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KKK Getting more toons powerleveled, at what point is it enough :[

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Once again most people posting in here fail to understand the point of the post. This post was made to highlight the fact that it is sad that L2 is no longer a game of you playing your own character and PLAYING THE GAME. It is now a hyper CP f.u.c.k fest where all that happens is 2 to 4 people end up boxxing a 9 man group. Its stops becoming a game at that point. The CP system, although effective, killed this game many years ago; and I feel as if everyone knows this is true. Yet because 1 group or clan does it on a server, everyone else either has to in do the same in order to compete or find themselves non-factors. It's not even a game at that point.

Изменено пользователем FeelTheSwift
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Once again most people posting in here fail to understand the point of the post. This post was made to highlight the fact that it is sad that L2 is no longer a game of you playing your own character and PLAYING THE GAME. It is now a hyper CP f.u.c.k fest where all that happens is 2 to 4 people end up boxxing a 9 man group. Its stops becoming a game at that point. The CP system, although effective, killed this game many years ago; and I feel as if everyone knows this is true. Yet because 1 group or clan does it on a server, everyone else either has to in do the same in order to compete or find themselves non-factors. It's not even a game at that point.

Go play WOW

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Once again most people posting in here fail to understand the point of the post. This post was made to highlight the fact that it is sad that L2 is no longer a game of you playing your own character and PLAYING THE GAME. It is now a hyper CP f.u.c.k fest where all that happens is 2 to 4 people end up boxxing a 9 man group. Its stops becoming a game at that point. The CP system, although effective, killed this game many years ago; and I feel as if everyone knows this is true. Yet because 1 group or clan does it on a server, everyone else either has to in do the same in order to compete or find themselves non-factors. It's not even a game at that point.

I bet many experienced those nostalgic feelings.

Year 2007. I member exping my 54 lvl SH with self buffs and I was happy only at times when my bro who was 70 EE came to buff me :D Bunch of randoms grouping up to make clan - there were applications on clan forums and probation periods... noone played as const parties. The thing also is people did not know the game like they do now. It does not necessarily mean they played it wrong or right, just differently. Only you choose whether you adapt your playstyle or not. L2 changed way too long time ago. There is absolutely no point to wine about that in 2k20. Plus couple of thoughts:

- I dont agree cp system killed the game. It is mmo after all, communication is a a key in multiplayer games.

- Even now there are solo players who play in their own pace. I manage to hit 40 pk score the other day fighting over 55-60 lvl cata. Guys just hit mobs after work and feel completely fine about themselves.

- If you dont want to be a "non-factor", you should put some efforts in it, cooperate with people.

it's just a bunch of adrenaline botting scrubs and drivers keeping toons on 24/7

you see your original post had quite a different mood, do not make stupid accusations only cuz you pissed off

Изменено пользователем kso_
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- If you dont want to be a "non-factor", you should put some efforts in it, cooperate with people.

you see your original post had quite a different mood, do not make stupid accusations only cuz you pissed off


I've been in plenty of clans and on plenty of severs all the while not being a non-factor, doesn't mean I can't express my opnion on why the game sucks now. Some of you might know me as YoungNastyMan from Genocide. Literally everyday I find KKK powerleveling 2-3 afk toons in trains. It would be different if it was a clan trying to play catch up, but when you are the top clan on the sever AND complaining you have no one to fight while you powerlevel more toons it's kinda ass-backwards.


- I dont agree cp system killed the game. It is mmo after all, communication is a a key in multiplayer games.


There is a difference between communication and having toons online 24/7......

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Once again most people posting in here fail to understand the point of the post. This post was made to highlight the fact that it is sad that L2 is no longer a game of you playing your own character and PLAYING THE GAME. It is now a hyper CP f.u.c.k fest where all that happens is 2 to 4 people end up boxxing a 9 man group. Its stops becoming a game at that point. The CP system, although effective, killed this game many years ago; and I feel as if everyone knows this is true. Yet because 1 group or clan does it on a server, everyone else either has to in do the same in order to compete or find themselves non-factors. It's not even a game at that point.

Disagree abot l2 - CP game. Alot of clans looks on trends to create cp system inside,were CL know PArty Leaders and dont feel need to know players inside. Ussualy it fail in long term, when player feel himself part of party but not part of clan. But i find good clan ? 2 years ago which appriciate old fashion and mix it with cp system, so inside were solo players and CP's. And u as solo could help in clan event's on your char or drive some needed prof on fights.

Just ceep looking, i know alot english speeking players who have 1-2 char, no need to box 6-9 char's.

There some independed proff: summoners, wc, ol,bd,sws,pp,ee,se- who can play effective solo, and can ez find random pt for exp.

Tk,sk,da,pal,tyr,destr,spoil,craft eaven aw,pw,th - who can play with 1 box

For example, DA "Shubaru" who gather ppl to Raid boss 2 E-glob GF serv and was Hero mostly all time in top equip.

Spoil "grbIra" who Enchant equip so hard so has more Adena himself compere to some Clan's money.

Craft " i forgot his name" who spend mostly all time in giran and play in Economy so good, so he sponsored his frieds/pt to top equip.become hero because of that, and had shiny +9 basalt ( couse it glows beautiful)


Evrybody looking for his fun in this old game

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For sure everyone has their own way of having fun in the game and they are entitled to it. My only point is that back in the day (c3-interlude), the top end of servers consisted of clans of people who would play together as a clan, and form grps as people were online. Nowaday its this isolation of CP's that act as self-serving entities of their own, as if they are mini 9 man clans. Its a boring way to play the game. If only 4 of the party are online, they would rather box the rest of their grp then actually look for a live player playing as one of the classes they need to go exp or pvp. This thread wasn't directed at what classes can or can't do things solo in the game, but more of how the culture of trying to be the best forces a system of play that isn't condusive to a social game anymore.

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For sure everyone has their own way of having fun in the game and they are entitled to it. My only point is that back in the day (c3-interlude), the top end of servers consisted of clans of people who would play together as a clan, and form grps as people were online. Nowaday its this isolation of CP's that act as self-serving entities of their own, as if they are mini 9 man clans. Its a boring way to play the game. If only 4 of the party are online, they would rather box the rest of their grp then actually look for a live player playing as one of the classes they need to go exp or pvp. This thread wasn't directed at what classes can or can't do things solo in the game, but more of how the culture of trying to be the best forces a system of play that isn't condusive to a social game anymore.

I feel your pain bro, but problem is once you know how to do the game right and have at least some ambition, you’re not going back to single box because it’s 10 times less effective than to have all the boxes of your own. Same about cp. Organized party in voice can easily beat 2-3-4-5 unorganized groups without a voice, even with correct setups. And most of the time no cp == no correct setup.

Also consider that at times of IL socialization was a great strength of both l2 and wow. Now players have enough of other places to socialize and you don’t want/need to do it in this game.


and the worst thing about it is the fact that half the game is about buffs. If you don’t have full buff you suck in everything disregarding how well you play. This totally ruins any attempts to play inefficiently while having at least some ambitions. Of course unless you know what you’re doing and experiment intentionally.


But i think what you’re looking for is l2reborn project. 1 box hard restriction. This one is and always was clan/cp oriented, and that’s fair – they’re who feed them most.

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