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Questions and Discussion about New Interlude Final X25

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for x7 any info?


Seven, Hello!

  • We are planning to update the Midgard x5 server to Interlude Final chronicles, but before we will contact with the active players to find out their opinion;
  • Each new server based on Interlude Final going to be merged with existed x7 server.

In nearest future new update 1.5 going to be available, and you will enjoy:

  • New pvp-farm location (to be more accurate it's an old location but in new perspective);
  • Additional capacity (cap) of equipment (you shouldn't expect new set or grade, however it will provide new options for your characters);
  • Classes balance update (we are going to add Earthshaker and Anti-Mage.. Oh, wait, wrong game...);

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  • New pvp-farm location (to be more accurate it's an old location but in new perspective);
  • Additional capacity (cap) of equipment (you shouldn't expect new set or grade, however it will provide new options for your characters);


This is all that matters and the only thing you guys got wrong on the 7x.


25x will make this stage come even faster. You will need to have a pre-defined date/dates where you release new content to keep people motivated, dont release it all in one go and don't go silent for weeks without any word/update :)

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  • New pvp-farm location (to be more accurate it's an old location but in new perspective);
  • Additional capacity (cap) of equipment (you shouldn't expect new set or grade, however it will provide new options for your characters);


This is all that matters and the only thing you guys got wrong on the 7x.


25x will make this stage come even faster. You will need to have a pre-defined date/dates where you release new content to keep people motivated, dont release it all in one go and don't go silent for weeks without any word/update :)


Telling the truth - we both know, that keep private server alive for years is damn hard)

The main key to provide such option is giving the server new players and update content.

For right now we do both things at a time.


Our x7 server - won't become x25.

Vice versa, players from x25 will be merge with x7 server.


Thank you for your attention and review ;)

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