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I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

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I already gave the answer to Spamalot in his ticket, but I will duplicate it here too, so other players could also see it:


Warlord class on our Interlude Final сhronicles has not been weakened. Moreover, we enhanced it and made more relevant (in comparison with the classic Interlude chronicles). This class received the skills of Burning Rage and Thunder Move, which only added him advantages, including when doing trains. If you have difficulties then there might be several reasons:

- wrong location / mobs

- wrong equipment

- wrong corner in which you bring mobs


Anyway, we can 100% say that this class is relevant on this chronicles and strong enough, including PvE and trains. This is also confirmed by a lot of our players who gather trains without any problems.


I am pretty sure that mobs are not acting like they are supposed to. When I made trains in giants cave I had mobs that ran all the way back through a big room, to then come back when my train was dead.


About revival skill. It is working but its not working on 5%. It works on 2%. Can you please look into this skill only. Battle Roar I can live without even though I know its not working as it should.

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I really don't know if it is only my issue, but I can not see the animation of succeful stun. I mean that sort of little stars over the head of my target and it is happening when I stun a mob / character and even when I got stunned.


Already tried to fix client, obviously without solving it. Ty for attention.


It should be fixed today (on mobs)


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Wind walk/berseker buffs doesn't gives extra speed for Elemental summoner summons (most probably for other class summons too).



Added to fix list

It is only visualy wrong displaying. Actually ww/berserker give extra speed, but it is not displayed. We will try to fix it asap.



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I really don't know if it is only my issue, but I can not see the animation of succeful stun. I mean that sort of little stars over the head of my target and it is happening when I stun a mob / character and even when I got stunned.


Already tried to fix client, obviously without solving it. Ty for attention.

it's like 3 days animations on debuffs aren't working


It should be fixed today


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Is there a way to do not have persistent lag on my main box, even trying to login with all different proxy servers? If I have 3 boxes, on main box I often have 5-30 seconds latency, so it's completely unplayable. No latency on other boxes (where I have my supports). Am I doing something wrong or there is a problem somewhere? And I can I solve this? Otherwhise I can not play. Ty again.


Please create a ticket to the technical support in order to find out the reason of your lags.


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hello, i've come here to report a bug I believe i've found.

NPC 'Filaur' located in the elder council of dwarven village wont talk to the player about the quest "Test of the Maestro" in the last stage of the quest, making the completion of the class change quest impossible.


The specific part in which he wont talk to the player is when you come to deliver the quest item 'Cruma Report', the one you get from the researcher in Cruma Tower surroundings.


i've done myself this quest multiple times.

the quest item tells the player explicitly to give it to elder Filaur.


and well, he won't even talk to us about the quest.

when you click the quest dialog, the quest "test of the maestro" wont even show up.


considering I completed it (this is the last part of the whole quest) i'd like to request my class change to maestro, character name is "Deusa".

i've been stuck with this error, all evening trying to figure it out, tried everything, restart, file check...


My character 'Deusa' is right beside the npc 'Filaur'

116, 149/ -178, 443 / -944


We have checked the quest and haven't found any bugs, it works in appropriate way. It buged for you for some unknown reason.

We will give you a quest mark, just let me know when you will be online (PM Trolya or Rylai on the forum).

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Hello, I found a bug about the Augumentation Skill in my Dasparion. First of all, description of augument skill saying it is a life drain, but in skills it is apear as an unlock skill. Secondary the "Unlock" skill should open the chests under 64 lvl with 90%, but 10 of 10 chest just explode (i put 2 as an example on the video). Hopefully you will be able to check it out.

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Hello, i found the bug about pet quest. When I speak with Ellie in jewelery shop in Giran, she presents herself as Elias (from talking island village) and also offers his quest so i can't even finish my wolf quest.


I tried game fix but it's still the same.




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Hello guys, another bug came out. I was on PK and i dropped the Improve Kookaboora Ocarina - which I bought with coins and I leveled it up. Is it possible to drop it, or it was a bug? My friend have this item, but he cannot give it back or drop it via PK as I did. Can u help with this one?


It is possible to drop a pet while you are PK.

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hello, i've come here to report a bug I believe i've found.

NPC 'Filaur' located in the elder council of dwarven village wont talk to the player about the quest "Test of the Maestro" in the last stage of the quest, making the completion of the class change quest impossible.


The specific part in which he wont talk to the player is when you come to deliver the quest item 'Cruma Report', the one you get from the researcher in Cruma Tower surroundings.


i've done myself this quest multiple times.

the quest item tells the player explicitly to give it to elder Filaur.


and well, he won't even talk to us about the quest.

when you click the quest dialog, the quest "test of the maestro" wont even show up.


considering I completed it (this is the last part of the whole quest) i'd like to request my class change to maestro, character name is "Deusa".

i've been stuck with this error, all evening trying to figure it out, tried everything, restart, file check...


My character 'Deusa' is right beside the npc 'Filaur'

116, 149/ -178, 443 / -944


We have checked the quest and haven't found any bugs, it works in appropriate way. It buged for you for some unknown reason.

We will give you a quest mark, just let me know when you will be online (PM Trolya or Rylai on the forum).


I've found out what happened, it is a bug, but I still don't understand why it happened only to me.


[spoiler=Detailed Description of the Bug (and the way around it)]Warsmith class change - "Test of the Maestro"


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I would like to report another problem I found, my character Deus, a human wizard, did not receive his family helmet from the newbie guide, he instead received the armors at lv.15.

this happened three days ago i guess, maybe four.


there were just three rewards, one for lv.10 lv.12 and lv.15

no other option was avaiable on the screen.


pardon me if it has already been corrected.

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