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Questions and Discussion about New Interlude Final X7

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I have a few questions:


1) Will there be mana pots on the server? If so, how will they work? Amount Healed/Duration/Re-use?

2) How many boxes are allowed?

3) Song/Dance/Prophecy Duration?

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Exactly, the curretn disabled auto-loot

Please read this




I have a few questions:


1) Will there be mana pots on the server? If so, how will they work? Amount Healed/Duration/Re-use?

2) How many boxes are allowed?

3) Song/Dance/Prophecy Duration?


1) No

2) About 3-4, exact number is not yet known

3) Retail duration, like on official chronicles

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I have a few questions:


1) Will there be mana pots on the server? If so, how will they work? Amount Healed/Duration/Re-use?

2) How many boxes are allowed?

3) Song/Dance/Prophecy Duration?

I can answer instead of the support team, 1. There will be no mp pots, only elixirs, 2. 4 if everything goes according to plan on server start. 3. Retail duration.

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Thanks [uSER=1536]@LEX[/uSER] and @Necrophile


What about GM Shop? Will there be any Grade gear you can purchase from a special shop? Even D grade or C grade?


If not, what about Shadow Weapons for D/C?

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Thanks [uSER=1536]@LEX[/uSER] and @Necrophile


What about GM Shop? Will there be any Grade gear you can purchase from a special shop? Even D grade or C grade?


If not, what about Shadow Weapons for D/C?

Shadow d and c weapons you get after completing class change quests 1st and 2nd. (coupons). You have the retail shops in bigger towns such as giran who sell full no grade and d grade, also c shadow weapons. And you have full c armors and weapons for crystals in giran luxury shop for c and d crystals. No problem :)

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Shadow d and c weapons you get after completing class change quests 1st and 2nd. (coupons). You have the retail shops in bigger towns such as giran who sell full no grade and d grade, also c shadow weapons. And you have full c armors and weapons for crystals in giran luxury shop for c and d crystals. No problem :)


Last one @Necrophile, any idea if paying Tokens or Adena for the class change will grant the coupons? Or will that only be for those who complete the actual quest?


Thanks again and looking forward to launch!

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Last one @Necrophile, any idea if paying Tokens or Adena for the class change will grant the coupons? Or will that only be for those who complete the actual quest?


Thanks again and looking forward to launch!

Well on beta you would get the coupons only if u finished the full quest, but the admins said today we will be able to get the coupons even if the profession is donated or bought with adena :) I feel like im spamming, but im just sharing my testing experience and

trying to help :D

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Well on beta you would get the coupons only if u finished the full quest, but the admins said today we will be able to get the coupons even if the profession is donated or bought with adena :) I feel like im spamming, but im just sharing my testing experience and

trying to help :D


I'm sure other players will find it useful as well as we're gearing up towards launch. The server description had a ton of info but there were just a few things that I felt were left out, minor stuff that can impact the early game and possibly my class selection.


I lied, one more @Necrophile any idea on Catacombs? I would assume day 1 access, launch day being sign up period? But i could totally be wrong in that assumption

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I'm sure other players will find it useful as well as we're gearing up towards launch. The server description had a ton of info but there were just a few things that I felt were left out, minor stuff that can impact the early game and possibly my class selection.


I lied, one more @Necrophile any idea on Catacombs? I would assume day 1 access, launch day being sign up period? But i could totally be wrong in that assumption

Yeah, thats the reason i started testing a lot of things over the past week and being constantly active on forum :) Im glad if i could help anyone. Thats a good question actually, and im not totaly sure cuz there is no info about that. But from my experience if a server starts on friday, and its a retail-like low rate, the 7signs usually start on monday at 6pm, meaning there will be no catacombs for the first few days so the seal period will start on monday, and mammons next week. But i guess server admins could provide more info on that! :)

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less than 2 days left until live, are we going to see all those custom features in the OBT before it starts?

Yes, you will post everything as soon as it becomes possible, before the opening

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