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Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1

Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 2

quest items not droping-- I killed the whole room of mobs an drooped only one quest item

there was maybe 30mobs--- i don it 2 times exactly the same only one quest item

ofcourse i have 80 lvl but quest items shuld drop independently form a lvl

+ on this server shuld drop 3




2) Enchant skill of 3rd prof. POW success rate is so big is biger then normal skils i have it +15 and others only +8 becouse succcess rate i much lover





3) Improved Kookabura does not recharge mana while i standing or sitting i have to use some attak skill to move the kookabura to recharge mana on my char --- 2 skils -1recharge



4) Gatekeeper not working





GM pls fix it

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1) Please note that the item drop chance in this quest is normal and corresponds to interlude chronicles

The x3 rate only apply to a reward http://prntscr.com/j6yz68

2) chance will be reworked, already passed on to specialists, thank you

3) Our specialist will test it

4) You need to make a full check, the dion GK works properly or change language on english at OBT shop - http://prntscr.com/j6z4y6

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Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1

Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 2

fine about the chance but even today i killed 2x rooms full of monsters and nothing so tell me ????? the chance is???


4) gatekeeper

this is not problem with client the char i bugget i create another one on the same accont just different char and name and everything is fine ---- so what if during normal game this error will comesup?????? f i will let say 60lvl or 70?????

pls thik about it

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Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1

Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 2

fine about the chance but even today i killed 2x rooms full of monsters and nothing so tell me ????? the chance is???


4) gatekeeper

this is not problem with client the char i bugget i create another one on the same accont just different char and name and everything is fine ---- so what if during normal game this error will comesup?????? f i will let say 60lvl or 70?????

pls thik about it


1) The chance is standart for interlude chronicles


4) This error was no longer observed, probably the files were not full downloaded or the default localization was chosen, so do not worry

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GM you or your specialist dint fix anything--- everything is the same

24h to start server and still same bugs

please specify about what issue are you talking about?

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