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KKK Getting more toons powerleveled, at what point is it enough :[

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What ever happend to just playing the fucking game? KKK wants to gripe about having someone to fight and yet they choose to bot and pay to power level to increase the gap more and more. Games are ment to be PLAYED. But fuck it I guess. You lads do you. INB4 "why you crying" or "mad cause bad" or whatever other bull you want to say. This post is just pretty much a rant stemming from missing the days when people actually played their characters and the game. The good old days of C4 till Interlude retail. Now it's just a bunch of adrenaline botting scrubs and drivers keeping toons on 24/7. Maybe this great game really is dead because this community has lost focus on what it means to be a game. /rantoff



And yea Mflur, your bois are getting powerleveled just as I am sure that toon you are on was for you. Although I joined the server to late to be fully sure of that fact to be fair.

Изменено пользователем FeelTheSwift
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Let me just box my 9 man archer party while i'm alone online in my group and single target mobs in Wall of Argos.


Nice and efficient....


Did you level up your dagger by single target in catacomb like the good old days?


Fucking dunk ass mong

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There is a difference between actually being at your comp and playing the game vs just logging on and being 8 levels higher. I've not once afk'd leveled this sever. Like I said in the INb4's tho *shrug*

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Это что, боттинг?? Это нормальный кач с оконным саппортом. Возражаю против недовольства. Делаю тоже самое и всем рекомендую

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Это что, боттинг?? Это нормальный кач с оконным саппортом. Возражаю против недовольства. Делаю тоже самое и всем рекомендую

Прямо тебе сюда выложат пруфы :DDD Конечно тебе сюда любую постанову покажут :D Наивность.

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Idiot ````````````````````````````````````````

hahaha idiot killed boxes afk and writing stupid things))))))))


What ever happend to just playing the fucking game? KKK wants to gripe about having someone to fight and yet they choose to bot and pay to power level to increase the gap more and more. Games are ment to be PLAYED. But fuck it I guess. You lads do you. INB4 "why you crying" or "mad cause bad" or whatever other bull you want to say. This post is just pretty much a rant stemming from missing the days when people actually played their characters and the game. The good old days of C4 till Interlude retail. Now it's just a bunch of adrenaline botting scrubs and drivers keeping toons on 24/7. Maybe this great game really is dead because this community has lost focus on what it means to be a game. /rantoff

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And yea Mflur, your bois are getting powerleveled just as I am sure that toon you are on was for you. Although I joined the server to late to be fully sure of that fact to be fair.

HAHAHA IDIot killed boxes afk that i was just uping after death and writing stupid things go to bed boy you so mean)

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they dont bot (minus Eltas incident), they just put in alot more hours than other allies...


Others just too casual and don't want to put in the time. They unintentionally killing the server, but who am I to tell them how to play :)


Just the way it goes sometimes. You will always have the dedicated hardcore players on every server. Just so happens KKK has a ton compared to OS or L2team (rip m8)

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так, що коли дадуть бан ?

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