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So let's first start with things that supposed to work differently according to patch notes and server details:

  • Stigma on 2hand sword - supposedly not working - but what do you know! it does...
  • Limits on trains with destro - yikes just get any A+ pole with SA and frenzy/guts/zealot whatever just go ham :)
  • Theres probably more but thats off the top of my head



Maybe time to do something with pretty much unbeatable god-tier classes since day1 of stage1? Olympiad is crowded only with Elder or Burning Rage based classes for a reason

  • Trance - literally the deal breaker, not equipping nightmare/IC set almost equals to a lost match, for a skill that has 0 cd, low mp cost and so high base land rate with 15s duration seems like an overkill, OH and you can enchant it! (Even on Zaken pvp few weeks back there were 'funny' situations like 5 archers staying tranced from like one elder yikes)
  • Magical Backfire - completely uncounterable skill, just like trance 0 CD, high land rate and whats more? You can reapply the debuff before it ends so its literally permanent... And to not forget you won't even reflect this with to riposte/mirror since in oly you can just go celestial + backfire + storm and 2x mana burn so even without it you are 0 mana already on a fighter class.
  • Burning Rage - skill that is blocked only on Pal/TK, coincidence that those 2 classes are not even played by anyone? I think not. During one of fights againts crafter in like 20 seconds~ craft was able to deal around 2000-2500~ish damage, but his overall damage was about 7000, seems fair addition from burning rage right?
  • Battle Cry - constant 2 minutes reuse - compared to Battle Roar seems quite unfair as dwarfs can use it multiple times healing themselves for great amount of life and still having burning rage?
  • First class skills - like root abused on first/1.5 stage in both pvp and oly, while right now it might not seem as a deal anymore still the Dryad Root lv9/Stun Shot on daggers were landing even on 70+ chars

Now I do also have concerns for additions like Aegis to DA, considering as the server goes there will be Shield of Revenge making this class literally unkillable by physical skill users even more than it is now without the posisbility to outplay with inflicting solid back-damage. But there will be time to verify that once server hits 3rd stage.


I am not sure if enabling blessed spiritshots and burning rage with FULL effect in olympiad were good decision to be honest. While global PVP seems more or less fair the Oly seems completly forgotten and left out like that. While obviously there are always better and worse oly characters at this point the difference in this server seems far more off than even retail IL and that is still without Major arcana with Essence and PVP bonuses, after that elders will be completely untouchable by anything other than burning rage and other elder.


PS: Maybe PVP damage shirt/belt/something?


PS2: Also would be great to stop giving ppl full noblesse gate passes rewards for not doing anything - just setting limit of 9 fights to receive anything from olympiad manager would be great addition to make people move oly a bit.

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Haven't time for better answer right now, but try to make it fast:


  • Stigma - becouce destroyers so strong (and ttf blunts)
  • Debuffs fixes with 76+ level (passive mental)
  • Burning Rage - need a fix, +++; but if I try to find a plus in the minus, it enlivens Olympus and local battles in locations, making the "dead" classes combat-ready, and even too much so.

In any case, I like to watch updates on this custom server, it is much more versatile and therefore-alive than I am used to :D

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The problem is STIGMA does work on swords, I wouldn't post it if it would work as announced and no - the debuffs does not fix itself with Wisdom or Arcane protection buff as you will look any bishop vs bishop fight is trance war and who get its off first. It is better post 76 but if you add trance+++ enchant it goes both ways.


And with burning rage it is currently the only way to stop elders, and all the classes without it are not going olymp. Right now almost all the classes have not nearly enough damage to break through EE/BP and that is before insane resistances major arcana will give. And this is still including that they have max 20 seconds to win because they are 0 mana after 3 burns (or 4 with tateo+6 or 1 with crit).


And one of the things that would ultimately make olymp more lively without the 90% of classes being elder/rage is just removing the FREE noblesse gate passes you receive when you are not participating, you can agree on that right?

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1) Olymp is not crowded with elders, there is only one EE currently... but there are a lot of bishops. Till I get my PoW, MBF and Celestial results in pretty much any high lvl bishop winning over me, cuz I am bad in this game . . .

2) If you want to win any class as any class you need couple of sets and weapons, that's quite standard for active olymp. So just craft NM/IC for Trance? Ofc there are classes who farm olymp better then others, that is how it always worked. And as Mr Dominator mentioned -




About low lvl debuffs . . . You always can be lucky enough to land any skill, even poison lvl 1.


...btw I can't trance tank in NM/IC, but he fucks me with stun with MJ/MA + Zaken + Resist Shock from first hit. Where is justice in that?

3) Pal/TK did not get Burning Rage because they have healing skills. Why crafter with Battle Cry got it, I don't know. Seem like admins have complete brain damage as they added this skill into the game. Now they can't be stopped in their creativity, so they got this new update with resists.

4) Tanks were always great oly farmers. Custom settings on this server made them even more imba. Noone will kill 79 tank when 3rd stage hits. Did I already mention the brain damage?


PS: Maybe PVP damage shirt/belt/something?



You better not ask for belts though, they will make it "pay to win", like boxes with badges on gracia autumn servers.

PS2: Also would be great to stop giving ppl full noblesse gate passes rewards for not doing anything - just setting limit of 9 fights to receive anything from olympiad manager would be great addition to make people move oly a bit.

What did you mean? It already works like that, 9 fight + 1 win and you can take any reward assuming you have enough ngp. And if you mean that randoms would get more ngp then fuck it, I am working hard for my hero and for my points. It would be not fair some random to take same amount of reward as I do.

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Ahh I forgot the most important one, if you want admins to even read your message, you need to state that you are from L2team or OldSchool. They listen to cries and whines only from those clans.

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1) Olymp is not crowded with elders, there is only one EE currently... but there are a lot of bishops. Till I get my PoW, MBF and Celestial results in pretty much any high lvl bishop winning over me, cuz I am bad in this game . . .

Bishop are the deal breaker right now, nobody can (or even should) be able to win vs a bishop in that stage at that moment, while EE gets the chance to win at 78 with crits and block ww, other mana reliant class will not get better, celestial + free 1-2 burns (depending on location) + permanent backfire + block ww eventually if he manages to be in enough range during cele (againts melee char? not a suprise he will), ofc you can be god-tier player and average bishop will still win - amazing)

2) If you want to win any class as any class you need couple of sets and weapons, that's quite standard for active olymp. So just craft NM/IC for Trance? Ofc there are classes who farm olymp better then others, that is how it always worked. And as Mr Dominator mentioned -


[ATTACH type=full" alt="126967]126967[/ATTACH]


About low lvl debuffs . . . You always can be lucky enough to land any skill, even poison lvl 1.

As far as I watch bishop vs bishop olympiad (because there is only bishops fighting right?, easy fight to spot), no matter there are 76+ already its only trance spam so yeah

...btw I can't trance tank in NM/IC, but he fucks me with stun with MJ/MA + Zaken + Resist Shock from first hit. Where is justice in that?

I do think there is something iffy with Tanks as they are resilient to anything way more than any other class, not to mention arrest is physical that goes through qa/baium and other resists and stun shield is highest base landrate stun in the game - thanks god that why they got burning rage :D

3) Pal/TK did not get Burning Rage because they have healing skills. Why crafter with Battle Cry got it, I don't know. Seem like admins have complete brain damage as they added this skill into the game. Now they can't be stopped in their creativity, so they got this new update with resists.

4) Tanks were always great oly farmers. Custom settings on this server made them even more imba. Noone will kill 79 tank when 3rd stage hits. Did I already mention the brain damage?

what a wise words - cant add anything


What did you mean? It already works like that, 9 fight + 1 win and you can take any reward assuming you have enough ngp. And if you mean that randoms would get more ngp then fuck it, I am working hard for my hero and for my points. It would be not fair some random to take same amount of reward as I do.

As it is right now, you DO NOT need to go olymp to pick 30000 gate passes every period - you just need to be 64lv+ and afk, just log char once every 2 weeks for free +30k - that is what i mean. FIX THIS FFS.


And dunno if you payed attention yesterday olymp, but OL's can just go into the open pop soul guard and drain your ass to the ground because why not - they have full mana restore on start (got condition yay!) and with blessed spiritshots they deal way more damage than you can sustain and they heal themselves - seems also skillfull display of class mechanics ain't it? And a lot of OL's are not even in MA set yet. And they lose only to bishops, guess the bishops on this server must be the best players in the world seeing they win everything :D


To be honest, if blessed spiritshots would work only on real nukers and mby summoners, and burning rage had like half power in olymp (or something idk) all the fights would start to be more tricky and skillfull because all this elders/ol's have tools to survive and to outplay which they do not need to use at this point (unless againts each other).


I am getting really tired of olymp and i hoped for having more skill-based fights on this rework server. 3 burns to eliminate melee class mana seems fair af.

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As it is right now, you DO NOT need to go olymp to pick 30000 gate passes every period - you just need to be 64lv+ and afk, just log char once every 2 weeks for free +30k - that is what i mean. FIX THIS FFS.

wtf really? If you think it is a bug, better to make a ticket about this from you personal cabinet.

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Not pushing but free oly passes? kind of retarded

Can't agree more about blackfire/trance, would be nice to get some statement from gms abut future balance. Unless topic must be in ru to get some answer or at least consider it.

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