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9 minutes ago, iSashka said:

Micro chelik, I played for about 7 years on RPG x1, when you still didn't even have a computer, little Greek. 

Ι played in the 1st Eglobal C3 (max lvl 75) (which was a greek server before sold to Russians) x3. Really you want to go down that road? Dont expose yr self more. 

And to make it easy for you. Rulling means Aden, Goddard, Giran and Rune under one ally. Rulling mean to close whole areas, for days. Rulling means to have a heros like below for weeks. If u have rulled a server or played in a server that was rulled you should know that. 


In any case. This Eg was not rulled / owned / taken by anyone. It was a good project with good fights and drivers like you. (picture from 2nd Greek eglobal Interlude around 2006)



Изменено пользователем Default1
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11 minutes ago, iSashka said:

Fucker, when normal clans played on the server, the old school did not even raise the var))))) they were killed in the PC on spots, like garbage. And when the big var was pouring, then they got out of the toilet and began to fight with the l2Timshprot)))))) fucking over RULE)) 0) 00) 0))

ok. Whatever driver. Definitions are definitions. And by definition Noone ruled eg. Rise was not even close to rule. (BTW i was never in OS clan). Check





Изменено пользователем Default1
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36 minutes ago, Default1 said:

Ι played in the 1st Eglobal C3 (max lvl 75) (which was a greek server before sold to Russians) x3. Really you want to go down that road? Dont expose yr self more. 

And to make it easy for you. Rulling means Aden, Goddard, Giran and Rune under one ally. Rulling mean to close whole areas, for days. Rulling means to have a heros like below for weeks. If u have rulled a server or played in a server that was rulled you should know that. 


In any case. This Eg was not rulled / owned / taken by anyone. It was a good project with good fights and drivers like you. (picture from 2nd Greek eglobal Interlude around 2006)



can you post anything other than that single screenshot? or it's the only proof you got that you took over some server 10 years ago with your class mates

vids/stream vods/more screenshots

just curious

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25 minutes ago, Geoteral said:

can you post anything other than that single screenshot? or it's the only proof you got that you took over some server 10 years ago with your class mates

vids/stream vods/more screenshots

just curious

13 years ago  the streams are awful. The digging is very hard. I don't post to prove that i was awesome , but to prove what ruling really means. 

What i can get from back then is the 1st Antharas 

one fight outside goddard (i play my sub there)


And a friends goodbye video (Lilith wasw closed for 2 months like Antharas). The only epic that went 1 time to enemies was Baium. 



Изменено пользователем Default1
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25 minutes ago, iSashka said:

Why did you throw up the picture with the old school then? I say - stupid Greek. 

Because you tard Russian Rise say that they have taken the server . Not OS. If someone from OS says is also tard. I hope that answers your question.  IMO servers with 6-7k people and so many areas can not be ruled/closed. Requires too much manpower and activity at the same time, which can not be made. You close dino , the whole ally comes and opens it. So simple.

Изменено пользователем Default1
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4 minutes ago, iSashka said:

I see, you fool. An alliance comes and ... Farms nothing, because this spot is for 1 party)))))) Rises laugh at the clowns and go to farm another spot until 9 packs out of 10 fucking farm. 

Ok its' now confirmed. You are not able to understand what an example is. Retard to the bone. Thought you had the IQ to understand. My mistake. You don't need a girl. You need doctor. GL HF

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2 hours ago, iSashka said:

Да и глядя на то, как ты жмёшь кнопки, я уверен, что даже когда зайду впервые на ДА, то точно не буду жать кансел пантеры мышкой :pandaredlol: греческий овощ

50 cols on the ground. Fetch driver.

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10 hours ago, iSashka said:

Микро челик, я лет 7 отыграл на рпг х1, когда у тебя ещё компа даже не было, малой грек. 

 Какое напыщенное чувство собственного не достоинства. Называть незнакомых малыми, потому что ты настолько приисполнился в жизни, играя в рпгшное говно целых 7 лет ! 

Социопат на гноме

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14 hours ago, iSashka said:

Ты не прав малой дружок пирожок, я называю малого грека малым, не по причине 7-и лет на рпг. 

Ты так самореализуешься? Как бы не опустился до уровня быдла, чтоб оскорбить, но все равно так мерзко.

Социопат на гноме

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1 hour ago, iSashka said:

Ты - пчела, я - пчеловод

Залетайте на ХФ, заебали.

Вчера райзы не сопротивлялись даже. Приходили сразу со спущенными штанами и разворачивались сракой.
Мы этих интимных подкатов не оценили.


Изменено пользователем RedEyes
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