Trolya 259 Опубликовано: 23 ноября 2017 Рассказать Опубликовано: 23 ноября 2017 Dear friends! At this Friday, November 24, will start world famous event - "Black Friday"! Only few days from this Friday some useful and unique goods, as well as best items for awesome prices! Some information: Duration of the event: November 24, from 17:00 (CET) - November 26, till 21:59 (CET); Event is held ingame and at Control Panel; Amount of items is limmited; Please update your client. Description of the event: November 24, at 17:00 (CET), you will find NPC "Black Friday" at the squares of Giran, Aden, Goddard and Rune towns. You will find all items by unique prices at this NPC. Unique and limited offers: Vitality Replenishing Potion - 3 FC Magic potion that increases some of Energy. Reuse delay 30 minutes (no exchange/drop available). Vitality Maintaining Potion - 3 FC Magic potion that maintains the energy stage. Reuse delay 30 minutes (no exchange/drop available). Party Cake (24-hour limited period) - 25 FC This special cake casts a Vitality maintenance buff on all party members for 5 minutes. Your cake will disappear after 1 hour (no exchange/drop available). Queen Ant's Ring (7-day limited period) - 75 FC Temporary 7-day item of regular Queen Ant's Ring (no exchange/drop available). Earring of Zaken (7-day limited period) - 75 FC Temporary 7-day item of regular Earring of Zaken (no exchange/drop available). New exclusive items: Olympiad Family Box - 7 FC Having opened, you can get a random reward, one or several items from the list. Personal item. List of possible awards: Family Olympiad Coupon - with a high chance from 3 to 10. You will receive from 300 to 1000 Olympiad Tokens from a box. Can be exchanged for Olympiad Tokens from NPC "Black Friday". The coupon is tradeble. 1 Coupon = 100 Tokens. Family Fame Coupon - with a high chance from 1 to 2. You will receive up to 200 Fame from a box. Can be exchanged for Fame from NPC "Black Friday". The coupon is tradeble. 1 Coupon = 1 Fame Warrior's Temporary Healing Potion - 1 pc. with average chance. Magic Potion, instantly restores the health of the hero. Personal item. Giant's Codex - 1 pc. with average chance. Required to modify skills. Codex is tradeble. Required to modify skills. Olympiad Warrior's Necklace / Earring / Ring - 1 pc. Can be used within days. Increases resistance to negative effects, increases the chance of passing these effects. Improves the character's parameters: accuracy, crit arate, skill cooldown, vampiric. Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Original) - 1 pc. with low chance. 24 buff-slot book. Ancient Cloak (s80) - 1 pc. with low chance. The slot for the Cloak is revealed after wearing the Dynasty complete set. Personal item. A special hidden reward - with a very low chance of 1pc. Family Box with Life Stones - 7 FC At the opening you can get a guaranteed reward, one random scroll from the list. Personal item. List of possible awards: High-Grade Life Stone - 70/76/80/82 levels Top-Grade Life Stone - 70/76/80/82 levels Accessory Life Stone - 70/76/80/82 levels Enchanted Family Box - 7 FC At the opening you can get a guaranteed double reward, one random scroll and one stone. Personal item. List of possible awards: Scroll: Enchant Weapon / Scroll: Enchant Armor B, A, S grade. Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon / Scroll: Enchant Armor B, A, S grade. Weapon-Type Enhance Backup Stone C, B, A, S grade. Increases the chance of successfully enchanting weapons with an ordinary scroll. Armor-Type Enhance Backup Stone C, B, A, S grade. Increases the chance of successfully enchanting armor with an ordinary scroll. Family Boxes of Castles - 5 FC At the opening you can get a guaranteed double reward, one or several items from the list at once. Personal item. List of possible awards: Territory War's Badges - with a high chance from 1 to 3. An item that identityes of the selected location Personal item. Family Fame Coupon - with a high chance from 1 to 2. You get up to 200 Fame per chest. It is can be exchanged for Fame from NPC "Black Friday". You can transfer the coupon. 1 Coupon = 1 Fame. Magic Pin/ Magic Pouch/Belt C, B, A, S grade - 1 pc. with average chance. Rivets, wallets and belts of different grades. Ancient Cloak (s80) - 1 pc. with low chance. The slot for the cloak is revealed after wearing the Dynasty complete set. Personal item. A special hidden reward - 1 pc. with very low chance. Huge discounts on goods from the Family Store Butler range: Rune of Crystal (30-day limited period) - 145 35 FC A temporary item that decreases grade penalty for characters on equiping armor/weapon/jewelry - by 5 levels. For example: D grade can be equiped from level 15 (instead of 20 etc.), C-grade - from level 35, B-grade - from level 47. Can be used by characters starting from lvl 1 to lvl 85. Rune of EXP and SP +30% (7-day limited period) - 35 FC Set of Exp and Sp 30% Runes, 7 day period. No level limit. Rune of EXP and SP +30% (7-day limited period) - 50 FC Set of Exp and Sp 50% Runes, 7 day period. No level limit. Expand Inventory +48 slots - 95 35 FC Expansion of inventory +48. Expand Storage +48 slots - 80 25 FC Expansion of a private store +8. Expand Trade +8 slots - 80 25 FC Expansion of personal warehouse +48. Expand Dwarfen Craft +48 slots - 80 25 FC Expansion of recepies +48. Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Manuscript) - 45 25 FC 23 buff-slot book. Ancient Book: Divine Inspiration (Original Version) - 195 95 FC 24 buff-slot book. Mark of Giants +50% Weight Limit (30-day limited time) - 15 5 FC 30-day limited, personal item that increase weightlimit of your character on 50%. Takes a slot in the quest inventory. The bonus from two different items is added together. Personal item. Mark of Titans +150% Weight Limit (30-day limited time) - 25 15 FC 30-day limited, personal item that increase weightlimit of your character on 150%. Takes a slot in the quest inventory. The bonus from two different items is added together. Personal item. Also, you can find all items at your Control Panel, starting at 12:00 (Moscow time), on November 24! TheDominator 1 Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
tenzoku 0 Опубликовано: 25 ноября 2017 Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 ноября 2017 When you spend 50 FC for 50% EXP & SP, it is NOT 7 days limited item for SP rune, it is actually 1 day limited. However, EXP is correct Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Trolya 259 Опубликовано: 25 ноября 2017 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 25 ноября 2017 When you spend 50 FC for 50% EXP & SP, it is NOT 7 days limited item for SP rune, it is actually 1 day limited. However, EXP is correct Hello, Thanks for your attentiveness! We have already noticed this "bug" yesterday, but in order to fix it the server restart is needed. And it's going to be made on Monday (November 27). Here is what we are going to do: we will compile a list of all the characters who purchased Runes of SP for the period of the sale, and with the server restart on November 27, everyone will be given a new Rune of SP 50% 7-day Limited Period (the correct one) . Sorry for the inconvenience. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Trolya 259 Опубликовано: 27 ноября 2017 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 27 ноября 2017 Dear friends! At your request, we extended the "Black Friday" sale until the scheduled restart on Tuesday! The sale ends in the morning of November 28 with the server restart. Hurry to take part and buy rare, unique and limited items at competitive prices! Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Trolya 259 Опубликовано: 28 ноября 2017 Автор Рассказать Опубликовано: 28 ноября 2017 The sale is over. Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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