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is it possible to change time buff Song&Dance from 2 minutes to 5 minutes or 10 minutes ?? this will make the game a little easier


In one hand we understand that increasing songs and dances duration could make the game much easier but in the other hand this might affect a lot of game aspects and might have negative effect.

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if they want it to be easier, they only have to increase the "rates", but to modify skills of the professions, it is to harm professions and of the game, it is like placing posions of "MP", this what will do is to harm the "Elder".


P.D: you can increase the duration of the songs and dances if you enchantas in time PersikWilyPersikScare

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In one hand we understand that increasing songs and dances duration could make the game much easier but in the other hand this might affect a lot of game aspects and might have negative effect.

i think it would be great addition to increase s/d to 5min it would helps tons solo players, also maybe thats not the right topic but it would be also nice to put song/dance to NPC buff with half effect after all your looking for an easier pvp server

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guys, you can do pvp without d / s, if you want d / s in pvp or place it in dual box, or look for one that uses it, people who ask for d / s with more time, is very ill used to not know what it is to play l2, enjoy doing pvp with your profession in a retail way,


play pure "server fruits" that totally unbalance lineage 2 and its professions, here you will see bishops who must know how to cure not to spend their MP, you will see professions like elder, sws, bd, sumoner, that if they know how to use it they can kill just like any profession , they have to learn to do pvp with the professions that they have, (that they are not "full buff", it does not mean that they can not do PVP)


what ami if I would like is that the rates were a little higher, but that is the subject of the admin, because as you say the thing is to enjoy and pvp, and those who want to have better items and weapons with more enchand, they can continue farming, but as I said once, everything has to have a balance, and increase the difficulty of success of enchantar, but well that's another topic!


it is preferable to ask for better rates so that it is easier to ask for buff, as in the "fruit servers"


enjoy the juice of LINEAGE 2 !!


because this !!, if it is to play "l2" (it is not GE, but some are Throne II: Gracia-Freya)












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i think it would be great addition to increase s/d to 5min it would helps tons solo players, also maybe thats not the right topic but it would be also nice to put song/dance to NPC buff with half effect after all your looking for an easier pvp server

All the solo players has a good tool for PvE - cyclic macro system. You can make simple macro and you won't have to switch tabs every 2 minutes.

Speaking about buffer and PvP concept i'd say that adding dances and songs into buffer list is too much. PvP server in our imagination is not about constant fight of fully geared characters with full buff. For us PvP is a server where you don't think about grinding 24/7 and always afraid of dying because of losing too much exp. Our concept offers you fixed epic respawns and increased epic bosses levels, the rates also made for quick levelling so any player can join fights.

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All the solo players has a good tool for PvE - cyclic macro system. You can make simple macro and you won't have to switch tabs every 2 minutes.

Speaking about buffer and PvP concept i'd say that adding dances and songs into buffer list is too much. PvP server in our imagination is not about constant fight of fully geared characters with full buff. For us PvP is a server where you don't think about grinding 24/7 and always afraid of dying because of losing too much exp. Our concept offers you fixed epic respawns and increased epic bosses levels, the rates also made for quick levelling so any player can join fights.

Oh now thats a decent answer tho, As you are explaning that the e-global team have a different vision on what a "PVP" server is. Because on a broader meaning this server was not even close to a "PvP focused" server.

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All the solo players has a good tool for PvE - cyclic macro system. You can make simple macro and you won't have to switch tabs every 2 minutes.

Speaking about buffer and PvP concept i'd say that adding dances and songs into buffer list is too much. PvP server in our imagination is not about constant fight of fully geared characters with full buff. For us PvP is a server where you don't think about grinding 24/7 and always afraid of dying because of losing too much exp. Our concept offers you fixed epic respawns and increased epic bosses levels, the rates also made for quick levelling so any player can join fights.

having song/dance to NPC is not about pvp its about not grinding 24/7 lvling up boxes and i even suggested to put half effect of song/dance without 3rd class song/dance so you gonna have a good reason to exp boxes

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having song/dance to NPC is not about pvp its about not grinding 24/7 lvling up boxes and i even suggested to put half effect of song/dance without 3rd class song/dance so you gonna have a good reason to exp boxes

Exactly it is about that !, because they are going to tell me that they ask for dances and songs in the npc, to farm, please... PersikCoffeePersikLike

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having song/dance to NPC is not about pvp its about not grinding 24/7 lvling up boxes and i even suggested to put half effect of song/dance without 3rd class song/dance so you gonna have a good reason to exp boxes


Have to agree, would be nice to have 50% effect d/s at npc, so ppl who wants to go hard having supports will be still a big benefit and casual players would be satisfied as well.

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