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1.I test dmg dagger and goes about 1300-3453.is normal to be like this??(this dmg is with critical wound and hex with focus death baium and ant queen jewel :/ !!)

2.when i hunt my enemy,and i have most speed than him,my char when goes behind as we keep running can't use skill.and we are too close in distance. is buged or smthinng???!

3.when i use shadow step in a target sometimes it seems like stucked and keeps me in the same place.he dont give me the upportunity to go near him or behind him. is also to be fixed???!!

4.And last.sometimes in the midle of the fight,us you move in to the enemy the geodata stucks, and teleport me back, in the same place when i was before.!!!



p.s. my opinion about dagger damage after those years i played,its to be at the same close level.not from 800 to 10k dmg, and staff lke that.

thats all for now.and thnx for your time. :D

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1. Do not forget that players may have +16 sets. Also apply a Dye of STR to your character.


2. This is a common l2 bug that was always present. We tried to fix it, but we only managed to improve it a bit.

The logic is that when you run after the enemy, and when the distance between characters is minimal and you stop to make a hit, - then at that moment your distance is broken again (because the enemy continues to run). In order to hit him, you need to run a bit ahead of the enemy. Click to run a little in front of him and when your character is equal in distance with the enemy - make a hit.


3. This happens if the enemy is standing much higher in relation to your character. For example: enemy is standing on the hill/stairs and your char stands near/under the hill/stairs. We will try to fix it in future, however it is very hard to do that and it may take some time.


4. The reason of such teleports back is connection problems. First of all make sure that your Internet connection is stable and there are no packet losses on the side of your Internet provider. Also check your internet equipment (modem, wifi router). If you have wifi router - try to connect your computer to internet directly via cable and check if this helps.

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1. I tried this test with max geared dagger(A gear ++++ ) to a enemy with +0 A gear and without dyes. And the damages result is as i told in the example.

2.hmm that seems to be normal but in some cases..but when u got a PW (top mov.speed )and running back of a mage...(for sure less speed) that Cant happen.. Its unnormality i think ...By simple mathematics .

3.3.That with hills and some rocks and stuff inside our vision i can accept it..But when u r simple just in a str8 line thats a bit disturbing. Also shadow step have 3 effects all together stun enemy/cancel target/and go behind the enemy. And the 1,5 of 3 parts of effects are active...

4. Im sure that my internet connection is better than more normal speeds and i have pc connected to rooter via cable..Also that happens to my friends the same thinq.. So every 1 at their home have shi1t speed ?? 1f61c.png

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extra found.I tried also adventurer And i want to say something.decrease the mirage cooldown,cause when you use it,you have the effect and before it ends,you have again cooldown.in another word the mirage is spam.:1f611::1f611::1f611:@Trolya

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4. Im sure that my internet connection is better than more normal speeds and i have pc connected to rooter via cable..Also that happens to my friends the same thinq.. So every 1 at their home have shi1t speed ?? 1f61c.png


I wasn't talking about your internet speed, but about possible packet losses on your side / internet provider side (for example, packet loss at one of the connection nodes).


As to your video of how the character is being constantly falling down from the hill - it is not a connection problem :)

It is usual game mechanics and it always worked so if character falls down from high point.


extra found.I tried also adventurer And i want to say something.decrease the mirage cooldown,cause when you use it,you have the effect and before it ends,you have again cooldown.in another word the mirage is spam.:1f611::1f611::1f611:@Trolya

I will pass this proposal to the Administration.

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