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New Interlude Final X7 - April 20, 2018!

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Where is patch for interlude? I NEED PATCH NOT UPDATER!

"Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference."


Breathe. Live.

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The point is that the quest gives x1 adena reward instead of x3.

can someone pot sa patch without viruses? pretty pls?>

Our game client is already patched and you do not have to install patches:

And it also doesn't have any viruses

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Cant report bots in game? That's not good. Sloppy, qt, sluttbutt, Bling, cutebabydance running on bot w. auto pickup off their Main Assist.

Unfortunately we don't have such in-game service, it is the feature only of official Lineage servers. Here is a guide how you can rreport bots - https://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/bot-hunting.40/

We will be very grateful for that!

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I know this post isnt supposed to be asking any changes, but I have a suggestion that wont affect pvp at all, but will slightly improve the gameplay and will provide a better game environment: add sweeper festival skill for Bounty Hunter.

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I know this post isnt supposed to be asking any changes, but I have a suggestion that wont affect pvp at all, but will slightly improve the gameplay and will provide a better game environment: add sweeper festival skill for Bounty Hunter.

This skill has already been discussed on the forum. Unfortunately, it will not be added.

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