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New Interlude Final X7 - April 20, 2018!

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Tipping point in Interlude history!

Don't miss it - April 20, 2018.




Ladies and gentlemen!

It's time to face the new step in Interlude chronicle evolution!

Stable, old and classy, Interlude chronicles from a new perspective!


L2E-Global - Valhalla-age - AdvExt

Proudly Presents


The most big and active RU/EU community, high-scale advertisement company, new approch to the game

development and familiar but in the same time modern gameplay...


And it all about:




Go to Server description


April 20 at 19:00 CET!

Join the most active Interlude of 2018 year.


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Real BigWar!

One of the strongest Clans and Leaders going to join our server:

post-27815-0-43218300-1523009897.png GoodFight (Leader: BENZIN)

post-27815-0-39219100-1521730701.jpg Smite (Leader: Playmaker)

post-27815-0-78457800-1521581726.png BlackRock (Leader: Doggy)

post-27815-0-63995900-1521292000.png CriticalStorm (Leader: Exrell)

post-27815-0-36259100-1521294408.png L2team (Leader: L2teamStorm)

post-27815-0-64712100-1521292060.png Future (Leader: Meatboy)

post-28593-0-01126600-1521295741.png Darbojiu (Leader: Guka4)

post-27815-0-55734000-1523156420.pngSyndicate (Leader: Co1n)

post-27815-0-83237700-1523824695.png StreamLine (Leader: FANKA)

(if you want to see your clan in this list - send a PM to the Administrator at this forum)


and other.



Interlude Final - special for you :)


Grand Opening will take place on 20 April, 2018 at 18:00 (CET). Meanwhile we want to let you know what is going to expect you on our new server.


image.php?di=CLFE.png Do you feel yourself as an ambitious leader or you want to be part of big community and fight for your interests?

  • Lineage 2 Interlude - is just what you need. L2E-Global & Valhalla-Age = great community and awesome BigWar, and Interlude Final is encourage players to gather in groups and clans. This is some of the reasons:
    • Skill_55170_1.jpg Clan Unity system stimulation players to gather into groups and clans to receive additinal ingame bonuses;
    • weapon_fort_flag_i00.png A new and more relevant game scenario presupposes the direct participation and cooperation of groups and clans for the opening of temporarily closed locations for farm and exping. Familiar locations of FoG and Primeval Isle, which are not fully available from the start, but require cooperation of the players, by performing interesting and unusual tasks;
    • skill0246.png Conquer castles and territories, to obtain useful gaming values and bonuses, struggle to retention of your lands or invade to foreign territories.

image.php?di=2A9I.png image.php?di=IYVD.png


* Mentioned and other useful features will be published with detailed description of the server concept.




image.php?di=3GMP.pngDo you enjoy playing Lineage 2 in company of your friends and mostly at evening?

  • It twice comfortable to do it on Interlude Final! We've been fixed old bugs and common issues on stable PTS engine, which was asked by community for so long.
    • Specially for your comfort:
      • Modern and optimazed game client - less critical erroers during teleports etc. Enough is enough!
      • More then Adena in your inventory;
      • Combination of Alt+Click allows you to remove undesirable buffs. Overlords + Rage of Pa'agrio (Berserker Spirit) = problem solved!
      • Shift+Click - link your item to the chat;
      • Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V - copy and past text in the ingame chat;
      • Alt+Click (hold) on the member of your party allows you to change position of members in party;
      • Modern and comfortable game interface: macroses, skills description (on shortcut), map\mini-map and many more;
      • Fully working Party Matching and Command Channel;
      • Ingame Mail, Cyclic Macorses and many more.

      [*]We want to specify some changes of gameplay to show what extra comfort it can present:

      • Dungeon system for groups and mini-group;
      • Daily Quest and bonus system;
      • Extended pet system.


image.php?di=8C85.png You stronger alon much more then in the group? Developing your character to be prepared to the Olympiad Game is your priority?

  • Interlude Final gives an opportunity to develope your character as a part of the group or as solo-player that used to shift for oneself or in-crowd of like minded people.
    • Grand Olympiad system in Interlude Final is designed to master the balance and make it more fair;
    • We have policy of "No-Wipe" servers, which mean that you character will be always in actual community and ready to fight!







image.php?di=Q17P.pngAre you prefer deplomacy and trading on active market instead of holy-war and cruel fights?

  • L2E-Global & Valhalla-age - is always huge online and review of the political life of the server. Also our active marketplace attract a lot of players to take part in server life. No matter which path do you choose to take - there is always a place for you on our server!









A bit more about us :)


We've been team up with our partners to combine our forces to present most quality, comfortable, modern and stable project - Interlude Final. Our team prefers to work on perspective. We choose stable for our brands, place of work for our employees, and good long term served for our players.


We can guarantee an honesty in the approach to our players and people who enjoy our beloved game.




What awaits Interlude Final in the future :rolleyes:


Our vision is to maintain classic Interlude and add all comfort changes for players. Also our engine allows us to create an alternative for common Lineage 2 without changing the way of game stream.


Our goal is to move the new version of Interlude as a new standard and attract new players to in.






So how we are going to play :)



Major criteria is to remain same mechanic - skills, magic, damage and defense etc. We've just added features that will increase your comfort while you playing the game. The players that have played the chronicles higher than Interlude and find the joy in the variety of the game, which has been designed by Game Developers. They agree that Interlude 2007 is out of date. However Interlude is still the most common in CIS and Europe as a chronicles.


That's why we've created our Interlude Final for those, who used to classic gameplay and for those, who find comfort in higher chronicles, but still passioned with Interlude.



Those who've ever played on Valhalla-Age know, how active our servers are. TOP clans, active market and various ways of server life, politics scenarios etc. This is what make our server special.


Now we've prepered classic world in new, modern envelopment. We've tried to made what everybody from Interlude community have dreamed about.


For someone control and keeping the opponents under the pressure, holding and conquere territories - most important, for other - balanced gameplay and evening relaxing with true-talks, for someone - trading and participating in active marketplace.


The world where everyone chooses his role for himself.



Build your kingdom, join others or fight for your own interest.


Let's think, what exactly Lineage 2 Interlude - it's huge world where everyone can play the role, which is more suitable for him at this moment. Imagine what is more interesting for you now. What brings you the pure joy and real emotions!


We offer to everyone to pick who you want to be and what to do: be a part of the well-organized clan, become mercenary, who serve own interests, or stay peacefull trader with the only interest - profit, diplomacy and market.



You want to play in well-organized group or big clan?


- Interlude Final is just want you need! Players are stimulated into gathering into communities for achieving shared goal.


Or you want to master your character to become the real kill-machine on sports and farming-places?


- Sure, alternative way of character developing and comfortable gameplay - this is all about Interlude Final.


Interlude Final - is a place where every role and playstyle will find it's place in game world. This world has been created special for comfortable leisure-time activities and time spended ingame. Old rules, new original gameplay.





Go to discussion


Huge, alive community of Interlude players!

Active political and economical arenas - in best traditions of our servers!


Discover Interlude from a new perspective.

20 April - We are waiting for you!


Classic game in the new environment!

Worldwide international project!

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Interlude Final


Created by:

L2E-Global & Valhalla-age & La.Kiev.Ua & AdvExt



Open Beta Test - April 10 at 19:00 CEST


Grand Opening:

April 20 at 19:00 CEST



General Information

  • You will need to download our game client for Interlude Final (regular Interlude - will not work), link is going to be availalbe later.
  • Create Account

Additional Information

  • Server name: Interlude Final
  • Platform: PTS
  • Server time: GMT+3

Grand Opening

  • Open Beta Test: 10 April at 19:00 CEST
  • Grand Opening: 20 April at 19:00 CEST


Server conception could be changed.

Stay tuned, follow the news, join the discussion and share your ideas. Discussion thread.


Visual update for Interlude



  • Much more optimized client and game world will decrease chance of critical errors;
  • Modern graphic and visial effects will help to feel the world of Lineage 2 on a new;
  • New animations of skills.



New graphic for Interlude:




New animations:












Skills description on shortcut while mouse overlay.




Item count and seconds of cooldown on shortcut.





And many more..





Old bugs of Interlude has been fixed and added of new features:



  • More then Adena in your inventory;
  • Combination of Alt+Click allows you to remove undesirable buffs.
  • Alt+Click (hold) on the member of your party allows you to change position of members in party;
  • Shift+Click - link your item to the chat;
  • Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V - copy and past text in the ingame chat;
  • Fully working Party Matching and Command Channel;
  • Ingame Mail;
  • Cyclic Macroses:
    • b9bd2a5fa6df0b5fd12231adb3a4.png

    [*]Achievement system (example):

    • e4ee16cafd.jpg




From Lineage 2 Family, with Love





* Q-ty of items droped of spoiled will be increased if chance is over 70%.



Drop and Spoil: Only chance has been increased.

Q-ty of materials (animal bone, steels, coal и т.п.) will be increased depending on chance;

Items/recipes/key-materials - q-ty wouldn't be increased.





All character on account with Premium Account service will receive following bonuses:

  • Experience from mobs: +35% +35%
  • Skill Points (SP) from mobs: +35%
  • Adena from mobs: +25%
  • Drop from mobs: +25%
  • Spoil from mobs: + 25%

Golden frame on your character level will show that you under Premium Account effect 0c87c2e61e.jpg

  • You can purchase Premium Account at your Control Panel and ingame;
  • Price of Premium Account:
    • 30 days - 50 Family Coins
    • 90 days - 135 Family Coins

Description of Drop\Spoil bonuses:



Logic of Drop and Spoil while effected by Premium Account - chance is increased without increasing q-ty.





Don't worry! You won't miss anything from useful and important gameplay features on any stage of the game.


Newbie helper, that offers magic support to every adventurer, will always provide you with interesting and useful information, as well as announcement system will always notify you of new events! wink.png




NPC Newbie Guide - Buff for Adventurers





* Information regarding the buffs at NPC Newbie Guide available by following this link this link

** All additional information regarding the Club Card will available at "Elit Club" section.



* Pailaka - solo challenge in a parallel world that will reward you if you will succeed Example (take a look):




** If you know better way to develop your character - pailaka is not necessary. If you are looking for group or a clan - recruitment section ENG / recruiting section RUS will help you our wink.png


А если ты все же играешь соло или мини-группой - это то, что подойдет тебе на разных уровнях твоего персонажа.





Game Shop (Family Store) and Newbie helper Newbie Guide - will always help you to get a class transfer.


post-27815-0-36795200-1522627866.jpg 1st class transfer:



  • 1 Option - Available for 150.000 Adena
  • 2 Option - Available for 7 post-27815-0-86886100-1522630001.png Family Coins
  • 3 Option - Regular quest (reward EXP, SP, 150.000 Adena)

Move to 1st class transfer quests



post-27815-0-36795200-1522627866.jpg 2nd class transfer:



  • 1 Option - Avalilable for 2.000.000 adena
  • 2 Option - Regular quest (reward EXP, SP)
  • 3 Option - Available for 28 post-27815-0-86886100-1522630001.png Family Coins



post-27815-0-36795200-1522627866.jpg 3rd class transfer:



  • Regular quest
  • Drop rate of Halisha's Mark - x2 drop
  • If you decide to kill Halisha in Four Goblets zone - ever player in the party will receive Mark.
  • When you complete 3rd class transfer you will receive following reward:
    • etc_codex_of_giant_i00.png Giant's Codex - 2
    • etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Giant's Codex - Mastery - 1
    • And 1 random book:
      • Giant's Codex - Oblivion (An item required to restore a previous enchantment. SP will be returned)
      • Giant's Codex - Discipline (An item required to change an enchantment path)




Skill1405_0.jpg Skills

  • Skills autolearing - until level 40:
    • Except: Fast HP Recovery from Destroyer, Resurrection (autolearing to level 1), Mass Resurrection (autolearing to level 1) from Bishop and Resurrection from Shillien Elder and Elven Elder.

    [*]After level 40 - books are not required

    • From NPC - all skills, exepts the following.

Books are needed to learn such skills:



  • Skill1409_0.jpg Cleanse
  • Skill1429_0.jpg Gate Chant
  • Skill1428_0.jpg Mass Recharge
  • Skill1410_0.jpg Salvation
  • Skill1425_0.jpg Purification Field
  • Skill1427_0.jpg Flames of Invincibility
  • Skill1411_0.jpg Mystic Immunity
  • Skill1422_0.jpg Day of Doom
  • Skill1423_0.jpg Gehenna
  • Skill_1419_1.jpg Volcano
  • Skill1421_0.jpg Raging Waves
  • Skill1420_0.jpg Cyclone
  • Skill0455_0.jpg Symbol of Noise




Following character development are Sub-classes and Noblesse status.


post-27815-0-36795200-1522627866.jpg Sub-class



To make a sub-class you will need finish regular quests:

Also you can make an alternative quest: 30 Blood Fabric instead for Weapon_knife_i01_0.jpg Pipette Knife:





Feature of alternative "Pippet Knife" quest - you may not visit Baium to continue the sub-class quest:

  • Magister Kaspar offers to give you Reorin's mold in exchange for a sample of the blood of Baium. Baium is the emperor of the ancient empire who is sealed in a room atop the Tower of Insolence. He is said to have turned into a beast-like creature. Magister Hanellin of the Town of Aden will tell you how to enter his room. When you attack him, you must use a pipette knife and stab him with it.
  • Magister Kaspar gave Etc_piece_of_cloth_white_i00_0.jpg 30 pieces of white cloth to have them stain with theEtc_piece_of_cloth_red_i00_0.jpg blood of Platinum Faction and angels in the Tower of Insolence. Let's bring them to Kaspar by staining them with the blood of angels. Monsters to be hunted: Platinum Faction Solider, Platinum Faction Archer, Platinum Faction Warrior, Platinum Faction Shaman, Platinum Faction Commander, Guardian Angel, and Seal Angel



Bosses re-spawn:

  • Cabrio - from 10 to 12 hours
  • Hallate - from 10 to 12 hours
  • Kernon - from 10 to 12 hours
  • Golkonda - from 10 to 12 hours

Such "quest" bosses are alive at server's opening.



post-27815-0-36795200-1522627866.jpg Noblesse status



To make a Noblesse status you will need finish regular quests:

Boss re-spawn:

  • Flame of Splendor Barakiel - from 10 to 12 hours.

Alternative "Barakiel" quest:

  • Going to be added later.

Nolesse skills:

  • Skill1323_0.jpg Noblesse Blessing
  • Skill0325_0.jpg Strider Siege Assault
  • Skill0326_0.jpg Build Advanced Headquarters
  • Skill0327_0.jpg Wyvern Aegis
  • Skill1324_0.jpg Summon CP Potion
  • Skill1325_0.jpg Fortune of Noblesse
  • Skill1326_0.jpg Harmony of Noblesse - Changed:
    • Advances to the frontline of the battlefield by burning the Pride of Noblesse. For 15 seconds, increases P. Def. by 3000, moving speed by 25%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 80%, and resistance to bow/crossbow attacks by 80%; decreases CP by 20%. Usable only on the battlefield. Can be used when CP is above 50%. Consumes 5 Runestones. Maximum fighting spirit and HP are limited.

    [*]Skill1327_0.jpg Symphony of Noblesse - Changed:

    • Advances to the frontline of the battlefield by burning the Pride of Noblesse. For 15 seconds, increases M. Def. by 4500, moving speed by 25%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 80%, and resistance to bow/crossbow attacks by 80%; decreases CP by 20%. Usable only on the battlefield. Can be used when CP is above 50%. Consumes 5 Runestones. Maximum fighting spirit and HP are limited.





Golden age of every character, fair contest between equal.

Main goal at the olympiad - control of your character, your equipment, your tactic and strategy of your allies.

Are you still reading this? Oh my god, I thought I'm fully insane by typing so much text no one will read. As my appreciation - I want to reward your. Be the first who will screen and post this text in the server discussion thread - and I will reward you on the server grand opening! Your Author.


post-27815-0-36795200-1522627866.jpg Description of Grand Olympiad Games on Interlude Final. Hero status.



Description of olympiad periods:


Olympiad Games on Interlude Final chronicles are divided on 2 cycles:

  • 1st Olympiad stage - Week of contest\battles (no hero during this period)
  • 2nd Olympiad stage - Week of Hero (no contest\battles during this period)
  • Explanation:
    • One week there are battles with and without class specifics, at the next week - the stronges at every class will enjoy the Hero status and all registrations for olympiad battles are disabled. Hero status will be gone at the start on next stage (1st) and the battles for Olympaid status will be renewed.

    [*]Example (as it going to be after server opening):

    • 7 May - 1st stage (contest\battles);
    • 14 May - 2nd stage (hero), no battles will take place on Grand Olympaid;
    • 21 May - 1st stage (contest\battles). All hero status will be removed (no hero);
    • 28 May- 2nd stage (hero), no battles will take place on Grand Olympaid;

Basic information:

  • Maximum olympiad points that can be withdrawn from your character in case of lost - 10
  • Maximum olympiad points that can be added to your character in case of win - 10
  • Minimum required number of participants to start Olymiad games - 5
  • Battles without class specific - every day (during 1st stage)
  • Class-based battles - Friday and Saturday
  • Duration of the Olympiad games - from 17:00 to 21:00 (CEST)

Reward from participation at Grand Olympiad Games:

  • You will receive daily rewards for participatin at Grand Olympiad Games. Example of such daily achievements:
    • 3f3858f50a.jpg

    [*]Assortment of store for Noblesse Gate Pass going to be re-worked and will be announced a little bit later. However you will have a chance to purchase following books:

    • Giant's Codex
    • Giant's Codex - Mastery

Before the start of the Olympiad Games you can receive some magic support: 5 buffs from following list:




Grand Olympiad Stadium:







Once you join elite club your character receive some additional privileges:

  • Access to the Newbie Guide (buffs) after level 56;
  • Colored global chat, that can be used from level 52 every 5 min. (symbol >);
  • Exclusive teleports.

Club Card - You can purchase this card at your Control Panel and ingame.

  • Price of Club Card:
    • 30 days - 25 Family Coins
    • 90 days - 65 Family Coins

You can also become a part of elite club by taking part in different events before and after the server opening.



There is the list of quests from level 1 to 65 with some changes.

* quest with changed reward is mentioned with frame.




Quest Yoke of the Past

  • For Blank Scroll you can purchase post-27815-0-77810800-1522616103.png Scroll of Death Whisper and post-27815-0-70173400-1522616105.png Scroll of Wild Magic which is completely the same as an original, but has extra bonus. They provide extra 3% to the characteristics.


There is the list of quests from level 66 to 80.




Exploration of the world, step by step






Primeval Isle


At the start of the server Primeval Isle has a 1st stage. To increase level of the stage and discover more locations for farm - players must complete certain task.


Stages of the Primeval Isle location.



Desctiption of the Raid Boss Sailren


  • Raid Boss level - 76
  • Spawn Location - Primeval Plains
  • Re-spawn time - 20 hours
  • Any HP restoration spells (like Restore Life etc) are available to use on the Raid Boss.
  • Drop - Clan Reputation Points scrolls (CRP) and items:






Increasing of the stage

To increased stage of the Primeval Isle you will need:

  • Level 2 - kill 5 Sailren Bosses;
  • Level 3 - kill 5+1 Sailren Bosses (1 while Primeval Isle is on level 2);
  • Level 4 - kill 6+1 Sailren Bosses (1 while Primeval Isle is on level 3).


Decreasing of the stage

  • In case if during 24 hours Sailren hasn't been killed after Primeval Isle stage has been increased to level 2 or higher - the stage of Primeval Isle will be decreased by 1.
  • When stage of Primeval Isle will be increased to 4 - it will be automaticaly decreased to level 3 after 3 hours.

Simple explanation: players will have 4 hours to kill Sailren to increase the stage. In case if Sailren will not be killed during 4 hours - level of the stage will be decreased by 1. wink.png


Description of the stages

  • 1 Stage
    • Primeval Plains - location is filled on 50%;
    • Lost Nest - location is fully closed.

    [*]2 Stage - available for 24 hours

    • Primeval Plains - location is filled on 100%;
    • Lost Nest - location is fully closed.

    [*]3 Stage - available for 24 hours

    • Primeval Plains - location is filled on 100% (fully opened);
    • Lost Nest - location is fully opened and has 6 Tyrannosaurus;
    • Tyrannosaurus info:
      • Respawn - 5 minutes

    [*]4 Stage - available for 3 hours

    • Similar in every way to stage 3, but:
      • Via whole Lost Nest 10 special Life Fountains will spawn. Respawn - 20 mins, they can be exchanged to Life Stones at NPC Primeval Wharf.











Forge of the Gods

At the start of the server location Forge of the Gods is fully closed and there is no monster at all.

To increase level of the stage and discover more locations for farm - players must complete certain task.


Stages of the Forge of the Gods location



Desctiption of the Raid Boss Ember


  • Raid Boss level - 76
  • Spawn Location:
    • Depending on the stage of the location. After stage 3 - will move to his basic location at the Lower Level.

    [*]Re-spawn time - 20 hours

    [*]Any HP restoration spells (like Restore Life etc) are available to use on the Raid Boss.

    [*]Drop - Clan Reputation Points scrolls (CRP) and items:






Increasing of the stage

To increased stage of the Forge of the Gods location you will need:

  • Stage 1 - kill 1 Ember infront of the entrance;
  • Stage 2 - kill 3 Ember near Klein;
  • Stage 3 - kill 3 Ember at the entrance to the Lower Level.


Decreasing of the stage

  • Stage of the location can not be decreased.


Description of the stages

  • Starter stage - Location is closed;
  • 1 Stage
    • First 4 rooms are available (before Klein)
    • Info:
      • Klein will not provide the "Valakas quest".

    [*]2 Stage

    • Upper Level is fully availalbe;
    • Info:
      • Klein will not provide the "Valakas quest".

    [*]3 Stage

    • Forge of the Gods location is fully available;
    • Info:
      • Klein will provide the "Valakas quest".

Map of the location:



At the 1st stage - 4 rooms will be available for farm (before NPC Klein).




At the 2nd stage Upper Level is fully availalbe, however Lower level closed (no monsters or NPCs).




At the 3rd stage whole location is available for farm and quests.









There are some penalty for hunting monsters much higher level then your character on Interlude Final.


The logics is simple - there is no need to farm mobs much higher then you - pick the location that fit your level. Same as when you farm mobs much lower then your level.




Useful advice:



If you don't know where to go to farm - you can use special features of the map, such as: World Info -> Hunting Zone:






Useful and not scary ;)


In addition to the common privileges of playing in a clan, we also added another very useful advantage for the characters that are members of the clan.


The new Skill_55170_1.jpgClan Unity buff is being automatically applied every 5 minutes to characters who are members of a clan:



Buffing conditions and levels:

  • If a clan online is 18-26 characters - Clan Unity is 1 lvl
  • If a clan online is 27-35 characters - Clan Unity is 2 lvl
  • If a clan online is 36+ characters - Clan Unity is 3 lvl

Clan Unity bonuses:

  • Skill_55168_1.jpg Clan Unity 1 lvl - EXP/SP bonus +7%. Life/Mana Regeneration +7%. PvE Attack/Defence +3%.
  • Skill_55169_1.jpg Clan Unity 2 lvl - EXP/SP bonus +10%. Life/Mana Regeneration +10%. PvE Attack/Defence +5%.
  • Skill_55170_1.jpg Clan Unity 3 lvl - EXP/SP bonus +15%. Life/Mana Regeneration +15%. PvE Attack/Defence +7%.

Additional Information:

  • The buff is automatically applied to all members of the clan every 5 minutes.
  • The duration of the Clan Unity buff is 5 minutes.
  • The buff is applied on all guilds and academies.
  • The buff does not occupy a buff slot.





Special upgrade for some epic jewelry, such as Item_49579.jpg Core and Item_49578.jpg Orfen at Giran Castle Town at Luxory shop.

Epic Bosses spawn has been changed.


A new possibility to upgrade Ring of Core:



To upgrade Ring of Core - find Gallagucci in Luxory Shop, Giran.




New stats:

  • Item_49576.jpgEnchanted Ring of Core: Add 21 MP,, +1 STR, +1 INT, +15 chance of physical crit, +40% poison resistance, +1 accuracy.
  • Item_49579.jpgRefined Ring of Core: + 21 MP, +2 STR, +2 INT, +30 physical crit chance, +40% poison resistance, +1 accuracy.


To get an Enchanted Ring of Core:

Enchanted Ring of Core = Ring of Core x2, Crystal: A-Grade x1400, Gemstone A x200




Refined Ring of Core = Enchanted Ring of Core x2, Crystal: S-Grade x900, Gemstone S x100





A new possibility for Earring of Orfen:



To upgrade one's Earring of Orfen - find Gallagucci in Luxory Shop, Giran.




Orfen stat's improving:

  • Item_49575.jpgEnchanted Earring of Orfen: + 31 MP, CON+1, MEN+1, 40% bleeding resistance, +6% power of healing spells
  • Item_49578.jpgRefined Earring of Orfen: + 31 MP, CON+2, MEN+2, 40% bleeding resistance, +6% power of healing spells

To get an Enchanted Earring of Orfen:

Enchanted Earring of Orfen = Earring of Orfen x2, Crystal: A-Grade x1400, Gemstone A x200




Refined Earring of Orfen = Enchanted Earring of Orfen x2, Crystal: S-Grade x900, Gemstone S x100








Your pet can now evolve to the next stage! When they reach certain level you can upgrade them at NPC Pet Manager.


Equipment at Pet Manager has been re-worked, some of items has been removed.


Link to the quests:

Wolf Evolution



  • Stage Wolf - starter stage
  • Stage Great Wolf - available at pet-level 55
    • Main goal: attack

    [*]Stage Fenrir - not available at Interlude Final




Kookaburra evolution



  • Stage Baby Kookaburra - starter stage
  • Stage Improwed Baby Kookaburra - available at pet-level 55
    • Main goal: support
    • Skills: Skill_1013_1.jpg Recharge, Skill1217_0.jpg Great Heal, Skill_1059_1.jpg Pet Empower, Skill_1048_1.jpg Pet Bless Soul, Skill1045_0.jpg Pet Bless Body, Skill_1078_1.jpg Pet Concetration, Skill1085_0.jpg Pet Acumen






As a part of our upcoming Interlude Final server conception we have prepared personal daily quests. You can get some useful bonuses for your character.



Successful raid

  • Accepting this quest and then killing any Raid Boss in the world - come back to the NPC Pathfinder Worker (Newbie Guide) and receive your reward.

Fighting Evil

  • Accepting this quest at NPC Pathfinder Worker (Newbie Guide) he ask you to chose one of the 2 locations and farm Evil Shards. After you will gather neccessary amount of items - bring then to the NPC Pathfinder Worker (Newbie Guide) and receive your reward.

And other





Detailed description will be available later.



There is a chance to create rare item when crafting.

  • Bonuses are not big, but useful;
  • Elemental protection\resistance - will not be added as a bonus to rare items.



Randomly created rare items (Foundation):




Sealed rare items:




Unsealed rare items:







Skill1427_0.jpg Changes in "80th level skills"



Some changes at numbers of Skill0427_0.jpg Spell Force and skill0426_0.png Battle Force charges that requaire the skills.


Requires Spell\Battle force:

  • Skill1427_0.jpg Flame of Invicibility (Dominator) - requaire 3 forces
  • Skill1422_0.jpg Day of Doom (Soultaker) - requaire 3 forces
  • Skill_1423_1.jpg Gehenna (Soultaker) - requaire 2 forces
  • Skill_1419_1.jpg Volcano (Archmage) - requaire 2 forces
  • Skill1421_0.jpg Raging Waves (Mystic Muse) - requaire 2 forces
  • Skill_1420_1.jpg Cyclone (Storm Screamer) - requaire 2 forces

Not requires Spell\Battle force

  • Skill0455_0.jpg Symbol of Noise (Sword Muse \ Spectral Dancer)
  • Skill1426_0.jpg Miracle (Cardinal)
  • Skill1425_0.jpg Purification Field (Cardinal)
  • Skill1428_0.jpg Mass Recharge (Eva's Saint \ Shillien Saint)
  • Skill0460_0.jpg Symbol of the Assassin (Adventurer \ Ghost Hunter \ Wind Rider)
  • Skill0458_0.jpg Symbol of Energy (Duelist \ Grand Khavatari)
  • Skill0454_0.jpg Symbol of Defense (Phoenix Knight \ Shillien Templar \ Eva's Templar \ Hell Knight)
  • Skill0457_0.jpg Symbol of Honor (Maestro \ Dreadnought)
  • Skill0459_0.jpg Symbol of the Sniper (Sagittarius \ Ghost Sentinel \ Moonlight Sentinel)
  • Skill1424_0.jpg Anti-summoning Field (Arcana Lord \ Spectral Master \ Elemental Master)
  • Skill0456_0.jpg Symbol of Resistance (Titan \ Fortune Seeker)




We have been added and\or fixed some skills for different classes. Such changes will make such classes more playable and fix the balance issues.


Human_treasure_hunter.pngTreasure Hunter,Darkelf_abyss_walker.pngAbyss Walker,Elf_plainswalker.pngPlains Walker



Added Skill0821_0.jpg Shadow Step

  • Allows user to steathily approach an enemy from behind. Target cancel is possible.
  • Can be learned at level 40.

Added Skill_922_1.jpg Hide

  • Hides oneself. Decreases moving speed by 30%, and the effect is canceled upon actions excluding moving.
  • Can be learned at level 79, duration - 30 sec.

Changed Skill0111_0.jpg Ultimate Evasion

  • For 30 seconds, increases one's own evasion by 20, physical attack skill evasion rate by 25%, and resistance to buff canceling attacks by 80.

Changed Skill_209_1.jpg Dagger Mastery

  • Can be triggered while character is attacking. A state in which MP consumption of skills is greatly decreased, and the probability of a vital spot jab is increased.







Changed Skill0176_0.jpg Frenzy

  • Character will attack much less targets when using spear while affected by skill. Also he will not receive full P.Attack bonus of the skill while spear is equipped.

Changed Skill0139_0.jpg Guts

  • Character will not receive full P.Def when affected my skill while spear is equipped.Also will attack much less targets when using spear.

Changed Skill0420_0.jpg Zealot


  • The bonuses will be less when spear is equipped.






Changed Skill_28_1.jpg Agression

  • Skill will now have cooldown. Not holding the target after successful use. Mana is not required, chance has been increased.



Human_paladin.pngPaladin,Human_dark_avenger.pngDark Avenger,Darkelf_shillien_knight.pngShilien Knight,Elf_temple_knight.pngTemple Knight



Changed Skill_28_1.jpg Agression

  • Skill will now have cooldown. Holding the target after successful use (as a debuff). Mana is not required, chance has been increased.

Added transformation Skill0810_0.jpg Vanguard

  • Character can not use regular skills when he is transformation;
  • New skills available:
    • Guillotine_Attack.jpg Guillotine Attack - Attacks the target. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt weapon to be equipped.
    • Cleave.jpg Cleave - Inflicts a powerful blow on the enemy. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt weapon to be equipped.
    • Full_Swing.jpg Full Swing - Widely swings a two-handed weapon to attack nearby enemies. Requires a two-handed sword/two-handed blunt to be equipped.



Human_hawkeye.pngHawkeye,Elf_silver_ranger.pngSilver Ranger,Darkelf_phantom_ranger.pngPhantom Ranger



Added Skill0946_0.jpg Silent Mind

  • Allows use of a bow (regular attacks) without consuming MP.
  • Can be learned at level 79.






Changed Skill1417_0.jpg Aura Flash

  • Cooldown is now have a fixed rate.

Added Skill_1457_1.jpg Empowering Echo

  • For 20 minutes, increases one's own magic MP consumption by 35% and M. Atk. by 25%.
  • Can be learned at level 79.

Changed Skill1291_0.jpg Demon Wind

  • Spell Force now are not required! Borrows wind energy to inflict wind damage on the enemy with 150 power added to magic power and decreases HP recovery magic effect by 50% for 2 minutes.
  • Cooldown is now have a fixed rate.

Changed Skill1420_0.jpg Cyclone

  • 2 Spell Forces are required (instead of 3). Continuously inflicts powerful wind type damage. Cannot move while casting magic, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.






Changed Skill1417_0.jpg Aura Flash

  • Cooldown is now have a fixed rate.

Changed Skill1290_0.jpg Blizzard

  • Spell Force now are not required! Borrows water energy to inflict water damage on the enemy with 150 power added to magic power and decreases moving speed by 50% for 30 seconds.
  • Cooldown is now have a fixed rate.

Changed Skill1421_0.jpg Raging Waves

  • 2 Spell Forces are required (instead of 3). Continuously inflicts powerful water type damage. Cannot move while casting magic, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.






Changed Skill1417_0.jpg Aura Flash

  • Cooldown is now have a fixed rate.

Changed Skill1289_0.jpg Inferno

  • Spell Force now are not required! Borrows fire energy to inflict fire damage on the enemy with 150 power added to magic power and decreases 60 HP every second for 15 seconds.
  • Cooldown is now have a fixed rate.

Changed Skill1419_0.jpg Volcano

  • 2 Spell Forces are required (instead of 3). Continuously inflicts powerful fire type damage. Cannot move while casting magic, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.



Elf_elder.pngElven Elder



Changed Skill1398_0.jpg Mana Burn

  • Cooldown is now have a fixed rate.

Added Skill1460_0.jpg Mana Gain

  • Increases the power of recharge received by the target by 85. Duration - 20 minutes,
  • Can be learned at level 79.

Added transformation Skill1520_0.jpg Inquisitor

  • Character can not use regular skills when he is transformation;
  • New skills available:
    • 12b15270402f.png Divine Punishment - Inflict divinity type damage on the enemy.
    • a5886fed3c5a.png Divine Flash - Inflict mass divinity type damage on the enemies.
    • bb1161dc59da.png Divine Curse - Curse that decrease the effect of recovery magic by 50%.
    • b2e3e456d224.png Surrender to the Holy - Decreases the enemy's resistance to divinity type attacks.



Darkelf_shillien_elder.pngShillien Elder



Added Skill1539_0.jpg Stigma of Shillien

  • Decrease P.Def for melee and ranged weapon for ~20% on max level. Exception: two-handed weapons. Duration: 30 sec. (for example: Hex decreases the enemy's P. Def. by 23% for 30 sec)
  • Can be learned at level 40 (Skill level 1)

Added Skill1508_0.jpg Thorn Root

  • Causes hold on nearby enemies for 30 seconds and makes them consume 30 HP every second. Duration - 10 sec.
  • Can be learned at level 79.

Changed Skill1398_0.jpg Mana Burn

  • Cooldown is now have a fixed rate.

Added Skill1460_0.jpg Mana Gain

  • Increases the power of recharge received by the target by 85. Duration - 20 minutes,
  • Can be learned at level 79.

Added transformation Skill1520_0.jpg Inquisitor

  • Character can not use regular skills when he is transformation;
  • New skills available:
    • 12b15270402f.png Divine Punishment - Inflict divinity type damage on the enemy.
    • a5886fed3c5a.png Divine Flash - Inflict mass divinity type damage on the enemies.
    • bb1161dc59da.png Divine Curse - Curse that decrease the effect of recovery magic by 50%.
    • b2e3e456d224.png Surrender to the Holy - Decreases the enemy's resistance to divinity type attacks.






Changed Skill1398_0.jpg Mana Burn

  • Cooldown is now have a fixed rate.

Changed 1399.jpg Mana Storm

  • Cooldown is now have a fixed rate.

Added skill1459_0.png Divine Power

  • Increases one's own recovery magic power by 1000 for 15 seconds.
  • Can be learned at level 79.

Added transformation Skill1520_0.jpg Inquisitor

  • Character can not use regular skills when he is transformation;
  • New skills available:
    • 12b15270402f.png Divine Punishment - Inflict divinity type damage on the enemy.
    • a5886fed3c5a.png Divine Flash - Inflict mass divinity type damage on the enemies.
    • bb1161dc59da.png Divine Curse - Curse that decrease the effect of recovery magic by 50%.
    • b2e3e456d224.png Surrender to the Holy - Decreases the enemy's resistance to divinity type attacks.






  • Buffs are now affect on party members, even if they are not in the same clan\ally as an Overlord.





To enchant skill you will need:

  • EXP
  • SP (skill point)
  • Adena
  • Special Book


  • Etc_codex_of_giant_i00_0.jpg Giant's Codex - regular
  • Etc_codex_of_giant_i03_0.jpg Giant's Codex - Mastery - An item required for blessed skill enchanting. Level of your skill will not be decreased in case of fail enchant.
  • Etc_codex_of_giant_i01_0.jpg Giant's Codex - Oblivion - An item required to restore a previous enchantment. SP will be returned
  • Etc_codex_of_giant_i02_0.jpg Giant's Codex - Discipline - An item required to change an enchantment path (example: from Cost to Power)

How to get such books:

  • Castle dungeon
  • Olympiad
  • Other (going to be available later)

To enchant your skill now you will not need to look for special NPC, you can open you skill and press special button:





Also here you can find blessed enchantment:





New path of skill enchantment:



Skill1356_0.jpg Prophecy of Fire



  • No enchant = decrease speed 10%
  • +1 = 9% decrease speed
  • +2 = 8% decrease speed
  • +3 = 7% decrease speed
  • +4 = 6% decrease speed
  • +5 = 5% decrease speed
  • +6 = 4.5% decrease speed
  • 7 = 4% decrease speed
  • 8 = 3.5% decrease speed
  • 9 = 3% decrease speed
  • 10 = 2.5% decrease speed
  • 11 = 2% decrease speed
  • 12 = 1.5% decrease speed
  • 13 = 1% decrease speed
  • 14 = 0.5% decrease speed
  • 15 = decrease speed 0



Skill1355_0.jpg Prophecy of Water, Skill1363_0.jpg Chant of Victory, Skill1414_0.jpg Victory of Pa'agrio



  • No enchant = decrease speed 20%
  • +1 = 18% decrease speed
  • +2 = 16% decrease speed
  • +3 = 14% decrease speed
  • +4 = 12% decrease speed
  • +5 = 10% decrease speed
  • +6 = 9% decrease speed
  • 7 = 8% decrease speed
  • 8 = 7% decrease speed
  • 9 = 6% decrease speed
  • 10 = 5% decrease speed
  • 11 = 4% decrease speed
  • 12 = 3% decrease speed
  • 13 = 2% decrease speed
  • 14 = 1% decrease speed
  • 15 = decrease speed 0






Ingame events





9 Castles are available to be captured on Interlude Final. Nothing has been changed comparing to regular Interlude.

However during the server lifetime we will offer addtitional event during catle sieges to make it more interesting and fun. wink.png


Sieges info:

  • All castles going to be under sieges ever 2 Sunday.




Fortress - useful as a strategic point and rally point. Every fortress has it's own unique teleport.

Fortress will not provide any other useful bonuses!



Please note! All following teleports are in a distance comparing to key-points where it leads to (no disbalance teleport).


General info:

  • A fortress siege lasts for one hour, and can occur as often as every four hours, for 24 hours a day.
  • Once the Combat Flag is raised on a flag pole, the fortress siege ends.
  • A fortress siege begins 60 minutes after the first clan registers.
  • Fortress will automaticaly set free if 1 clan own it more then 5 days.




  • The fortress siege registration procedure is similar to castle siege registration. A clan that is level 4 or higher can sign up to siege a fortress by talking to the Suspicious Merchant NPC near that fortress.
  • The first clan that signs up to siege a fortress must pay a participation fee. Once this fee is paid, any other clans that wish to participate in the siege do not have to pay the participation fee. After the participation fee is paid, all other clans that wish to participate have 50 minutes to sign up.
  • The siege registration can be canceled within 50 minutes of the initial siege sign-up.
  • Once the 50-minute time period for sign-ups has elapsed, the Suspicious Merchant will disappear. A 10-minute countdown will begin, after which the fortress siege will start.
  • If the fortress under siege is owned by a clan, that clan is automatically registered as defenders.



Siege Start:



  • When a fortress siege begins, the area around the fortress will change to a combat field. Registered clans can establish a headquarters on that combat field.
  • When the siege begins, all fortress doors close and designated guard NPCs are placed. If a fortress is owned by a clan, the level of the guard NPCs and various defending functions are affected by the Fortress Defense Level. Also, a Mercenary Captain NPC will appear outside the fortress. This NPC must be protected by the attacking clans.



Siege Process:



  • There are three to five NPC camps (depending on the fortress size) located inside the fortress. The five camps include the Officer's Barracks, Control Room, Archer Unit, Guard Camp and Support Unit. The Command Barracks will be located in the center of the various camps.
  • If all of the camps are captured within 10 minutes of capturing the first camp, the Command Barrack ’s door will automatically open.
  • To capture a camp, you must kill each camp’s Commander NPC. In a large fortress, you must shut off the power in the Control Room.
  • A clan can use Ballista Bombs to destroy the ballista inside the fortress; destroying ballistas will gain the attacking clan a certain amount of clan reputation.
  • After the capture of the first camp, if the attackers fail to capture the other camps within 10 minutes, each camp's Commander NPC will reappear and the players must kill the Commander NPCs all over again.
  • If all the camps are successfully captured within the time limit, the door to the Command Barracks will open and the Combat Flags will appear inside of the camp.
  • When a player acquires one of the Combat Flags, it is automatically equipped. If a character who is holding a flag dies, that flag will be returned to its original location.
  • Once players acquire the Combat Flags, their speed and various combat stats will be reduced. They will also automatically receive an active skill that allows them to place the Combat Flag in the flag pole.
  • The flag pole is located at the top of the Command Camp. If the clan succeeds in raising the Combat Flag by using the Display Flag skill, that clan will win the siege and claim the fortress.



List of teleport that can lead to some key-points:

  • Monastic Fortress - Valley of Saints location (Barakiel)
  • Dragonspine Fortress - Cruma Tower location (Core)
  • Ivory Fortress - Sea of Spores location (Orfen)
  • Border Outpost - Tower of Insolence location, 7 floor (Baium)
  • Valley Fortress - Antharas of Lair - Magic Force Field Bridge location (Antharas)

List of the fortresses:

  • Cloud Mountain Fortress - Gludio
  • Floran Fortress - Dion
  • White Sands Fortress - Innadril
  • Antharas Fortress - Oren
  • Tanor Fortress - Giran
  • Archaic Fortress - Schuttgart
  • Borderland Fortress - Goddard
  • Narsell Fortress - Aden
  • Swamp Fortress - Rune

Guide of fortress siege:









Epic Bosses that are alive at server start:

  • Accessory_ring_of_core_i00_0.jpg Core - 36 hours +-1 hour
    • Ring of Core (can be upgraded)
    • Drop chance - 60%

    [*]Accessory_earring_of_orfen_i00_0.jpg Orfen - 36 hours +- 1 hour

    • Earring of Orfen (can be upgraded)
    • Drop chance - 60%

    [*]Accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00_0.jpg Queen Ant - 24 hours +- 1 hour

    • The area around Queen ant’s respawn place is a NoRelog-area.
      Characters that are offline more than 10 minutes - will be teleported to the town.

    [*]Accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00_0.jpg Zaken - 48 hours +- 1 hour

    • You can enter to Zaken's ship via NPC, that will appear at 00:00 and will be gone in 10 minutes (on game time);
    • All Zaken minions cast a Raid Curse on characters that are above them for 9 levels.
    • If a Character is offline for than 5 minutes inside the ship, he will be sent to the town.

    [*]Accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00_0.jpg Frintezza - 48 hours +- 30 minutes

    • The area around entry NPC to Frintezza is a PVP-zone
    • If a Character offline for more than 5 minutes inside the Boss’ area, he will be sent to the town.

Epic Bosses that are dead at server start:

  • Accessory_ring_of_baium_i00_0.jpg Baium - 5 days +- 2 hours
    • Pay Attention! There is a limitation of the time inside of Baium's nest - 2 hour. In case if Baium wouldn't be kill - he will fall back into the stone.
    • If a Character is offline for more than 5 minutes inside the Boss’ area, he will be sent to the town.

    [*]Accessory_earring_of_antaras_i00_0.jpg Antharas - 8 days

    • Characters that was offline inside of the nest for more than 10 minutes - will be teleported to the nearest village.

    [*]Accessory_necklace_of_valakas_i00_0.jpg Valakas - 11 days

    • Limitation on amount of characters inside of the nest was removed;
    • Characters that was offline inside of the nest for more than 10 minutes - will be teleported to nearest village.


Server conception could be changed.

Stay tuned, follow the news, join the discussion and share your ideas. Discussion thread.

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  • 3 недели спустя...
(on game time);

On game time meaning the time from /time command or on game time meaning from server time? And what is the server time (location in time zones)?


Changed Skill1420_0.jpg Cyclone

  • 2 Spell Forces are nor required (instead of 3).

You mean are now required ? ;P

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Adena rate could be higher. Quest item drop rate 1x, really? Other then that its fine. How many boxes per PC? Song dance duration 2mins or higher?

"Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference."


Breathe. Live.

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The client will support Cyrillic language or only latin alphabet? Im asking this coz I have seen many servers fail in some months because people dont want to play in a server that is full of russian letters in pt rooms/trade chats/ private shops etc...

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The client will support Cyrillic language or only latin alphabet? Im asking this coz I have seen many servers fail in some months because people dont want to play in a server that is full of russian letters in pt rooms/trade chats/ private shops etc...

E-Global and Valhalla-age are international projects, which are known by people from all over the world. That is why the server will support Latin alphabet, Cyrillic alphabet and Chinese characters in order to create a comfortable game for all players, so that everyone can communicate comfortably, regardless where from the player is - from Argentina or China.

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Adena rate could be higher. Quest item drop rate 1x, really? Other then that its fine. How many boxes per PC? Song dance duration 2mins or higher?

Adena rate and quest item drop will remain the same as it was announced.

As for boxes limit - we are planning 4, however this number can be reduced at the server start if there is a big load on the server. Songs/dances - 2 mins

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On game time meaning the time from /time command or on game time meaning from server time? And what is the server time (location in time zones)?

Meaning server time (gmt +3).

You mean are now required ? ;P

right :) "now"

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please balance more the professions, professions like dwarves, tank, support, spear, gladys, they are practically the same for pvp, a gladiator in interlude is as good DD as a dagero, and the dagero they added Hide and Shadow step 2 strong skill for that profession, they made 4 improvements to the dagger, which has the dager that the gladiator does not have in interlude? the 2 professions are killer classes, because they give the dagger and not the gladiator?


I do not say it because I'm going to become a gladiator, because no, I only say it because it seems unfair to add GF skill to some professions and not others, personally the dager is too "OP" in this server, the dager is a class " OP "in interlude and if you add these 2 skills more will break everything, I do not say to remove them just balance more other classes


Sorry for how insistent I am but I really see it like that!

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As this user say, in interlude dagger is OP without GF skills and u add shadow step and hide? it destroy the server and most of people will play dagger class... nonsense change it before server start...


I wanted to play here but how I read about these "brilliant changes" I'm thinking a lot about the game here because these changes make me scary... is bad idea to do that


tell me what chance got archer vs dagger in 1vs1? archer got 10%?????? LOOOL Guys come on think some unchange this skills from dagger if u want leave only hide at 79 because shadow step is s**x


I wanted to make donations on this server but I will not spend any money here because it will burn the server

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