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LOGIN ISSUES - UPDATER not downloading - FIX

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Since i dont speak any russian, im counting on the english / russian community to translate the following things, for the russians who cant speak/read english.

As many of you have noticed then the UPDATER might not work as intended, it doesnt mean it wouldnt work for some, but for the majority it might cause problems.

If youre having issues like : IT STOPS downloading, and no matter what you do it refuses to start, then this next part is for you.

First of all, you need to follow this STEP  by STEP, do not diviate from the following.

1. Click on your windows button on your keyboard, or on yourscreen. You will now be able to search throughout your pc.

2. Search for the following: Command prompt, right click on it and run as ADMINISTRATOR

3. Copy paste this:   net user administrator /active:yes           and click enter

4. now you must log off, hold down the windows button and the letter L on your keyboard, or simply restart your pc.

5. You can now login to your usual account on your pc or an ADMIN account. You have to pick the admin account. There shouldnt be a pasword, in case there is, its often : admin    (smallcase letters)

6. Once logged in, click on the WINDOWS button or the icon on the screen, and search for THIS PC, and click on it.

7. Under DEVICES and Drivers, Click on the C drive / Windows (c:)
Its in there you have everything on your pc stored, in most cases.

8. Find the folder named : USERS    and click on it.

9. In here you need to locate your usual account, once you found it click on it.

10. Locate the location of your l2 eglobal gamefolder, click on it, in my case its in the DOWLOADED files.

11. Open it and run the UPDATER, it will run a full check, succesfully.

12. You can now either stay on the admin account, or simply LOG off and back into your usual account. If you logged off and picked your usual account, read step 13.

13. if you logged into your usual account, RUN the game from the SYSTEM FOLDER, the l2.exe file, DONT run the updater.
The updater only fuctions on the ADMIN account.
If you need to update the game, simply log back into the admin account and run the updater.

I hope this helps ? - Joen

discord: smitemedaddy#7419

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