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can not run in this locale

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can not run in this locale


There is also another option:


To fix "LCID cannot run in this locale" error:

  1. Download from our site the file Localization.ini from here - DOWNLOAD
  2. Download it
  3. 3Place to the System folder of the game client (with the replacement of the existing option.ini file)

It should help.

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i did that and now i got this

Error: StaticMeshActor Lobby01_Classic.StaticMeshActor42: Serial size mismatch: Got 150, Expected 152

To fix this error, try to delete these files from the game folder:

  • L2_Lobby.usx from StaticMeshes folder
  • L2_Lobby_T.utx from Textures folder

Then run the updater Averia.exe (it's located in the root folder of the game) and make a full check.

If this won't help, then delete whole StaticMeshes and Textures folders and make a full check again.

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what should i do if i got this error when i try to enter with char ingame

Error: StaticMeshActor 24_15_Classic.StaticMeshActor125: Serial size mismatch: Got 123, Expected 125


To fix this error, try to delete these folders from the game folder:

  • StaticMeshes
  • System
  • Maps

Then run the updater Averia.exe (it's located in the root folder of the game) and make a full check.

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i also make 2nd char , and play with it . when i port i got same error and now its same when i try to log even with it ...... :(

try to follow my recomendations above and let me know about the resault

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