spoil rates i've encountered are retail-like 1x .

3) The spoil doesn't have increased quantity if the chance is above 70%


It is time to provide some examples. I want to enforce the fact that these examples have been gathered by the formula "let's go check some spoil location and gather examples" . THESE EXAMPLES HAVE NOT BEEN PICKED INTELIGENTLY TO MAKE THE RANDOM POOL SEEM LIKE I'VE RUN SPECIFICALLY TO FIND THE 3 MONSTERS WHICH HAD SPOIL PROBLEMS. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FACT !


1) https://imgur.com/a/5vD9k


As we can see in the first picture , the spoil rates for that monster are even lower than on retail,at 79% rather than 100%. They should be 300% or quantity increase 3 times .

2) https://imgur.com/a/vDTNs



As we can see in the second and third image , spoil rates are similar or exactly as they would be on a server which had 1x spoil rates .




This topic has been made so that the Staff can acknowledge that there is a problem and that it needs fixed . Also,this post has been made on forum because doing it using Support Ticked means i shall have no witnesses to the post's existence . Also,i want to add that these images have been made After the 14th of October's update and i have updated my client since then .


Please don't merge this topic with another one,it's a topic on its own !

Thanks and have a nice day ,players&Staff alike !

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nice they removed my post.. and now they edited the rates on main page :)))

now they said that if the chance is over 70% .. nice try .. best admins..

you forgot one thing there are mats that are retail 100% spoil chance.. and u reduce them to 70% :))

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nice they removed my post.. and now they edited the rates on main page :)))

now they said that if the chance is over 70% .. nice try .. best admins..

you forgot one thing there are mats that are retail 100% spoil chance.. and u reduce them to 70% :))

This is actually true for once, they really did change the spoil rates in announcements and etc. :deIlluminati::deIlluminati::deIlluminati:

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This is actually true for once, they really did change the spoil rates in announcements and etc. :deIlluminati::deIlluminati::deIlluminati:

that proves that I was RIGHT all this time regarding spoil rates :)) I know sometimes I can be very pushing... but when I know I'm right.. I have too..

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nice they removed my post.. and now they edited the rates on main page :)))

now they said that if the chance is over 70% .. nice try .. best admins..

you forgot one thing there are mats that are retail 100% spoil chance.. and u reduce them to 70% :))

Unfortunately, there was an error in the description of the server in English. The correct data were written in the description in Russian. We apologize for this misunderstanding. Now everything is written correctly

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this is your excuse ???

it took 2 weeks to find this out??

this is not a mistake this is something done with intention !!!

this is not an excuse for me... and all staff should apologies and announce this change... which you did not DO.!!! you changed and hoped nobody will see it ...

I will have my "revenge" one way or another...

btw you DECREASED SPOIL CHANCES THAT RETAIL ARE 100%!!! you understand how stupid is this??

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Oh, this is gonna be fun reading.

:)) no man.. it's simple, I'm just pissed off.. they keeped saying they have the correct spoil rates, closed my topics, ignored me.. even if I had lot of profs and other ppl agreed with me.. and after 2 weeks they change the server description without saying anything...


Do you think I will write something ??? :))

what ever will happen they had it coming because this is not how you should act when you are wrong.. and what they did is unforgivable

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:)) no man.. it's simple, I'm just pissed off.. they keeped saying they have the correct spoil rates, closed my topics, ignored me.. even if I had lot of profs and other ppl agreed with me.. and after 2 weeks they change the server description without saying anything...

Donation is what it sounds like - "Donation", you did not buy anything. You got it from "bonus points", that were given to you in the equivalent of what you donated. There is no policy involving buyers rights that you can abuse. And even if you could - you will get ignored for years (different governments, no international treaties and etc). And yeah, you can rage or be pissed of all you want about the changes, but:

1.1. User automatically accept project rules during registration. Ignorance or misunderstanding rules doesn't exempt from responsibility

1.2. Administration can make any changes in concept/rules without notifying players

So, everything from this point on is irrelevant.

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I have something to say..

Let's take this mob:


It's written 1-3 Metallic thread, 83% (btw not 70).


What i see when i spoil this mob?

100% mt, 5-12, not 1-3



You can't always say about spoil just looking at the description. try to spoil it first.




1 adamantite nugget, 60% chance.

After spoil i get 3, 100%.

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1.1. User automatically accept project rules during registration. Ignorance or misunderstanding rules doesn't exempt from responsibility

1.2. Administration can make any changes in concept/rules without notifying players .


  • Spoil шанс x3, кол-во х1 (превышение 70% шанса приводит к добавлению кол-ва)

it roughly translates (using google translate) into : Spoil chance x3, call x1 (play 70% chance of adding additional cards) .

What exactly did i misunderstand ? In both english and russian server descriptions, you say the same thing .

If the staff wants,you can use your rules above to forcefully change the spoil rates now that a server-base exists and you don't need to attract players using "grand openings" ,but i feel that would have a negative impact .


Thanks and have a nice day

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1.1. User automatically accept project rules during registration. Ignorance or misunderstanding rules doesn't exempt from responsibility

1.2. Administration can make any changes in concept/rules without notifying players .


  • Spoil шанс x3, кол-во х1 (превышение 70% шанса приводит к добавлению кол-ва)

it roughly translates (using google translate) into : Spoil chance x3, call x1 (play 70% chance of adding additional cards) .

What exactly did i misunderstand ? In both english and russian server descriptions, you say the same thing .

If the staff wants,you can use your rules above to forcefully change the spoil rates now that a server-base exists and you don't need to attract players using "grand openings" ,but i feel that would have a negative impact .


Thanks and have a nice day

It means that if "chance is over 70% drop quantity will be increased". But I assure you, we did not change the original rates.

We made a mistake in the description in English, for which we apologize. But also - due to the active position of the players, we fixed the problem with some monsters spoil (patch for October 14th.)

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Well for an x3 rate server spoiler here is basicly dead even with premium account ,i dont cry for 6 euros that i donated for spoiler but the point is whoever have spoiler on this server for sure wont have fun in spoiling 1 enria every 15 minutes in hot spring. So u basicly killed spoiler class for this server,first time happens on e-globl btw thats why its kinda weird

It means that if "chance is over 70% drop quantity will be increased". But I assure you, we did not change the original rates.

We made a mistake in the description in English, for which we apologize. But also - due to the active position of the players, we fixed the problem with some monsters spoil (patch for October 14th.)

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". But I assure you, we did not change the original rates. " . Please specify what are the original rates,so there is no more confusion . Description says 3x,but i clearly gave images of spoils with 11% , when,even accordingly to a very vague extremely subjective response that can be changed any time, that spoil should've been 33% . I believe in all languages : Spoil 3x means to everybody : "Spoil has been increased by 3 times compared to official rates" . If the spoil rates are actually "Spoil has the same rates as in official server, but , if it happens that spoil is above 70% ,we decrease said spoil to 70% and increase spoil quantity" please specify it like that :D .

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". But I assure you, we did not change the original rates. " . Please specify what are the original rates,so there is no more confusion . Description says 3x,but i clearly gave images of spoils with 11% , when,even accordingly to a very vague extremely subjective response that can be changed any time, that spoil should've been 33% . I believe in all languages : Spoil 3x means to everybody : "Spoil has been increased by 3 times compared to official rates" . If the spoil rates are actually "Spoil has the same rates as in official server, but , if it happens that spoil is above 70% ,we decrease said spoil to 70% and increase spoil quantity" please specify it like that :D .

You saw what i said like a hour before your post?

Stop looking at % on mobs, they are wrong.

As easy as that, in all languages

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