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OBT fixes and updates - Interlude Rework

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Dear players!

As we have a thread "I found a Mistake! - Bag report." - we think it's right thing to create a threads with fixes and updates. :1f609:

In this thread we will publish a report regarding what have we done on OBT.





Game Client:

  • Bug when mobs and RB go through the ground and HP is hidden has been fixed;
  • NPC chat has been turned on as a default setting;
  • Dances and Songs has been returned to the main buff list-slots;
  • "Login" error which could be fixed only by changing proxies has been fixed;
  • Some of the unneccesary characteristics from the Grand Crusade client has been removed;
  • Achievement interface and notification has been added;
  • Bloody Queen collision has been fixed;
  • Wrong items M.Def information has been fixed.


  • Servers has been updatedОбновлен сервер раздачи файлов;
  • Rare error with settings initialization with 1st launcher start has been fixed;
  • Another successful round with antivirus false detection;
  • Quantity of the news regarding updates has been increased;
  • New buttons at the tray menu has been added. Now you can update or run the game without opening the launcher window;
  • Launcher Torrent protocol has been improved.

Game world:

  • A lot of changes at localization files;
  • Buff duration has been fixed;
  • First round of Adena and herbs re-rating has been made;
  • Skills cooldown has been fixed;
  • Shadow Flare/Shadow Spark, Solar Flare/Solar Spark will now have a fixed cooldown - 6 sec;
  • Bug with random chance to teleport your character to the olympic stadium being an observer has been fixed;
  • PVE\PVP attack of Greater Wolf has been rebalanced.

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Game Client:

  • Bug with blocking of the summoning skill without spirit ores has been fixed;
  • Additional panel for soul\spirit shots has been added;
  • New mounts has been added (will be available at separate thread).

Game world:

  • Mass skills which works only at the area (for example Flame Hawk) has been fixed: now will properly work on different height;
  • Achievements will now getting correctly;
  • Some of the Epic Bosses level has been fixed (Zaken, Orfen etc);
  • Rates of Adena has been fixed.

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Game Client:

  • Animations and icons of empty cocktails has been fixed;
  • Epic jewelry description has been fixed;
  • Missed icons has been added;
  • Game Map information has been actualized;
  • Skills of set enchantment bonus for +4, +6 and +8 has been added.


Game world:

  • Club Teleports has been fixed;
  • SA at Top A weapons has been fixed;
  • Packages has been fixed;
  • Warrior Bane \ Mage Bane has been fixed. Now they will remove combo buffs;
  • Herb will now drop correctly at Rim Kamaloka (solo kama);
  • Exp from Raid Bosses has been fixes to meet the conception;
  • Minimum required level for Global Chat has been increased to 40;
  • Now buffs from Newbie Guide will not be removed when you enter the Kamalokas;
  • Some of the weapons from package that could be crystallized has been fixed;
  • Runes fro daily quest has been added.

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  • Torrent system has been optimized;
  • Error with black icons has been fixed;
  • Setting system has been improved: it will notify if your changes has not been saved;
  • l2.ini will no longer be overwritten\oversaved via quick check (only by "fix client).

Game Client:

  • Chinese localization has been improved;
  • Minimap improvement;
  • Drop\Spoil patch has been added.

Game world:

  • Raid Boss guard respawn timer has been fixed;
  • Game process from 1 ot 20 has been updated: there will be step-by-step items for you, such as equipment, shots, pots etc at Newbie Guide;
  • Minimum required level for Global Chat has been changed from 40 to 20;
  • Quests rate has been fixed according to concept;
  • Quests has been fixed according to concept;
  • Ivory Coin shop has been added;
  • Cloak exchang\unseal manager has been added;
  • C-Grade items at starter packages has been fixed;
  • Subclass bonuses certification system has been added;
  • Static cooldown for skills Vortex Slug\Crusher\Buster - 15 sec.

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