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The WORST server I ever played in my life. full of bugs, lag, buff for donors, bad rates, all wrong. disaster of administrators who never listened to users. At least people already noticed and every day plays less people.

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Hello, @coco1451


Can you please tell what exactly made you disappointed in the server? We are always listen to players and trying to make it comfortable to play for everyone. If you have any suggestions on how to make GvE better - feel free to tell us.

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In the 6 days that the server was released 1 guild control everything at least in the fire side . They control all RB respawn so the gear diference is HUGE ( they are donors too of corse ) . Also control the market . They are geared with refined baium when the rest of plp are with Black ore or A grade . 70% of the players cant play all day . So the balance between players is a lot . Some of them are gearing the rest of their guild mates because the Adena is not an issue anymore .


Only oren and elven village zones are fine , the rest of them are totally unbalanced . In day time fire control everything , in 1 map for example Blazing swamp are 150 fire and 35/50 waters . So nobody get fun at all cause they cant do anything to stop the base rush . A good idea is restric the area for X amount of player ( ex : 50-50 ) . Also the FPS decrease significantly ( This is L2 , most of plp dont have a i7 7700 with a GTX 1070 ) .


Castles fights are fine but so many people in so reduced space is dumb cause u get AOE stun by warlord ( 20% are warlords ) and no resist shock buff and CON stats change anything . Also FPS decrease significantly ( This is L2 , most of plp dont have a i7 7700 with a GTX 1070 ) .


The donations items make a difference that a normal player cant reach even if you play all day and farm all day etc . Bloods of enemy stop to increase when u get 20/30 i dont know why so forget to buy a blooded armor , so plp enchange their blood for Blessed to sell them to the TOP players for a good amount of adena because is a good deal .


The fortress are for dumbs , or you take totally control of them so you can farm Knight spaulets or whatever , or the other team control the respawn and you die before the CPU load the map .


What else . . . oh yes . WHY THE FUCK the gear is so easy to get ? the last GVE server i play it was so fun because everybody have C gear and the "no life ones " have B grade if their have luck , because it was really hard to get the adena for that gear , each player gives 1 or 2 adena for killing them and the gear B cost like 400 or 500 so it was really hard to get it but you dont have hurry because you have so much fun PVPING all day vs a player ungeared like you , and if u find a B grade it dosnt really matters because 4 C grade players vs 1 B grade is the same . It was no stupid events like CTF or TVT because IS A PVP SERVER , so why make that events if you find PVP everywhere . So the adena farming it was a very bad idea , only kill another player must give adena .


Event bosses get totally laged so you dont understand a crap , if you do not receive the reward, you do not know if it is because it is buged or because the other team killed the boss, there is no message that says so, you do not know what happened.


The server is already screwed and nothing can change that . It was fun the first 2 days , but when u mix the GVE with Player vs enviroment the differences is too obvious .


Its a shame cause the 2.8 and GVE was a GREAT idea , but not with this STATS and RATES .


I hope you make another server because the admins was really cool , the answers of the tickets and doubts were much more than satisfactory and the "bugs " can be fixed with the players help .

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GVE means PVP for fun , no for control the server . I dont get in here to farm in elven high to get A enchants or lvling my buffers . i wanted to log in , go to the designated area for pvp and more pvp , and more pvp but BALANCED . If i want to make a real diference with another player i go to L2 arion x15 or whatever server with low rates ( no real low rates , im too old ) and make a spoiler to sell the crafted leather to make a B grade gear or etc .

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who the fk cares.

u can't balance ppl with 70hours ingame 1st week and 3hour per day. literally nothing to talk about. ppl use a lot of their own time to get items, topgrade stuff etc. and u want to be the same value with poor time/donation? it's not x100009999 full altb shop server, it's pvp oriented semicraft/farm server, where u need to fight for ur fraction to get extras.

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Не рекомендуется к прочтению детьми в возрасте до 18 лет, при беременности и кормлении грудью, а также лицами, страдающими повышенной нервной возбудимостью, бессонницей, артериальной гипертензией

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в очередной раз захожу в ебаный вк/дискорд и вижу одно и тоже. ебанатов с парными avatars hdh)) нахуя? сын шлюхи и дочь шалавы пытаются всем способом показать свою 1nterнеt l0vе с помощью аватарок/ников/уничтоженного 2340 чела в лоббаке+ screen который обидел твою няшу. имея айкью 100 на двоих. 5 поs дура смотрит стримеров alohadанс z1taх qsnike) f[-3-1ep rfoeaitwer[ f'a\fq[rqwep qw[ewqp[eqw[][ пытаешься быть не такой как все играешь в доту слушаешь реп про доту смотришь стрим про доту, что бы быть в trenде) и нравиться своему 5800 гуленышу у которого на все вопросы будет ответ чЕл . я ебал твою мать сын шлюхи. ебанутая дура пьет енергетики делает фоточку в инстаграм ведь так модно, еще можно цепи на фоточку прихуярить статус br0ken empty t1reD хуйнуть типо тебе хуево, ждать сообщения после каточки на 5 тыщ рейта своего любимого психокида. а ему то что, сидит ебанат пишет транслитом ved' tak ya viglyaju so 0r1ginal +c00l @$(3S G: играет по 15игр в день без импрува пожирая дерьмище в каждой игре, слушая плейл1ст dead inside / dead g@ng / zxcqwe радуется 6/7 тыщам в игре в которой у него нет будущего, для чего долбаеб? и ведь таких ебанатов не мало, их дохуища... ?// ZXJCJCCJJD ZXC ZXCC Z CCX LOBBY K1NG GGO4OOOGLSL; D;12;D; L GH0UL SLAYER K RFKSKFAL FL13 P2P LASDF AF..F.31,,. wanna die wanna die wanna die wanna die wanna die wanna diewanna die/ / ./; ; ['3[3[






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And thats why most of server fails , dont you think ? Now is normal that server dies in 2 -3 months , rates are "high" so experienced players take advantage of that and donations make his thing .


Now , in a PVP server like GVE you cant put C grades vs A full grade ones and now some S grade because have no sense and people get tilted , plus lag , plus bugs.


At this way this dont gonna long for too much .


If you put a C grade vs a B grade , is not so much the diference . Need to have so balance . with 3000 M.atack 1050 Armor.resi you cant do anything vs main gladi full A +8 weap with lvl12 rune with Aug . The donators dont care if the gear says S or B , they want to be an extra reward for his donate .


Is not only the gear , the pvp places are wrong too. I dont get fun runing in valley of saints , geting buged by the mountains and doing hit and run with the enemy team totally sheltered under the flag meanwhile the archer guards hold your back because we are a lot vs 10 blue of the blue team . Areas need to have an XX/XX amount of players . Their are all stacked in 5 maps , 700/700 is a complete mess , with no GEAR RESTRICTION . You can fight vs your equals until 71 jaja , then you are in the jungle .

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  • 3 недели спустя...

who the fk cares.

u can't balance ppl with 70hours ingame 1st week and 3hour per day. literally nothing to talk about. ppl use a lot of their own time to get items, topgrade stuff etc. and u want to be the same value with poor time/donation? it's not x100009999 full altb shop server, it's pvp oriented semicraft/farm server, where u need to fight for ur fraction to get extras.

This guy is a fuktard. All his reply's show how blind he is, can't see things in big picture.. He just think "i can farm all day, fuck whoever cannot".

Coco is 100% right, as i said the same thing on my other topic.

W/e server failed and closed.

There is no meaning on have features allowing an 24/7 clan to control a server, is retarded, pvp server is literally to login, go to an area and have fun, even more when we talk about a faction server.

Kisses and hugs

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