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Which version of song/dance/buff duration would you like the most for Gracia Final L2 Global -7x ?  

25 пользователей проголосовало

  1. 1. Which version of song/dance/buff duration would you like the most for Gracia Final L2 Global -7x ?

    • song/dance 2min, cat/horse 2 min, prophecies, blood pact 5 min, dwarf 10 min, normal buffs 20 min
    • song/dance 5min, cat/horse 5 min, prophecies, blood pact 5 min, dwarf 10 min, normal buffs 20 min
    • song/dance 5min, cat/horse 5 min, prophecies, blood pact 10 min, dwarf 10 min, normal buffs 20 min
    • song/dance 5min, cat/horse 5 min, prophecies, blood pact 10 min, dwarf 20 min, normal buffs 20 min
    • song/dance 5min, cat/horse 5 min, prophecies, blood pact 20 min, dwarf 20 min, normal buffs 20 min
    • song/dance 5min, cat/horse 5 min, prophecies, blood pact 20 min, dwarf 20 min, normal buffs 1 h
    • song/dance 5min, cat/horse 5 min, prophecies, blood pact 20 min, dwarf 1 h, normal buffs 1 h
    • song/dance 10min, cat/horse 10min, prophecies/blood pact 20min, dwarf+buff at NPC 2h (char+summon)
    • song/dance 10min, cat/horse 10min, prophecies/blood pact 20min, dwarf+buff at NPC 2h (char+summon)

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I agree that here we are many of us who like to play L2 like Old Times. Also we are many who like to play/farm more efficiently according to the Gracia Final L2-Global X7 "in game" server play-stile. We are also many of us in which are aware that Old Times has gone, we're in 2018, and the Future can't be the same as the Past. That would be absurd :)



Either way will be your case, you have THE SAME CHANCE TO VOTE as the others, to be able to get a correct average community opinion about the song/dance buffs duration.


Which is the reason of this poll? As unbelievable as it may sound: This poll is based on at least 15 years of Lineage 2 game-play experience!!!

Allow me to explain a little: The real L2 Game began with C1 in 2003 and is now 3-4 chronicles after the Etheia race started: present Lineage 2 M (a brief story of L2 is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSLzUejMmLM), the amount of changes of the game throughout this time are: let's say from the scale of an atom to beyond of our observable Universe! By the time when the real Lineage 2 was at L2 Helios stage (one chronicle after Ertheia race showed up), NC Soft made a "remake" of Lineage 2 C1-Interlude style with GOD graphics and game-play. They named it L2 Classic, although could be anything else but classic The good part is that NC Soft had a good Customer Staff assistance, and, regarding buff duration, the final conclusion where official L2 Community reached in present times, was that song/dance duration of 2 min was way too short for a constant smooth farm, and any normal active player will get bored of waiting: mana delay, etc. We all know the issues very well. Although the official start if L2 Classic servers on 3 October 2018 was an EPIC FAILURE of all: server date start (4 oct in the evening instead of 3 oct), 18 hours average wait to log in if not PA, 0.3-0.4x adena/drop rate, 6000 player cap on each server (in 2018!) and so on, they did a good thing where all the official l2 Community was agree: They made the duration of dance/songs 5 min! On L2 Classic !


In the spirit that on our server, which is far better than the official (unbelievable, i know), we have all kind of players: market players, solo players on boxes, small party players, CP's , and all kind of stuff, i feel the need to have a chance, for all the L2 Gracia Final E-Global X7 community, to vote for the buff durations.


I configured this poll to be permanent, for the people to be able to change their votes at any time, according to the the changes of the server game-play throughout the time.

So here are the poll settings:

- 7 possible choices

- 3 maximum selectable options in the range of buffs duration that u like

- allow voters to change their votes

- display votes publicly

- you can’t see the results before vote

- No close for this poll (as i said, should be permanent, for the voters to be able to change it trough time).


With respect for the DEX Servers Staff, in the hope they are agree with this poll, let's vote the buff duration we like in our L2 world. Merry Christmas!!!

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The buff duration of the Gracia Final L2-Global X7 server will be set by the CHOICE which has the highest percentage of the votes!

For example, by the time of this post, the L2 Community choice is:


song/dance 2min, cat/horse 2 min, prophecies, blood pact 5 min, dwarf 10 min, normal buffs 20 min

with a majority of 40% of the elections :)

Keep vote: the more, the merrier ;)

Have fun all!

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  • 3 недели спустя...

It seems that after a month of active poll this choice of buff duration is the most desired with 40% of elections!

  • song/dance 10min, cat/horse 10min, prophecies/blood pact 20min, dwarf+buff at NPC 2h (char+summon)

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  • 4 месяца спустя...

This what you will do is "eliminate role of professions", a well balanced server, any profession can kill another, as long as they know how to use the profession


just see how you can kill such a simple profession, and in a balanced chronicle





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