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Game store of the Glory World 2.8 server

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Dear friends!

We offer you to get acquainted with the goods and game store prices, which will be available on the server Glory World 2.8


Prices are in "Avers"!!!

  1. Personal Account Balance - Family Coins;
  2. 1 EURO = 10 Family Coins;
  3. 1 Family Coins (0.1 EURO) = 8 Avers;

    1. 10 Family Coins (1 EURO) = 80 Avers;

[*]Payments min is 0.1 EURO / 7.5 RUB


[tab=Premium Account]

photo_2018-09-11_19-45-04-jpg.114991Basic Premium Account:


7 days: 195 Coins.

14 days: 275 Coins.

  • Adena Bonus + 25%;
  • Experience Bonus + 50%;
  • Number of confrontation points + 20%;
  • Drop chance of items +10%;
  • Weight limit + 10%.

photo_2018-09-11_19-47-12-jpg.114992Advanced Premium Account:


No time limit (infinity): 395 Coins.

  • Adena Bonus + 40%;
  • Experience Bonus + 50%;
  • Number of personal confrontation points + 25%;
  • Drop chance of items +25%;
  • Chance of enchantment + 5%;
  • Weight limit + 20%.


[tab=Starter package "Glory Package"]

  • amor_evilness_cloak-png.114912amor_goodness_cloak-png.114913 Unique cloak (Max HP\MP\CP +5%; P.def +3%; M.def +5%; Any Weapon Resistance +3%; P.\M. Critical Rate +10; Reflect Damage +3%);
  • photo_2018-09-12_23-42-07-jpg.115024 Talisman of Insolence Lv.4 (P.Atk +8%; M.atk +8%; Magic Resistance +6%; Skill Power +2%; Any Weapon Resistance +2%; CON+1; MEN+1);
  • armor_belt_i00-png.114915 Belt Lv.1 (Inventory Slots +2; Weight Limit +1 000; Max HP\MP\CP +3%);
  • g_pledge_bracelet_02-png.114916 Bracelet of Duty Lv.2 (Increase PVP Defense by 4%; CON+1);
  • etc_star_scroll_baekisung-png.114923 2 accessory coupons;
  • averia_earring-png.114917 Averia Earring (M.def 63, PvE Defense + 5%, PvE Attack + 3%, PvP Attack / Defense + 1%, P.M. Accuracy +3, Speed +1. When putting on earrings, it gives a unique skill by which the player receives valuable consumable items. Cooldown - 2 hours);
  • etc_cp_potion_i01-png.114918 Greater CP Potion (1 000 pc.);
  • fruit-jpg.114919 Special Pirat Fruit (10 pc.); (P.\M.Atk +7%; P.\M. Def + 10%; Max HP\MP\CP +15%; HP\MP Regeneration +20%; Increases XP\SP gain +5%)
  • epic_stone-png.114977 Epic Stone (10 pc.);
  • elemental_cry-png.114920 Elemental Stone (10 pc.);
  • bsoe-png.114921 Blessed Scroll of Escape (5 pc.);
  • etc_scroll_of_resurrection_i01-png.114922 Blessed Scroll of Ressurection (5 pc.);
  • cheer-png.114978 Cheer Stamen (Fan Pompons);
  • adena_rune_box-png.114924 Box with Adena Rune (5 hours).

Цена: 778 Coins.


[tab=Club Card]

  • Ability to use: Premium Buffer.
  • Access to global inter-fractional chat. (1 message is available every 2 minutes)
  • Ability to use the transformation of the Pirate and Assassin. (Without using Elemental Stone)
  • Free entry to the instance zone Labyrinth of Abyss. (Without using Elemental Stone)
  • photo_2018-09-11_19-55-18-jpg.114993 Scroll to remove the temporary penalty for entering the instance zone Labyrinth of Abyss (1 pc.) (Comes as a gift to the Averia Club Card)
  • adena_rune_box-png.114926 Box with the Experience Rune (5 hours) (available as a gift with the Averia Club Card)

Цена: 195 Coins.



  • adena_rune_box-png.114927 Box with Rune Exp + Sp 30% (1 hour) - 25 Coins.
  • adena_rune_box-png.114927 Box with Rune Exp + Sp 30% (5 hours) - 50 Coins.
  • adena_rune_box-png.114927 Box with Rune Exp + Sp 30% (24 hours) - 95 Coins.
  • adena_rune_box-png.114927 Box with Rune Adena 15% (1 hour) - 25 Coins.
  • adena_rune_box-png.114927 Box with Rune Adena 15% (5 hours) - 50 Coins.
  • adena_rune_box-png.114927 Box with Rune Adena 15% (24 hours) - 95 Coins.
  • 6-png.115751 Box with Enchanting Rune 5% (10 minutes) - 30 Coins.
  • 5-png.115752 Box with Enchanting Rune 10% (10 minutes) - 90 Coins.
  • expand_1-png.114979 Expand Inventory + Weight Limit Lv.1 (no time limit / infinity) - 85 Coins.
  • expand_2-png.114980 Expand Inventory + Weight Limit Lv.2 (no time limit / infinity) - 125 Coins.



  • nef_zom_sheilds-png.114933 Nephilim Lord (shield) - 370 Coins.
  • nef_zom_sheilds-png.114933 Monster Shield (shield) - 370 Coins.
  • hats-png.114936 Аксессуары (A full list of accessories can be found inside the game). Price (depending on rarity): 100; 150; 250 Coins.
  • pi_high_agathion_bracelet_i00-png.114935 Агатионы (A full list of agations can be found inside the game). Price (depending on rarity): 170; 300 Coins.
  • amor_evilness_cloak-png.114976 More than 10 different cloaks to choose from (a complete list of cloaks can be found in the game) - 300 Coins.
    * Cloaks increase all basic characteristics of the character by +1 (CON\STR\MEN\WIT\INT\DEX)



  • g_pledge_bracelet_02-png.114937 Bracelet of Duty - Lv.2 (1 pc.) - 100 Coins.
  • g_pledge_bracelet_03-png.114938 Bracelet of Duty - Lv.3 (1 pc.) - 200 Coins + Bracelet of Duty - Lv.2
  • g_pledge_bracelet_04-png.114939 Bracelet of Duty - Lv.4 (1 pc.) - 300 Coins + Bracelet of Duty - Lv.3


[tab=Enchant Scrolls]

  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i02-png.114940 Enchant Weapon C-Grade - 11 Coins.
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i02-png.114941 Enchant Armor C-Grade - 5 Coins.
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i03-png.114942 Enchant Weapon B-Grade - 17 Coins.
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i03-png.114943 Enchant Armor B-Grade - 8 Coins.
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i04-png.114944 Enchant Weapon A-Grade - 25 Coins.
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i04-png.114945 Enchant Armor A-Grade - 11 Coins.
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i05.pngWeapon S-Grade - 33 Aver.
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i05.png Enchant Armor S-Grade - 20 Aver.


[tab=Clan Item`s]

  • fd8837fe0c-jpg.114984 Clan Reputation points (150 points) - 10 Coins.
  • etc_royal_seal_of_lord_i02-png.114949 Seal of Power (3 Lv. clan) - 70 Coins.
  • etc_royal_seal_of_lord_i01-png.114950 Seal of Glory (4 Lv. clan) - 140 Coins.
  • etc_royal_seal_of_lord_i00-png.114951 Seal of Honor (5 Lv. clan) - 230 Coins.



  • dye-png.114981 Package of dyes +4 \ -3 (30 units) + the required amount of adena for applying - 99 Coins.
  • dye-png.114982Package of dyes +4 \ -3 (10 units) - 38 Coins.
  • dye-png.114983 Dye +4 \ -3 (1 units) - 5 Coins.



  • etc_cp_potion_i01-png.114952 Greater CP Potion (1 000 units) - 25 Coins.
  • talisman_of_insolence-png.114953 Talisman of Insolence Lv.4 (1 unit) - 370 Coins.
  • bsoe-png.114954 Blessed Scroll of Escape (1 unit) - 2 Coins.
  • etc_scroll_of_resurrection_i01-png.114955 Blessed Scroll of Ressurection (1 unit) - 3 Coins.
  • mt_box_mats_gold-png.114956 Resource Box - Gold (1 unit) - 8 Coins.
  • mt_box_ench_gold-png.114957 Enchant Box - Gold (1 unit) - 25 Coins.
  • elemental_cry-png.114958 Elemental Stone (1 unit) - 5 Coins.
  • etc_spirit_bullet_fish_i05-png.114959 Gold Fishing Shot (1 000 unit) - 30 Coins.
  • g_blue_sealed_rune-png.114960 Sealed Rune - Lv.6 (1 unit) - 30 Coins.
  • g_red_sealed_rune_01-png.114961 Sealed Rune - Lv.10 (1 unit) - 170 Coins.
  • item_32252-jpg.114962 Quiver with endless arrows С-grade (1 unit) - 15 Coins.
  • item_32251-png.114963 Quiver with endless arrows В-grade (1 unit) - 25 Coins.
  • item_32253-png.114964 Quiver with endless arrows А-grade (1 unit) - 65 Coins.
  • faction_portal-png.114965 Faction Portal (1 unit) - 3 Coins.
  • personal_portal-png.114966 Personal Portal (2 units) - 3 Coins.
  • fruit-png.114967 Special Pirat Fruit (1 unit) - 7 Coins.
  • photo_2018-09-11_19-55-18-jpg.114994 Labyrinth of Abyss Reuse Scroll (1 unit) - 70 Coins.



  • adena-png.114969 Adena (500а) - 40 Coins.
  • adena-png.114969Adena (1 000а) - 60 Coins.
  • adena-png.114969Adena (3 000а) - 180 Coins.
  • adena-png.114969Adena (5 000а) - 300 Coins.
  • adena-png.114969Adena (10 000а) - 580 Coins.
  • adena-png.114969Adena (50 000а) - 2850 Coins.
  • adena-png.114969Adena (100 000а) - 5650 Coins.

*Adena goes on sale on the 3rd day after the server start!


[tab=Craft and Farming]

  • 4-png.115747 Premium Certificate of Farming 7-days (allows you to farm) - 20 Coins.
  • 3-png.115748 Masters Tool All (Tool for the extraction of all types of resources of any levels) - 500 Coins.
  • 2-png.115749 Box with Resources Mining (contains resources that can be obtained from monsters from 1 to 4 lvl) - 19 Coins.
  • 1-png.115750 Box with Resources Crafting (contains resources that can be obtained by crafting) - 55 Coins.

*Boxes with resources will go on sale on the 3rd day after the server start!





Prices are in "Avers"!!!

  1. Personal Account Balance - Family Coins;
  2. 1 EURO = 10 Family Coins;
  3. 1 Family Coins (0.1 EURO) = 8 Avers;

    [*]Payments min is 0.1 EURO / 7.5 RUB

    *there might be slight price changes and the game store additions during OBT

10 Family Coins (1 EURO) = 80 Avers;
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Prices are in "Avers"!!!

  1. Personal Account Balance - Family Coins;
  2. 1 EURO = 10 Family Coins;
  3. 1 Family Coins (0.1 EURO) = 8 Avers;

    1. 10 Family Coins (1 EURO) = 80 Avers;

[*]Payments min is 0.1 EURO / 7.5 RUB

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