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Still awaiting that update for Eltas......or just any GM interaction for that matter

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I think they just banned his char "Eltas"

not hwid ban.... his new char is Elzzz

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This post was made more for the lack on communication from the GM's. E-Global is a project that has taken pride on being able to stop bots from happening. The Eltas event has now shown that is no longer the case. Looking to get any kind of GM response on how they are going to move forward to prevent more incidents would be nice.

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I think they just banned his char "Eltas"

not hwid ban.... his new char is Elzzz


И что теперь ни одному челу нельзя играть в их паке за биша? Что за бред?

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This post was made more for the lack on communication from the GM's. E-Global is a project that has taken pride on being able to stop bots from happening. The Eltas event has now shown that is no longer the case. Looking to get any kind of GM response on how they are going to move forward to prevent more incidents would be nice.

Character Eltas in permoban, we lost our 77/75/70/60 Cardinal-Nobles-Hero, what we making 3 mounth from 30+ members for 4 days with soft on this character from 1 member.

Strong lesson, I think :)

What you need else? :D

Изменено пользователем TheDominator

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Character Eltas in permoban, we lost our 77/75/70/60 Cardinal-Nobles-Hero, what we making 3 mounth from 30+ members for 4 days with soft on this character from 1 member.

Strong lesson, I think :)

What you need else? :D

Character Eltas in permoban, we lost our 77/75/70/60 Cardinal-Nobles-Hero, that we were making during 3 months with 30+ members, because of 4 days of soft using on this character with 1 member.

Harsh lesson, I think :)

What you need else? :D


PS: без обид но твоя версия может быть очень непонятна для англоговорящих=)

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Hello to everyone,


First of all I want to mention, that character Eltas has been ban permanently (he has never leaved the prison).

Second of all I want to make a clarification on character ban \ person ban (aka hwid ban). As we are trying to make our server a better place for you, we have announced some changes into our rules (year+ ago). The main thing is that we are not going to make any excuses to boters or rmt traders.

If you want to make some earning - visit your CP and start trading on our market. If you want to bot - sorry, that is not going to happen: any character (I want to make a point on that) that has been caught by GM\Bothunters mostly or sometimes by video evidence from the players going to be banned permanently. Why by GMs mostly? Few reasons:

  • We have a professional team of supports-bothunters which are monitoring the game world almost constantly;
  • We have our protection system, that prevent the working of almost any 3rd party software;
  • We have a system of control which is not even required to logging into the game to find violators (both rmt and bot);
  • Our support has a qualification of recognizing a bot (because sometimes its not that obvious);
  • Sometimes players from different wartags are using reports to "win", which is ruining the server for lots of players, which are not using any programs and simply not deserve that.

And the last but not least: why person has not been banned?

We are not blocking hwid starting from 1st violation of the rules. We considering 1st one as a miss step, which should be punished, but can be forgiven (such as ban of the character, but not hwid). However there are some exceptions. For example if there was not 1 character using bot, but huge bot-farm of 10+ characters - ban will be permanent including hwid. Some persons are not interested in playing Lineage 2, so we are not interested in them as well.


Regarding the bot program itself.

Everyone knows, that E-Global is a place, where you can expect, that bot will not work. At least much longer then on other servers (and when I said "much", I mean it).

At this moment server is almost 3 month and obviously that bot developers are constantly looking for a way to deal with the protection system. Once thay did - we can only rely on few things:

  • Injection of the bot into the game was something that works for 1 player and other players did not have same way to avoid protection;
  • Update of the protection system;
  • Players will not violate the rules, because it simply ruin the game for everyone;
  • Bans for everyone who will think, that he is better then the others.

Anyway I hope that I have clarified some things and now it makes more sens for you.

We are always working to make your game experience at E-Global the best comparing not just with other Lineage 2 projects, but with other games.

Hope you having a great time here.



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