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MasterWork II: Skills and Mechanics

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Some of you might ask what inspired us and what we were thinking about when we worked on MasterWork II. I know that you can't wait to scroll down and read about skills, but if your Clan Leader or Party Leader will read this part it will be awesome :)

When we were making concept of MasterWork II we had the one essential idea: there is no need to change every aspect of the game that comes to your mind. Find problems and solutions instead.
In other words, we don't like to make changes just to change something.

Every change we make is either our own idea or your feedback on our updates. Let's take a look at Judicator as an example:
We understood that class was only used as a box character and wasn't really good to be party member or even good for playing solo. First thing that could change that is to allow players to make it main class instead of sub class, which allows to participate in Olympiad and become a hero. But this is not the only thing that we wanted to change. We looked deep into class ability pool and decided what abilities can make that class useful. Did it work out? Hell yeah! Stats say that class became much more relevant. But did it become OP? We don't think so. But it was clearly much stronger than we expected it to be. But honestly it was some kind of our plan. Only if you show something that is OP, it can draw more attention and motivate players to use unpopular classes like Inspector. And after real field tests it became decent main character in players minds.
Then we started working on our MW II project. Do we have to make some changes for this class? Definitely! But we are not going to make a rollback to it's initial form and make it useless again. So we found main issues with the class and made changes that don't make class useless but also make it less powerful. This is how we work with every class that needed changes the most.

Many of you might say that Mages or Gladiators are way too strong and needs nerf. We don't think so.
We are aiming on making outsider classes to become better and compete with the meta, instead of nerfing strong classes.

We used to say meta, but let's find out what meta really means.

Meta is some pool of elements, made by developers, that were not created as the core of gameplay but became it. Acronym META means Most Effective Tactics Available. This is what players used to see in the game: mages farm with Aura Flash, Destroyers smash Raid Bosses, Archers do their long range snipes with assistance. And this is how it was for many years and we don't want to break it.

But here comes the magic word Balance. It is important, but it doesn't work like you used to think.
Balance is a synonym to equality, this way we get into situation where is every class is equal to any other and there is no separation for supports, dealers, healers etc. They just can't be if every class is equal.
Instead of rough balance there is Asymmetric Balance. This is the balance which supposed to make one class better than second but weaker than third. The best example is "rock-paper-scissors" game. Rock beats scissors but loses to paper, scissors beat paper but lose to stone, paper beats stone but loses to scissors. Means that any choice is effective but not equal to other two.

Now let's sum it up. We are not trying to change essential game rules built by players through the years, we want to diversify it. We are not nerfing strong classes, we are making outsiders better and competitive, updating both strong and weak abilities.

Hope this explains some of our thoughts and now you know how we approach game changes.
We are still working on MasterWork and after a year we still going with our ideas.

Our goal is to develop and support the game that will be relevant for you. And this is only starting. Our history and MasterWork development.

We are growing service quality, staff training and recruitment, increasing budgets, developing media and many other aspects. Eleven months we support first MasterWork and advertising more than a year. We are not afraid to take responsibility, find solutions to problems and for us MasterWork is our work that we love. And this is why you are reading this message.

Let's go to skills!



skillraid.png General mechanics & changes:

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All skills work according to final pre-GOD game version High Five. If you didn't find skill or mechanic description, it works according to HF.


  • Learning spacer.png Major Heal: on Interlude Bishop can learn 11 levels of skill, EE can learn only 10 levels. Based on High Five EE can learn 11 levels of this skill and enchant it.
  • Learning spacer.png Child of Shilen: on Interlude Dark Elves mages cannot learn this passive. We didn't say about this passive in particular because on HF you can learn in by default
  • Bonuses spacer.png Heavy Armor Mastery (only bards and tanks) - on Interlude increases P.def, on High Five it also provides 15% resistance to critical damage.
  • And so on. There are hundreds of examples. If you didn't find specific skill, means that work according to High Five.



We also want to point out that we usually make updates and post patch notes. This is chronology of changes, updates and improvements. You can be sure that if something that is listed below won't work as intended, we will fix any issues.

How to leave a feedback:

  • Playing on MasterWork: We created and developing in-game analytics and keeping an eye on every stage in particular. We usually discover problems by looking at data gathered from this system. As a result we are trying to fix the most common problems. More than 40k unique players played on MasterWork 2020 and spent total of 300k hours of total online. More than 1.5 million PvP and more than 15k solved issues in Player Support. More than that, 60 updates with patch notes and 4k technical updates. We are getting better in information gathering and finding issues based on it and solving every single problem.
  • Chatting on forum and our socials: Our goal not only for specific launch but for the project in general is to be interesting for you. We are working on creating entertaining and educational media content to draw more attention and have conversation with you:
  • Contacting support: Player Support is also part of our big team. Doesn't matter if you come with problem, good or bad feedback or just want to give an advice - our support will respond you and find solution for your problem very quick.


spacer.png Elemental/attribute damage mechanics

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Depending on server stage resistances, attribute and surrenders will have different mechanics:

  • skill1043.png Interlude:
    • Mechanics on Interlude: Skills that bound to specific Element, which increase damage of element provide percentage damage bonus:
    • spacer.png Mass\Surrender to Water\Fire\Earth\Wind:
      • -30% element resistance, +5% resistance to opposite element;
      • Remove resistance buff from target.
    • spacer.png Resist Water\Fire\Earth\Wind:
      • Increase resistance to element by +15/23/30%;
      • Decreases resistance to all other elements by -3/5/7%.
    • spacer.png Resist Dark\Holy:
      • Increases resistance to element by +15/23/30%;
      • Decreases resistance to opposite element by -7/11/15%.
  • etc_fire_stone_i00.png Gracia / High Five:
    • Basic mechanics work according to High Five;
    • Damage calculation based on Attribute difference - High Five formula;
    • Attribute Stones can be inserted into Weapons and Armors starting from B-grade:
      • Weapons B-S84 grades - 150 (stones) / 300 (crystals);
      • Armors B and А grades - 30/60; armors starting from S grade and beyond - 60/120;
      • Cloak of any grade - 30/60 attribute.
    • Amount of defensive Attribute that can be added to armor will change with server stages:
      • armor_t90_ul_i00.png Gracia: Full-body armor has 2 slots for defensive Attribute. Other armor pieces can have only 1 defensive attribute at time.
      • armor_t93_uh_i00.png Later Gracia: Full-body armor can have 3 defensive attributes, other armor pieces can have only 2.
      • armor_t96_u_i03.png High Five: All armor pieces can have 3 defensive attributes.
    • Summoned units have 70% of master's attack attribute (High Five).
    • spacer.png Protection of Rune, spacer.png Protection of Alignment, spacer.png Protection of Elemental
      • Now can be learned by character level 79 with completed 3rd class quest.


  • Let's say that skill1230.png Prominence...:
    • ... deals 1000 damage on Interlude stage. If your target has Resist Fire level 3, then Prominence will do 1000x0.7=700 damage. If we use Surrender to Fire on our target, it will remove resistance buff and place debuff at the same time (30% fire damage increase), Prominence will deal 1000x1.3=1300 damage.
    • ... on Gracia / High Five deals 1000 damage.
      • If attribute difference will be from 50 to 149 we will dead 20% more damage =1200;
      • 150..299 - we will deal 40% more damage = 1400;
      • 300 and more - we will deal 70% more damage = 1700.
    • Total amount of attack attribute depends on many factors:
      • Attribute amount in weapon and armor;
      • Basic attribute amount of specific skill;
      • Active and passive effects that increase attribute attack or defense.


spacer.png Clan skills changes

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skill1254.png Alliance members interactions:

  • All positive effects that affect clan members also applied to alliance members (if not clan-specific abilities)
  • Negative effects will not affect alliance members;
  • AoE spells will not deal damage to alliance members.

Skill0378 0.jpg Basic passive clan skills:

  • etc_raid_c_i00.pngetc_raid_b_i00.pngetc_raid_f_i00.png All basic clan skills can be learned with items that dropped from Raid Bosses.
  • Skill0371 0.jpgSkill0370 0.jpgSkill0375 0.jpg All basic clan skills will affect all clan members regardless of their clan rank.

Skill1463.png Passive clan squads skills:

  • New passive clan skills learned every Guard/ knight order.
    You can learn this skills at Grand Magister in Clans section.
  • Skills will require image.php?dm=LRUH.png Proof of Loyalty, and Etc_bloodpledge_point_i00.png CRP to learn:
    • 1st level of any squad: 4 image.php?dm=LRUH.png Proof of Loyalty, and 4.000 Etc_bloodpledge_point_i00.png CRP;
    • 2nd level of any squad: 6 image.php?dm=LRUH.png Proof of Loyalty, and 6.000 Etc_bloodpledge_point_i00.png CRP;
    • 3rd level of any squad: 10 image.php?dm=LRUH.png Proof of Loyalty, and 10.000 Etc_bloodpledge_point_i00.png CRP.
  • Skill1043.png Holy Squad
    • 1st: Increases healing power by 20 (Clan level 6);
    • 2nd: Increases healing power by 20 and Max. MP by 15% (Clan level 7);
    • 3rd: Increases healing power by 20, max. MP by 15% and decreases MP consumption by 5% (Clan level 8).
  • Skill1443.png Dark Squad
    • 1st: Increases M.atk by 15 (Clan level 7);
    • 2nd: Increases M.atk by 30 (Clan level 8);
    • 3rd: Increases M.atk by 50 and magic crit chance by 1% (Clan level 9).
  • Skill1463.png Fire Squad
    • 1st: Increases P.atk by +15 (Clan level 7);
    • 2nd: Increases P.atk by +20 and Critical chance +15 (Clan level 8);
    • 3rd: P.atk +30, Critical power +50 and Critical chance +15 (Clan level 9).
  • Skill1464.png Water Squad
    • 1st: P.def +12 (Clan level 6);
    • 2nd: P.def +20 (Clan level 7);
    • 3rd: P.def +30, shield block chance +6% (Clan level 8).
  • Skill1465.png Wind Squad
    • 1st: Accuracy +2 (Clan level 7);
    • 2nd: Accuracy +2, Evasion +2 (Clan level 8);
    • 3rd: Accuracy +2, Evasion +2, Speed +3 (Clan level 9).
  • Skill1466.png Earth Squad
    • 1st: Increases M.def by 15 (Clan level 6);
    • 2nd: Increases M.def by 25 (Clan level 7);
    • 3rd: Increases M.def by 40 (Clan level 8).


lvl_3.png Clan Unity & Academy Favor

  • In addition to basic clan skills we've added new benefits for clan members .
    • lvl_3.png Clan Unity buff is being automatically applied every 5 minutes to characters who are members of a clan.
    • Conditions and levels:
      • If a clan online is 18-26 characters - Clan Unity 1 lvl
        If a clan online is 36+ characters - Clan Unity 3 lvl
        If a clan online is 27-35 characters - Clan Unity 2 lvl
    • Clan Unity:

      • image.php?di=RQUQ.png Clan Unity 0 lvl - No bonuses;
      • lvl_1.png Clan Unity 1 lvl - EXP/SP bonus +5%. Life/Mana Regeneration +7%. PvE Attack/Defense +2%;
      • lvl_2.png Clan Unity 2 lvl - EXP/SP bonus +7%. Life/Mana Regeneration +10%. PvE Attack/Defense +3%;
      • lvl_3.png Clan Unity 3 lvl - EXP/SP bonus +10%. Life/Mana Regeneration +15%. PvE Attack/Defense +5%.


Additional Information:

  • The buff is automatically applied to all members of the clan every 5 minutes.
  • The duration of the Clan Unity buff is 5 minutes.
  • The buff is applied on all guilds and academies.
  • The buff does not occupy a buff slot.


  • spacer.png Academy Favor - it is a new system that works similarly to Clan Unity with a number of changes..
    • This system will be available few days after launch!

    • All academy members will recieve a buff that increases attack speed, casting speed and move speed.

    • spacer.png Academy Favor (пассивный эффект) :
      • Cast speed + 30%. Attack Speed + 15% (Rhythm of Rage)
      • Speed +20. Max. HP + 30% (Rhythm of Body)
    • Note! While yo are under the effect of Academy Favor, you are immune to the effects of Rhythm of Rage и Rhythm of Body.


spacer.png Clan Leader active skills

  • Active clan skills have been introduced on our server!

    • Can only be used by Clan Leader;
    • Affects clan members in a radius around Clan Leader;
    • Only affects clan members (not alliance members);
    • Does not take buff slots.
  • These skills will work with the consumption of special items that the clan will receive for the release of academicians. In the future, the system for obtaining both Proof of Loyalty and new skills will develop according to your wishes and feedback.
  • In order to get Active Clan Skills, visit the NPC Head of any guild who has the "Clan" line and get a special Brooch (Clan Leader Brooch), which must be worn in a special slot. After the clan leader puts it on, the active clan skills will appear.
  • Note! If you have increased the level of the clan, you must definitely visit the NPC Head of the Guild to get the Brooch of the next level.
  • clan_recall.png Clan Recall - Transfers the clan members surrounding the Clan Leader to the village..
    • Required clan level: 5;
    • Distance: 1500;
    • Cooldown: 20 minutes;
    • Cost: 3 Proof of Loyalty.
  • image.php?di=1PLE.png Clan Rush - All characters who are close to the clan leader receive +40 moving speed for 15 seconds.

    • Required clan level: 6;
    • Distance: 1500;
    • Cooldown: 20 minutes;
    • Cost: 5 Proof of Loyalty.
  • clan_summon.png Clan Summon - Transfers (optional) clan members to the Clan Leader:
    • Required clan level: 6;
    • Affects all clan members (except for academy members) who are not in the battalion commander and confirmed the teleport;
    • Cast time: 10 seconds;
    • Cooldown: 30 minutes;
    • Cost: 5 Proof of Loyalty.
    • Clan member Cost: 3 Summoning Crystal for each clan member.
  • clan_purity.png Clan Purity - Removes all negative effects from surrounding clan members.

    • Required clan level: 7;
    • Distance: 1500;
    • Cooldown: 30 minutes;
    • Cost: 7 Proof of Loyalty.
  • clan_flag.png Clan Flag - Summons a clan flag. All characters and allies near the flag receive increased CP, HP and MP regeneration.

    • Required clan level: 8;;
    • Distance: 600;
    • Cooldown: 60 minutes;
    • Cost: 15 Proof of Loyalty.
    • Parameters:
      • Duration: 10 minutes;
      • HP: 158,000;
      • P. Def.: 753;
      • M.Def: 271.
  • Note! Starting from the second stage, a new Active Clan Skill is added:

  • spacer.png Clan Noblesse - Clan Noblesse - Applies the Noblesse Blessing to all clan members around the clan leader
    • Required clan level: 7;
    • Cooldown: 60 minutes;
    • Cost: 15 Proof of Loyalty.


image.png Archer / Magician / Fighter Will

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  • Skills divided into two levels:
    • Archer_will_book.png First level available for learning for characters level 55 and above:
      • Requires a book that can be obtained from Epic Bosses;
      • Later books will be available as a drop from Raid Bosses and for participation in game events.
    • ultimate_archer_will.png Second level available for learning for characters level 81 and above:
      • Requires a book and passive level 1 learned;
      • To obtain Enchanted Forgotten Scroll you will need to combine two Forgotten Scroll - Archer's\Fighter's\Magician's Will into one at NPC Pona in Giran, Luxury Shop.
  • Stats:
    • archer_will_book.png Archer's Will
      • Speed is increased by 4;
      • When using bow/crossbow increases accuracy by 8 and range by 50;
      • On a regular attack chance to increase critical by 20%.
    • ultimate_archer_will.png Ultimate Archer's Will
      • Speed is increased by 6;
      • When using bow/crossbow increases accuracy by 12 and range by 85;
      • On a regular attack chance to increase critical by 20% with higher chance.
    • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Fighter's Will
      • When using close range weapons increases p.atk by 100 and atk. speed by 10%
      • Chance to increase critical chance and power by 20% on a regular attack.
    • ultimate_fighter_will.png Ultimate Fighter's Will
      • When using close range weapons increases p.atk by 150 and atk. speed by 13.5%;
      • Chance to increase critical chance and power by 20% with higher chance.
    • br_spell_books_magic_i00.png Magician's Will
      • Increases M.atk by 5%, casting speed by 5%, magic critical chance by 5%;
      • Decreases MP consumption by 5%.
    • ultimate_mag_will.png Ultimate Magician's Will
      • Increases M.atk by 7.5%, casting speed by 7.5%, magic critical chance by 7.5%;
      • Decreases MP consumption by 10%.


spacer.png Grand Olympiad

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Dear players!

For the 4th season of the MasterWork server, we are preparing for you a unique update of the Great Olympiad .
Already on OBT you will be able to try such a change as the Bo3 mode (up to two wins), and later a system of Bans and Picks (blocking and selecting) arenas will be added.

A detailed description of this system will appear along with its introduction on the OBT .
Your opinion is very important to us!

In the meantime, you can read about the basic rules of the Olympiad, as well as awards for participation and Hero status.



point.png General information:

  • First Olympiad cycle on MasterWork II:
    • Matches: 02 - 05 December
    • Heroes: 06 - 12 December
  • Olympiad cycles:
    • Olympiad is divided into two weekly cycles:
      • Olympiad matches (with fights, without heroes);
        • From Monday to Wednesday there is no matches;
        • From Thursday to Sunday - 1v1 matches;
        • On Saturday - 3v3 matches.
      • Victory period (heroes without matches).
        • Hero status: Weapon, skills and global chat for 7 days, Heroic glow aura and cloak for 14 days.
  • General rules:
    • You don't need to be Noblesse to participate!
    • Characters level 56 and above can sign for olympiad matches. Minimum level required will be increased on each stage.
    • Starting olympiad points: 30 PTS;
    • Amount of points added per day: +5 PTS;
    • Maximum amount of points for winning a match: 10 PTS.
    • When:
      • 5 hours per day: 18:30 ~ 23:30 server time
    • Four arenas (randomly chosen):
      • Preparation time (before teleportation): 45 seconds;
      • Full CP/HP/MP restoration upon teleportation and 50 seconds before fight;
      • Maximum inventory load: 80%;
      • You can get 5 NPC buffs before fight
      • Olympiad arenas are Instance-zones, maximum arenas ~ 150.
    • How to start:
      • 1v1 Matches: minimum 30 characters in queue;
      • 3v3 Matches: minimum 7 groups.
    • Limits:
      • You can participate up to 100 olympiad matches in total:
        • Up to 100 matches 1v1;
        • Up to 15 matches 3v3.
  • 34 classes contenders for Hero status:
    • Judicator - can become main profession and compete for hero status.
    • Soul Breaker / Soul Hound male and female are two different classes on olympiad.



event_six_party_box_i00.png Participation bonuses:

  • image.png First place in class - Hero (Bonus for 14 days, does not work on olympiad arenas):
    • Maximum CP, HP, MP +10%;
    • All skills MP consumption +5%;
    • 15% discount for all items in olympiad store.
    • cloak_noblesse2_i00.pnghonors_panel.pngHero's Cloak - special cloak for 2 weeks.
  • spacer.png Second and third place in class:
    • Maximum CP, HP, MP +7%;
    • All skills MP consumption +5%;
    • 10% discount for all items in olympiad store.
  • spacer.png 4-6 places in class:
    • Maximum CP, HP, MP +5%;
    • All skills MP consumption +4%;
    • 7% discount for all items in olympiad store.
  • spacer.png 7-10 places in class:
    • Maximum CP, HP, MP +3%;
    • All skills MP consumption +3%;
    • 5% discount for all items in olympiad store..

Etc nobless teleport coupon i00 0.jpg Olympiad currency for participation:

  • During Interlude you will get etc_nobless_teleport_coupon_i00.pngNoblesse Gate Pass for participating, during Gracia / High Five - scroll_of_verification_i00.pngOlympiad Token.
  • Currency will be issued according to rules listed below.
  • Currency for winning in a match:
    • 1v1 - 500 tokens.
    • 3v3 - 1000 tokens.
  • Currency for losing a match:
    • 1v1 - 250 tokens.
    • 3v3 - 250 tokens.
  • Currency for completing daily olympiad achievements:
    • from 150 to 600 per achievement.
  • Currency after Olympiad cycle ends:
    • If you have participated in at least 9 matches with 1 win: 1 point equals 1000 tokens.
    • If you became Hero you will get more than 120.000 tokens.

weapon_the_staff_of_hero_i01.png Hero weapons:

  • The standard Heroic Weapon bonuses are in place; however, less relevant weapons have received tweaks that have been shown to effectively implement their class weapons, not just "spear/staff";
  • In the early stages of the server, all Heroic Weapons are B Grade;
    • P.atk/ M.atk will be changed every stage and will have stats compared to best weapon on current stage.
    • During Interlude hero weapons will provide +20% PvE and PvP damage bonuses. During Gracia/ High Five this bonus will increase up to +70% PvE damage and 40% PvP.
  • 9 physical hero weapons got additional skill1077.png Focus bonus (+78 critical) in addition to basic bonuses.
    • weapon_the_hammer_of_hero_i00.png Infinity Crusher (Two-Handed)
    • weapon_the_dagger_of_hero_i01.png Infinity Stinger (Dagger);
    • weapon_the_sword_of_hero_i01.png Infinity Blade (Sword);
    • weapon_the_axe_of_hero_i01.png Infinity Axe (Blunt);
    • weapon_the_bow_of_hero_i01.png Infinity Bow (Bow);
    • weapon_the_fist_of_hero_i01.png Infinity Fang (Fists);
    • weapon_infinity_sword_i00.png Infinity Sword (Ancient Blade);
    • weapon_infinity_shooter_i00.png Infinity Shooter (Crossbow);
    • weapon_infinity_rapier_i00.png Infinity Rapier (Rapier).


skill0395.png Hero Abilities:

  • Abilities list and their stats will change on every stage:
    • Interlude:
      • spacer.png Heroic Miracle
        • P.def +2250, M.def + 1575, de-buff resistance +80, Speed +5. Duration: 30 sec.
        • P.def/m.def will be increased on every stage up to 5400 and 4050 on Gracia.
      • spacer.png Heroic Berserker

        • Increases Accuracy by 8, P.atk by 500, M.atk by 500, Atk. speed by 100, Speed by 20, debuff resistance by 80, healing power by 100% and provides complete debuff resistance. Decreases p.def by 25%, m.def by 25%, evasion 8. Duration: 2 min.
      • skill1374.png Heroic Valor
        • Increases p.def/m.def by 7%, resistance to buff-cancelling attacks by 40. Duration: 2 min.
        • P.def/m.def will be increased on every stage up to 15% on Gracia.
        • Now also affects party members and alliance members.
    • Gracia / High Five:
      • + skill1375.png Heroic Grandeur:
        • Blocks ability to use any skills.
        • Effect duration reduced to 20 seconds (from 60);
        • Shared cooldown with skill1376.png Heroic Dread;
        • Cannot be removed with skill1409.png Cleanse.
      • + skill1376.png Heroic Dread:
        • Effect duration reduced to 15 seconds (from 30);
        • Shared cooldown with skill1375.png Heroic Grandeur;
        • Cannot be removed with skill1409.png Cleanse.



Skill1418.png Subclass

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Subclass quest was changed:

  • To get quest for Sub Class, you need to reach level 52;
  • To get your subclass you need to complete reworked image.php?di=JLV1.jpg Fate's Whisper quest;
  • You can acquire quest at Maestro Reorin, north-east near Town of Oren;
  • Instead of killing Cabrio you will need to kill Ghost Knight Kabed (level 55), in the The Cemetery;
  • Instead of Tower of Insolence bosses you will need to kill Barion, Karte, Verfa. Their levels was changed to 52, 55 and 58-го;
  • After killing all this bosses you will need to bring scepters to Reorin, then hunt Vanor Silenos in Plains of Glory, until you collect 100 Silenos Shards;
  • Next you can use standart exchanger:
    • image.php?di=A0P2.jpg Top-B gr. weapon (without B crystals), trade for image.php?di=76W3.jpg Low-A. gr weapon.
  • Or alternate way:
    • image.php?di=TVWG.jpg 984 B-gr. Gemstones, to complete quest without weapon.

General info:

  • First subclass is available upon completing quest, second and third are available upon reaching subclass level 60.
  • Same XP rates are applied to subclasses.
  • Kamael race follows the same rules in subclass quest.
  • Later server stages:
    • Raid Bosses levels will be increased.
    • Level 52 required for subclass quest will not be changed.

Currently in development:

  • Any subclass can become your main class.
  • Removed subclass restrictions based on race or class. Kamael race will have restrictions.


Added new subclass passive skills:

  • Sub Class 50 level: gain skills to increase your basic abilities;
  • Sub Class 55 level: gain skills to increase your basic abilities;
  • Sub Class 60 level: gain skills to increase your basic abilities;
  • Sub Class 65 level: gain skills to increase your basic abilities;
  • Sub Class 70 level: gain skills to increase your basic abilities;
  • Sub Class 75 level: gain skills to increase your basic abilities and special skill regardless on what Sub Class that you have;
  • Sub Class 80 level: gain skills to increase your basic abilities and special skill regardless on what Sub Class that you have.

Starting from level 50 for each 5 levels on all three available subclasses your character will get certificate: image.php?di=O0WZ.png Certificate - Emergent Ability. You can get total of 21 certificates at levels 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 on each subclass.
This certificates are used to learn Subclass abilities. There are 7 different passive skills, each skill has 3 levels:

Skills can be learned on your main class at NPC Avant-Garde on second Ivory Tower floor, but this skills work for both main and subclass of your character.
More about skills and bonuses:

Skill Бонус Level One Level Two Level Three
poatk.png Physical Attack Increases P.Atk +18 +36 +63
matk.png Magical Attack increases M.Atk +12 +24 +42
pdef.png Physical Defence Increases P. Def. Heavy: +18
Robe: +9
Heavy: +36
Light: +26
Robe: +18
Heavy: +63
Light: +46
Robe: +32
mdef.png Magical Defence Increases M.Def +15 +30 +53
cast.png Casting Speed Increases Casting Speed +8 +16 +28
focus.png Physical Critical Rate Increases Critical Rate +7 +14 +25
ww.png Movement Speed Increases Movement Speed +1 +2 +4


Master Certificatoin:

At level 75, besides Certificate - Emergent Ability book, you will also receive image.php?di=JW6G.png Certificate - Master Ability, which will allow you to receive a special skills, regardless on what Sub Class do you have.

List of the skills:
Skill0211_0_panel_2.jpg Boost HP - Increases max. HP (+295 HP);
Skill0213_0_panel_2.jpg Boost Mana - Increases max. MP (+148 MP);
Boost HP\MP - Increases Max HP +148 and MP +74 (+3-4%);
Skill1087_0_panel_2.jpg Evasion - Increases Evasion +4;
Skill0113_0_panel_2.jpg Long Shot -Increases the bow's range by 100 (+50 arbalet range);
Skill0285_0_panel_2.jpg Mana Gain - Increases the recovery rate of MP +20 during recharge;
Skill0229_0_panel_2.jpg Mana Recovery - Increases speed of MP recovery by +10%;
Skill1307_0_panel_2.jpg Prayer - Increases effect of receiving HP recovery magic by +10%;
Skill0287_0_panel_2.jpg Resist Trait - Increases the tolerance to paralysis/hold/sleep/shock/buff cancel attack;
Skill1086_0_panel_2.jpg Haste - Increase Atk. Spd. while attacking by +32% for 15 sec;
Skill0110_0_panel_2.jpg Defence - Increases +24% P. Def. / M.Def by 15 sec;
Skill1077_0_panel_2.jpg Critical Chance - Increase Critical Rate by +30% Crit. Rate for 15 sec;
Skill1398_0_panel_2.jpg Mana Steal - Recover 10 MP while attacking;
Skill1418_0_panel_2.jpg Barrier - Has a chance to grant invincibility while being attacked for 5 sec. You will not be affected by any de-buffs, damage or even positive buff effect. If you will make any action (even damage) - barrier will bot be removed (comparing to other skills);
Skill0440_0_panel_2.jpg Boost CP - Increases max. CP (+739 CP);
Skill0146_0_panel_2.jpg Anti-magic - Increases probability of resisting damage magic by +5%;
Skill1353_0_panel_2.jpg Divine Protection - Increases resistance to darkness/divinity attribute attacks (+5 Holy, +5 Dark);
Skill0232-0-panel-2.jpg Resist Critical - Increased resistance to critical damage (5%);
Skill0433_0_panel_2.jpg Resist Attribute - Increases the tolerance to elemental attacks (+5 to each attribute);
Skill1011_0_panel_2.jpg Heal - Has a chance to recover HP with power 150 while being attacked;
Skill1349_0_panel_2.jpg Spirit - Has a chance to receive buff, that will increases +8% to M.Atk, Cast.Spd, P.atk, Atk.Spd.



Transformation Certificatiоn:

When your Sub-class reaches level 80, you receives image.php?di=7AQQ.png Certificate - Transform Ability regardless on what class do you have.

  • You do not need a transformation quest (More Than Meets the Eye) to get a transformation.

Transformation list:

Skilltransform1.png Transform Divine Warrior

Скрытый текст

Basic Parameters:

STR 40 DEX 30 CON 43
INT 21 WIT 11 MEN 25


  • Attacks your enemy with huge force, critical hit is possible, power 2904;
  • Attacks your enemy from a distance, a critical hit is possible, power 2323 (Аналог Sonic Blaster);
  • Attacks nearby enemies, ignores shield defense, critical hit is possible, power2323;
  • For a short period, significantly increases its own P.Atk, effect 2 (War Cry);
  • Poisons the enemy, power 1689, effect3;
  • Sacrifices yourself to increase your party members P.Atk, condition: HP<30% (Party War Cry).

Skilltransform1.png Transform Divine Knight

Скрытый текст

Basic Parameters:

STR 40 DEX 30 CON 43
INT 21 WIT 11 MEN 25


  • Hate, power 6752;
  • Hate Aura, power 6752;
  • Attacks enemy with a charge, stuns him. Overhit is possible, power 1162 (rush + stun);
  • Attacks nearby enemies, stunning them, ignores shield defense, overhit is possible, power 775 (AoE stun);
  • Significantly increases your own P. Def., M.Def and resistance to removing buffs; you can not move during this effect, effect 2 (UD);
  • Throws an ax, attacking all enemies in front, power 2322;
  • Sacrifices yourself to increase your party members P. Def. and M.Def, condition: HP<30% (Party UD).

Skilltransform1.png Transform Divine Rogue

Скрытый текст

Basic Parameters:

STR 40 DEX 30 CON 43
INT 21 WIT 11 MEN 25



  • Hate, power 6752;
  • Hate Aura, power 6752;
  • Attacks enemy with a charge, stuns him. Overhit is possible, power 1162 (rush + stun);
  • Attacks nearby enemies, stunning them, ignores shield defense, overhit is possible, power 775 (AoE stun);
  • Significantly increases your own P. Def., M.Def and resistance to removing buffs; you can not move during this effect, effect 2 (UD);
  • Throws an ax, attacking all enemies in front, power 2322;
  • Sacrifices yourself to increase your party members P. Def. and M.Def, condition: HP<30% (Party UD).

Skilltransform1.png Transform Divine Wizard

Скрытый текст

Basic Parameters:

STR 22 DEX 21 CON 27
INT 41 WIT 20 MEN 39



  • Hate, power 6752;
  • Hate Aura, power 6752;
  • Attacks enemy with a charge, stuns him. Overhit is possible, power 1162 (rush + stun);
  • Attacks nearby enemies, stunning them, ignores shield defense, overhit is possible, power 775 (AoE stun);
  • Significantly increases your own P. Def., M.Def and resistance to removing buffs; you can not move during this effect, effect 2 (UD);
  • Throws an ax, attacking all enemies in front, power 2322;
  • Sacrifices yourself to increase your party members P. Def. and M.Def, condition: HP<30% (Party UD).

Skilltransform1.png Transform Divine Summoner

Скрытый текст

Basic Parameters:

STR 22 DEX 21 CON 27
INT 41 WIT 20 MEN 39



  • Summon Sacred Beast;
  • Transfer Pain;
  • Final Servitor (CoV for summon), consumes 20 Spirit Ore;
  • Servitor Heal, power 991;
  • Sacrifices yourself to increase your party members Crit. Rate, condition: MP<10%.

Skilltransform1.png Transform Divine Healer

Скрытый текст

Basic Parameters:

STR 22 DEX 21 CON 27
INT 41 WIT 20 MEN 39



  • Recovers HP of the target over time, power 946 (Greater Heal);
  • Recovers target's HP instantly, power 826 (Greater Battle Heal);
  • Restores group HP and increases HP regeneration, power 400, effect 5;
  • Ressurect target, restores 70% of lose EXP (Ressurection);
  • Remove de-buffs from the target (Cleanse);
  • Sacrifices yourself to restore your party members HP and MP, condition: MP<10%.

Skilltransform1.png Transform Divine Enchanter

Скрытый текст

Basic Parameters:

STR 22 DEX 21 CON 27
INT 41 WIT 20 MEN 39



  • Prophecy of Water, consumes 5 Spirit Ore;
  • Prophecy of Fire, consumes 5 Spirit Ore;
  • Prophecy of Wind, consumes 5 Spirit Ore;
  • Chant of Victory (one 1 target), consumes 5 Spirit Ore;
  • AoE Root;
  • Sacrifices yourself, increasing all the abilities of the group members, excluding yourself (completely restores your party members), condition: MP<10.



telegram-cloud-document-2-5433945996734239024.jpg Other

Скрытый текст

image.png Effects that will be removed if character leaves a group

  • skill1470.png Prahnah
  • skill1476.png Appetite for Destruction
  • skill1478.png Protection Instinct
  • skill1477.png Vampiric Impulse
  • skill1479.png Magic Impulse
  • skill0528.png Shield of Faith
  • skill0785.png Flame Icon
  • skill0789.png Spirit of Shilen
  • skill0787.png Touch of Eva


image.png Kamael

  • Kamael race will become available one week before transition to Gracia stage.


spacer.png Skills that will be added at High Five stage:

  • spacer.png Multiple Shot
  • spacer.png Aura Blast
  • spacer.png Death Shot
  • spacer.png Aura Cannon
  • spacer.png Rush Impact (fighters)
    • Exceptions: Kamael Doombringer.


spacer.png Skills and buff slots

  • Now skills like Greater Heal, Group Greater Heal, Warcryer and Overlord heals, tank buffs, warsmith, any trigger-type skills - will not take buff slot;
  • 23 buff slot book can be learned at level 72.


spacer.png Noblesse Blessing

  • Decreased casting time from 4 seconds to 1. Casting speed does not affect casting time.


spacer.png Classes mechanics

  • Physical skills can deal critical damage (x2). Critical chance depends on STR parameter.
  • Bow damage depends on distance between attacker and target. The larger distance the more damage.
  • Magical damage randomly increased or decreased by percentage based on a weapon type:
    • 20% - Blunt;
    • 10% - Sword, Spear;
    • 5% - Bow, Dagger, Dual daggers;
    • 10% - Other

spacer.png Wisdom и Health

  • Available from level 56.
    • At level 56 increases resistance to Hold, Sleep, Mental attacks, Poison and Bleeding by 10;
    • At level 70 increases resistance to Hold, Sleep, Mental attacks, Poison and Bleeding by 15;
    • At level 76 increases resistance to Hold, Sleep, Mental attacks, Poison and Bleeding by 20.

spacer.png Enlightenment, Enlightenment Healer, Final Secret, Anti Magic Armor, Excessive Loyalty (and other skills).

  • Available at level 79 (Gracia stage);
  • Books for this type of skills can be obtained from instance-zone The Twins.

spacer.png Now all summoned units last longer, consume Spirit Ore and don't take XP. Master buffs will automatically apply to servitor.

spacer.png Battle Roar, Battle Cry and Body of Avatar

  • Now any level of this skills will restore HP even when this type of buff already appliedТ.

spacer.png Magical critical:

  • Basic mechanics work according to High Five:
    • Crit power for PvE x3
    • Crit power for PvP x2.5
    • Base critical chance 5%
    • Maximum critical chance 20%
    • Healing skills and mana burning skills can also crit.

spacer.png Negative effects abilities chances(debuffs):

  • During Interlude and Gracia:
    • Minimum chance to apply debuff: 0%
    • Maximum chance to apply debuff: 95%
  • During High Five:
    • Minimum chance to apply debuff: 10%
    • Maximum chance to apply debuff: 90%
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Skill0361.png Warlord


Skill 10262 3.jpg Lightning Courage

  • New active skill : If the target is under the effect of any stun, for example, from quickspear.pngQuick Spear - you instantly reduce the distance to the target, while at the same time pulling the target towards you.
    • Learned at level 60;
    • Range - from 200 to 700;
    • Fixed cooldown is 30 seconds.

Explanation: let's say, if you are at a distance of 600 units from the target, then you are transferred 300 units to the target, and at the same time the target is transferred 300 units to you. As a result, you meet the target in the middle.


dreadnoughtspirit.png Dreadnought Spirit:

  • Changed skill learning levels:
    • Level 1: Learned at level 60;
    • Level 2: Learned at level 72.



  • Now the skill does not require choosing a target and works in an area. Similar to the skill0036.pngWhirlwind skill;
  • The damage radius has been increased: from 70 to 150;
  • As earlier:
    • Brandishes a spear. CP of surrounding enemies -30%. Requires a polearm;
    • When upgraded, it increases the CP reduction of surrounding enemies, up to -60% by +30.


skill0774.png Dread Pool

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels, now learned at character levels 70 and 79;
  • The base success chance has been slightly increased;
  • Now the skill can be enchanted on: "Chance".


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • skill0484.pngRush
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 (600) and up to 200-600 (800) when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0921.pngCursed Pierce
    • Added enchant branch to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack) or Duel (damage in PvP).
  • skill0048.pngThunder Storm
    • Current enchant branches: Chance and Cost have been combined into one branch with bonuses to both the chance of completion and the cost of using the skill;
    • Added enchant branch to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack).
  • skill0121.pngBattle Roar
    • Changed enchant branch to Attack:
      • Was: +1 to +10 P. Atk.
      • Now: +1% to +10% P. Atk.
  • skill0231.pngHeavy Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0227.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.

  • skill0361.pngShock Blast
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use) similar to Quick Spear:
      • from 500 and up to 800 when enchanted at +15.
  • skill0339.pngParry Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.

  • skill0116.png Howl:
    • Previously:
      • P. Atk. -23%.
    • Now:
      • P. Atk. -15%, M. Atk. -15%;
      • Can be improved on Power:
        • Evenly increases the reduction of P. and M. Atk. from +16% for +1 up to -30% for +30.

skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0078.pngWar Cry
  • skill0121.pngBattle Roar
  • skill0130.pngThrill Fight
  • dreadnoughtspirit.pngDreadnought Spirit
  • soul_of_hunter.pngSoul of Hunter
    • skill0075.pngDetect Insect Weakness
    • skill0080.pngDetect Beast Weakness
    • skill0088.pngDetect Dragon Weakness
    • skill0087.pngDetect Animal Weakness
    • skill0104.pngDetect Plant Weakness
    • skill0359.pngEye of Hunter
    • skill0360.pngEye of Slayer


iliDPdr.png Quick Spear

  • New active skill: Throwing a spear hits the target and surrounding enemies for 5 seconds:
    • There are 9 skill levels in total: learned at character levels 42 - 74;
    • Power 801-3123 depending on skill level;
    • Range of action - 700, AOE effect affects within a radius of 200;
    • Base cast time: 2.5 sec. Basic cooldown is 15 seconds;
    • Requires a polearm. Ignores shield protection. An overshot is possible.
    • The skill can be enchanted after receiving the 3rd profession, both to increase the range of action, up to 1000, and to reduce the base cooldown time, up to 10 seconds.


Skill 10262 3.jpg Lightning Courage

  • New active skill: If the target is under the effect of any stun, for example, from quickspear.pngQuick Spear - You instantly reduce the distance to the target, while at the same time pulling the target towards you*.
    • Learned at level 60;
    • Range - from 200 to 700;
    • Fixed cooldown is 30 seconds.

* clarification on the work of the skill: let’s say, if you are at a distance of 600 units from the target, then you are moved 300 units to the target, and at the same time the target is pulled 300 units to you. As a result, you meet the target in the middle.




  • Now the skill does not require choosing a target and works in an area. Similar to the skill0036.pngWhirlwind skill;
  • The damage radius has been increased: from 70 to 150;
  • As earlier:
    • Brandishes a spear. CP of surrounding enemies -30%. Requires a polearm;
    • When upgraded, it increases the CP reduction of surrounding enemies, up to -60% by +30.

skill0774.png Dread Pool

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels, now learned at character levels 70 and 79;
  • The base pass chance has been slightly increased;
  • Now the skill can be improved by Chance.


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • skill0484.pngRush
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 (600) and up to 200-600 (800) when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0921.pngCursed Pierce
    • Added enchant branch to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack) or Duel (damage in PvP).
  • skill0048.pngThunder Storm
    • Current enchant branches: Chance and Cost have been combined into one branch with bonuses to both the chance of completion and the cost of using the skill;
    • Added enchant branch to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack).
  • skill0121.pngBattle Roar
    • Changed enchant branch to Attack:
      • Was: +1 to +10 P. Atk.
      • Now: +1% to +10% P. Atk.
  • skill0231.pngHeavy Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0227.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0361.pngShock Blast
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use) similar to Quick Spear:
      • from 500 and up to 800 when enchanted at +15.
  • skill0339.pngParry Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.

  • skill0116.png Howl :
    • Previously:
      • P. Atk. -23%.
    • Now:
      • P. Atk. -15%, M. Atk. -15%;
      • Can be improved on Power:
        • Evenly increases the reduction of P. and M. Atk. from +16% for +1 up to -30% for +30.

Skill 30610 1.jpg Dreadnought Spirit

  • New active skill: 20-minute self-buff, increasing Spear Attack Speed and Skill Damage in both PvE and PvP:
    • At level 60: For 20 minutes increases spear Atk.Spd. by 8%, Damage from Skills by 10% in PvP and PvE;
    • At level 72: For 20 minutes increases spear Atk.Spd. by 12%, Damage from Skills by 20% in PvP and PvE;
    • The skill can be enchanted after receiving the 3rd profession, both for Attack Speed (from 12%, up to 18%) and for Damage with skills in PvP (from 20%, up to 35%).


Skill 10276 1.jpg Warlord Frenzy

  • New Passive Skill : Automatically increases resistance to debuffs * and MP burn when HP falls below 30% :
    • At level 52:
      • Increases resistance to negative effects by 50% and MP burn by 50% when HP falls below 30%;
    • At level 64:
      • Increases resistance to negative effects by 75% and MP burn by 50% when HP falls below 30%;
    • At level 74:
      • Increases resistance to debuff effects by 100% and MP burn by 50% when HP falls below 30%.

* clarification on how the game calculates resistance data: let’s say if the final chance of a debuff against you is 60%, with resistance increased by 100% the chance will be = 30%, but not 0%.


image.png Soul of Hunter

  • The skill has been changed : now it reduces the character’s PvE defense by 5/6/7% depending on the skill level:
    • At level 28: Increases PvE attack by 10% and reduces PvE defense by 5%;
    • At level 55: Increases PvE attack by 15% and reduces PvE defense by 6%;
    • At level 72: Increases PvE attack by 20% and reduces PvE defense by 7%.
  • Note! This skill is interchangeable with similar skills, such as Skill0087 0.jpgDetect Animal Weakness, Skill0104 0.jpgDetect Plant Weakness and others.


skill0181.png Revival
  • The skill has been changed : now it has 3 levels, removes the debuff from the character when used and does not require 10% HP to use :
    • At level 55: Restores HP to maximum, removes 1 negative effect when used. Can only be used if HP is less than 50%;
    • At level 70: Restores HP to maximum, removes 2 negative effects when used. Can only be used if HP is less than 75%;
    • At level 77: Restores HP to maximum, removes 3 negative effects when used. Can be used without connection to HP.


Skill0317 0.jpg Focus Attack

  • The skill has been changed : now it does not consume MP when used, and also increases Critical Rate. Attacks and Damage with Auto Attack both in PvE and PvP against a single target from 10 to 30% depending on the level:
    • At level 40: When using a spear, attacks one enemy and increases Accuracy by 2, Strength and Critical Chance. Atk by 10%, Auto Attack Damage in PvP and PvE by 10%;
    • At level 49: When using a spear, attacks one enemy and increases Accuracy by 3, Strength and Critical Chance. Atk by 15%, Auto Attack Damage in PvP and PvE by 15%;
    • At level 58: When using a spear, attacks one enemy and increases Accuracy by 4, Strength and Critical Chance. Atk by 20%, Auto Attack Damage in PvP and PvE by 20%;
    • At level 66: When using a spear, attacks one enemy and increases Accuracy by 5, Strength and Critical Chance. Atk by 25%, Auto Attack Damage in PvP and PvE by 25%;
    • At level 74: When using a polearm, attacks one enemy and increases Accuracy by 6, Strength and Critical Chance. Atk by 30%, Auto Attack Damage in PvP and PvE by 30%.


Skill0920 0.jpg Power Crush

  • The skill has been changed: now it can be enchanted after receiving the 3rd profession, both attribute and duel.


Skill0130 0.jpg Thrill Fight

  • The skill has been changed: now it can be enchanted after receiving the 3rd profession, to Reduce Penalty: from 20% to 0%.
    • Reduces Speed by 20% and increases Atk. Spd. by 5-10% depending on skill level.


Skill0421 0.jpg Fell Swoop

  • The duration of the effect has been increased from 2 to 20 minutes, similar to many other self-buffs.
    • Increases the number of enemies affected by your spear attacks by 1-5 depending on skill level.


Skill0440 0.jpg Braveheart

  • The skill has been changed: now, in addition to instantly restoring 1000 CP, the skill also restores 100 CP per second for 15 seconds.
    • Thus, the total amount of CP restored during the duration of the skill is 2500;
    • The Power upgrade branch now increases instant recovery by 50 per level. enchanting and also increases CP recovery per second by 5 per level. enchanting.
    • Thus, the skill will provide up to 1750 instant CP recovery and up to 175 per second CP recovery. Up to 4.375 CP for the full duration of the skill.


image.png Rush
  • The skill is available for learning from level 40. The character makes a dash towards the target at a distance of no more than 400. The cooldown of the skill is 5 seconds.


image.png Battle Roar
  • Now any skill level will restore HP, even if a similar buff has already been applied.


image.png Expose Weak Point
  • Now available for learn from level 52:
    • After receiving damage, reveals the enemy's weaknesses, reducing his P. Defense by 20% and increasing the chance of Crit. Attacks the enemy by 30% with normal hits.


image.png Master of Combat
  • Now available for learn from level 52:
    • At level 52: Max. CP. increases by 3%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 20;
    • At level 70: Max. CP. increases by 4%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 40;
    • At level 78: Max. CP. increases by 5%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 80.


image.png Thunder Move
  • The skill is available for learning from level 56:
    • At level 56: Increases speed by 40, decreases physical. defense by 7% and magic. protection by 3%. Action time - 15 seconds;
    • At level 68: Increases speed by 66, decreases physical. protection by 10% and magic. protection by 5%. Action time - 15 seconds.


skill0457.png Symbol of Honor (Dreadnought, Maestro)

  • Dome duration: 15 seconds ;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 40% regen HP and CP.
  • + New effects:
    • + 300% regen HP and CP;
    • When applied, restores 30% HP and 100% CP.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0078.pngWar Cry
  • skill0121.pngBattle Roar
  • skill0130.pngThrill Fight
  • dreadnoughtspirit.pngDreadnought Spirit
  • soul_of_hunter.pngSoul of Hunter
    • skill0075.pngDetect Insect Weakness
    • skill0080.pngDetect Beast Weakness
    • skill0088.pngDetect Dragon Weakness
    • skill0087.pngDetect Animal Weakness
    • skill0104.pngDetect Plant Weakness
    • skill0359.pngEye of Hunter
    • skill0360.pngEye of Slayer



Skill0007.png Gladiator

image.png Sonic Rage

  • Now available for learn from level 60; skill works with both dual swords and one-handed sword/one-handed/two-handed club
    • At level 55: Charge up to level 4;
    • At level 60: Charge up to level 5;
    • At level 66: Charge up to level 6;
    • At level 70: Charge up to level 7;
    • At level 78: Charge up to level 8.


skill0009.png Sonic Buster

  • The base cooldown time of the skill has been increased by 0.5 seconds, from 2 to 2.5, respectively. Similar to Tyrant's skill : skill0017.pngForce Burst .
    • As before, there is no zero second skill cooldown.


skill0144.pngDual Weapon Mastery and Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery also work on a new type of weapon: Dual Axes (as well as attack skills that work with dual swords and an axe).skill0257.png


skill0297.png Duelist Spirit:

  • Changed skill learning levels:
    • Level 1: level to learn 60;
    • Level 2: level to learn 72.


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • skill0484.pngRush
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 (600) and up to 200-600 (800) when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0231.pngHeavy Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to +15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0227.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0340.pngRiposte Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0078.pngWar Cry
  • skill0121.pngBattle Roar
  • skill0297.pngDuelist Spirit
  • soul_of_hunter.pngSoul of Hunter
    • skill0075.pngDetect Insect Weakness
    • skill0080.pngDetect Beast Weakness
    • skill0088.pngDetect Dragon Weakness
    • skill0087.pngDetect Animal Weakness
    • skill0104.pngDetect Plant Weakness
    • skill0359.pngEye of Hunter
    • skill0360.pngEye of Slayer


image.png Sonic Rage

  • Now available for learn from level 55; skill works with both dual swords and one-handed sword/one-handed/two-handed club
    • At level 55: Charge up to level 4;
    • At level 60: Charge up to level 5;
    • At level 66: Charge up to level 6;
    • At level 70: Charge up to level 7;
    • At level 78: Charge up to level 8.


skill0009.png Sonic Buster

  • The base cooldown time of the skill has been increased by 0.5 seconds, from 2 to 2.5, respectively. Similar to Tyrant's skill : skill0017.pngForce Burst .
    • As before, there is no zero second skill cooldown.


skill0144.pngDual Weapon Mastery and skill0257.png Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery also work on a new type of weapon: Dual Axes (as well as attack skills that work with dual swords and an axe).


skill0297.png Duelist Spirit:

  • Changed skill learning levels:
    • Level 1: level to learn 60;
    • Level 2: 72 level to learn.


image.png Soul of Hunter

  • The skill has been changed : now it reduces the character’s PvE defense by 5/6/7% depending on the skill level:
    • At level 28: Increases PvE attack by 10% and reduces PvE defense by 5%;
    • At level 55: Increases PvE attack by 15% and reduces PvE defense by 6%;
    • At level 72: Increases PvE attack by 20% and reduces PvE defense by 7%.

Oh, pay attention! This skill is interchangeable with similar skills, such as Skill0087 0.jpgDetect Animal Weakness, Skill0104 0.jpgDetect Plant Weakness and others.


Skill0440 0.jpg Braveheart

  • The skill has been changed: now, in addition to instantly restoring 1000 CP, the skill also restores 100 CP per second for 15 seconds.
    • Thus, the total amount of CP restored during the duration of the skill is 2500;
    • The Power upgrade branch now increases instant recovery by 50 per level. enchanting and also increases CP recovery per second by 5 per level. enchanting.
    • Thus, the skill will provide up to 1750 instant CP recovery and up to 175 per second CP recovery. Up to 4.375 CP for the full duration of the skill.


image.png Rush
  • The skill is available for learning from level 40. The character makes a dash towards the target at a distance of no more than 400. The cooldown of the skill is 5 seconds.


image.png War Cry image.png Duelist Spirit
  • The duration of War Cry and Duelist Spirit skills has been increased from 1 to 5 minutes.


image.png Battle Roar
  • Now any skill level will restore HP, even if a similar buff has already been applied.


image.png Expose Weak Point
  • Now available for learn from level 52:
    • After receiving damage, reveals the enemy's weaknesses, reducing his P. Defense by 20% and increasing the chance of Crit. Attacks the enemy by 30% with normal hits.


image.png Master of Combat
  • Now available for learn from level 52:
    • At level 52: Max. CP. increases by 3%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 20;
    • At level 70: Max. CP. increases by 4%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 40;
    • At level 78: Max. CP. increases by 5%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 80.


image.png Sonic Move
  • Now available for learn from level 60.
    • At level 60: For 15 sec. increasing the character's speed by 40. Requires Sound Power level 2 and dual swords.
    • At level 68: For 15 sec. increasing the character's speed by 66. Requires Sound Power level 2 and dual swords.


image.png Increase Force
  • Charges no longer expire over time or upon death.


skill0458.png Symbol of Energy (Duelist, Grand Khavatari)

  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • +7 charges;
    • +20% P.Atk.
  • + New effects:
    • + 8 charges instead of 7;
    • + Reduces MP consumption. Skills by 50% (Phys.Clarity).


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • skill0484.pngRush
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 (600) and up to 200-600 (800) when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0231.pngHeavy Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to +15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0227.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0340.pngRiposte Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0078.pngWar Cry
  • skill0121.pngBattle Roar
  • skill0297.pngDuelist Spirit
  • soul_of_hunter.pngSoul of Hunter
    • skill0075.pngDetect Insect Weakness
    • skill0080.pngDetect Beast Weakness
    • skill0088.pngDetect Dragon Weakness
    • skill0087.pngDetect Animal Weakness
    • skill0104.pngDetect Plant Weakness
    • skill0359.pngEye of Hunter
    • skill0360.pngEye of Slayer


Skill0176.png Destroyer



  • Now the skill does not require choosing a target and works in an area. Similar to the skill0036.pngWhirlwind skill;
  • The damage radius has been increased: from 70 to 150;
  • As earlier:
    • Brandishes a spear. CP of surrounding enemies -30%. Requires a polearm;
    • When upgraded, it increases the CP reduction of surrounding enemies, up to -60% by +30.


skill0423.png Dark Form:

  • Changed skill learning levels:
    • Level 1: 56 level to learn;
    • Level 2: 66 level to learn;
    • Level 3: 72 level to learn.


immortality.png Immortality:

  • The conditions for using the skill have been changed:
    • Level 1: 35% HP;
    • Level 2: 50% HP;
    • Level 3: 65% HP.


skill0217.pngSword/Blunt Weapon Mastery also works on a new type of weapon: Dual Blunt (as well as attack skills that work with an ax).


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • image.png Charge
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 (600) and up to 200-600 (800) when enchanted at +30.
  • fullswing.pngFull Swing
    • Added enchant branch Power and Decrease Penalty:
      • Power - increases the maximum number of additional targets from 4 to 8 (by +1, +10, +20, +30);
      • Decrease Penalty - reduces the damage penalty in PvP, from -30% to -5% (by +0 .. +30).
  • skill0121.pngBattle Roar
    • Changed enchant branch to Attack:
      • Was: +1 to +10 P. Atk.
      • Now: +1% to +10% P. Atk.
  • skill0231.pngHeavy Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to +15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0227.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0339.pngParry Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0094.pngRage
  • skill0121.pngBattle Roar
  • skill0423.pngDark Form



  • Now the skill does not require choosing a target and works in an area. Similar to the skill0036.pngWhirlwind skill;
  • The damage radius has been increased: from 70 to 150;
  • As earlier:
    • Brandishes a spear. CP of surrounding enemies -30%. Requires a polearm;
    • When upgraded, it increases the CP reduction of surrounding enemies, up to -60% by +30.


skill0217.pngSword/Blunt Weapon Mastery also works on a new type of weapon: Dualblunt (as well as attack skills that work with an axe).


Skill 1609 3.jpg Full swing
  • New switchable skill : When using a two-handed sword, the number of targets for auto-attack* increases, and the damage in PvP against them decreases proportionally:
    • At level 40: When using a two-handed sword, +2 additional targets. Reduced auto attack damage in PvP by 30%;
    • At level 68: When using a two-handed sword, +3 additional targets. Reduced auto attack damage in PvP by 30%;
    • At level 76: When using a two-handed sword, +4 additional targets. Reduced auto attack damage in PvP by 30%.


Skill 1627 1.jpg Immortality

  • New active skill : For 5 sec. the character cannot die. When the effect ends, the character's HP drops to 1.
    • At level 60: can only be used if HP is less than 35%;
    • At level 72: can only be used if HP is less than 50%;
    • At level 79: can only be used if HP is less than 65%.
    • Instant application time. Fixed cooldown: 10 minutes.


Skill0777 0.jpg Demolition Impact

  • Skill changed :
    • It is now learned at character level 78 and by default is linked to the Fire Attribute .
    • It is now an AOE skill that hits enemies in front of your character, similar to Skill0526 0.jpgEnuma Elish.


Skill0440 0.jpg Braveheart

  • Works by default (no changes).


image.png Сharge New skill
  • The skill is available for learning from level 40. The character makes a dash to the target at a distance of no more than 400. Consumes 5% HP. Skill cooldown 5 seconds. Replaces the Rush skill .


image.png Battle Roar
  • Now any skill level will restore HP, even if a similar buff has already been applied.


image.png Frenzy
  • The work of this skill is completely taken from the chronicles of Gracia Final ;
    • At skill level 3: for 1 min. 30 sec. increases P. Atk. by 50%, and when using a sword or blunt weapon - an additional 131%. Also increases Accuracy by 2 and P. Atk. by 16% when using two-handed swords or blunt weapons. Only available if HP is less than 30%.


image.png Zealot
  • Now works in conjunction with the Prahnah skill


image.png Expose Weak Point
  • Now available for learn from level 52:
    • After receiving damage, reveals the enemy's weaknesses, reducing his P. Defense by 20% and increasing the chance of Crit. Attacks the enemy by 30% with normal hits.


image.png Master of Combat
  • Now available for learn from level 52.
    • At level 52: Max. CP. increases by 3%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 20;
    • At level 70: Max. CP. increases by 4%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 40;
    • At level 78: Max. CP. increases by 5%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 80.

skill0423.png Dark Form:

  • Changed skill learning levels:
    • Level 1: 56 level to learn;
    • Level 2: 66 level to learn;
    • Level 3: 72 level to learn.

skill0456.png Symbol of Resistance (Titan, Fortune Seeker)

  • Action time: 15 seconds ;
  • Basic effects:
    • Debuff protection +60% (now +80%).
  • + New effects:
    • Protection from debuffs increased from 60 to 80%;
    • Once every 3 seconds, the dome removes from 1 to 3 negative effects ( skill1409.pngCleanse effect ).


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • image.png Charge
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 (600) and up to 200-600 (800) when enchanted at +30.
  • fullswing.pngFull Swing
    • Added enchant branch Power and Decrease Penalty:
      • Power - increases the maximum number of additional targets from 4 to 8 (by +1, +10, +20, +30);
      • Decrease Penalty - reduces the damage penalty in PvP, from -30% to -5% (by +0 .. +30).
  • skill0121.pngBattle Roar
    • Changed enchant branch to Attack:
      • Was: +1 to +10 P. Atk.
      • Now: +1% to +10% P. Atk.
  • skill0231.pngHeavy Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to +15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0227.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0339.pngParry Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0094.pngRage
  • skill0121.pngBattle Roar
  • skill0423.pngDark Form



Skill0292.png Tyrant

image.png Raging Force

  • Now available for learning from level 55;
    • At level 55: Charge up to level 4;
    • At level 60: Charge up to level 5;
    • At level 66: Charge up to level 6;
    • At level 70: Charge up to level 7;
    • At level 78: Charge up to level 8.


skill0017.png Force Burst

  • The base cooldown time of the skill has been increased by 0.5 seconds, from 2 to 2.5, respectively. Similar to the gladiator skill: skill0009.pngSonic Buster.
    • As before, there is no zero second skill cooldown.


skill0081.pngPunch of Doom

  • Casting now requires (and costs) lvl 2. charging.


armordestruction.png Armor Destruction: When physical. attack, you pierce the enemy's armor, reducing his defense against brass knuckles.

  • The skill has been improved and works as originally intended, according to the stacking mechanics;
  • There are 5 levels of learn:
    • Level 1:
      • Level to learn: 52;
      • Reduces defense against brass knuckles by 3%.
    • Level 2:
      • Level to learn: 60;
      • Reduces defense against brass knuckles by 3% => 6%.
    • Level 3:
      • Level to learn: 68;
      • Reduces defense against brass knuckles by 3% => 6% => 9%.
    • Level 4:
      • Level to learn: 74;
      • Reduces defense against brass knuckles by 3% => 6% => 9% => 12%.
    • Level 5:
      • Level to learn: 77;
      • Reduces defense against brass knuckles by 3% => 6% => 9% => 12% => 15%.

skill0287.png Lionheart:

  • Removed from learning


skill0423.png Dark Form:

  • Changed skill learning levels:
    • Level 1: 56 level to learn;
    • Level 2: 66 level to learn;
    • Level 3: 72 level to learn.


skill0257.pngSword/Blunt Weapon Mastery also works on a new type of weapon: Dual Blunt (as well as attack skills that work with an ax).

  • Now the skills that work with Blunt also work with Dual Blunts, namely:
    • skill0292.pngBison Spirit Totem:
      • Works with all types of weapons (including Dual Blunts) as before;
      • + The accuracy bonus now also works with Dual Blunts.
    • skill0298.pngRabbit Spirit Totem:
      • +12 to Evasion;
      • +30% Speed Attacks only with knuckledusters ;
      • +30% Speed with any type of weapon.
    • skill0425.pngHawk Spirit Totem:
      • Works fully with Dual Blunts:
        • +6 to accuracy;
        • +100 to crit chance;
        • +30% to crit power.
    • skill0282.pngPuma Spirit Totem:
      • Works fully with Dual Blunts:
        • +20% Attack Speed;
        • +6 to Accuracy.
    • skill0109.pngOgre Spirit Totem :
      • +30% P. Atk. and +10% Crit Power. Attacks only with brass knuckles ;
      • +30% Physical / M. Def. with any type of weapon.
    • skill0076.pngBear Spirit Totem
      • Now works with all specialized weapons:
        • +20% P. Atk. and the Crit power.;
        • -30% Speed.
    • skill0083.pngWolf Spirit Totem:
      • Now works with all specialized weapons:
        • +20% Speed (same as before);
        • +3 to Accuracy (now also with Dual Blunts).


Skill0050 0.jpgSkill0346 0.jpgSkill0017 0.jpgSkill0035 0.jpgSkill0054 0.jpg

  • The following class skills also work with Blunt\Dualblunt and in hand, similar to Gladiator.


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • image.png Charge
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 (600) and up to 200-600 (800) when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0340.pngRiposte Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.
  • skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Improved (second) modification branch - Evasion:
      • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P. and Mag. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0423.pngDark Form
  • skill0083.pngWolf Spirit Totem
  • skill0076.pngBear Spirit Totem
  • skill0282.pngPuma Spirit Totem
  • skill0109.pngOgre Spirit Totem
  • skill0298.pngRabbit Spirit Totem
  • skill0425.pngHawk Spirit Totem


skill0081.pngPunch of Doom

  • Casting now requires (and costs) lvl 2. charging.


skill0423.png Dark Form:

  • Changed skill learning levels:
    • Level 1: 56 level to learn;
    • Level 2: 66 level to learn;
    • Level 3: 72 level to learn.


skill0257.pngSword/Blunt Weapon Mastery also works on a new type of weapon: Dual Blunt (as well as attack skills that work with an ax).

  • Now the skills that work with Blunt also work with Dual Blunts, namely:
    • skill0292.pngBison Spirit Totem:
      • Works with all types of weapons (including Dual Blunts) as before;
      • + The accuracy bonus now also works with Dual Blunts.
    • skill0298.pngRabbit Spirit Totem:
      • +12 to Evasion;
      • +30% Speed Attacks only with knuckledusters ;
      • +30% Speed with any type of weapon.
    • skill0425.pngHawk Spirit Totem:
      • Works fully with Dual Blunts:
        • +6 to accuracy;
        • +100 to crit chance;
        • +30% to crit power.
    • skill0282.pngPuma Spirit Totem:
      • Works fully with Dual Blunts:
        • +20% Attack Speed;
        • +6 to Accuracy.
    • skill0109.pngOgre Spirit Totem :
      • +30% P. Atk. and +10% Crit Power. Attacks only with brass knuckles ;
      • +30% Physical / M. Def. with any type of weapon.
    • skill0076.pngBear Spirit Totem
      • Now works with all specialized weapons:
        • +20% P. Atk. and the Crit power.;
        • -30% Speed.
    • skill0083.pngWolf Spirit Totem:
      • Now works with all specialized weapons:
        • +20% Speed (same as before);
        • +3 to Accuracy (now also with Dual Blunts).


armordestruction.png Armor Destruction: When physical. attack, you pierce the enemy's armor, reducing his defense against brass knuckles.

  • The skill has been improved and works as originally intended, according to the stacking mechanics;
  • There are 5 levels for learning:
    • Level 1:
      • Level to learn: 52;
      • Reduces defense against brass knuckles by 3%.
    • Level 2:
      • Level to learn: 60;
      • Reduces defense against brass knuckles by 3% => 6%.
    • Level 3:
      • Level to learn: 68;
      • Reduces defense against brass knuckles by 3% => 6% => 9%.
    • Level 4:
      • Level to learn: 74;
      • Reduces defense against brass knuckles by 3% => 6% => 9% => 12%.
    • Level 5:
      • Level to learn: 77;
      • Reduces defense against brass knuckles by 3% => 6% => 9% => 12% => 15%.


Skill0776 0.jpg Force of Destruction
  • Skill changed :
    • Now has a default binding to the Fire Attribute ;
    • The skill has been divided into 2 levels and now has the following parameters
    • 1st level:
      • Can be learned at level 78 (21,340,000 SP);
      • Floor 2200;
      • Consumes 4 charges;
      • Basic cooldown: 30 seconds;
      • Base chance of physical. crit: 10%;
      • With a base chance of 70% - burning for 100 HP;
      • AoE linked to the Fire attribute.
    • 2nd level:
      • Can be learned at level 83 (150,000,000 SP);
      • Floor 4500;
      • Consumes 2 charges;
      • Basic cooldown: 15 seconds;
      • Base chance of physical. crit: 20%;
      • With a base chance of 90% - burning for 200 HP;
      • AoE linked to the Fire attribute.
    • Now this is an AOE skill that hits enemies in front of your character, similar to Skill0017 0.jpgForce Burst.


Skill0287 0.jpg Lionheart
  • Skill removed


Skill0217 0.jpgSkill0293 0.jpg

  • Passive skills are available for learning that increase proficiency with Blunt\Dualblunt weapons.


Skill0050 0.jpgSkill0346 0.jpgSkill0017 0.jpgSkill0035 0.jpgSkill0054 0.jpg

  • The following class skills also work with Blunt\Dualblunt and in hand, similar to Gladiator.


image.png Charge (New skill)
  • The skill is available for learning from level 40. The character makes a dash to the target at a distance of no more than 400. Consumes 5% HP. Skill cooldown 5 seconds. Replaces the Rush skill .


skill0035.png Force Storm
  • Now it has a cooldown of 3 seconds , instead of 5 (similar to the gladiator’s skill0007.png Sonic Storm skill );


skill0017.png Force Burst
  • Now has a cooldown of 2.5 seconds (similar to the gladiator's skill0009.png Sonic Buster skill ).


image.png Raging Force
  • Now available for learning from level 55;
    • At level 55: Charge up to level 4;
    • At level 60: Charge up to level 5;
    • At level 66: Charge up to level 6;
    • At level 70: Charge up to level 7;
    • At level 78: Charge up to level 8.


image.png Zealot
  • Now works in conjunction with the Prahnah skill


image.png Increase Force

  • Charges no longer expire over time or upon death.


image.png Force Meditation
  • Now available for learning from level 56;
    • At level 56: increased HP recovery rate by 60 and MP by 10. Your body is immobilized and P. Def. reduced by 80% for the duration of the skill;
    • At level 78: increased HP recovery rate by 120 and MP by 25. Your body is immobilized and P. Def. reduced by 80% for the duration of the skill.


image.png Expose Weak Point
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • After receiving damage, reveals the enemy's weaknesses, reducing his P. Defense by 20% and increasing the chance of Crit. Attacks the enemy by 30% with normal hits.


image.png Master of Combat

  • Now available for learning from level 52;
    • At level 52: Max. CP. increases by 3%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 20;
    • At level 70: Max. CP. increases by 4%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 40;
    • At level 78: Max. CP. increases by 5%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 80.


skill0458.png Symbol of Energy (Duelist, Grand Khavatari)

  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • +7 charges;
    • +20% P.Atk.
  • + New effects:
    • + 8 charges instead of 7;
    • + Reduces MP consumption. Skills by 50% (Phys.Clarity).


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • image.png Charge
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 (600) and up to 200-600 (800) when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0340.pngRiposte Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.
  • skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Improved (second) modification branch - Evasion:
      • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P. and Mag. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0423.pngDark Form
  • skill0083.pngWolf Spirit Totem
  • skill0076.pngBear Spirit Totem
  • skill0282.pngPuma Spirit Totem
  • skill0109.pngOgre Spirit Totem
  • skill0298.pngRabbit Spirit Totem
  • skill0425.pngHawk Spirit Totem




Skill0254.png Bounty Hunter



  • Now restores 30 HP and 10 MP of the character when collecting a spoil;
  • Skill enchant branches have been combined and significantly strengthened:
    • Previously: from 3 to 90 HP (first branch) and from 1 to 30 MP (second branch) for +1 .. +30;
    • Now: from 38 to 270 HP and from 13 to 90 MP for +1 .. +30.


image.png Sweeper Festival

  • The cooldown time of the skill has been changed to 5 basic seconds, which can be accelerated using the appropriate skills.
    • = now the skill has a cooldown at the 3rd stage already from the start of the Season and the cooldown time of this skill will not change by stages.


skill0952.png Collector's Experience:

  • skill0952.pngCollector's Fortune can now be triggered by skills:
    • skill0997.pngCrushing Strike;
    • skill0947.pngLucky Strike.



  • Now the skill does not require choosing a target and works in an area. Similar to the skill0036.pngWhirlwind skill;
  • The damage radius has been increased: from 70 to 150;
  • As earlier:
    • Brandishes a spear. CP of surrounding enemies -30%. Requires a polearm;
    • When upgraded, it increases the CP reduction of surrounding enemies, up to -60% by +30.


skill0821.png Shadow Step

  • Now also increases the character's Attack Speed by 18% and the accuracy of blow skills by 33% for 5 seconds after use.



  • Now any first attack made from Hide will have increased damage by 15% / 20% / 25% (depending on the level of the Hide skill).


skill0217.pngSword/Blunt Weapon Mastery also works on a new type of weapon: Dual Blunt (as well as attack skills that work with an ax).



skill0254.png Spoil, skill0302.pngSpoil Festival, skill0537.pngSpoil Bomb

  • Now has 20 base Earth attributes. etc_earth_stone_i00.png
    • The chance of successfully completing this skill depends solely on the ratio of the level of the skill to the level of the monsters.
  • The passage of the debuff to reduce attack speed (with appropriate enchantment) does not and did not depend on the passage of the main effect of the skill, but now depends on the attribute.
    • By inserting the Earth Attribute into a weapon, you increase the chance of success the enchant debuff, but do not increase the chance of success the main Spoil effect etc_earth_stone_i00.png


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • skill0998.pngBlazing Boost
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 and up to 200-600 when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0348.pngSpoil Crush
    • Added enchant branch to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack).
  • skill0231.pngHeavy Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to +15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0227.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0340.pngRiposte Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.
  • skill0339.pngParry Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0130.pngThrill Fight




  • Now restores 30 HP and 10 MP of the character when collecting a spoil;
  • Skill enchant branches have been combined and significantly strengthened:
    • Previously: from 3 to 90 HP (first branch) and from 1 to 30 MP (second branch) for +1 .. +30;
    • Now: from 38 to 270 HP and from 13 to 90 MP for +1 .. +30.


image.png Sweeper Festival

  • The cooldown time of the skill has been changed to 5 basic seconds, which can be accelerated using the appropriate skills.
    • Now the skill has a cooldown at the 3rd stage already from the start of the Season and the cooldown time of this skill will not change by stages.



  • Now the skill does not require choosing a target and works in an area. Similar to the skill0036.pngWhirlwind skill;
  • The damage radius has been increased: from 70 to 150;
  • As earlier:
    • Brandishes a spear. CP of surrounding enemies -30%. Requires a polearm;
    • When upgraded, it increases the CP reduction of surrounding enemies, up to -60% by +30.


skill0952.png Collector's Experience:

  • skill0952.pngCollector's Fortune can now be triggered by skills:
    • skill0997.pngCrushing Strike;
    • skill0947.pngLucky Strike.


skill0217.pngSword/Blunt Weapon Mastery also works on a new type of weapon: Dualblunt (as well as attack skills that work with an axe).


Skill0997 0.jpg Crushing Strike
  • The skill has been changed : now, in addition to reducing P. / Mag. protection, it also, with a certain chance, depending on the difference in levels, removes Skill1259 0.jpg Stun Resistance / improved_resist.png Improved Resist buffs from the target and reduces the target's defense against Stun by 10% for 3 seconds. Similar to the Surrender skills of Mages.
    • There are 25 skill levels in total: learned at character levels 40 - 85;
    • Power: 1041 - 5704 depending on skill level;
    • Removes Stun Resistance buffs from the target;
    • Decreases P. and Mag. target protection by 10%, protection from Stun by 10% for 3 seconds;
    • Basic cooldown is 5 seconds;
    • Requires a blunt weapon. An overshot is possible.


Skill0947 0.jpg Lucky Strike

  • Strikes the enemy with an explosion with a power of 4312 units, added to P. Atk. Simultaneously with causing damage to a small surrounding enemy, it transfers it to the Assessed state. Can be used when equipped with swords and clubs. Superblow.
  • Levels for learning:
    • 1st level: 78 lvl, 12,800,000 SP.
  • The skill has been changed : Now it is learned at character level 78 and by default has a link to the Earth Attribute .


Skill0130 0.jpg Thrill Fight

  • Reduces Speed by 20% and increases Atk. Spd. by 5%. Action time: 5 min.
  • Levels for learning:
    • 1st level: 46 lvl, 50,000 SP;
    • Level 2: 55 lvl, 150,000 SP.
  • The skill has been changed: now it can be enchanted after receiving the 3rd profession, to Reduce Penalty: from 20% to 0%


Skill0421 0.jpg Fell Swoop

  • Increases the number of enemies affected by your attacks by 1. Requires a spear type weapon. The duration of the effect has been increased from 2 to 20 minutes, similar to many other self-buffs.
    • Levels for learning:
      • 1st level: 58 lvl, 157,000 SP;
      • 2nd level: 62 lvl, 330,000 SP;
      • 3rd level: 66 lvl, 470,000 SP;
      • Level 4: 70 lvl, 720,000 SP;
      • Level 5: 74 lvl, 1,600,000 SP.


image.png Soul of Hunter

  • The skill has been changed : now it reduces the character’s PvE defense by 5/6/7% depending on the skill level:
    • At level 28: Increases PvE attack by 10% and reduces PvE defense by 5%;
    • At level 55: Increases PvE attack by 15% and reduces PvE defense by 6%;
    • At level 72: Increases PvE attack by 20% and reduces PvE defense by 7%.


skill0286.png Provoke

  • The skill lures monsters in the area to the character for 10 seconds. Reduces defense against spear attacks by 10.
  • Levels for learning:
    • 1st level: 43 lvl, 42,000 SP;
    • 2nd level: 55 lvl, 150,000 SP;
    • Level 3: 60 lvl, 264,000 SP.


image.png Blazing Boost
  • The skill is now available for learning at level 40 and replaces the Rush skill. The cooldown time of the skill is 5 seconds.


image.png Expose Weak Point
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • After receiving damage, reveals the enemy's weaknesses, reducing his P. Defense by 20% and increasing the chance of Crit. Attacks the enemy by 30% with normal hits.


image.png Master of Combat
  • Now available for learning from level 52;
    • At level 52: Max. CP. increases by 3%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 20;
    • At level 70:. Max. CP. increases by 4%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 40;
    • At level 78: Max. CP. increases by 5%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 80.


Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger skills
  • The Bounty Hunter class now has dagger skills, such as:
    • Skill0030 0.jpg Backstab;
    • Skill0263 0.jpg Deadly Blow;
    • Skill0209 0.jpg Dagger Mastery;
    • skill0821.png Shadow Step:
      • Approaches the enemy from behind (completely analogous to the dagger skill)
    • image.png Potential Ability

      • The skill is available for learning from level 28:
      • At level 28, you can learn 1 level of skill.
        • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 20%, Power by 117 units. Used when wearing light armor.
      • At level 40 you can learn level 2 of the skill.
        • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 30%, Power by 295 units. Used when wearing light armor.
      • At level 49 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill.
        • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 40%, Power by 384 units. Used when wearing light armor.
    • And others.


skill0821.png Shadow Step

  • Now also increases the character's Attack Speed by 18% and the accuracy of blow skills by 33% for 5 seconds after use.


skill0922.png Hide

  • Becomes invisible. Speed is reduced by 30/20/10%. Duration: 10/15/30 seconds. When performing any actions other than moving, the effect is removed. Now any first attack made from Hide will have increased damage by 15% / 20% / 25% (depending on the level of the Hide skill).
    • 1st level: 52, 77000 SP;
    • 2nd level: 68, 320000 SP;
    • Level 3: 79, br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Forgotten Scroll - Hide required.


skill0456.png Symbol of Resistance (Titan, Fortune Seeker)
  • Action time: 15 seconds ;
  • Basic effects:
    • Debuff protection +60% (now +80%).
  • + New effects:
    • Protection from debuffs increased from 60 to 80%;
    • Once every 3 seconds, the dome removes from 1 to 3 negative effects ( skill1409.png Cleanse effect ).

skill0254.png Spoil, skill0302.png Spoil Festival, skill0537.png Spoil Bomb

  • Now has 20 base Earth attributes. etc_earth_stone_i00.png
    • The chance of successfully completing this skill depends solely on the ratio of the level of the skill to the level of the monsters.
  • The passage of the debuff to reduce attack speed (with appropriate enchantment) does not and did not depend on the passage of the main effect of the skill, but now depends on the attribute.
    • By inserting the Earth Attribute into a weapon, you increase the chance of success the enchant debuff, but do not increase the chance of success the main Spoil effect etc_earth_stone_i00.png


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • skill0998.pngBlazing Boost
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 and up to 200-600 when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0348.pngSpoil Crush
    • Added enchant branch to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack).
  • skill0231.pngHeavy Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to +15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0227.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0340.pngRiposte Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.
  • skill0339.pngParry Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0130.pngThrill Fight



Skill0172.png Warsmith

image.png Sticky Bomb New Skill

  • Guaranteed to attach a sticky bomb to the enemy player (player only), which slows him down by 15% of his speed and explodes after 10 seconds, causing damage to both the carrier and targets within a 200 radius of the carrier.
  • Available for the Warsmith profession;
  • Level to learn: 60;
  • The probability of inflicting critical (x2) damage with a skill is 50%.



  • Now the skill does not require choosing a target and works in an area. Similar to the skill0036.pngWhirlwind skill;
  • The damage radius has been increased: from 70 to 150;
  • As earlier:
    • Brandishes a spear. CP of surrounding enemies -30%. Requires a polearm;
    • When upgraded, it increases the CP reduction of surrounding enemies, up to -60% by +30.


skill0778.png Golem Armor

  • The first level of the skill is now learned at character level 79.


image.png Mechanical Upgrade:

  • The second skill level is available for learning:
    • At Character level 76, with the Third Profession;
    • The effect of the skill is different Outside the Olympiad and at the Olympiad:
      • Outside the Olympiad: Transfers to servant 35% of p. Atk. / Def., 35% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 35% Critical Chance, 20% ATK. Spd. and 7% Casting Speed.
      • At the Olympiad: Transfers to servant 25% of p. atk. Atk. / Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 20% Max. HP/MP, 30% Critical Chance, 15% ATK. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed.
    • Now the skill can be improved, enchanting on Power evenly increases the bonuses transferred to the Golem, up to +50% to P. and M. Atk. / Def. outside the Olympiad (40% at the Olympiad).


skill0823.pngStrengthen Golem

  • Now works together with other effects (for example: skill1068.pngMight ) and is not replaced by them;
  • At level to learn 3: increases P. Atk. golem by 15% and Atk. Spd. by 9%.


skill0824.pngGolem Reinforcement

  • Now works together with other effects (for example: skill1040.pngShield ) and is not replaced by them;
  • At level to learn 3: increases P. Def. golem by 15% and Max. HP by 10%.


skill0217.pngSword/Blunt Weapon Mastery also works on a new type of weapon: Dual Blunt (as well as attack skills that work with an ax).


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • skill0998.pngBlazing Boost
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 (600) and up to 200-600 (800) when enchanted at +30.
  • skill1561.pngBattle Cry
    • Added upgrade option for Reuse and Attack :
      • Reuse (Recharge) - reduces the cooldown of the skill from 150 to 75 seconds;
      • Attack - increases P. Atk from +1 to +10%.
  • skill0231.pngHeavy Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to +15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0227.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0340.pngRiposte Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.
  • skill0339.pngParry Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.


image.png Sticky Bomb New Skill

  • Guaranteed to attach a sticky bomb to the enemy player (player only), which slows him down by 15% of his speed and explodes after 10 seconds, causing damage to both the carrier and targets within a 200 radius of the carrier.
  • Available for the Warsmith profession;
  • Level to learn: 60;
  • The probability of inflicting critical (x2) damage with a skill is 50%.



  • Now the skill does not require choosing a target and works in an area. Similar to the skill0036.pngWhirlwind skill;
  • The damage radius has been increased: from 70 to 150;
  • As earlier:
    • Brandishes a spear. CP of surrounding enemies -30%. Requires a polearm;
    • When upgraded, it increases the CP reduction of surrounding enemies, up to -60% by +30.


Skill0153 0.jpg Shield Mastery

  • The skill is available for learning for the Warsmith class:
    • At level 28: Shield protection +30%, chance to block with a shield +50%;
    • At level 56: Shield protection +40%, chance to block with a shield +70%;
    • At level 68: Shield protection +50%, chance to block with a shield +85%. Additionally P. Def. +10% when wearing heavy armor;
    • At level 74: Shield protection +60%, shield block chance +100%. Additionally P. Def. +10% when wearing heavy armor.


skill0301.png Summon Big Boom

  • The skill will be improved:
    • PvE damage will be increased;
    • Detonation will be accelerated;
    • The Golem's corpse will disappear faster after the explosion.


Skill0997 0.jpg Crushing Strike
  • The skill has been changed : now, in addition to reducing P. / Mag. Skill1259 0.jpgprotection, it also, with a certain chance, depending on the difference in levels, removes Stun Resistance \ Improved Resist buffs from the target improved_resist.png and reduces the target's defense against Stun by 10% for 3 seconds. Similar to the Surrender skills of Mages.
    • There are 25 skill levels in total: learned at character levels 40 - 85;
    • Power: 1041 - 5704 depending on skill level;
    • Removes Stun Resistance buffs from the target;
    • Decreases P. and Mag. target protection by 10%, protection from Stun by 10% for 3 seconds;
    • Basic cooldown is 5 seconds;
    • Requires a blunt weapon. An overshot is possible.


Skill0440 0.jpg Braveheart

  • The skill has been changed: now, in addition to instantly restoring 1000 CP, the skill also restores 100 CP per second for 15 seconds.
    • Thus, the total amount of CP restored during the duration of the skill is 2500;
    • The Power upgrade branch now increases instant recovery by 50 per level. enchanting and also increases CP recovery per second by 5 per level. enchanting.
    • Thus, the skill will provide up to 1750 instant CP recovery and up to 175 per second CP recovery. Up to 4.375 CP for the full duration of the skill.


image.png Soul of Hunter

  • The skill has been changed : now it reduces the character’s PvE defense by 5/6/7% depending on the skill level:
    • At level 28: Increases PvE attack by 10% and reduces PvE defense by 5%;
    • At level 55: Increases PvE attack by 15% and reduces PvE defense by 6%;
    • At level 72: Increases PvE attack by 20% and reduces PvE defense by 7%.


Skill0421 0.jpg Fell Swoop

  • Increases the number of enemies affected by your attacks by 1. Requires a spear type weapon. The duration of the effect has been increased from 2 to 20 minutes, similar to many other self-buffs.
    • Levels for learning:
      • 1st level: 58 lvl, 157,000 SP;
      • 2nd level: 62 lvl, 330,000 SP;
      • 3rd level: 66 lvl, 470,000 SP;
      • Level 4: 70 lvl, 720,000 SP;
      • Level 5: 74 lvl, 1,600,000 SP.


Skill0440 0.jpg Braveheart

  • The skill has been changed: now, in addition to instantly restoring 1000 CP, the skill also restores 100 CP per second for 15 seconds.
    • Thus, the total amount of CP restored during the duration of the skill is 2500;
    • The Power upgrade branch now increases instant recovery by 50 per level. enchanting and also increases CP recovery per second by 5 per level. enchanting.
    • Thus, the skill will provide up to 1750 instant CP recovery and up to 175 per second CP recovery. Up to 4.375 CP for the full duration of the skill.


skill0286.png Provoke

  • The skill lures monsters in the area to the character for 10 seconds. Reduces defense against spear attacks by 10.
  • Levels for learning:
    • 1st level: 43 lvl, 42,000 SP;
    • 2nd level: 55 lvl, 150,000 SP;
    • Level 3: 60 lvl, 264,000 SP.


skill0778.png Golem Armor

  • He fights riding a Golem. Valid for 5/5 minutes. Cooldown: 60/30 minutes.
  • Levels for learning:
    • 1st level: 79 lvl, 40,000,000 SP;
    • Level 2: 83 lvl, br_spell_books_sword_i01.pngForgotten Scroll - Golem Armor


image.png Battle Cry
  • Now any skill level will restore HP, even if a similar buff has already been applied.


image.png Expose Weak Point
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • After receiving damage, reveals the enemy's weaknesses, reducing his P. Defense by 20% and increasing the chance of Crit. Attacks the enemy by 30% with normal hits.


image.png Blazing Boost
  • The skill is now available for learning at level 40 and replaces the Rush skill. The cooldown time of the skill is 5 seconds.


image.png Master of Combat
  • Now available for learning from level 52;
    • At level 52: Max. CP. increases by 3%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 20;
    • At level 70: Max. CP. increases by 4%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm weapon, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 40;
    • At level 78: Max. CP. increases by 5%, and when attacking with a sword, blunt weapon, polearm, dual swords and brass knuckles, P. Atk. increases by 80.


Crafter Auras

  • Available for learning from level 49 for Tempered Weapons and from level 46 for Tempered Armor. Works for the whole group. When you leave the group, auras stop working. Regular buffs have been removed .


image.png Tempered Weapons :
  • For Blunt Weapons: Increases P. Attack by 5% and Chance of Stunning Attack by 8%;
  • For Cutting Weapons: Increases P. Attack by 5% and Crit Chance. Attacks +20%;
  • For Bows and Crossbows: Increases P. Attack by 5% and firing range by 100.


image.png Tempered Armor :
  • For Heavy Armor: Increases P. Protection by 10%;
  • For Light Armor: Increases P. Defense by 5% and Evasion +2;
  • For Magic Armor: Increases P. Defense by 5% and MP recovery speed by 2.


image.png Treasure Hunter Hammer Push

  • Now available for learning from level 56;
  • Allows you to open chests of levels 21-85 with a probability of 100%. If applied by a character below level 77 to chests more than 6 levels higher, or by characters above level 78 to chests more than 5 levels higher, you will not receive treasure from the chest.


image.png Mechanical Upgrade:
  • Transfers some of the summoner's characteristics to the summoned mechanism, namely:
    • 25% P. Atk. / M. Atk., 25% P. Def. / M. Def., 15% Max. HP / MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 15% ATK. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
  • The second skill level is available for learning:
    • At Character level 76, with the Third Profession;
    • The effect of the skill is different Outside the Olympiad and at the Olympiad:
      • Outside the Olympiad: Transfers to servant 35% of p. Atk. / Def., 35% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 35% Critical Chance, 20% ATK. Spd. and 7% Casting Speed
      • At the Olympiad: Transfers to servant 25% of p. atk. Atk. / Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 20% Max. HP/MP, 30% Critical Chance, 15% ATK. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed
    • Now the skill can be improved, enchanting on Power evenly increases the bonuses transferred to the Golem, up to +50% to P. and M. Atk. / Def. outside the Olympiad (40% at the Olympiad).


skill0457.png Symbol of Honor (Dreadnought, Maestro)

  • Dome duration: 15 seconds ;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 40% regen HP and CP.
  • + New effects:
    • + 300% regen HP and CP;
    • When applied, restores 30% HP and 100% CP.


skill0823.pngStrengthen Golem

  • Now works together with other effects (for example: skill1068.pngMight) and is not replaced by them;
  • At level to learn 3: increases P. Atk. golem by 15% and Atk. Spd. by 9%.


skill0824.pngGolem Reinforcement

  • Now works together with other effects (for example: skill1040.pngShield) and is not replaced by them;
  • At level to learn 3: increases P. Def. golem by 15% and Max. HP by 10%.


skill0217.pngSword/Blunt Weapon Mastery also works on a new type of weapon: Dualblunt (as well as attack skills that work with an axe).


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes :

  • skill0998.pngBlazing Boost
    • Added the ability to improve Range (range of use):
      • from 200-400 (600) and up to 200-600 (800) when enchanted at +30.
  • skill1561.pngBattle Cry
    • Added upgrade option for Reuse and Attack :
      • Reuse (Recharge) - reduces the cooldown of the skill from 150 to 75 seconds;
      • Attack - increases P. Atk from +1 to +10%.
  • skill0231.pngHeavy Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to +15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0227.pngLight Armor Mastery
    • Life enchant branch has been improved:
      • Now increases the value of “incoming” healing, up to 15% when enchanted at +30.
  • skill0340.pngRiposte Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.
  • skill0339.pngParry Stance
    • Added enchant branch Cost and Decrease Penalty:
      • Cost - reduces the cost of activating and maintaining the skill, up to 50% of the initial cost;
      • Decrease Penalty - Reduces the Speed penalty from -10% to 0 (no penalty) and the Attack Speed penalty from -20% to -10%.



Skill1476 0.jpg Inspector


  • skill1476.pngAppetite for Destruction
  • skill1479.pngMagic Impulse
  • skill1478.pngProtection Instinct
    • enchant branches for Reuse have been removed as unnecessary.
    • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
      • Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.
    • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated.

Clarification: Magic Impulse and Protection Instinct can be used after Appetite for Destruction, but not the second Appetite for Destruction.


skill0486.png Increase Range

  • Now increases the maximum range of a Crossbow shot by 175 (from 200).

skill0483.png Sword Shield

  • The skill has been removed from learning for the Inspector profession.

skill11869.png Soul Guardian new skill

  • Increases P. Def. by 1600, but reduces movement speed by 80%;
  • Action time: 30 seconds;
  • Basic cooldown 15 minutes;
  • Interchangeable with skill0622.pngUltimate Escape.


Skill1450 0.jpg Chain Lightning new skill

  • Description: Deals magical non-attribute damage with a power of 200 to the target and targets around the target within a radius of 350. Increases Power when using the Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls. At the same time, an additional random debuff from Judicator skills is applied to each target that is damaged .
    • Level To Learn : 83
    • Cost: 150,000,000 SP
    • Note:
      • “Applied” does not mean passing the debuff 100%, but applying the skill to the target with its base chance.
      • “Random debuff” - a random debuff from the list of skills of a specific character of the corresponding improvement level (enchanting) is applied to the target.


skill0504.png Triple Thrust

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Dark Attack.

skill0505.png Shining Edge

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Dark Attack.


skill0465.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) modification branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P. and Mag. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.

g_premium_hena_camel.png Maximum Ability (Kamael)

  • The skill has a new icon.


skill1445.png Surrender to Dark:

  • When success, cancels skill1393.pngResist Dark from the target;
    • Before entering ATT:
      • Reduces defense against Darkness by 30%.
    • After entering ATT:
      • Has +20 Dark ATT, which stacks with your attacking ATT;
      • Reduces the target's defense against dark ATT by 30;
      • enchant branch for "Power" available:
        • Increases the reduction in the target's resistance to the darkness attribute by -2 for every +1 to enchant.


skill1481.png Oblivion

  • The skill trigger has a new icon.skill0445.png


skill1482.png Weak Constitution

  • The skill trigger has a new skill0100.png icon.


skill1483.png Thin Skin

  • The skill trigger has a new icon.skill1511.png


skill1484.png Enervation

  • The skill trigger has a new skill1206.pngicon.


skill1485.png Spite

  • The skill trigger has a new skill0137.pngicon.


skill1486.png Mental Impoverish

  • The skill trigger has a new skill1398.pngicon.


skill0467.pngSoul Mastery

  • Now allows you to have up to 45 souls at all character levels. skill0502.png
    • It is also possible to put Full Bottle of Souls on “auto-use” (by analogy with CPU, HP, Elixirs). etc_fruit_juice_glass_bottle_i11.png


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0482.pngFurious Soul


skill1443.png Dark Weapon:

  • Before entering ATT:
    • Gives a weapon a dark attack.
  • With ATT input:
    • Increases attack with dark attribute by +20.
  • The "Power" enchant branch is available:
    • +1 to the attack bonus with the dark attribute for every +1 to enchant.


The effects of the following skills now also apply corresponding effects that block similar skills from being cast on characters again for 270 seconds (4 minutes and 30 seconds), similar to skill0915.pngDance of Berserker => skill0915.pngDance of Berserker Block:

  • skill1476.pngAppetite for Destruction
  • skill1479.pngMagic Impulse
  • skill1478.pngProtection Instinct
    • enchant branches for Reuse have been removed as unnecessary.
    • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
      • Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.
    • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated.

Clarification: Magic Impulse and Protection Instinct can be used after Appetite for Destruction, but not the second Appetite for Destruction.


skill0538.png Final Form

  • Now has several levels and is learned from 70th;
  • The transform parameters have been reduced to suit the low level to learn.


skill0483.png Sword Shield

  • The skill has been removed from learning for the Inspector profession.


skill11869.png Soul Guardian new skill

  • Increases P. Def. by 1600, but reduces movement speed by 80%;
  • Action time: 30 seconds;
  • Basic cooldown 15 minutes;
  • Interchangeable with skill0622.pngUltimate Escape.


Skill1450 0.jpg Chain Lightning new skill

  • Description: Deals magical non-attribute damage with a power of 200 to the target and targets around the target within a radius of 350. Increases Power when using the Soul. Consumes up to a maximum of 5 Souls. At the same time, an additional random debuff from Judicator skills is applied to each target that is damaged .
    • Level To Learn : 83
    • Cost: 150,000,000 SP
    • Note:
      • “Applied” does not mean passing the debuff 100%, but applying the skill to the target with its base chance.
      • “Random debuff” - a random debuff from the list of skills of a specific character of the corresponding improvement level (enchanting) is applied to the target.


Skill 10328 1.jpg Final Spirit

  • New active skill that replaced the one removed from this class skill0917.pngFinal Secret:
    • Increases physical power. skills in PvP and PvE by 30%. Increases the chance of success your deteriorating effects by 30%;
    • Learned at level 79. Duration: 30 sec. Cooldown: 150 seconds.


skill0482.png Furious Soul
  • Only the first level of skill is available for learning :
    • Increases Critical Chance for 5 minutes. Hit by 20% and Crit Power. Impact by 25%. Reduces P. Protection by 5%.


skill0486.png Increase Range
  • Increases the maximum range of a Crossbow shot by 175.


Skill1433 0.jpg Abyssal Blaze

  • This is a first-professional attacking Mage. skill has been developed:
    • Added skill levels 11-25, learned at character levels 40 - 74;
    • Power in PvE : 50-108 depending on skill level;
    • Power in PvP : 46-72 depending on skill level;
    • Range - 700;
    • Base cast time: 1.2 sec. Basic cooldown is 3 seconds;
    • When you deal damage with this skill, there is a chance to apply the effect of the Skill1435 0.jpg Death Mark skill to the target .


skill0939.png Soul Rage

  • Now has several levels and is learned from 60th .
    • The parameters of the first skill levels have been reduced to match the low level to learn.

skill1443.png Dark Weapon:

  • Before entering ATT:
    • Gives a weapon a dark attack.
  • With ATT input:
    • Increases attack with dark attribute by +20.
  • The "Power" enchant branch is available:
    • +1 to the attack bonus with the dark attribute for every +1 to enchant.


Skill1480 0.jpg Lesser Soul Harmony

  • A new skill is aura , which works by analogy with the already existing party auras of this class:
    • Increases your party's MP regeneration by 4. Increases your party's MP regeneration by 25%*. Reduces P. Group protection by 10%;
    • Learned at level 70. Only one Arbiter aura can be activated on party characters at a time.

* Let's say your character has MP regen: 20 per second. Under this aura: (20 + 4) x 1.25 = 30.


Skill1483 0.jpgSkill1482 0.jpgSkill1484 0.jpgSkill1486 0.jpgSkill1481 0.jpgUnique Inspector Degrading Effects:

  • The base chance of success has been increased, the influence of M. attack on passing these skills has been reduced. They will come by more often now.
  • g_premium_hena_camel.png Maximum Ability (Kamael)
    • The skill has a new icon.


skill1445.png Surrender to Dark:

  • When success, cancels skill1393.pngResist Dark from the target;
    • Before entering ATT:
      • Reduces defense against Darkness by 30%.
    • After entering ATT:
      • Has +20 Dark ATT, which stacks with your attacking ATT;
      • Reduces the target's defense against dark ATT by 30;
      • enchant branch for "Power" available:
        • Increases the reduction in the target's resistance to the darkness attribute by -2 for every +1 to enchant.


  • skill1481.pngOblivion (Inspector)
    • The skill trigger has a new icon.skill0445.png
  • skill1482.pngWeak Constitution (Inspector)
    • The skill trigger has a new skill0100.png icon.
  • skill1483.pngThin Skin (Inspector)
    • The skill trigger has a new icon.skill1511.png
  • skill1484.pngEnervation (Inspector)
    • The skill trigger has a new skill1206.pngicon.
  • skill1485.pngSpite (Inspector)
    • The skill trigger has a new skill0137.pngicon.
  • skill1486.pngMental Impoverish (Inspector)
    • The skill trigger has a new skill1398.pngicon.


General changes

  • Regardless of gender, this class has the same set of skills. Gender only affects basic characteristics (such as STR, DEX, MEN, etc.).
  • The Maximum Ability skill Skill0000 0.jpgcan be applied to a group with any type of weapon!
    • Note! Only Rapier type weapons must be enchanted to +4.
  • The character can learn all 3 forks:
    • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will;
    • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will;
    • br_spell_books_magic_i00.png Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will.
  • skill0285.pngThe Higher Mana Gain skill has been added for character learning.
  • Now, if you have a Sub-class for Inspector / Judicator, you can complete a special quest and change it to the main class.
    • This class will be able to compete at the Olympiad and claim heroism.
    • Note! This quest will only appear at the full Gracia Final stage.
  • Basic Class Buffs
    • The skills skill1476.png Appetite for Destruction , skill1478.png Protection Instinct and skill1479.png Magic Impulse received their Toggle counterparts, which work interchangeably, i.e. You can only have one effect enabled. For example:
      • If you have Lesser Appetite for Destruction enabled and you also enable Lesser Magic Impulse, then the first toggle will turn off and you will feel the effect of Vampirism.appetite toggle.pngMagic toggle.png
    • Parameters of new skills:
      • appetite toggle.png Lesser Appetite for Destruction:
        • +5% P.Atk;
        • +5% Crit.Rate;
        • +5% Crit.Power.
      • Diffence toggle.png Lesser Protection Instinct:
        • At level 46: +120 P. Def. and +90 M.Def;
        • At level 60: +180 P. Def. and +135 M.Def.
      • Magic toggle.png Lesser Magic Impulse:
        • + 7.5% M.Sc.;
        • + 3% Cast.Spd;
        • +15% Mag.Crit.Rate.
    • The parameters of the main skills have been reduced by the amount of the bonus from Lesser-Toggle. For example:
      • If skill1476.png Appetite for Destruction , depending on the level, gave: 30 / 40 / 50%, now it gives: 25 / 35 / 45%. Those. When both effects are active, you will receive the “old” bonus from the skill.
    • skill1476.png Appetite for Destruction
      • Bonus parameters have been adjusted:
        • 1й лвл: +25% P.Atk / 25% Crit.Rate / 25% Crit.Power;
        • 2й лвл: +30% P.Atk / 30% Crit.Rate / 30% Crit.Power ;
        • Level 3: +35% P.Atk / 35% Crit.Rate / 35% Crit.Power (at level 77 of the 3rd profession).
      • Now enchanting has the combined effect of Time and Power (Time + Power):
        • enchanting increases both the duration of the buff and the power of the skill, up to 30 seconds and +45% / 45% / 45%.
    • skill1478.png Protection Instinct:
      • The skill is divided into 3 levels:
        • Level 1: Level 46: P. Def. +1080, M. Def. +810, for 15 seconds, 67,000 SP;
        • Level 2 : Level 66: P. Def. +1350, M. Def. +1010, for 15 seconds, 275,000 SP;
        • Level 3: Level 76: P. Def. +1620, M. Def. +1215, for 15 seconds, 2,500,000 SP.
      • Bonus parameters have been adjusted:
        • 1st lvl: P. Def. +1080, M. Def. +810, for 15 sec. (at level 46)
        • 2nd lvl: P. Def. +1350, M. Def. +1010, for 15 sec. (at level 66)
        • 3rd lvl: P. Def. +1620, M. Def. +1215, for 15 sec. (at level 76)
    • skill1479.png Magic Impulse
      • The learning level of the 3rd skill level has been changed:
        • Level to learn: 78;
        • Required SP: 2,500,000.
      • Bonus parameters have been adjusted:
        • 1й лвл: +67.5% / 12% Cast.Spd / 85% Mag.Crit.Rate;
        • 2й лвл: +72.5% / 12% Cast.Spd / 135% Mag.Crit.Rate;
        • Level 3: +77.5% / 12% Cast.Spd / 185% Mag.Crit.Rate (at level 78 of the 3rd profession).
      • Now enchanting has the combined effect of Time and Power (Time + Power):
        • enchanting increases both the duration of the buff and the power of the skill, up to 30 seconds and +87.5% / 12% / 285%.
    • Changes to skill1476.png Appetite for Destruction , skill1478.png Protection Instinct , skill1477.png Vampiric Impulse , skill1479.png Magic Impulse skills
      • The 3rd levels of the above skills will now be learned at level 77 ;
      • They are effective only as long as the character who applied the skill is in the Group.
        • skill1480.png Except for the Soul Harmony skill . The logic of its operation has not been changed.
  • Special Class Treatment
    • skill1487.png Restoration
      • Now restores 10% when cast and 24-104 HP/sec, depending on skill level (instead of 15 HP) for 15 seconds;
      • Will no longer be replaced with health restoring potions.
    • skill1488.png Restoration Impact
      • The percentage of health restored for characters who are under the influence skill1487.png of Restoration has been increased to:
        • 15% at level 49;
        • 22% at level 60;
        • 30% at level 68;
        • The enchantment of the skill has been reworked, with a bonus of up to 60% when enchanted at +30.
  • Class Features
    • According to the logic of class development for the Kamael race, Inspector / Judicator is the lead of development and is available for taking as a sub-class only when you have leveled up the other classes. In this connection, we decided to modify the class so that it corresponds to its high rank. Therefore, he received a number of skills or analogues of these skills from other classes, namely:
      • The following skills have been added from the Berserker / Doombringer class:
        • skill0483.png Level 1 Sword Shield
        • New skill Huricane Charge.png Hurricane Charge:
          • Brings you closer to the target, causing damage to her and with a certain probability of stunning her. Can only be used with two-handed weapons;
          • Cast range: 600;
          • Re-cast time: 15 seconds.
        • skill0834.png Blood Pact
        • skill0472.png Ancient Sword Mastery
      • The following skills have been added from the Arbalester/Trickster class :
        • skill0622.png Ultimate Escape Level 1
        • skill0484.png Warp
        • skill0473.png Crossbow Mastery
        • skill0490.png Fast Shot
      • The following skills have been added from the Soul Breaker / Soul Hound class :
        • skill0837.png Painkiller
        • skill1435.png Death Mark
        • skill0506.png Checkmate
        • skill1444.png Pride of Kamael
        • skill1442.png Protection from Darkness и skill1443.png Dark Weapon
        • skill1448.png Blink
        • skill0474.png Rapier Mastery + now increases Cast.Spd by 15%;
        • skill1527.png Expert Casting + now cooldown for magic. skills have been reduced from -10 to -20%;
        • skill1532.png Enlightenment was added for learning at level 79. Requires: br_spell_books_magic_i00.png Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment - Healer


skill0465.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) modification branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P. and Mag. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).

skill0467.pngSoul Mastery

  • Now allows you to have up to 45 souls at all character levels. skill0502.png
    • It is also possible to put Full Bottle of Souls on “auto-use” (by analogy with CPU, HP, Elixirs). etc_fruit_juice_glass_bottle_i11.png


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0482.pngFurious Soul



skill1439.png Soul Breaker


Skill1440 0.jpg Steal Divinity

  • Now initially it works according to the logic “according to HF” :
    • At level 5 (maximum) steals up to 4 effects (not the fixed 7 effects);
      • Now the skill can be improved, the maximum number of stolen effects increases, up to 8 (by +1, +10, +20 and +30).
    • The base cooldown has been increased from 15 to 20 seconds, but the cooldown is no longer fixed and, accordingly, it can be accelerated by appropriate effects, for example: skill11372.pngGift of Seraphim ;
    • As before, there is a direct relationship between the levels of the character casting the skill and the level of the target.


image.png Arcane Shield

  • The effect of the skill has been changed:
    • At level 60: Increases P. and M. Def. by 25%. Reduces damage taken by 25% and transfers the remaining damage to MP consumption. The effect disappears if MP runs out. Action time: 10 seconds. Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes;
    • At level 74: Increases P. and M. Def. by 30%. Reduces damage taken by 30% and transfers the remaining damage to MP consumption. The effect disappears if MP runs out. Action time: 10 seconds. Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes;
    • At level 81: Increases P. and M. Def. by 35%. Reduces damage taken by 35% and transfers the remaining damage to MP consumption. The effect disappears if MP runs out. Action time: 10 seconds. Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes.


skill0482.pngFurious Soul

  • The second level of the skill is available for learning;
  • Added enchant branch to Power + Decrease Penalty:
    • Increases Critical Chance and Power. Atk. from 30% and up to 35% and also reduces the penalty of P. Def., from -5% to up to 0 (until no penalty).


g_premium_hena_camel.png Maximum Ability (Kamael)

  • The skill has a new icon.


skill1445.png Surrender to Dark:

  • When success, cancels skill1393.pngResist Dark from the target;
    • Before entering ATT:
      • Reduces defense against Darkness by 30%.
    • After entering ATT:
      • Has +20 Dark ATT, which stacks with your attacking ATT;
      • Reduces the target's defense against dark ATT by 30;
      • enchant branch for "Power" available:
        • Increases the reduction in the target's resistance to the darkness attribute by -2 for every +1 to enchant.


skill1443.png Dark Weapon:

  • Before entering ATT:
    • Gives a weapon a dark attack.
  • With ATT input:
    • Increases attack with dark attribute by +20.
  • The "Power" enchant branch is available:
    • +1 to the attack bonus with the dark attribute for every +1 to enchant.


skill0504.png Triple Thrust

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Dark Attack.


skill0505.png Shining Edge

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Dark Attack.


skill0465.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) modification branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P. and Mag. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.


skill0467.pngSoul Mastery

  • Now allows you to have up to 45 souls at all character levels. skill0502.png
    • It is also possible to put Full Bottle of Souls on “auto-use” (by analogy with CPU, HP, Elixirs). etc_fruit_juice_glass_bottle_i11.png


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0482.pngFurious Soul

All skills basically work according to High Five , like the skills of other classes. If you don't see a skill in this list, it means it works the way it should work in High Five.

There are also skills that were added between the Gracia Final and High Five chronicles and significantly affect the game of the class, namely:

  • Skill1438 0.jpgThe MP consumption of many Soul Breaker class skills has been reduced;
  • skill0474.png Rapier Mastery now increases Cast.Spd by 15%;
  • skill1527.png Expert Casting - now the cooldown time for magic. skills have been reduced from -10 to -20%;
  • A number of other skills:
    • skill0832.png Fast Recovery, skill1441.png Soul to Empower, skill1437.png Dark Flame и тд.


skill1444.png Pride of Kamael

  • Now 3 branches of skill enchanting will be combined into one (Phys., Mag. and Flying).
  • Bonus when enchanting from +10 to +40%:
  • Profile weapon: +100% (power from skill);
  • Other: +50% (power from skill).


g_premium_hena_camel.png Maximum Ability (Kamael)

  • The skill has a new icon.


skill1445.png Surrender to Dark:

  • When success, cancels skill1393.pngResist Dark from the target;
    • Before entering ATT:
      • Reduces defense against Darkness by 30%.
    • After entering ATT:
      • Has +20 Dark ATT, which stacks with your attacking ATT;
      • Reduces the target's defense against dark ATT by 30;
      • enchant branch for "Power" available:
        • Increases the reduction in the target's resistance to the darkness attribute by -2 for every +1 to enchant.


skill1443.png Dark Weapon:

  • Before entering ATT:
    • Gives a weapon a dark attack.
  • With ATT input:
    • Increases attack with dark attribute by +20.
  • The "Power" enchant branch is available:
    • +1 to the attack bonus with the dark attribute for every +1 to enchant.


skill1554.png Aura Blast

  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels and will be added at the appropriate stage;
  • At level 80:
    • Additionally inflicts 94 damage to the target and the enemy around the target. non-elemental damage in PvP and 133 units. in PvE and restores MP;
    • Cast range: 700;
    • Recoil: 25, not fixed.
  • At level 82:
    • Additionally inflicts 141 damage to the target and the enemy around the target. non-elemental damage in PvP and 199 units. in PvE and restores MP;
    • Application range: 900 ;
    • Cooldown: 15, not fixed.
  • All physical skills have been updated :


Skill0504 0.jpg Triple Thrust

  • Now has the ability to inflict critical damage (x2) depending on the STR parameter;
  • The power of the skill has been increased by 1.5 times;
  • A enchanting branch for Dark Attribute has been added.


Skill0505 0.jpg Shining Edge

  • A enchanting branch for Dark Attribute has been added;
  • The passing angle of the skill has been increased. Now there is a possibility of passing the skill not only from the back, but also from the sides:


skill1435.png Death Mark

  • The chance of success the skill has been increased.


skill0506.png Checkmate

  • The chance to use the skill has been increased due to the increased chance of success skill1435.png Death Mark


skill0917.png Final Secret

  • At level 79: Increases skill power and normal damage in PvP by 30%;
  • Action time: 30 seconds. cooldown: 150 seconds.


Skill1440 0.jpg Steal Divinity

  • Now initially it works according to the logic “according to HF” :
    • At level 5 (maximum) steals up to 4 effects (not the fixed 7 effects);
      • Now the skill can be improved, the maximum number of stolen effects increases, up to 8 (by +1, +10, +20 and +30).
    • The base cooldown time has been increased from 15 to 20 seconds, but the cooldown is no longer fixed and, accordingly, it can be accelerated by appropriate effects, for example: skill11372.pngGift of Seraphim;
    • As before, there is a direct relationship between the levels of the character casting the skill and the level of the target.
  • Note! In order to avoid the loss of “buff slots” during a style, one rhythm is taken into account for a style as two buffs. (Cancel\steal for 4 buffs = removes 2 rhythms). Cancel/steal works as before for buffs. Removes multiple buffs from an enemy.
  • Now it works according to the logic of the debuff, with a base chance of success of 100%, which directly depends on the difference between the character’s levels:



Steal Divinity 1 - 4 lvl:

  • If Soul Breaker / Soul Hound is 2 levels less from the opponent (either equal level or higher) = 4/4 steal. buffs;
  • 3 levels less - 80% chance of success;
  • 4 levels less - 70% chance of success;
  • 5 levels less - 60% chance of success;
  • 6 levels less - 50% chance of success;
  • 7 levels less - 40% chance of success;
  • 8 levels less - 30% chance of success;
  • 9 levels less - 20% chance of success;
  • 10 levels less - 10% chance of success;
  • 11 levels less - 7% chance of success;
  • 12 levels less - 5% chance of success;
  • 13 or more levels less - 0% chance of success.

Steal Divinity 5 lvl:

  • If Soul Breaker / Soul Hound is 1 level less from the opponent (either equal level or higher) = 4/4 steal. buffs;
  • 2 levels less - 80% chance of success;
  • 3 levels less - 70% chance of success;
  • 4 levels less - 60% chance of success;
  • 5 levels less - 50% chance of success;
  • 6 levels less - 40% chance of success;
  • 7 levels less - 25% chance of success;
  • 8 levels less - 10% chance of success;
  • 9 or more levels less - 0% chance of success.


image.png Arcane Shield

  • The effect of the skill has been changed:
    • At level 60: Increases P. and M. Def. by 25%. Reduces damage taken by 25% and transfers the remaining damage to MP consumption. The effect disappears if MP runs out. Action time: 10 seconds. Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes;
    • At level 74: Increases P. and M. Def. by 30%. Reduces damage taken by 30% and transfers the remaining damage to MP consumption. The effect disappears if MP runs out. Action time: 10 seconds. Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes;
    • At level 81: Increases P. and M. Def. by 35%. Reduces damage taken by 35% and transfers the remaining damage to MP consumption. The effect disappears if MP runs out. Action time: 10 seconds. Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes.


skill0939.png Soul Rage

  • Learned at level 60:
    • Deals damage to enemies and collects Souls: the damage is completely tied to your P. Atk. Each use consumes 25 HP and 5 MP, charges 1 Soul.


skill0538.png Final Form

  • Learned at level 70:
    • Transforms your character into Final Form for 5 minutes. The set of skills has been replaced, P. and Mag. Attack, P. and Mag. Defense - increased by 100%.
    • Cost of use: 20 souls, 200 HP, 70 MP.
    • Recharge - 60 minutes.


Etc nobless teleport coupon i00 0.jpg Great Olympiad :

  • Female and male characters now claim different Heroisms.


skill0482.pngFurious Soul

  • The second level of the skill is available for learning;
  • Added enchant branch to Power + Decrease Penalty:
    • Increases Critical Chance and Power. Atk. from 30% and up to 35% and also reduces the penalty of P. Def., from -5% to up to 0 (until no penalty).


skill0465.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) modification branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P. and Mag. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.


skill0467.pngSoul Mastery

  • Now allows you to have up to 45 souls at all character levels. skill0502.png
    • It is also possible to put Full Bottle of Souls on “auto-use” (by analogy with CPU, HP, Elixirs). etc_fruit_juice_glass_bottle_i11.png


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0482.pngFurious Soul



skill0793.png Berserker


Skill0948 0.jpg Eye for Eye skill changed

  • Within 10 sec. returns damage to the enemy.
  • Now the skill has several levels:
    • At level 60: For 10 sec. with a 30% chance, reflects all nearby physical skills, while taking damage from simple attacks in full and returning 30% to the attacker (both characters receive damage), 20% chance to reflect damage M. skills _
    • At level 70: For 10 sec. with a 50% chance, reflects all nearby physical skills, while receiving damage from simple attacks in full and returning 50% to the attacker (both characters receive damage), 30% chance to reflect damage M. skills _
    • At level 79: For 10 seconds. with a 70% chance, reflects all nearby physical skills, while taking damage from simple attacks in full and returning 70% to the attacker (both characters receive damage), 40% chance to reflect damage M. skills _
    • At level 83: For 10 seconds. with a 90% chance of reflecting all nearby physical skills, while receiving damage from simple attacks in full and returning 90% to the attacker (both characters receive damage), 50% chance of reflecting damage Mage. skills _
      Reflection M. skills is the same as skill0916.png Shield Deflect Magic


skill0193.png The following skills now have a base 15% Critical Chance with strength x2 , depending on the STR parameter (by analogy with other physical classes, except for daggers). The base damage of these skills has been commensurately reduced by 23%:

  • skill0477.pngDark Smash
  • skill0496.pngSlashing Blade
  • skill0497.pngCrush of Pain
  • skill0498.pngContagion
  • skill0493.pngStorm Assault
  • skill0526.pngEnuma Elish
  • skill0793.pngRush Impact

Explanation: “damage at a distance” has increased, since the formula for calculating physical. skill damage: Ability Power + P. Character attack. For example, skill power is 3200, P. Atk. character - 800, total = 4000. Roughly speaking, it was: “1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000.” It became: "850, 850, 850, 1700, 850, 850".

skill0485.png Disarm и skill0794.png Mass Disarm

  • Now, at the end of the effect of the Disarm effect, the weapon removed by it is automatically put back on.
  • Improved-standardized-corrected description of skills and skill enchanting

skill1514.png Soul Barrier:

  • Action time increased from 10 to 15 seconds;
  • When improving a skill by "Time":
    • The bonus from the improvement has been reduced; at the maximum level of enchantment, the duration of the effect remains 40 seconds.

etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes:

  • skill0485.pngDisarm
    • Time enchant branch change: now the effect time increases to 15 seconds when enchanting at +30, and not to 20 seconds:
      • Was: from 5 to 20 seconds;
      • Now: from 5 to 15 seconds.
  • skill0793.pngRush Impact
    • Merging the Chance + Cost enchant branches into one common branch.
  • skill0482.pngFurious Soul
    • Added enchant branch to Power + Decrease Penalty:
      • Increases Critical Chance and Power. Atk. from 30% and up to 35% and also reduces the penalty of P. Def., from -5% to up to 0 (until no penalty).
  • skill0500.pngTrue Berserker
    • Merging the Power + Cost enchant branches into one common branch;
    • Power + Cost:
      • Increases P. Atk. and Accuracy from 8% and +4 (at +0) to +12% and +8, respectively (at +30).
        • +1 - +9 = +9% P. Atk, +8% Atk. Spd., +5 Accuracy;
        • +10 - +19 = +10% P. Atk., +8% Atk. Spd., +6 Accuracy;
        • +20 - +29 = +11% P. Atk., +8% Atk. Spd., +7 Accuracy;
        • +30 = +12% P. Atk., +8% Atk. Spd., +8 Accuracy.
      • The cost of maintaining a toggle is gradually reduced, up to 1/4 of the original, by +30.
    • Merging enchant branches Penalty + Cost:
      • Systematically reduces the penalty to P. Def. and Evasion from 10% and -4 (at +0) to no penalty at all (at +30).
      • The cost of maintaining a toggle is gradually reduced, up to 1/4 of the original, by +30.
  • skill0465.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) modification branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P. and Mag. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0482.pngFurious Soul
  • skill20006.pngSoul Roar



All skills basically work according to High Five , like the skills of other classes. If you don't see a skill in this list, it means it works the way it should work in High Five.

There are also skills that were added between the Gracia Final and High Five chronicles and significantly affect the game of the class, namely:

  • skill20006.png Soul Roar (Berserker)
    • After use, immediately restores HP and CP by 15% for 10 minutes. increases Max. Your character's HP and CP by 15%.
  • The duration of the Furious Soul skill has been increased to 20 minutes;skill0482.png
  • skill0834.png The duration of the Blood Pact skill has been increased to 5 minutes.

skill0193.png The following skills now have a base 15% Critical Chance with strength x2 , depending on the STR parameter (by analogy with other physical classes, except for daggers). The base damage of these skills has been commensurately reduced by 23%:

  • skill0477.pngDark Smash
  • skill0496.pngSlashing Blade
  • skill0497.pngCrush of Pain
  • skill0498.pngContagion
  • skill0493.pngStorm Assault
  • skill0526.pngEnuma Elish
  • skill0793.pngRush Impact

Explanation: “damage at a distance” has increased, since the formula for calculating physical. skill damage: Ability Power + P. Character attack. For example, skill power is 3200, P. Atk. character - 800, total = 4000. Roughly speaking, it was: “1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000.” It became: "850, 850, 850, 1700, 850, 850".


skill0485.png Disarm и skill0794.png Mass Disarm

  • Now, at the end of the effect of the Disarm effect, the weapon removed by it is automatically put back on.
  • Improved-standardized-corrected description of skills and skill enchanting


Skill0948 0.jpg Eye for Eye skill changed

  • Within 10 sec. returns damage to the enemy.
  • Now the skill has several levels:
    • At level 60: For 10 sec. with a 30% chance, reflects all nearby physical skills, while taking damage from simple attacks in full and returning 30% to the attacker (both characters receive damage), 20% chance to reflect damage M. skills _
    • At level 70: For 10 sec. with a 50% chance, reflects all nearby physical skills, while receiving damage from simple attacks in full and returning 50% to the attacker (both characters receive damage), 30% chance to reflect damage M. skills _
    • At level 79: For 10 seconds. with a 70% chance, reflects all nearby physical skills, while taking damage from simple attacks in full and returning 70% to the attacker (both characters receive damage), 40% chance to reflect damage M. skills _
    • At level 83: For 10 seconds. with a 90% chance of reflecting all nearby physical skills, while receiving damage from simple attacks in full and returning 90% to the attacker (both characters receive damage), 50% chance of reflecting damage Mage. skills _
      Reflection M. skills is the same as skill0916.png Shield Deflect Magic


image.png Expose Weak Point

  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • After receiving damage, reveals the enemy's weaknesses, reducing his P. Defense by 20% and increasing the chance of Crit. Attacks the enemy by 30% with normal hits.


skill0939.png Soul Rage

  • Learned at level 60:
    • Deals damage to enemies and collects Souls: the damage is completely tied to your P. Atk. Each use consumes 25 HP and 5 MP, charges 1 Soul.


skill1514.png Soul Barrier:

  • Action time increased from 10 to 15 seconds;
  • When improving a skill by "Time":
    • The bonus from the improvement has been reduced; at the maximum level of enchantment, the duration of the effect remains 40 seconds.

skill0538.png Final Form

  • Learned at level 70:
    • Transforms your character into Final Form for 5 minutes. The set of skills has been replaced, P. and Mag. Attack, P. and Mag. Defense - increased by 100%.
    • Cost of use: 20 souls, 200 HP, 70 MP.
    • Recharge - 60 minutes.


etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Skill enchant changes:

  • skill0485.pngDisarm
    • Time enchant branch change: now the effect time increases to 15 seconds when enchanting at +30, and not to 20 seconds:
      • Was: from 5 to 20 seconds;
      • Now: from 5 to 15 seconds.
  • skill0793.pngRush Impact
    • Merging the Chance + Cost enchant branches into one common branch.
  • skill0482.pngFurious Soul
    • Added enchant branch to Power + Decrease Penalty:
      • Increases Critical Atk. Chance and Power. from 30% and up to 35% and also reduces the penalty of P. Def., from -5% to up to 0 (until no penalty).
  • skill0500.pngTrue Berserker
    • Merging the Power + Cost enchant branches into one common branch;
    • Power + Cost:
      • Increases P. Atk. and Accuracy from 8% and +4 (at +0) to +12% and +8, respectively (at +30).
        • +1 - +9 = +9% P. Atk, +8% Atk. Spd., +5 Accuracy;
        • +10 - +19 = +10% P. Atk., +8% Atk. Spd., +6 Accuracy;
        • +20 - +29 = +11% P. Atk., +8% Atk. Spd., +7 Accuracy;
        • +30 = +12% P. Atk., +8% Atk. Spd., +8 Accuracy.
      • The cost of maintaining a toggle is gradually reduced, up to 1/4 of the original, by +30.
    • Merging enchant branches Penalty + Cost:
      • Systematically reduces the penalty to P. Def. and Evasion from 10% and -4 (at +0) to no penalty at all (at +30).
      • The cost of maintaining a toggle is gradually reduced, up to 1/4 of the original, by +30.


  • skill0465.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) modification branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P. and Mag. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.



skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0482.pngFurious Soul
  • skill20006.pngSoul Roar



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image.png Daggers


Treasure Hunter

skill10542_1.pngRat in Corner new skill

  • Increases the upper threshold for passing "Blow" skills to 100% when HP falls below a certain level. The upper threshold without using the skill is 80%;
  • The skill has 3 levels:
    • Level 1: Learned at level 49. The effect works when the character's HP is <40%.
    • Level 2: Learned at level 64. The effect works when the character's HP is <50%.
    • Level 3: Learned at level 76. The effect works when the character's HP is <60%.
  • Skill improvement branch available:
    • When improved by +1, the requirements for the character’s HP increase:
      • +1 Effect works when character's HP < 61%;
      • +15 The effect works when the character's HP is < 75%.
  • Additional information for participants of the Great Olympiad and curious players:
    • We are talking specifically about i_fatal_blow skills with their upper threshold of passing at 80.00%;
    • This does NOT apply to i_backstab with their “3% upper limit in the face, 100% upper limit in the back” ;
    • Accordingly, Deadly Blow, but NOT Backstab. skill0263.png skill0030.png
    • Interesting articles on this subject:


skill10513.png Razor Rain new skill

  • Active AOE blow skill :
  • Attacks surrounding enemies. No target required for use. Similar to: skill0036.pngWhirlwind, skill0492.pngSpread Wing;
  • Has 13 levels, learned from level 46 to 74. character;
    • PvE Power : 625 - 2740 depending on skill level;
    • PvP Power : 500 - 2192 depending on skill level;
  • Base cast time: 2 seconds; Base cooldown: 4 seconds.
  • Requires Dagger or Dual Daggers;
  • Possible Crit. Hit. This is a Blow skill, so the power is Crit. The impact is affected by all associated modifiers. Over-hit possible;
  • Semi-lethal/deathblow is not possible ;
  • The skill can be upgraded to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack) or Duel (damage in PvP).


skill19299.png Reverse Mana Flow new skill

  • Passive skill :
  • Sucks the soul of players you kill. When killing a player, your character recovers 12% of his Max. MP;
  • Learned at level 40. To trigger, you need to wear a Dagger or Dual Daggers + light armor.



  • Bleeding effect from any source: in addition to periodic damage and slowing, it also deals minor damage depending on the distance the target has traveled.
  • Now, when modifying a skill to Power, the power of periodic damage increases significantly.


skill0221.pngSilent Move

  • Makes the character invisible to monsters. Without any restrictions:
    • The movement speed penalty has been removed;
    • MP consumption for maintaining a skill has been removed;
    • The skill improvement branch for Decrease Penalty has been removed as unnecessary.



  • The skill is divided into 4 levels:
    • Level 55: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 3 seconds;
    • Level 66: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 5 sec;
    • Level 72: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 7 sec;
    • Level 77: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 9 seconds.


skill0011.pngTrick и skill0012.pngSwitch

  • No more mental attacks;
  • Base chance of success has been slightly reduced.


illusionimmersion.png Illusion Immersion

  • New skill - personal effect :
    • Level 60: For 10 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 25% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills. The effect works when HP is less than 60%;
    • Level 74: For 10 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 35% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills. The effect works when HP is less than 70%;
    • Level 81: For 10 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 50% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills. The effect works when HP is less than 80%;
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.
    • Instant cast time. Fixed cooldown: 10 minutes.


skill0821.pngShadow Step

  • Now also increases the character's Attack Speed by 18% and the accuracy of blow skills by 33% for 5 seconds after use.


skill0922.png Hide

  • Now any first attack made from Hide will have increased damage by 15% / 20% / 25% (depending on the level of the Hide skill).


skill0111.pngUltimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases Mage evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P./ M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base reload speed by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.


skill0445.png Mirage (Adventurer)

  • The skill will be learned at level 72;
  • The effects of the skill remain unchanged.


skill0209.pngDagger Mastery

  • Allows you to use Dual Daggers;
  • The passive effect also works on a new type of weapon: Dualdaggers (as well as attack skills that work with a dagger).


skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchanting branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.

stone_8_i00.pngUnlimited Running

  • Increases the upper limit of the Speed limit. Requires Dagger/Dual Daggers and Light Armor.
    • 1st level, at 50 character level - 255;
      • 35.000 SP.
    • 2nd level, at 70 character level - 260;
      • 1.000.000 SP.
    • 3rd level, at 82 character level - 265.
      • 100.000.000 SP.
  • All other classes have a limit of 250, as before (no changes).

skill0531.png Critical Wound

  • Now the skill can be enchanted!
    • Power improvement branch, increases the power of the skill from 30 to 38%:
      • +1 - 31%
      • +3 - 32%
      • +5 - 33%
      • +15 - 38%
    • Also, when sharpening, the skill level increases, which will increase the chance of success. Dependence of skill level on sharpening level:
      • +1~3 = lvl 81;
      • +4~6 = lvl 82;
      • +7~9 = lvl 83;
      • +10~12 = lvl 84;
      • +13~15 = lvl 85.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0411.pngStealth
  • skill0356.pngFocus Chance
  • skill0357.pngFocus Power


skill10542_1.pngRat in Corner new skill

  • Increases the upper threshold for passing "Blow" skills to 100% when HP falls below a certain level. The upper threshold without using the skill is 80%;
  • The skill has 3 levels:
    • Level 1: Learned at level 49. The effect works when the character's HP is <40%.
    • Level 2: Learned at level 64. The effect works when the character's HP is <50%.
    • Level 3: Learned at level 76. The effect works when the character's HP is <60%.
  • Skill improvement branch available:
    • When improved by +1, the requirements for the character’s HP increase:
      • +1 Effect works when character's HP < 61%;
      • +15 The effect works when the character's HP is < 75%.
  • Additional information for participants of the Great Olympiad and curious players:
    • We are talking specifically about i_fatal_blow skills with their upper threshold of passing at 80.00%;
    • This does NOT apply to i_backstab with their “3% upper limit in the face, 100% upper limit in the back” ;
    • Accordingly, Deadly Blow, but NOT Backstab. skill0263.png skill0030.png
    • Interesting articles on this subject:


skill10513.png Razor Rain new skill

  • Active AOE blow skill :
  • Attacks surrounding enemies. No target required for use. Similar to: skill0036.pngWhirlwind, skill0492.pngSpread Wing;
  • Has 13 levels, learned from level 46 to 74. character;
    • PvE Power : 625 - 2740 depending on skill level;
    • PvP Power : 500 - 2192 depending on skill level;
  • Base cast time: 2 seconds; Base cooldown: 4 seconds.
  • Requires Dagger or Dual Daggers;
  • Possible Crit. Hit. This is a Blow skill, so the power is Crit. The impact is affected by all associated modifiers. Over-hit possible;
  • Semi-lethal/deathblow is not possible ;
  • The skill can be upgraded to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack) or Duel (damage in PvP).


skill19299.png Reverse Mana Flow new skill

  • Passive skill :
  • Sucks the soul of players you kill. When killing a player, your character recovers 12% of his Max. MP;
  • Learned at level 40. To trigger, you need to wear a Dagger or Dual Daggers + light armor.


skill0445.png Mirage (Adventurer)

  • The skill will be learned at level 72;
  • The effects of the skill remain unchanged.



  • Bleeding effect from any source: in addition to periodic damage and slowing, it also deals minor damage depending on the distance the target has traveled.
  • Now, when modifying a skill to Power, the power of periodic damage increases significantly.


skill0221.pngSilent Move

  • Makes the character invisible to monsters. Without any restrictions:
    • The movement speed penalty has been removed;
    • MP consumption for maintaining a skill has been removed;
    • The skill improvement branch for Decrease Penalty has been removed as unnecessary.



  • The skill is divided into 4 levels:
    • Level 55: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 3 seconds;
    • Level 66: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 5 sec;
    • Level 72: Deceives the enemy by turning his back to himself. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 7 sec;
    • Level 77: Deceives the enemy into turning his back to himself. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 9 seconds.


skill0011.pngTrick и skill0012.pngSwitch

  • No more mental attacks;
  • Base chance of success has been slightly reduced.


skill0111.pngUltimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases Mage evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P./ M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base reload speed by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.


illusionimmersion.png Illusion Immersion

  • New skill - personal effect :
    • Level 60: For 10 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 25% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills. The effect works when HP is less than 60%;
    • Level 74: For 10 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 35% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills. The effect works when HP is less than 70%;
    • Level 81: For 10 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 50% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills. The effect works when HP is less than 80%;
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.
    • Instant cast time. Fixed cooldown: 10 minutes.


Skill 10508 3.jpg Critical Bleed

  • New passive skill :
    • At Crete skill0096.png When hit by an auto attack, there is a chance to apply Bleed of the appropriate level to the target ;
    • 6 skill levels, corresponding to 6 Bleed skill levels;
    • Bleed slows the target's movement by 20% and deals periodic damage from 25 to 67 HP per second depending on the level.


skill10340 copy.png Knives Out

  • New active AoE skill :
  • Has 15 levels, learned from level 40 to 74. character;
  • Suddenly attacks enemies from behind. Each opponent has a separate calculation of the chance of success , depending on the angle of impact;
  • PvE Power : 775 - 3835 depending on skill level;
  • PvP Power : 620 - 3068 depending on skill level;
  • Base cast time: 1.08 + 0.92 seconds; Basic cooldown: 5 seconds.
  • Requires Dagger or Dual Daggers;
  • Possible Crit. Hit. Over-hit possible;
  • Semi-lethal/deathblow is not possible ;
  • Has a common cooldown with the skill0030.pngBackstab skill;
  • The skill can be enchanted after receiving the 3rd profession for any elemental Attribute or Duel.


skill0445.png Mirage (Adventurer), skill0446.png Dodge (Wind Rider), skill0447.png Counterattack (Ghost Hunter)

  • These skills are now learned at level 72 of the respective characters;
  • SP cost reduced, skill effects unchanged.


skill0768.png Exciting Adventure (Adventurer), skill0769.png Wind Riding (Wind Rider), skill0770.png Ghost Walking (Ghost Hunter)

  • Previously, these ultimate skills were divided into 2 levels each:
  • Now the first levels of these skills are available for learning at 79 levels of the corresponding characters;
  • The speed of using these skills has been increased.


skill0768.png Exciting Adventure (Adventurer)
  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels:
    • Increases Speed by 12/20, Evasion +10/15, Mortal Strike chance by 20/30% and Evasion from physical attacks by 25/40%, resistance to attacks that take away positive effects by 60/90. Duration: 20/30 sec.
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.
    • Levels of study:
      • 1st level: 79 lvl, 40,000,000 SP;
      • Level 2: 83 lvl, br_spell_books_sword_i01.png Forgotten Scroll - Exciting Adventure.


skill0004.png Dash, skill0111.png Ultimate Evasion

  • The speed of using skills has been increased.


image.png Throwing Dagger
  • Now available for learning from level 46:
    • At level 46:: Reduces Speed by 40%. Duration: 10 sec. Power 954;
    • At level 64: Reduces Speed by 60%. Duration: 10 sec. Power 2434;
    • At level 77: Reduces Speed by 80%. Duration: 10 sec. Power 3488;
    • Cooldown of the skill is 45 seconds.


image.png Hide
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • At level 52: Movement speed is reduced by 30%, Duration - 10 seconds;
    • At level 68: Movement speed is reduced by 20%, Duration - 15 seconds;
    • At level 79: Movement speed is reduced by 10%, Duration - 30 seconds.
  • Now any first attack made from Hide will have increased damage by 15% / 20% / 25% (depending on the level of the Hide skill).


image.png Critical Wound
  • Now available for learning from level 60:
    • At level 60: Increases Crit Damage. Impact on target by 15%;
    • At level 72: Increases Crit damage. Impact on target by 23%;
    • At level 78: Increases Critical Damage. Hit the target by 30%;
  • Now the skill can be enchanted!
    • Power improvement branch, increases the power of the skill from 30 to 38%:
      • +1 - 31%
      • +3 - 32%
      • +5 - 33%
      • +15 - 38%
    • Also, when sharpening, the skill level increases, which will increase the chance of success. Dependence of skill level on sharpening level:
      • +1~3 = lvl 81;
      • +4~6 = lvl 82;
      • +7~9 = lvl 83;
      • +10~12 = lvl 84;
      • +13~15 = lvl 85.


image.png Assassination
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • At level 52: Increases attack power by 15 and chance of a fatal attack by 1% when using a dagger;
    • At level 70: Increases attack power by 35 and chance of a fatal attack by 2% when using a dagger;
    • At level 78: Increases attack power by 70 and chance of killing by 3% when using a dagger.


image.png Potential Ability
  • The skill is available for learning from level 28:
  • At level 28 you can learn 1 level of skill:
    • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 20%, Power by 117 units. Used when wearing light armor.
  • At level 40 you can learn level 2 of the skill:
    • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 30%, Power by 295 units. Used when wearing light armor.
  • At level 49 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill:
    • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 40%, Power by 384 units. Used when wearing light armor.


image.png Silent Mind
  • At level 36, you can learn 1 level of skill. Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 25%.


image.png Expose Weak Point

  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • After receiving damage, reveals the enemy's weaknesses, reducing his P. Defense by 20% and increasing the chance of Crit. Attacks the enemy by 30% with normal hits.


image.png Sixth Sense
  • Now available for learning from level 52.
    • The skill increases Evasion by 15 when HP falls below 30% of its maximum.


image.png Shadow Step
  • Now available for learning from level 40:
    • Jumps behind the enemy, cancels the target;
    • Application radius 600.
    • Now also increases the character's Attack Speed by 18% and the accuracy of blow skills by 33% for 5 seconds after use.


image.png Evasion Haste (Treasure Hunter)
  • Available for learning from level 66. While dodging, increases Spd with a certain probability. Atk. Character.
  • Cost to learn - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena


Skill0171.png Esprit и Skill0225.png Acrobatic Move
  • Hidden modifiers that reduce protection from debuffs have been removed.


Skill0356 0.jpg Focus Chance (Treasure Hunter, Abyss Walker)
  • Levels of study:
    • Level 55 - Critical Chance front -20%. Chance Crit. Atk. side +20%. Chance Crit. Atk. To the back +30%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 66 - Critical Chance front -25%. Chance Crit. Atk. side +25%. Chance Crit. Atk. To the back +45%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 78 - Critical Chance front -30%. Chance Crit. Atk. side +30%. Chance Crit. Atk. To the back +60%. Requires Dagger.


Skill0357 0.jpg Focus Power (Plainswalker, Treasure Hunter)
  • Levels of study:
    • Level 55 - Critical Power. Atk. front -20%. Power of Crit. Atk. side +20%. Power of Crit. Atk. in the back +40%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 66 - Crit Power. Atk. front -25%. Power of Crit. Atk. side +25%. Power of Crit. Atk. in the back +50%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 78 - Crit Power. Atk. front -30%. Power of Crit. Atk. side +30%. Power of Crit. Atk. to the back +60%. Requires Dagger.


skill0460.png Symbol of the Assassin (Adventurer, Wind Rider, Ghost Hunter)
  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 15 Evasion;
    • + 20% chance to hit with Blow skills.
  • + New effects:
    • + 50% chance to hit with Blow skills;
    • + 30% Evasion from P./ M. skills.


skill0209.pngDagger Mastery

  • Allows you to use Dual Daggers;
  • The passive effect also works on a new type of weapon: Dualdaggers (as well as attack skills that work with a dagger).


skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchanting branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.

stone_8_i00.pngUnlimited Running

  • Increases the upper limit of the Speed limit. Requires Dagger/Dual Daggers and Light Armor.
    • 1st level, at 50 character level - 255;
      • 35.000 SP.
    • 2nd level, at 70 character level - 260;
      • 1.000.000 SP.
    • 3rd level, at 82 character level - 265.
      • 100.000.000 SP.
  • All other classes have a limit of 250, as before (no changes).


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0411.pngStealth
  • skill0356.pngFocus Chance
  • skill0357.pngFocus Power



Plains Walker

skill10542_1.pngRat in Corner new skill

  • Increases the upper threshold for passing "Blow" skills to 100% when HP falls below a certain level. The upper threshold without using the skill is 80%;
  • The skill has 3 levels:
    • Level 1: Learned at level 49. The effect works when the character's HP is <40%.
    • Level 2: Learned at level 64. The effect works when the character's HP is <50%.
    • Level 3: Learned at level 76. The effect works when the character's HP is <60%.
  • Skill improvement branch available:
    • When improved by +1, the requirements for the character’s HP increase:
      • +1 Effect works when character's HP < 61%;
      • +15 The effect works when the character's HP is < 75%.
  • Additional information for participants of the Great Olympiad and curious players:
    • We are talking specifically about i_fatal_blow skills with their upper threshold of passing at 80.00%;
    • This does NOT apply to i_backstab with their “3% upper limit in the face, 100% upper limit in the back” ;
    • Accordingly, Deadly Blow, but NOT Backstab. skill0263.png skill0030.png
    • Interesting articles on this subject:


skill10513.png Razor Rain new skill

  • Active AOE blow skill :
  • Attacks surrounding enemies. No target required for use. Similar to: skill0036.pngWhirlwind, skill0492.pngSpread Wing;
  • Has 13 levels, learned from level 46 to 74. character;
    • PvE Power : 625 - 2740 depending on skill level;
    • PvP Power : 500 - 2192 depending on skill level;
  • Base cast time: 2 seconds; Base cooldown: 4 seconds.
  • Requires Dagger or Dual Daggers;
  • Possible Crit. Hit. This is a Blow skill, so the power is Crit. The impact is affected by all associated modifiers. Over-hit possible;
  • Semi-lethal/deathblow is not possible ;
  • The skill can be upgraded to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack) or Duel (damage in PvP).


skill19299.png Reverse Mana Flow new skill

  • Passive skill :
  • Sucks the soul of players you kill. When killing a player, your character recovers 12% of his Max. MP;
  • Learned at level 40. To trigger, you need to wear a Dagger or Dual Daggers + light armor.


skill0446.png Dodge skill changed

  • The skill is learned at level 72;
  • Now, in addition to a 90% chance to evade P. Skills - also gives a 50% chance to evade M. skills.


skill0058.png Elemental Heal (Swordsinger)

  • The skill restores the HP of party members (including the caster himself). Following the example of skill1402.png Major Group Heal.



  • Bleeding effect from any source: in addition to periodic damage and slowing, it also deals minor damage depending on the distance the target has traveled.
  • Now, when modifying a skill to Power, the power of periodic damage increases significantly.


skill0221.pngSilent Move

  • Makes the character invisible to monsters. Without any restrictions:
    • The movement speed penalty has been removed;
    • MP consumption for maintaining a skill has been removed;
    • The skill improvement branch for Decrease Penalty has been removed as unnecessary.



  • The skill is divided into 4 levels:
    • Level 55: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 3 seconds;
    • Level 66: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 5 sec;
    • Level 72: Deceives the enemy by turning his back to himself. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 7 sec;
    • Level 77: Deceives the enemy into turning his back to himself. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 9 seconds.


skill0321.pngBlinding Blow

  • Now the skill can be improved by Chance, which increases the passage of the effect that forces the enemy to turn his back on you.



  • No longer a mental attack;
  • Base chance of success has been slightly reduced.


illusionimmersion.pngIllusion Immersion

  • The conditions for using the skill have been changed:
    • Now can be used without a limit on the amount of HP, but the effect of the skill will only work if the character’s HP is below 50%;
    • Still the same at 5/6/7 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, and a 25/35/50% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills.
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.


skill0821.pngShadow Step

  • Now also increases the character's Attack Speed by 18% and the accuracy of blow skills by 33% for 5 seconds after use.


skill0922.png Hide

  • Now any first attack made from Hide will have increased damage by 15% / 20% / 25% (depending on the level of the Hide skill).


skill0111.pngUltimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases Mage evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P./ M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base reload speed by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.


skill0209.pngDagger Mastery

  • Allows you to use Dual Daggers;
  • The passive effect also works on a new type of weapon: Dualdaggers (as well as attack skills that work with a dagger).


skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchanting branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.


skill0061.pngCure Bleeding

  • Now heals a character from Bleeding at any level.


skill0021.pngPoison Recovery

  • Now heals a character from Poison of any level.


stone_8_i00.pngUnlimited Running

  • Increases the upper limit of the Speed limit. Requires Dagger/Dual Daggers and Light Armor.
    • 1st level, at 50 character level - 255;
      • 35.000 SP.
    • 2nd level, at 70 character level - 260;
      • 1.000.000 SP.
    • 3rd level, at 82 character level - 265.
      • 100.000.000 SP.
  • All other classes have a limit of 250, as before (no changes).


image.png Critical Wound

  • Now the skill can be enchanted!
    • Power improvement branch, increases the power of the skill from 30 to 38%:
      • +1 - 31%
      • +3 - 32%
      • +5 - 33%
      • +15 - 38%
      • Also, when sharpening, the skill level increases, which will increase the chance of success. Dependence of skill level on sharpening level:
        • +1~3 = lvl 81;
        • +4~6 = lvl 82;
        • +7~9 = lvl 83;
        • +10~12 = lvl 84;
        • +13~15 = lvl 85.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0355.pngFocus Death
  • skill0356.pngFocus Chance


skill10542_1.pngRat in Corner new skill

  • Increases the upper threshold for passing "Blow" skills to 100% when HP falls below a certain level. The upper threshold without using the skill is 80%;
  • The skill has 3 levels:
    • Level 1: Learned at level 49. The effect works when the character's HP is <40%.
    • Level 2: Learned at level 64. The effect works when the character's HP is <50%.
    • Level 3: Learned at level 76. The effect works when the character's HP is <60%.
  • Skill improvement branch available:
    • When improved by +1, the requirements for the character’s HP increase:
      • +1 Effect works when character's HP < 61%;
      • +15 The effect works when the character's HP is < 75%.
  • Additional information for participants of the Great Olympiad and curious players:
    • We are talking specifically about i_fatal_blow skills with their upper threshold of passing at 80.00%;
    • This does NOT apply to i_backstab with their “3% upper limit in the face, 100% upper limit in the back” ;
    • Accordingly, Deadly Blow, but NOT Backstab. skill0263.png skill0030.png
    • Interesting articles on this subject:


skill10513.png Razor Rain new skill

  • Active AOE blow skill :
  • Attacks surrounding enemies. No target required for use. Similar to: skill0036.pngWhirlwind, skill0492.pngSpread Wing;
  • Has 13 levels, learned from level 46 to 74. character;
    • PvE Power : 625 - 2740 depending on skill level;
    • PvP Power : 500 - 2192 depending on skill level;
  • Base cast time: 2 seconds; Base cooldown: 4 seconds.
  • Requires Dagger or Dual Daggers;
  • Possible Crit. Hit. This is a Blow skill, so the power is Crit. The impact is affected by all associated modifiers. Over-hit possible;
  • Semi-lethal/deathblow is not possible ;
  • The skill can be upgraded to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack) or Duel (damage in PvP).


skill19299.png Reverse Mana Flow new skill

  • Passive skill :
  • Sucks the soul of players you kill. When killing a player, your character recovers 12% of his Max. MP;
  • Learned at level 40. To trigger, you need to wear a Dagger or Dual Daggers + light armor.


skill0446.png Dodge skill changed

  • The skill is learned at level 72;
  • Now, in addition to a 90% chance to evade P. Skills - also gives a 50% chance to evade M. skills.


skill0058.png Elemental Heal (Swordsinger)

  • The skill restores the HP of party members (including the caster himself). Following the example of skill1402.png Major Group Heal.



  • Bleeding effect from any source: in addition to periodic damage and slowing, it also deals minor damage depending on the distance the target has traveled.
  • Now, when modifying a skill to Power, the power of periodic damage increases significantly.


skill0221.pngSilent Move

  • Makes the character invisible to monsters. Without any restrictions:
    • The movement speed penalty has been removed;
    • MP consumption for maintaining a skill has been removed;
    • The skill improvement branch for Decrease Penalty has been removed as unnecessary.



  • The skill is divided into 4 levels:
    • Level 55: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 3 seconds;
    • Level 66: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 5 sec;
    • Level 72: Deceives the enemy by turning his back to himself. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 7 sec;
    • Level 77: Deceives the enemy into turning his back to himself. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 9 seconds.


skill0321.pngBlinding Blow

  • Now the skill can be improved by Chance, which increases the passage of the effect that forces the enemy to turn his back on you.


skill0011.pngTrick и skill0012.pngSwitch

  • No more mental attacks;
  • Base chance of success has been slightly reduced.


skill0111.pngUltimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases Mage evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P./ M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base reload speed by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.


illusionimmersion.png Illusion Immersion (TH, PW, AW)

  • New skill - personal effect :
    • Level 60: For 5 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 25% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills;
    • Level 74: For 6 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 35% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills;
    • Level 81: For 7 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 50% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills;
    • The effect works when HP is less than 50%;
    • Instant cast time. Fixed cooldown: 10 minutes.


Skill 10508 3.jpg Critical Bleed (TH, PW, AW)

  • New passive skill :
    • At Crete skill0096.png When hit by an auto attack, there is a chance to apply Bleed of the appropriate level to the target ;
    • 6 skill levels, corresponding to 6 Bleed skill levels;
    • Bleed slows the target's movement by 20% and deals periodic damage from 25 to 67 HP per second depending on the level.


skill10340 copy.png Knives Out (TH, PW, AW)

  • New active AoE skill :
  • Has 15 levels, learned from level 40 to 74. character;
  • Suddenly attacks enemies from behind. Each opponent has a separate calculation of the chance of success , depending on the angle of impact;
  • PvE Power : 775 - 3835 depending on skill level;
  • PvP Power : 620 - 3068 depending on skill level;
  • Base cast time: 1.08 + 0.92 seconds; Basic cooldown: 5 seconds .
  • Requires Dagger or Dual Daggers;
  • Possible Crit. Hit. Over-hit possible;
  • Semi-lethal/deathblow is not possible ;
  • Has a common cooldown with the skill0030.pngBackstab skill;
  • The skill can be enchanted after receiving the 3rd profession for any elemental Attribute or Duel.


skill0445.png Mirage (Adventurer), skill0446.png Dodge (Wind Rider), skill0447.png Counterattack (Ghost Hunter)

  • These skills are now learned at level 72 of the respective characters;
  • SP cost reduced, skill effects unchanged.


skill0768.png Exciting Adventure (Adventurer), skill0769.png Wind Riding (Wind Rider), skill0770.png Ghost Walking (Ghost Hunter)

  • Previously, these ultimate skills were divided into 2 levels each:
  • Now the first levels of these skills are available for learning at 79 levels of the corresponding characters;
  • The speed of using these skills has been increased.


skill0769.png Wind Riding (Wind Rider)
  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels:
    • Increases Speed by 35/50, Evasion +12/20, Mortal Strike chance by 12/20%, Evasion of physical skills by 50/75% and resistance to attacks that take away buffs by 50/80. Duration: 20/30 sec.
    • Levels of study:
      • 1st level: 79 lvl, 40,000,000 SP;
      • Level 2: 83 lvl, br_spell_books_sword_i01.png Forgotten Scroll - Wind Riding.


skill0004.png Dash, skill0111.png Ultimate Evasion

  • The speed of using skills has been increased.


image.png Throwing Dagger
  • Now available for learning from level 46:
    • At level 46:: Reduces Speed by 40%. Duration: 10 sec. Power 954;
    • At level 64: Reduces Speed by 60%. Duration: 10 sec. Power 2434;
    • At level 77: Reduces Speed by 80%. Duration: 10 sec. Power 3488;
    • Cooldown of the skill is 45 seconds.


image.png Hide
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • At level 52: Movement speed is reduced by 30%, Duration - 10 seconds;
    • At level 68: Movement speed is reduced by 20%, Duration - 15 seconds;
    • At level 79: Movement speed is reduced by 10%, Duration - 30 seconds.
  • Now any first attack made from Hide will have increased damage by 15% / 20% / 25% (depending on the level of the Hide skill).


image.png Critical Wound
  • Now available for learning from level 60:
    • At level 60: Increases Crit Damage. Impact on target by 15%;
    • At level 72: Increases Crit damage. Impact on target by 23%;
    • At level 78: Increases Critical Damage. Hit the target by 30%;
  • Now the skill can be enchanted!
    • Power improvement branch, increases the power of the skill from 30 to 38%:
      • +1 - 31%
      • +3 - 32%
      • +5 - 33%
      • +15 - 38%
    • Also, when sharpening, the skill level increases, which will increase the chance of success. Dependence of skill level on sharpening level:
      • +1~3 = lvl 81;
      • +4~6 = lvl 82;
      • +7~9 = lvl 83;
      • +10~12 = lvl 84;
      • +13~15 = lvl 85.


image.png Assassination
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • At level 52: Increases attack power by 15 and chance of a fatal attack by 1% when using a dagger;
    • At level 70: Increases attack power by 35 and chance of a fatal attack by 2% when using a dagger;
    • At level 78: Increases attack power by 70 and chance of killing by 3% when using a dagger.


image.png Potential Ability
  • The skill is available for learning from level 28:
  • At level 28 you can learn 1 level of skill:
    • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 20%, Power by 117 units. Used when wearing light armor.
  • At level 40 you can learn level 2 of the skill:
    • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 30%, Power by 295 units. Used when wearing light armor.
  • At level 49 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill:
    • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 40%, Power by 384 units. Used when wearing light armor.


image.png Silent Mind
  • At level 36, you can learn 1 level of skill. Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 25%.


image.png Expose Weak Point

  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • After receiving damage, reveals the enemy's weaknesses, reducing his P. Defense by 20% and increasing the chance of Crit. Attacks the enemy by 30% with normal hits.


image.png Sixth Sense
  • Now available for learning from level 52.
    • The skill increases Evasion by 15 when HP falls below 30% of its maximum.


image.png Shadow Step
  • Now available for learning from level 40:
    • Jumps behind the enemy, cancels the target;
    • Application radius 600.
  • Now also increases the character's Attack Speed by 18% and the accuracy of blow skills by 33% for 5 seconds after use.


image.png Evasion Chance (Plainswalker)
  • Now available for learning from level 66. While dodging, with a certain probability increases the chance of successfully hitting an enemy's weak spot.
  • Cost to learn - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena


Skill0171.png Esprit и Skill0225.png Acrobatic Move
  • Hidden modifiers that reduce protection from debuffs have been removed.


Skill0355 0.jpg Focus Death (Abyss Walker, Plainswalker)
  • Levels of study:
    • Level 55 - Chance and power of Crit. Atk. front -20%. Chance of a fatal blow +30%, Critical Power in the back +40%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 66 - Chance and power of Crit. Atk. front -25%. Chance of fatal blow +45%, Critical Power in the back +65%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 78 - Chance and power of Crit. Atk. front -30%. Chance of a fatal blow +60%, Critical Power in the back +90%. Requires Dagger.


Skill0357 0.jpg Focus Power (Plainswalker, Treasure Hunter)

  • Levels of study:
    • Level 55 - Critical Power. Atk. front -20%. Power of Crit. Atk. side +20%. Power of Crit. Atk. in the back +40%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 66 - Crit Power. Atk. front -25%. Power of Crit. Atk. side +25%. Power of Crit. Atk. in the back +50%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 78 - Crit Power. Atk. front -30%. Power of Crit. Atk. side +30%. Power of Crit. Atk. to the back +60%. Requires Dagger.


skill0460.png Symbol of the Assassin (Adventurer, Wind Rider, Ghost Hunter)
  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 15 Evasion;
    • + 20% chance to hit with Blow skills.
  • + New effects:
    • + 50% chance to hit with Blow skills;
    • + 30% Evasion from P./ M. skills.


skill0209.pngDagger Mastery

  • Allows you to use Dual Daggers;
  • The passive effect also works on a new type of weapon: Dualdaggers (as well as attack skills that work with a dagger).


skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchanting branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).


skill0061.pngCure Bleeding

  • Now heals a character from Bleeding at any level.


skill0021.pngPoison Recovery

  • Now heals a character from Poison of any level.

stone_8_i00.pngUnlimited Running

  • Increases the upper limit of the Speed limit. Requires Dagger/Dual Daggers and Light Armor.
    • 1st level, at 50 character level - 255;
      • 35.000 SP.
    • 2nd level, at 70 character level - 260;
      • 1.000.000 SP.
    • 3rd level, at 82 character level - 265.
      • 100.000.000 SP.
  • All other classes have a limit of 250, as before (no changes).

skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0355.pngFocus Death
  • skill0356.pngFocus Chance



Abyss Walker

skill10542_1.pngRat in Corner new skill

  • Increases the upper threshold for passing "Blow" skills to 100% when HP falls below a certain level. The upper threshold without using the skill is 80%;
  • The skill has 3 levels:
    • Level 1: Learned at level 49. The effect works when the character's HP is <40%.
    • Level 2: Learned at level 64. The effect works when the character's HP is <50%.
    • Level 3: Learned at level 76. The effect works when the character's HP is <60%.
  • Skill improvement branch available:
    • When improved by +1, the requirements for the character’s HP increase:
      • +1 Effect works when character's HP < 61%;
      • +15 The effect works when the character's HP is < 75%.
  • Additional information for participants of the Great Olympiad and curious players:
    • We are talking specifically about i_fatal_blow skills with their upper threshold of passing at 80.00%;
    • This does NOT apply to i_backstab with their “3% upper limit in the face, 100% upper limit in the back” ;
    • Accordingly, Deadly Blow, but NOT Backstab. skill0263.png skill0030.png
    • Interesting articles on this subject:


skill10513.png Razor Rain new skill

  • Active AOE blow skill :
  • Attacks surrounding enemies. No target required for use. Similar to: skill0036.pngWhirlwind, skill0492.pngSpread Wing;
  • Has 13 levels, learned from level 46 to 74. character;
    • PvE Power : 625 - 2740 depending on skill level;
    • PvP Power : 500 - 2192 depending on skill level;
  • Base cast time: 2 seconds; Base cooldown: 4 seconds.
  • Requires Dagger or Dual Daggers;
  • Possible Crit. Hit. This is a Blow skill, so the power is Crit. The impact is affected by all associated modifiers. Over-hit possible;
  • Semi-lethal/deathblow is not possible ;
  • The skill can be upgraded to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack) or Duel (damage in PvP).


skill19299.png Reverse Mana Flow new skill

  • Passive skill :
  • Sucks the soul of players you kill. When killing a player, your character recovers 12% of his Max. MP;
  • Learned at level 40. To trigger, you need to wear a Dagger or Dual Daggers + light armor.


skill0447.png Counterattack skill changed

  • The skill is now learned at level 72;
  • Now, in addition to the 90% chance to reflect P. Skills - gives a 50% chance to reflect damage M. skills and reflecting 50% of damage from normal melee attacks.
    We remind you that the reflection of Blow skills has been fixed and now any skill reflects damage only once.
    Reflection M. skills is the same as skill0916.pngShield Deflect Magic


skill0129.png Poison

  • The poison effect of this skill now also reduces Speed by 10% and the Power of HP restoration magic by 15%.
  • Base cast time depending on Cast. Speed - has been slightly reduced.
  • The base cooldown has been slightly increased (to 5 seconds).
  • Now the skill can be enchanted for Power. The power of Poison is growing. 2 per upgrade round: “-63 (+0)” => -123 (+30).”



  • Bleeding effect from any source: in addition to periodic damage and slowing, it also deals minor damage depending on the distance the target has traveled.
  • Now, when modifying a skill to Power, the power of periodic damage increases significantly.


skill0221.pngSilent Move

  • Makes the character invisible to monsters. Without any restrictions:
    • The movement speed penalty has been removed;
    • MP consumption for maintaining a skill has been removed;
    • The skill improvement branch for Decrease Penalty has been removed as unnecessary.



  • The skill is divided into 4 levels:
    • Level 55: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 3 seconds;
    • Level 66: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 5 sec;
    • Level 72: Deceives the enemy by turning his back to himself. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 7 sec;
    • Level 77: Deceives the enemy into turning his back to himself. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 9 seconds.


skill0321.pngBlinding Blow

  • Now the skill can be improved by Chance, which increases the passage of the effect that forces the enemy to turn his back on you.



  • No longer a mental attack;
  • Base chance of success has been slightly reduced.


illusionimmersion.pngIllusion Immersion

  • The conditions for using the skill have been changed:
    • Now can be used without a limit on the amount of HP, but the effect of the skill will only work if the character’s HP is below 50%;
    • Still the same at 5/6/7 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, and a 25/35/50% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills.
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.


skill0821.pngShadow Step

  • Now also increases the character's Attack Speed by 18% and the accuracy of blow skills by 33% for 5 seconds after use.


skill0922.png Hide

  • Now any first attack made from Hide will have increased damage by 15% / 20% / 25% (depending on the level of the Hide skill).


skill0111.pngUltimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases Mage evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P./ M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./ M. Skills.
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base reload speed by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.


skill0209.pngDagger Mastery

  • Allows you to use Dual Daggers;
  • The passive effect also works on a new type of weapon: Dualdaggers (as well as attack skills that work with a dagger).


skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchanting branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./ M. Skills.


stone_8_i00.pngUnlimited Running

  • Increases the upper limit of the Speed limit. Requires Dagger/Dual Daggers and Light Armor.
    • 1st level, at 50 character level - 255;
      • 35.000 SP.
    • 2nd level, at 70 character level - 260;
      • 1.000.000 SP.
    • 3rd level, at 82 character level - 265.
      • 100.000.000 SP.
  • All other classes have a limit of 250, as before (no changes).


image.png Critical Wound

  • Now the skill can be enchanted!
    • Power improvement branch, increases the power of the skill from 30 to 38%:
      • +1 - 31%
      • +3 - 32%
      • +5 - 33%
      • +15 - 38%
    • Also, when sharpening, the skill level increases, which will increase the chance of success. Dependence of skill level on sharpening level:
      • +1~3 = lvl 81;
      • +4~6 = lvl 82;
      • +7~9 = lvl 83;
      • +10~12 = lvl 84;
      • +13~15 = lvl 85.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0355.pngFocus Death
  • skill0357.pngFocus Power


skill10542_1.pngRat in Corner new skill

  • Increases the upper threshold for passing "Blow" skills to 100% when HP falls below a certain level. The upper threshold without using the skill is 80%;
  • The skill has 3 levels:
    • Level 1: Learned at level 49. The effect works when the character's HP is <40%.
    • Level 2: Learned at level 64. The effect works when the character's HP is <50%.
    • Level 3: Learned at level 76. The effect works when the character's HP is <60%.
  • Skill improvement branch available:
    • When improved by +1, the requirements for the character’s HP increase:
      • +1 Effect works when character's HP < 61%;
      • +15 The effect works when the character's HP is < 75%.
  • Additional information for participants of the Great Olympiad and curious players:
    • We are talking specifically about i_fatal_blow skills with their upper threshold of passing at 80.00%;
    • This does NOT apply to i_backstab with their “3% upper limit in the face, 100% upper limit in the back” ;
    • Accordingly, Deadly Blow, but NOT Backstab. skill0263.png skill0030.png
    • Interesting articles on this subject:


skill10513.png Razor Rain new skill

  • Active AOE blow skill :
  • Attacks surrounding enemies. No target required for use. Similar to: skill0036.pngWhirlwind, skill0492.pngSpread Wing;
  • Has 13 levels, learned from level 46 to 74. character;
    • PvE Power : 625 - 2740 depending on skill level;
    • PvP Power : 500 - 2192 depending on skill level;
  • Base cast time: 2 seconds; Base cooldown: 4 seconds.
  • Requires Dagger or Dual Daggers;
  • Possible Crit. Hit. This is a Blow skill, so the power is Crit. The impact is affected by all associated modifiers. Over-hit possible;
  • Semi-lethal/deathblow is not possible ;
  • The skill can be upgraded to an Elemental Attribute (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack, Earth Attack) or Duel (damage in PvP).


skill19299.png Reverse Mana Flow new skill

  • Passive skill :
  • Sucks the soul of players you kill. When killing a player, your character recovers 12% of his Max. MP;
  • Learned at level 40. To trigger, you need to wear a Dagger or Dual Daggers + light armor.


skill0447.png Counterattack skill changed

  • The skill is now learned at level 72;
  • Now, in addition to the 90% chance to reflect P. Skills - gives a 50% chance to reflect damage M. skills and reflecting 50% of damage from normal melee attacks.
    We remind you that the reflection of Blow skills has been fixed and now any skill reflects damage only once.
    Reflection M. skills is the same as skill0916.pngShield Deflect Magic



  • Bleeding effect from any source: in addition to periodic damage and slowing, it also deals minor damage depending on the distance the target has traveled.
  • Now, when modifying a skill to Power, the power of periodic damage increases significantly.


skill0129.png Poison

  • The poison effect of this skill now also reduces Speed by 10% and the Power of HP restoration magic by 15%.
  • Base cast time depending on Cast. Speed - has been slightly reduced.
  • The base cooldown has been slightly increased (to 5 seconds).
  • Now the skill can be enchanted for Power. The power of Poison is growing. 2 per upgrade round: “-63 (+0)” => -123 (+30).”


skill0221.pngSilent Move

  • Makes the character invisible to monsters. Without any restrictions:
    • The movement speed penalty has been removed;
    • MP consumption for maintaining a skill has been removed;
    • The skill improvement branch for Decrease Penalty has been removed as unnecessary.



  • The skill is divided into 4 levels:
    • Level 55: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 3 seconds;
    • Level 66: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 5 sec;
    • Level 72: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 7 sec;
    • Level 77: Turns the enemy's back to you by deception. Takes away the enemy's desire to attack, the enemy loses his target. Stuns the enemy for 9 seconds.


skill0321.pngBlinding Blow

  • Now the skill can be improved by Chance, which increases the passage of the effect that forces the enemy to turn his back on you.



  • No longer a mental attack;
  • Base chance of success has been slightly reduced.


illusionimmersion.png Illusion Immersion (TH, PW, AW)

  • New skill - personal effect :
    • Level 60: For 5 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 25% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills;
    • Level 74: For 6 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 35% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills;
    • Level 81: For 7 sec. gives immunity to all negative effects, a 50% chance to evade any P./ M. Skills;
    • The effect works when HP is less than 50%;
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.
    • Instant cast time. Fixed cooldown: 10 minutes.


Skill 10508 3.jpg Critical Bleed (TH, PW, AW)

  • New passive skill :
    • At Crete skill0096.png When hit by an auto attack, there is a chance to apply Bleed of the appropriate level to the target ;
    • 6 skill levels, corresponding to 6 Bleed skill levels;
    • Bleed slows the target's movement by 20% and deals periodic damage from 25 to 67 HP per second depending on the level.


skill10340 copy.png Knives Out (TH, PW, AW)

  • New active AoE skill :
  • Has 15 levels, learned from level 40 to 74. character;
  • Suddenly attacks enemies from behind. Each opponent has a separate calculation of the chance of success , depending on the angle of impact;
  • PvE Power : 775 - 3835 depending on skill level;
  • PvP Power : 620 - 3068 depending on skill level;
  • Base cast time: 1.08 + 0.92 seconds; Basic cooldown: 5 seconds.
  • Requires Dagger or Dual Daggers;
  • Possible Crit. Hit. Over-hit possible;
  • Semi-lethal/deathblow is not possible ;
  • Has a common cooldown with the skill0030.pngBackstab skill;
  • The skill can be enchanted after receiving the 3rd profession for any elemental Attribute or Duel.


skill0445.png Mirage (Adventurer), skill0446.png Dodge (Wind Rider), skill0447.png Counterattack (Ghost Hunter)

  • These skills are now learned at level 72 of the respective characters;
  • SP cost reduced, skill effects unchanged.


skill0768.png Exciting Adventure (Adventurer), skill0769.png Wind Riding (Wind Rider), skill0770.png Ghost Walking (Ghost Hunter)

  • Previously, these ultimate skills were divided into 2 levels each:
  • Now the first levels of these skills are available for learning at 79 levels of the corresponding characters;
  • The speed of using these skills has been increased.


skill0770.png Ghost Walking (Ghost Hunter)
  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels:
    • Increases Speed by 22/33, Evasion +10/15, Mortal Strike chance by 25/40%, Evasion of physical skills by 40/60% and resistance to attacks that take away positive effects by 60/90. Duration: 20/30 sec.
    • Levels of study:
      • 1st level: 79 lvl, 40,000,000 SP;
      • Level 2: 83 lvl, br_spell_books_sword_i01.pngForgotten Scroll - Ghost Walking.


skill0004.png Dash, skill0111.png Ultimate Evasion

  • The speed of using skills has been increased.


skill0111.pngUltimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases Mage evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P./ M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base reload speed by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.



image.png Throwing Dagger (TH, PW, AW)
  • Now available for learning from level 46:
    • At level 46:: Reduces Speed by 40%. Duration: 10 sec. Power 954;
    • At level 64: Reduces Speed by 60%. Duration: 10 sec. Power 2434;
    • At level 77: Reduces Speed by 80%. Duration: 10 sec. Power 3488;
    • Cooldown of the skill is 45 seconds.


image.png Hide (TH, PW, AW)
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • At level 52: Movement speed is reduced by 30%, Duration - 10 seconds;
    • At level 68: Movement speed is reduced by 20%, Duration - 15 seconds;
    • At level 79: Movement speed is reduced by 10%, Duration - 30 seconds.
  • Now any first attack made from Hide will have increased damage by 15% / 20% / 25% (depending on the level of the Hide skill).


image.png Critical Wound
  • Now available for learning from level 60:
    • At level 60: Increases Crit Damage. Impact on target by 15%;
    • At level 72: Increases Crit damage. Impact on target by 23%;
    • At level 78: Increases Critical Damage. Hit the target by 30%;
  • Now the skill can be enchanted!
    • Power improvement branch, increases the power of the skill from 30 to 38%:
      • +1 - 31%
      • +3 - 32%
      • +5 - 33%
      • +15 - 38%
    • Also, when sharpening, the skill level increases, which will increase the chance of success. Dependence of skill level on sharpening level:
      • +1~3 = lvl 81;
      • +4~6 = lvl 82;
      • +7~9 = lvl 83;
      • +10~12 = lvl 84;
      • +13~15 = lvl 85.


image.png Assassination (TH, PW, AW)
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • At level 52: Increases attack power by 15 and chance of a fatal attack by 1% when using a dagger;
    • At level 70: Increases attack power by 35 and chance of a fatal attack by 2% when using a dagger;
    • At level 78: Increases attack power by 70 and chance of killing by 3% when using a dagger.


image.png Potential Ability (TH, PW, AW)
  • The skill is available for learning from level 28:
  • At level 28 you can learn 1 level of skill:
    • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 20%, Power by 117 units. Used when wearing light armor.
  • At level 40 you can learn level 2 of the skill:
    • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 30%, Power by 295 units. Used when wearing light armor.
  • At level 49 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill:
    • When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 40%, Power by 384 units. Used when wearing light armor.


image.png Silent Mind (TH, PW, AW)
  • At level 36, you can learn 1 level of skill. Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 25%.


image.png Expose Weak Point (TH, PW, AW)

  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • After receiving damage, reveals the enemy's weaknesses, reducing his P. Defense by 20% and increasing the chance of Crit. Attacks the enemy by 30% with normal hits.


image.png Sixth Sense (TH, PW, AW)
  • Now available for learning from level 52.
    • The skill increases Evasion by 15 when HP falls below 30% of its maximum.


image.png Shadow Step (TH, PW, AW)
  • Now available for learning from level 40:
    • Jumps behind the enemy, cancels the target;
    • Application radius 600.
  • Now also increases the character's Attack Speed by 18% and the accuracy of blow skills by 33% for 5 seconds after use.


image.png Evasion Counter (Abyss Walker)
  • Now available for learning from level 66. While dodging, with a certain probability it delivers a counterattack that stuns the enemy.
  • Cost to learn - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena


Skill0171.png Esprit и Skill0225.png Acrobatic Move
  • Hidden modifiers that reduce protection from debuffs have been removed.


Skill0355 0.jpg Focus Death (Abyss Walker, Plainswalker)
  • Levels of study:
    • Level 55 - Chance and power of Crit. Atk. front -20%. Chance of a fatal blow +30%, Critical Power in the back +40%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 66 - Chance and power of Crit. Atk. front -25%. Chance of fatal blow +45%, Critical Power in the back +65%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 78 - Chance and power of Crit. Atk. front -30%. Chance of a fatal blow +60%, Critical Power in the back +90%. Requires Dagger.


Skill0356 0.jpg Focus Chance (Treasure Hunter, Abyss Walker)
  • Levels of study:
    • Level 55 - Critical Chance front -20%. Chance Crit. Atk. side +20%. Chance Crit. Atk. To the back +30%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 66 - Critical Chance front -25%. Chance Crit. Atk. side +25%. Chance Crit. Atk. To the back +45%. Requires Dagger;
    • Level 78 - Critical Chance front -30%. Chance Crit. Atk. side +30%. Chance Crit. Atk. To the back +60%. Requires Dagger.


skill0460.png Symbol of the Assassin (Adventurer, Wind Rider, Ghost Hunter)
  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 15 Evasion;
    • + 20% chance to hit with Blow skills.
  • + New effects:
    • + 50% chance to hit with Blow skills;
    • + 30% Evasion from P./ M. skills.


skill0209.pngDagger Mastery

  • Allows you to use Dual Daggers;
  • The passive effect also works on a new type of weapon: Dualdaggers (as well as attack skills that work with a dagger).


skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchanting branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other P./ M. evasion effects.

stone_8_i00.pngUnlimited Running

  • Increases the upper limit of the Speed limit. Requires Dagger/Dual Daggers and Light Armor.
    • 1st level, at 50 character level - 255;
      • 35.000 SP.
    • 2nd level, at 70 character level - 260;
      • 1.000.000 SP.
    • 3rd level, at 82 character level - 265.
      • 100.000.000 SP.
  • All other classes have a limit of 250, as before (no changes).


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0355.pngFocus Death
  • skill0357.pngFocus Power



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image.png Archers


skill0313.png Hawkeye

skill0924.png Seven Arrow

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels:
    • Level 70: Power 8445 units. Critical hit is possible.
    • Level 79: Power 11440 units. Critical hit is possible.
  • Cast range increased from 900 to 1100;
  • Interrupt range increased from 1000 to 1500;
  • Base cast time increased from 3 to 5 seconds;
  • The base cooldown of the skill has been reduced from 300 seconds to 60 seconds;
  • Duel enchant branch added (Damage in PvP).


skill0024.png Burst Shot

  • Base cooldown at all levels reduced from 6 to 5 seconds.
  • Now the skill can deal a critical hit (x2, STR affects).
    • Please note that the chance of a critical hit is higher in PvE than in PvP.
  • Added 4th skill enchanting branch: Water Attack;
  • Added 5th skill enchanting branch: Wind Attack;
  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


skill0019.png Double Shot

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


skill0343.png Lethal Shot

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


skill0313.png Snipe

  • Action time: 20 minutes;
  • Now the skill does not block the character's movement, but slows the character down by 90%.
  • The Power and Decrease Penalty improvement branches have been combined into one common branch:
    • Increases the growth of P. Atk. from +3 to +61 and reduces the movement penalty from -80% to -30% (previously from 100% to 50%; from +1 to +30, respectively).


skill0131.png Hawk Eye

  • Level to learns have been changed to: 40 / 68 / 74 lvl. character;
  • Now also increases all skill damage by 3% / 5% / 7%, depending on skill level;
  • A Decrease Penalty improvement branch has been added, which reduces the Penalty on P. Def. from -10% to 0%.


skill0111.png Ultimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • At character level 74, you can now learn the Second level of this skill;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases M. skills evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P. M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base cooldown by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.


skill0233.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchant branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.


skill0459.png Symbol of the Sniper (Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel)

  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 10 to Accuracy of Attacks from Bow/Crossbow;
    • +20% P.Atk. from Bow/Crossbow.
  • + New effects:
    • + 100 to the range of a shot from a Bow/Crossbow;
    • + 40 to Speed (similar to Counter Dash).


skill0924.pngSeven Arrow

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels:
    • Level 70: Power 8445 units. Critical hit is possible.
    • Level 79: Power 11440 units. Critical hit is possible.
  • Cast range increased from 900 to 1100;
  • Interrupt range increased from 1000 to 1500;
  • Base cast time increased from 3 to 5 seconds;
  • The base cooldown of the skill has been reduced from 300 seconds to 60 seconds;
  • Duel enchant branch added (Damage in PvP).



  • Action time: 20 minutes;
  • Now the skill does not block the character's movement, but slows the character down by 90%.
  • The Power and Decrease Penalty improvement branches have been combined into one common branch:
    • Increases the growth of P. Atk. from +3 to +61 and reduces the movement penalty from -80% to -30% (previously from 100% to 50%; from +1 to +30, respectively).


skill0131.pngHawk Eye

  • Level to learns have been changed to: 40 / 68 / 74 lvl. character;
  • Now also increases all skill damage by 3% / 5% / 7%, depending on skill level;
  • A Decrease Penalty improvement branch has been added, which reduces the Penalty on P. Def. from -10% to 0%.


skill0111.pngUltimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • At character level 74, you can now learn the Second level of this skill;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases M. skills evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P. M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base cooldown by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.


Skill 10801 2.jpg Counter Snipe Shot

  • New skill - party trigger :
    • Levels of study:
      • At level 40: With a certain probability, increases the Shot Range of a Bow (NOT a crossbow) by 35, Accuracy by 3 and Evasion by 2 for both yourself and the group when the character is attacked. Action time: 30 seconds;
      • At level 68: With a certain probability, increases Shot Range from a Bow (NOT a crossbow) by 50, Accuracy by 5 and Evasion by 3 for both yourself and the group when the character is attacked. Action time: 45 seconds;
      • At level 79: With a certain probability, increases Shot Range from a Bow (NOT a crossbow) by 75, Accuracy by 7 and Evasion by 4 for both yourself and the group when the character is attacked. Action time: 60 seconds.
    • Now the skill no longer takes up the Buff Slot.


image.png Archery

  • The skill has been changed : now also increases PvE P. Skill damage when using Bow:
    • At level 52: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 15% , P. Atk. + 50 and maximum attack distance by 25 when using a bow;
    • At level 70: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 25% , P. Atk. + 100 and maximum attack distance by 50 when using a bow;
    • At level 78: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 35% , P. Atk. +200 and maximum attack range by 100 when using a bow.


skill0771.png Flame Hawk

  • Skill changed :
    • It is now learned at character level 78 and by default is linked to the Fire Attribute .


skill0004.png Dash и skill0111.png Ultimate Evasion

  • The speed of using skills has been increased.


image.png Potential Ability (HE, SR, FR)

  • At level 28: When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 20%, Power by 117 units. Used when wearing light armor.


image.png Silent Mind (HE, SR, FR)
  • At level 36: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 25%;
  • At level 62: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 50%;
  • At level 79: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 100%.


image.png Counter Dash (HE, SR, FR)
  • At level 40: Has a chance to increase self and party's Speed by 10 when attacked. Action time: 30 seconds;
  • At level 68: Has a chance to increase self and party's Speed by 20 when attacked. Action time: 45 seconds;
  • At level 79: Chance to increase self and party's Speed by 40 when attacked. Action time: 60 seconds.


image.png Burst Shot (HE, SR, FR)
  • Increased damage for Burst Shot skill in PvP, significantly increased damage in PvE. The radius and range of the skill are unchanged.
  • Base cooldown at all levels reduced from 6 to 5 seconds.
  • Now the skill can deal a critical hit (x2, STR affects).
    • Please note that the chance of a critical hit is higher in PvE than in PvP.
  • Added 4th skill enchanting branch: Water Attack;
  • Added 5th skill enchanting branch: Wind Attack;
  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


image.png Double Shot (HE, SR, FR)
  • Increased skill power for the skill. Range and speed of application remain unchanged.
  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.

skill0343.png Lethal Shot

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


skill0987.png Multiple Shot (Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel, Trickster)
  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels and will be added at the appropriate stage.
  • At level 80:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 11110 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.
  • At level 82:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 16667 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.


image.png Spirit of Sagittarius (HE, SR, FR)
  • Spirit of Sagittarius is now a passive skill:
    • At level 58: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 10%;
    • At level 66: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 20%;
    • At level 74: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 30%.


image.png Blessing of Sagittarius (HE, SR, FR)
  • Blessing of Sagittarius is now a passive skill:
    • At level 58: Reduces the waiting time for reusing physical skills by 10%;
    • At level 66: Reduces the time it takes to reuse physical skills by 15%;
    • At level 74: Reduces the time it takes to reuse physical skills by 20%.


skill0459.png Symbol of the Sniper (Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel)
  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 10 to Accuracy of Attacks from Bow/Crossbow;
    • +20% P.Atk. from Bow/Crossbow.
  • + New effects:
    • + 100 to the range of a shot from a Bow/Crossbow;
    • + 40 to Speed (similar to Counter Dash).


skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchant branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.



skill0413.png Silver Ranger

skill0058.png Elemental Heal (Swordsinger)

  • The skill restores the HP of party members (including the caster himself). Following the example of skill1402.png Major Group Heal.


skill0924.png Seven Arrow

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels:
    • Level 70: Power 8445 units. Critical hit is possible.
    • Level 79: Power 11440 units. Critical hit is possible.
  • Cast range increased from 900 to 1100;
  • Interrupt range increased from 1000 to 1500;
  • Base cast time increased from 3 to 5 seconds;
  • The base cooldown of the skill has been reduced from 300 seconds to 60 seconds;
  • Duel enchant branch added (Damage in PvP).


skill0024.png Burst Shot

  • Base cooldown at all levels reduced from 6 to 5 seconds.
  • Now the skill can deal a critical hit (x2, STR affects).
    • Please note that the chance of a critical hit is higher in PvE than in PvP.
  • Added 4th skill enchanting branch: Water Attack;
  • Added 5th skill enchanting branch: Wind Attack;
  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.

skill0019.png Double Shot

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.

skill0343.png Lethal Shot

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


skill0413.png Rapid Fire

  • Action time: 20 minutes;
  • Now the penalty for firing range is reduced depending on the skill level:
    • From -50% at level 1 and up to -30% at level 8. Previously 50% at any level.
  • The Power and Decrease Penalty improvement branches have been combined into one common branch:
    • Increases the growth of P. Atk. from +6 to +27 and reduces the penalty on firing range from -30% to 0% (to no penalty at all; from +1 to +30, respectively).


skill0111.png Ultimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • At character level 74, you can now learn the Second level of this skill;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases M. skills evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P. M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base cooldown by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.


skill0233.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchant branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.


skill0459.png Symbol of the Sniper (Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel)

  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 10 to Accuracy of Attacks from Bow/Crossbow;
    • +20% P.Atk. from Bow/Crossbow.
  • + New effects:
    • + 100 to the range of a shot from a Bow/Crossbow;
    • + 40 to Speed (similar to Counter Dash).


skill0061.png Cure Bleeding

  • Now heals a character from Bleeding at any level.


skill0021.png Poison Recovery

  • Now heals a character from Poison of any level.

skill0924.pngSeven Arrow

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels:
    • Level 70: Power 8445 units. Critical hit is possible.
    • Level 79: Power 11440 units. Critical hit is possible.
  • Cast range increased from 900 to 1100;
  • Interrupt range increased from 1000 to 1500;
  • Base cast time increased from 3 to 5 seconds;
  • The base cooldown of the skill has been reduced from 300 seconds to 60 seconds;
  • Duel enchant branch added (Damage in PvP).


skill0533.png Counter Rapid Shot

  • Skill changed: more attack speed for Bows. For crossbows the bonus has not changed :
    • At level 40: With a certain probability, increases the Attack Speed of Bow by 10% and Crossbow by 7% for both yourself and the group when the character is attacked. Action time: 30 seconds;
    • At level 68: With a certain probability, increases the Attack Speed from Bow by 15% and from Crossbow by 10% for both yourself and the group when the character is attacked. Action time: 45 seconds;
    • At level 79: With a certain probability, increases the Attack Speed from Bow by 20% and from Crossbow by 15% for both yourself and the group when the character is attacked. Action time: 60 seconds.


image.png Archery

  • The skill has been changed : now also increases PvE P. Skill damage when using Bow:
    • At level 52: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 15% , P. Atk. + 50 and maximum attack distance by 25 when using a bow;
    • At level 70: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 25% , P. Atk. + 100 and maximum attack distance by 50 when using a bow;
    • At level 78: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 35% , P. Atk. +200 and maximum attack range by 100 when using a bow.


skill0772.png Arrow Rain

  • Skill changed :
    • It is now learned at character level 78 and by default is linked to the Water Attribute .


skill0413.pngRapid Fire

  • Action time: 20 minutes;
  • Now the penalty for firing range is reduced depending on the skill level:
    • From -50% at level 1 and up to -30% at level 8. Previously 50% at any level.
  • The Power and Decrease Penalty improvement branches have been combined into one common branch:
    • Increases the growth of P. Atk. from +6 to +27 and reduces the penalty on firing range from -30% to 0% (to no penalty at all; from +1 to +30, respectively).


skill0111.pngUltimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • At character level 74, you can now learn the Second level of this skill;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases M. skills evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P. M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base cooldown by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.


image.png Potential Ability (HE, SR, FR)
  • At level 28: When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 20%, Power by 117 units. Used when wearing light armor.


image.png Silent Mind (HE, SR, FR)
  • At level 36: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 25%;
  • At level 62: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 50%;
  • At level 79: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 100%.


image.png Counter Dash (HE, SR, FR)
  • At level 40: Has a chance to increase self and party's Speed by 10 when attacked. Action time: 30 seconds;
  • At level 68: Has a chance to increase self and party's Speed by 20 when attacked. Action time: 45 seconds;
  • At level 79: Chance to increase self and party's Speed by 40 when attacked. Action time: 60 seconds.


image.png Burst Shot (HE, SR, FR)
  • Increased damage for Burst Shot skill in PvP, significantly increased damage in PvE. The radius and range of the skill are unchanged.
  • Base cooldown at all levels reduced from 6 to 4.5 seconds.
  • Now the skill can deal a critical hit (x2, STR affects).
    • Please note that the chance of a critical hit is higher in PvE than in PvP.
  • Added 4th skill enchanting branch: Water Attack;
  • Added 5th skill enchanting branch: Wind Attack;
  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


image.png Double Shot (HE, SR, FR)
  • Increased skill power for the skill. Range and speed of application remain unchanged.
  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.

skill0343.png Lethal Shot

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


skill0987.png Multiple Shot (Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel, Trickster)
  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels and will be added at the appropriate stage.
  • At level 80:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 11110 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.
  • At level 82:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 16667 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.


image.png Spirit of Sagittarius (HE, SR, FR)
  • Spirit of Sagittarius is now a passive skill:
    • At level 58: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 10%;
    • At level 66: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 20%;
    • At level 74: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 30%.


image.png Blessing of Sagittarius (HE, SR, FR)
  • Blessing of Sagittarius is now a passive skill:
    • At level 58: Reduces the waiting time for reusing physical skills by 10%;
    • At level 66: Reduces the time it takes to reuse physical skills by 15%;
    • At level 74: Reduces the time it takes to reuse physical skills by 20%.


image.png Pain of Sagittarius (HE, SR, FR)
  • Added for learning to the Silver Ranger class from level 58.


skill0459.png Symbol of the Sniper (Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel)

  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 10 to Accuracy of Attacks from Bow/Crossbow;
    • +20% P.Atk. from Bow/Crossbow.
  • + New effects:
    • + 100 to the range of a shot from a Bow/Crossbow;
    • + 40 to Speed (similar to Counter Dash).


skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchant branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).


skill0058.png Elemental Heal (Swordsinger)

  • The skill restores the HP of party members (including the caster himself). Following the example of skill1402.png Major Group Heal.


skill0061.pngCure Bleeding

  • Now heals a character from Bleeding at any level.


skill0021.pngPoison Recovery

  • Now heals a character from Poison of any level.



skill0414.png Phantom Ranger

skill0129.png Poison

  • The poison effect of this skill now also reduces Speed by 10% and the Power of HP healing by 15%.
  • Base cast time depending on Spd. Magic - has been slightly reduced.
  • The base reload time has been slightly increased (to 5 seconds).
  • Now the skill can be enchanted for Power. The power of Poison is growing. 2 per upgrade round: “-63 (+0)” => -123 (+30).”


skill0924.png Seven Arrow

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels:
    • Level 70: Power 8445 units. Critical hit is possible.
    • Level 79: Power 11440 units. Critical hit is possible.
  • Cast range increased from 900 to 1100;
  • Interrupt range increased from 1000 to 1500;
  • Base cast time increased from 3 to 5 seconds;
  • The base cooldown of the skill has been reduced from 300 seconds to 60 seconds;
  • Duel enchant branch added (Damage in PvP).


counter_pawer_shot.png Counter Power Shot

  • The skill has been changed: more damage from Arrows (NOT bolts), fixed PvE bonus to damage with Skills, starting from the first level of the skill:
    • At level 40: When attacked, party members' Physical PvE Skill Dmg. is increased by 15%, Physical PvP Skill Dmg. is increased by 7% and Bows P.Atk is increased by 5%. Action time: 30 seconds;
    • At level 68: When attacked, party members' Physical PvE Skill Dmg. is increased by 15%, Physical PvP Skill Dmg. is increased by 10% and Bows P.Atk is increased by 7%. Action time: 45 seconds;
    • At level 79: When attacked, party members' Physical PvE Skill Dmg. is increased by 15%, Physical PvP Skill Dmg. is increased by 15% and Bows P.Atk is increased by 10%. Action time: 60 seconds.


image.png Archery

  • The skill has been changed : now also increases PvE P. Skill damage when using Bow:
    • At level 52: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 15% , P. Atk. + 50 and maximum attack distance by 25 when using a bow;
    • At level 70: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 25% , P. Atk. + 100 and maximum attack distance by 50 when using a bow;
    • At level 78: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 35% , P. Atk. +200 and maximum attack range by 100 when using a bow.


skill0773.png Ghost Piercing

  • Skill changed :
    • Now it is learned at character level 78 and by default has a link to the Wind Attribute .


skill0414.png Dead Eye

  • Action time: 20 minutes;
  • The Power and Decrease Penalty improvement branches have been combined into one common branch:
    • Increases the growth of P. Atk. from +12 to +56 and reduces the speed of fire penalty from -10% to 0% (to no penalty at all; from +1 to +30, respectively).


skill0111.png Ultimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • At character level 74, you can now learn the Second level of this skill;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases M. skills evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P. M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base cooldown by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.


image.png Potential Ability (HE, SR, FR)
  • At level 28: When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 20%, Power by 117 units. Used when wearing light armor.


image.png Silent Mind (HE, SR, FR)
  • At level 36: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 25%;
  • At level 62: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 50%;
  • At level 79: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 100%.


image.png Counter Dash (HE, SR, FR)
  • At level 40: Has a chance to increase self and party's Speed by 10 when attacked. Action time: 30 seconds;
  • At level 68: Has a chance to increase self and party's Speed by 20 when attacked. Action time: 45 seconds;
  • At level 79: Chance to increase self and party's Speed by 40 when attacked. Action time: 60 seconds.


image.png Burst Shot (HE, SR, FR)
  • The skill is available for learning by the Phantom Ranger class;
    • Increased damage for Burst Shot skill in PvP, significantly increased damage in PvE. The radius and range of the skill are unchanged.
    • Base cooldown at all levels reduced from 6 to 4.5 seconds.
    • Now the skill can deal a critical hit (x2, STR affects).
      • Please note that the chance of a critical hit is higher in PvE than in PvP.
    • Added 4th skill enchanting branch: Water Attack;
    • Added 5th skill enchanting branch: Wind Attack;
    • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


image.png Double Shot (HE, SR, FR)
  • Increased skill power for the skill. Range and speed of application remain unchanged.
  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.

skill0343.png Lethal Shot

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


skill0987.png Multiple Shot (Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel, Trickster)
  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels and will be added at the appropriate stage.
  • At level 80:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 11110 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.
  • At level 82:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 16667 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.


image.png Spirit of Sagittarius (HE, SR, FR)
  • Spirit of Sagittarius is now a passive skill:
    • At level 58: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 10%;
    • At level 66: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 20%;
    • At level 74: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 30%.


image.png Blessing of Sagittarius (HE, SR, FR)
  • The skill is available for learning by the Phantom Ranger class;
  • Blessing of Sagittarius is now a passive skill:
    • At level 58: Reduces the waiting time for reusing physical skills by 10%;
    • At level 66: Reduces the time it takes to reuse physical skills by 15%;
    • At level 74: Reduces the time it takes to reuse physical skills by 20%.


skill0459.png Symbol of the Sniper (Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel)
  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 10 to Accuracy of Attacks from Bow/Crossbow;
    • +20% P.Atk. from Bow/Crossbow.
  • + New effects:
    • + 100 to the range of a shot from a Bow/Crossbow;
    • + 40 to Speed (similar to Counter Dash).


skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchant branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.


skill0223.png Sting

  • Bleeding effect from any source: in addition to periodic damage and slowing, it also deals minor damage depending on the distance the target has traveled.
  • Now, when modifying a skill to Power, the power of periodic damage increases significantly.

skill0924.pngSeven Arrow

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels:
    • Level 70: Power 8445 units. Critical hit is possible.
    • Level 79: Power 11440 units. Critical hit is possible.
  • Cast range increased from 900 to 1100;
  • Interrupt range increased from 1000 to 1500;
  • Base cast time increased from 3 to 5 seconds;
  • The base cooldown of the skill has been reduced from 300 seconds to 60 seconds;
  • Duel enchant branch added (Damage in PvP).


counter_pawer_shot.png Counter Power Shot

  • The skill has been changed: more damage from Arrows (NOT bolts), fixed PvE bonus to damage with Skills, starting from the first level of the skill:
    • At level 40: With a certain probability increases PvP Damage from any F attacks. Decreased by 7 % , PvE Damage from any F attacks . Decreased by 15 % , Phys . attack when using Bows (NOT crossbows) by 5% for both yourself and the group when the character is attacked. Action time: 30 seconds;
    • At level 68: With a certain probability increases PvP Damage from any F attacks. Decreases by 10 % , PvE Damage from any F attacks. Decreased by 15 % , P. attack when using Bows (NOT crossbows) by 7% for both yourself and the group when the character is attacked. Action time: 45 seconds;
    • At level 79: With a certain probability increases PvP Damage from any F attacks. Decreased by 15 % , PvE Damage from any F attacks. Decreased by 15 % , P. attack when using Bows (NOT crossbows) by 10% for both yourself and the group when the character is attacked. Action time: 60 seconds.


image.png Archery

  • The skill has been changed : now also increases PvE P. Skill damage when using Bow:
    • At level 52: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 15% , P. Atk. + 50 and maximum attack distance by 25 when using a bow;
    • At level 70: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 25% , P. Atk. + 100 and maximum attack distance by 50 when using a bow;
    • At level 78: Increases PvE P. Skill damage by 35% , P. Atk. +200 and maximum attack range by 100 when using a bow.


skill0773.png Ghost Piercing

  • Skill changed :
    • Now it is learned at character level 78 and by default has a link to the Wind Attribute .


skill0414.pngDead Eye

  • Action time: 20 minutes;
  • The Power and Decrease Penalty improvement branches have been combined into one common branch:
    • Increases the growth of P. Atk. from +12 to +56 and reduces the speed of fire penalty from -10% to 0% (to no penalty at all; from +1 to +30, respectively).


skill0111.pngUltimate Evasion

  • Now the First level of the skill also increases evasion from M. skills by +25%;
  • At character level 74, you can now learn the Second level of this skill;
  • The second level of the skill now also increases M. skills evasion. skills by +40% and additionally increases Evasion by another 10 (was 20 => 25, now 20 => 35);
  • Final parameters of Ultimate Evasion:
    • First level: Evasion +20, Evasion P./ M. skills +25%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Second level: Evasion +35, Evasion P. M. skills +40%, Resistance to removal of positive effects +80. Duration: 30 sec;
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.
      • Ultimate Evasion improvement trees:
        • Time: Increases the duration of the effect by +1 sec. for each +1: from 30 to 60 seconds from +0 to +30;
        • Reuse: Reduces base cooldown by -15 sec. for each +1: from 900 to 450 seconds from +0 to +30.


image.png Potential Ability (HE, SR, FR)
  • At level 28: When using a dagger or double daggers, the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 20%, Power by 117 units. Used when wearing light armor.


image.png Silent Mind (HE, SR, FR)
  • At level 36: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 25%;
  • At level 62: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 50%;
  • At level 79: Reduces MP consumption for bow shots by 100%.


image.png Counter Dash (HE, SR, FR)
  • At level 40: Has a chance to increase self and party's Speed by 10 when attacked. Action time: 30 seconds;
  • At level 68: Has a chance to increase self and party's Speed by 20 when attacked. Action time: 45 seconds;
  • At level 79: Chance to increase self and party's Speed by 40 when attacked. Action time: 60 seconds.


image.png Burst Shot (HE, SR, FR)
  • The skill is available for learning by the Phantom Ranger class;
    • Increased damage for Burst Shot skill in PvP, significantly increased damage in PvE. The radius and range of the skill are unchanged.
    • Base cooldown at all levels reduced from 6 to 4.5 seconds.
    • Now the skill can deal a critical hit (x2, STR affects).
      • Please note that the chance of a critical hit is higher in PvE than in PvP.
    • Added 4th skill enchanting branch: Water Attack;
    • Added 5th skill enchanting branch: Wind Attack;
    • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


image.png Double Shot (HE, SR, FR)
  • Increased skill power for the skill. Range and speed of application remain unchanged.
  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.

skill0343.png Lethal Shot

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Holy Attack.


skill0987.png Multiple Shot (Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel, Trickster)
  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels and will be added at the appropriate stage.
  • At level 80:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 11110 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.
  • At level 82:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 16667 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.


image.png Spirit of Sagittarius (HE, SR, FR)
  • Spirit of Sagittarius is now a passive skill:
    • At level 58: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 10%;
    • At level 66: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 20%;
    • At level 74: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 30%.


image.png Blessing of Sagittarius (HE, SR, FR)
  • The skill is available for learning by the Phantom Ranger class;
  • Blessing of Sagittarius is now a passive skill:
    • At level 58: Reduces the waiting time for reusing physical skills by 10%;
    • At level 66: Reduces the time it takes to reuse physical skills by 15%;
    • At level 74: Reduces the time it takes to reuse physical skills by 20%.


skill0459.png Symbol of the Sniper (Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel)
  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 10 to Accuracy of Attacks from Bow/Crossbow;
    • +20% P.Atk. from Bow/Crossbow.
  • + New effects:
    • + 100 to the range of a shot from a Bow/Crossbow;
    • + 40 to Speed (similar to Counter Dash).


skill0233.pngLight Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchant branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.


skill0223.png Sting

  • Bleeding effect from any source: in addition to periodic damage and slowing, it also deals minor damage depending on the distance the target has traveled.
  • Now, when modifying a skill to Power, the power of periodic damage increases significantly.



skill0129.png Poison

  • The poison effect of this skill now also reduces Speed by 10% and the Power of HP healing by 15%.
  • Base cast time depending on Spd. Magic - has been slightly reduced.
  • The base reload time has been slightly increased (to 5 seconds).
  • Now the skill can be enchanted for Power. The power of Poison is growing. 2 per upgrade round: “-63 (+0)” => -123 (+30).”



skill0522.png Arbalester


skill1470.png Prahnah

  • Now the skill has several levels:
    • At level 60: Increases M. Def. all group members by 650. Duration: 15 sec;
    • At level 72: Increases M. Def. all group members by 950. Duration: 20 sec;
    • At level 78: Increases M. Def. all group members by 3000. Duration: 30 sec.
  • Valid only as long as the character who cast the skill is in the Group;
  • This no longer replaces the skill0420.png Zealot skill (and vice versa).
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


skill1514.pngSoul Barrier

  • Effect duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds.

  • When improving the Effect by “Time,” the bonus to the duration of the effect is reduced, from 30 to 25 seconds.
    Thus, when improved by +30 Time - effect duration = 40 seconds, as before.


skill0509.pngBleeding Shot

  • Skill power at all levels increased by ~65%.
  • Added Chance x2 Crit. Atk dependent on STR (STR), similar to Twin Shot.
  • The chance of success Bleed has been greatly increased.
  • Bleeding power has been slightly increased.
  • The power of Bleeding now also increases when improving (enchanting) the skill.
  • When sharpened for Power, bleeding damage increases to a greater extent than when sharpened for Chance. The "Cost" enchanting branch has been removed.


skill0521.png Sharpshooting

  • Now the skill does not block the character's movement, but slows the character down by 90%.
  • Time improvement branch has been removed. The Decrease Penalty effect has been added to the Power improvement branch, similar to skill0313.pngSnipe: For 20 minutes,increases the user's Accuracy by 3, P. Atk. by 124, range by 50, and Critical Rate by 20% when using a bow. Reduces movement speed by 90%. Requires a bow.
    • Increases the growth of P. Atk. from +12 to +54 and reduces the movement penalty from -80% to -30% (from +1 to +30, respectively).


Skill0790 0.jpg Wild Shot

  • Skill changed :
    • Now it is learned at character level 78 and by default has a link to the Attribute of Darkness .


skill0507.png Twin Shot

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Dark Attack.


Skill0508 0.jpg Rising Shot (analog skill Burst Shot)

  • The skill has been updated in a similar way to Skill0024 0.jpgBurst Shot. PvE damage has been significantly increased.
  • Base cooldown at all levels reduced from 6 to 5 seconds.
  • Now the skill can deal a critical hit (x2, STR affects).
    • Please note that the chance of a critical hit is higher in PvE than in PvP.
  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Dark Attack.


Skill0522 0.jpg Real Target

  • The bonus increase when enchanting a skill has been changed:
  • Now :
    • 0-18% P. Def. (at +30 = 18%)
      • For comparison :
        • At Gracia Final: 0-25% p.def (i.e. we have less);
        • On High Five: 0-10% p.def (i.e. we have more).


Skill0510 0.jpg Deadly Roulette

  • To use the skill you now need no more than 25% HP (instead of 10%).


skill0987.png Multiple Shot

  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels and will be added at the appropriate stage.
  • At level 80:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 11110 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.
  • At level 82:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 16667 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.


skill0939.png Soul Rage

  • Now has several levels and is learned from 60th .
    • The parameters of the first skill levels have been reduced to match the low level of study.


skill0538.png Final Form

  • Now has several levels and is learned from 70th;
  • The transform parameters have been reduced to suit the low level of study.


skill0465.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchant branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.


skill0467.png Soul Mastery

  • Now allows you to have up to 45 souls at all character levels. skill0502.png
    • It is also possible to put Full Bottle of Souls on “auto-use” (by analogy with CPU, HP, Elixirs).etc_fruit_juice_glass_bottle_i11.png


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0482.pngFurious Soul



  • Now the skill does not block the character's movement, but slows the character down by 90%.
  • Time improvement branch has been removed. The Decrease Penalty effect has been added to the Power improvement branch, similar to skill0313.pngSnipe:
    • Increases the growth of P. Atk. from +12 to +54 and reduces the movement penalty from -80% to -30% (from +1 to +30, respectively).


Skill0790 0.jpg Wild Shot

  • Skill changed :
    • Now it is learned at character level 78 and by default has a link to the Attribute of Darkness .


skill0507.png Twin Shot

  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Dark Attack.


skill1470.png Prahnah

  • Now the skill has several levels:
    • At level 60: Increases M. Def. all group members by 650. Duration: 15 sec;
    • At level 72: Increases M. Def. all group members by 950. Duration: 20 sec;
    • At level 78: Increases M. Def. all group members by 3000. Duration: 30 sec.
  • Valid only as long as the character who cast the skill is in the Group;
  • This no longer replaces the skill0420.png Zealot skill (and vice versa).
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


Skill0508 0.jpg Rising Shot (analog skill Burst Shot)

  • The skill has been updated in a similar way to Skill0024 0.jpgBurst Shot. PvE damage has been significantly increased.
  • Base cooldown at all levels reduced from 6 to 5 seconds.
  • Now the skill can deal a critical hit (x2, STR affects).
    • Please note that the chance of a critical hit is higher in PvE than in PvP.
  • Added 6th skill enchanting branch: Dark Attack.


skill0509.pngBleeding Shot

  • Skill power at all levels increased by ~65%.
  • Added Chance x2 Crit. Atk dependent on STR (STR), similar to Twin Shot.
  • The chance of success Bleed has been greatly increased.
  • Bleeding power has been slightly increased.
  • The power of Bleeding now also increases when improving (enchanting) the skill.
  • When sharpened for Power, bleeding damage increases to a greater extent than when sharpened for Chance. The "Cost" enchanting branch has been removed.


Skill0522 0.jpg Real Target

  • The bonus increase when enchanting a skill has been changed:
  • Now :
    • 0-18% P. Def. (at +30 = 18%)
      • For comparison :
        • At Gracia Final: 0-25% p.def (i.e. we have less);
        • On High Five: 0-10% p.def (i.e. we have more).


Skill0510 0.jpg Deadly Roulette

  • To use the skill you now need no more than 25% HP (instead of 10%).


skill0987.png Multiple Shot

  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels and will be added at the appropriate stage.
  • At level 80:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 11110 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.
  • At level 82:
    • Strikes a large enemy along the front with a power of 16667 units, added to P. Atk. Possible Over-hit. Possible Critical Hit. Can be used when equipped with a bow and crossbow.


skill0939.png Soul Rage

  • Now has several levels and is learned from 60th .
    • The parameters of the first skill levels have been reduced to match the low level of study.


skill0538.png Final Form

  • Now has several levels and is learned from 70th;
  • The transform parameters have been reduced to suit the low level of study.


skill0465.pngLight Armor Mastery

  • Improved (second) enchant branch - Evasion:
    • Now, in addition to increasing evasion, it also gives +1% to the chance to evade P./ M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).
    • Stacks with other evasion effects against any P./M. Skills.


skill0467.pngSoul Mastery

  • Now allows you to have up to 45 souls at all character levels. skill0502.png
    • It is also possible to put Full Bottle of Souls on “auto-use” (by analogy with CPU, HP, Elixirs).etc_fruit_juice_glass_bottle_i11.png


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0482.pngFurious Soul


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image.png Bards


image.png Enjoy the Silence new skill (Bladedancer, Swordsinger)

  • Self cast skill, cancels all rhythms prom the character. 
    • Learning level: 56;
    • Cooldown: 15 minutes, fixed.

("Self Noise". Very useful skill allows you to force rebuff rhythms for your party using significantly less mana)


skill11540.png Reorganization new skill

  • Group control skill, which has 2 levels:
    • At level 49: for 15 sec. transforms the character and party members within a 1000 radius into funny pigs. Increases movement speed by 20 and reduces P./M. Atk. by 90%;
    • At level 70: for 15 sec. transforms the character and party members within a 1000 radius into funny pigs. Increases movement speed by 33 and reduces P./M. Atk. by 90%.
  • Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes.
  • 6 new enchanting branches for this skill are available:
    • Frog - turns your party members into frogs;
    • Owl - turns your group members into a wedge of owls;
    • Rooster - turns members of your group into a pride of roosters;
    • Wolf - turns your party members into a pack of wolves;
    • Clown - turns your party members into a troupe of clowns;
    • Wasp - turns your party members into a swarm of wasps;


skill11543.png Party Rescue new skill

  • Group Control Skill:
  • At level 60: The character attracts party members within a radius of 1000 to himself;
  • Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes.
  • At character level 76, the Second Level of skill appears!
    • Fixed cooldown: 300 => 180 seconds;
    • Range: 1000 => 1500;
    • Casting speed: 1.5 => 1 sec;
    • MP cost: 75 => 100;
    • Study cost: 7,500,000 SP.

image.png Dance of Berserker ( BD only )

  • The recast block fires immediately after the effect is activated.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


skill0914.png Song of Purification ( SwS only )

  • The recast block fires immediately after the effect is activated.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


image.png Battle Whisper (SwS)

  • The skill is available for learning from level 46, is a self-buff , lasts 20 minutes. Occupies a buff slot.
  • The skill is divided into 9 levels:
    • Level 46 character: P. Atk. +3.00%, P. Crit. Atk. +2%, Atk. Spd. +2%;
    • Level 52 character: P. Atk. +4.50%, P. Crit. Atk. +3%, Atk. Spd. +3%;
    • Level 60 character: P. Atk. +6.00%, P. Crit. Atk. +4%, Atk. Spd. +4%;
    • Level 64 character: P. Atk. +7.50%, P. Crit. Atk. +5%, Atk. Spd. +5%;
    • Level 68 character: P. Atk. +9.00%, P. Crit. Atk. +6%, Atk. Spd. +6%;
    • Level 70 character: P. Atk. +10.50%, P. Crit. Atk. +7%, Atk. Spd. +7%;
    • Level 72 character: P. Atk. +12.00%, P. Crit. Atk. +8%, Atk. Spd. +8%;
    • Level 74 character: P. Atk. +13.50%, P. Crit. Atk. +9%, Atk. Spd. +9%;
    • Level 76 character: P. Atk. +15.00%, P. Crit. Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +10%.


image.png Defense Motion (BD)
  • The skill is available for learning from level 46, is a self-buff, lasts 20 minutes. Occupies a buff slot.
  • The skill has been improved and divided into 9 levels:
    • Level 46 character: P. Def. +2%, M. Def. +2%, Evasion +1, Protection from Negative Effects +2%;
    • Level 52 character: P. Def. +5%, M. Def. +3%, Evasion +1, Protection from Negative Effects +3%;
    • Level 60 character: P. Def. +7%, M. Def. +4%, Evasion +2, Protection from Negative Effects +4%;
    • Level 64 character: P. Def. +10%, M. Def. +5%, Evasion +2, Protection from Negative Effects +5%;
    • Level 68 character: P. Def. +13%, M. Def. +6%, Evasion +3, Protection from Negative Effects +6%;
    • Level 70 character: P. Def. +16%, M. Def. +7%, Evasion +3, Protection from Negative Effects +7%;
    • Level 72 character: P. Def. +19%, M. Def. +8%, Evasion +4, Protection from Negative Effects +8%;
    • Level 74 character: P. Def. +22%, M. Def. +9%, Evasion +4, Protection from Negative Effects +9%;
    • Level 76 character: P. Def. +25%, M. Def. +10%, Evasion +5, Protection from Negative Effects +10%.


skill0367.pngRhythm of Medusa (BD only)

  • Swordsinger does not have the ability to learn Rhythm of Medusa.


skill0437.pngRhythm of Silence (SwS only)

  • Bladedancer does not have the ability to learn Rhythm of Silence.
  • The skill is tied to the element of Wind, and has built-in 20 ATT of Wind, respectively.


The chance of success the effects of the following skills has been slightly increased, and skill enchanting branches have been added:

  • skill0098.pngSword Symphony (SwS only)
    • Added enchanting branch "Power + Chance":
      • Power from 1554 to 2095, chance up to +10%.
  • skill0407.pngPsycho Symphony (SwS only)
    • Passes. Both in PvE and PvP.
    • Deals AoE damage depending on skill level + P. Bard Atk.
    • Superblow is possible (+25% experience), has a chance of Crit. Impact: both in PvP and PvE.
  • skill0408.pngDemonic Blade Dance (BD only)
    • Passes. Both in PvE and PvP.
    • Deals AoE damage depending on skill level + P. Bard Atk.
    • Superblow is possible (+25% experience), has a chance of Crit. Impact in PvE. When success: Reduces P. and M. Atk. targets by -10 ~ -30%, depending on skill level.

  • skill0084.pngPoison Blade Dance (BD only)
    • The poison effect of this skill now also reduces Speed by 10% and the Power of HP restoration magic by 15%;
    • Sharpened for Chance.


skill0058.png Elemental Heal (Swordsinger)

  • The skill restores the HP of party members (including the caster himself). Following the example of skill1402.png Major Group Heal.


skill0129.pngPoison (BD only)

  • The poison effect of this skill now also reduces Speed by 10% and the Power of HP restoration magic by 15%.
  • Base cast time depending on Cast. Speed - has been slightly reduced.
  • The base cooldown has been slightly increased (to 5 seconds).
  • Now the skill can be enchanted for Power. The power of Poison is growing. 2 per upgrade round: “-63 (+0)” => -123 (+30).”


image.png Enjoy the Silence new skill (Bladedancer, Swordsinger)

  • Self cast skill, cancels all rhythms prom the character. 
    • Learning level: 56;
    • Cooldown: 15 minutes, fixed.

("Self Noise". Very useful skill allows you to force rebuff rhythms for your party using significantly less mana)


skill11540.png Reorganization new skill

  • Group control skill, which has 2 levels:
    • At level 49: for 15 sec. transforms the character and party members within a 1000 radius into funny pigs. Increases movement speed by 20 and reduces P./M. Atk. by 90%;
    • At level 70: for 15 sec. transforms the character and party members within a 1000 radius into funny pigs. Increases movement speed by 33 and reduces P./M. Atk. by 90%.
  • Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes.
  • 6 new enchanting branches for this skill are available:
    • Frog - turns your party members into frogs;
    • Owl - turns your group members into a wedge with ov ;
    • Rooster - turns members of your group into a pride of roosters ;
    • Wolf - turns your party members into a pack of wolves;
    • Clown - turns your party members into a troupe of clowns;
    • Wasp - turns your party members into a swarm of wasps ;


skill11543.png Party Rescue new skill

  • Group Control Skill:
  • At level 60: The character attracts party members within a radius of 1000 to himself;
  • Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes.
  • At character level 76, the Second Level of skill appears!
    • Fixed cooldown: 300 => 180 seconds;
    • Range: 1000 => 1500;
    • Casting speed: 1.5 => 1 sec;
    • MP cost: 75 => 100;
    • Study cost: 7,500,000 SP.


skill5239.png The duration of the following Rhythms has been increased from 2 to 5 minutes :

  • defence_32.pngRhythm of Defence
  • benefit_32.pngRhythm of Benefit
  • holy_32.pngDivine Rhythm
  • power_32.pngRhythm of Power
  • critical_32.pngRhythm of Critical
  • rage_32.pngRhythm of Rage
  • body_32.pngRhythm of Body
  • reflect_32.pngRhythm of Reflection
  • clarity_32.pngRhythm of Clarity
  • dominance_32.pngRhythm of Dominance
    • Time improvement branch has been removed.

Clarification: Rhythms that provide protection from certain types of attacks and have a long base cooldown, such as cyclonic_32.pngCyclonic Rhythm, magmatic_32.pngMagmatic Rhythm, resistance_32.pngRhythm of Resistance, still last 2 minutes.


skill0986.pngDeadly Strike

  • Now this is an AoE skill that hits both the target and enemies around the target with a small conical radius of destruction. Similar to skill0009.pngSonic Buster.
  • Superblow is possible (+25% experience), has a chance of Crit. Impact in PvE.


skill0110.pngUltimate Defense

  • Now does not block the character's movement, but slows down your character by 90% during the effect.


The chance of success the effects of the following skills has been slightly increased, and skill enchanting branches have been added:

  • skill0098.pngSword Symphony (SwS only)
    • Added enchanting branch "Power + Chance":
      • Power from 1554 to 2095, chance up to +10%.
  • skill0407.pngPsycho Symphony (SwS only)
    • Added enchanting branch "Power + Chance":
      • Power from 1370 to 1846, chance up to +15%
  • skill0408.pngDemonic Blade Dance (BD only)
    • Added enchanting branch "Power + Chance":
      • Power from 1644 to 2515, chance up to +10% .
  • skill0084.pngPoison Blade Dance (BD only)
    • The poison effect of this skill now also reduces Speed by 10% and the Power of HP restoration magic by 15%.


In order to avoid the loss of “buff slots” when cancelling, one Rhythm is taken into account for Removing / Stealing effects, like two. (Cancel\steal for 4 buffs = removes 2 songs). Cancel/steal works as before for buffs.

Cost of using Rhythms: 60 MP + 30 MP for each subsequent one.

Rhythms last 5 minutes :

  • Please note that the "Time" enchant branch has been removed.

After switching to the Attribute system (from the second Stage) - Divine Rhythm will give 20 attacks with the holy attribute, Rhythms of various resists will give resistance to the attribute. At the first Stage, this and the corresponding Rhythms provide protection from the elements.

  • The basic cooldown of both skills is 15 seconds;
  • The base effect time of Rhythm of Medusa is 10 seconds; after receiving the 3rd profession, you can sharpen it for Time or Chance;
  • The base effect time of Rhythm of Silence is 20 seconds; after receiving the 3rd profession, you can sharpen it for Time or Chance;
  • Both new Rhythms can be used with any weapon in your hands.


skill0367.pngRhythm of Medusa

  • If the character fully defended the effect of Medusa (i.e. the effect was not removed using skill1018.pngPurify / skill1409.pngCleanse or analogues), then a 60-second protective effect is applied to the character, increasing resistance: both reducing the chance and reducing the duration of the effect from skill0367.pngRhythm of Medusa ;
  • If a character under the influence of this protective effect is hit by Medusa again, the effect will be updated and provide even greater resistance.

Clarification: This is a new "experimental" anti-effect mechanic. It is important for us to look at the reaction of the community, and if this format is received positively and shows a good result, compared to the standard race of “pass chance vs. defense chance”, we plan to apply this logic to other “ultimate” effects, for example , to skill1248.pngSeal of Suspension.


image.png Song of Purification (Sword Singer)

  • The logic for removing negative effects has been changed:
    • Was : 80% chance of removing 3 negative effects (removed either 0 or 3);
    • Now : 80% chance of removing 1 negative effect x3 times. (removes from 0 to 3, more often 2-3).
  • The recast block fires immediately after the effect is activated.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


image.png Rhythm of Critical

  • image.png Fire + image.png Hunter Combination
  • Strength P. Crete. attacks +35%. Chance P. Crete. attacks +100%
  • Learned at level 40


image.png Rhythm of Benefit

  • Combination of image.png Inspiration + image.png Water + image.png Life
  • Accuracy +4. Evasion +3. Regen. HP +20%
  • Learned at level 43


image.png Divine Rhythm

  • image.png Light + image.png Invocation combination
  • Increases damage against undead and demons. Defense from Darkness +20%
  • Learned at level 43


image.png Rhythm of Defence

  • Combination image.png Warding + image.png Earth
  • Mag. Defense +30%. Phys. Defense +25%
  • Learned at level 46


image.png Rhythm of Power

  • Combination image.png Mystic + image.png Warrior
  • Mag. Attack +20%. Phys. Attack +12%
  • Learned at level 49


image.png Rhythm of Rage

  • Combination of image.png Concentration + image.png Fury
  • Speed Mag. Attacks +30%. Speed Phys. Attacks +15%
  • Learned at level 52


image.png Rhythm of Body

  • image.png Wind + image.png Vitality combination
  • Running speed +20. Max. HP +30%
  • Learned at level 55


image.png Cyclonic Rhythm

  • Combination of image.png Earth + image.png Storm Guards
  • Protection from Earth and Wind +15%. Cooldown - 3 minutes
  • Learned at level 66


image.png Magmatic Rhythm

  • Combination of image.png Aqua + image.png Flame Guards
  • Protection from Water and Fire +15%. Cooldown - 3 minutes
  • Learned at level 68


image.png Rhythm of Shadows

  • image.png Dance of Shadow
  • Invisibility against monsters. Running speed -50%
  • Learned at level 70
  • Now the skill has a 3rd branch of enchantment to reduce the penalty:
    • From 48% to 15%.


image.png Rhythm of Reflection

  • image.png Vampiric + image.png Vengeance combo
  • Vampirism +8% (from melee auto attacks). Full Reflect +5%. Reflex from melee auto attacks. battle +15%.
  • Learned at level 72


image.png Rhythm of Clarity

  • Combination image.png Renewal + image.png Meditation
  • Regen. MP +20%. MP Consumption Mag. Skills -15%. MP Consumption Phys. skills -5%. The cooldown of all skills has been reduced by 20%.
  • Learned at level 77


image.png Rhythm of Dominance

  • Combination image.png Siren + image.png Champion
  • Chance Mage Crita +100%. MP Consumption Phys. skills -20%. Cooldown Phys. skills -10%.
  • Learned at level 78


image.png Rhythm of Resistance

  • image.png Alignment + image.png Elemental combination
  • Resistance to all elements +30. Cooldown - 3 minutes
  • Learned at level 79


New skill - Rhythm

Combination of Old Skills Level of study Description
image.png Rhythm of Critical image.pngimage.png Fire + Hunter 40 Strength P. Crete. attacks +35%. Chance P. Crete. attacks +100%
image.png Rhythm of Benefit image.pngimage.pngimage.png Inspiration + Water + Life 43 Accuracy +4. Evasion +3. Regen. HP +20%
image.png Divine Rhythm image.pngimage.png Light + Invocation 43 Increases damage against undead and demons. Defense from Darkness +20%
image.png Rhythm of Defence image.pngimage.png Warding + Earth 46 Mag. Defense +30%. Phys. Defense +25%.
image.png Rhythm of Power image.pngimage.png Mystic + Warrior 49 Mag. Attack +20%. Phys. Attack +12%
image.png Rhythm of Rage image.pngimage.png Concentration + Fury 52 Speed Mag. Attacks +30%. Speed Phys. Attacks +15%
image.png Rhythm of Body image.pngimage.png Wind + Vitality 55 Running speed +20. Max. HP +30%
image.png Cyclonic Rhythm image.pngimage.png Earth + Storm Guards 66 Protection from Earth and Wind +15%. Cooldown - 3 minutes.
image.png Magmatic Rhythm image.pngimage.png Aqua + Flame Guards 68 Protection from Water and Fire +15%. Cooldown - 3 minutes.
image.png Rhythm of Shadows image.png Dance of Shadow 70 Invisibility against monsters. Running speed -50%
image.png Rhythm of Reflection image.pngimage.png Vampiric + Vengeance 72

Vampirism +8% (from melee auto attacks). Full Reflect +5%. Reflex from melee auto attacks. battle +15%.

image.png Rhythm of Clarity image.pngimage.png Renewal + Meditation 77 Regen. MP +20%. MP Consumption Mag. Skills -15%. MP Consumption Phys. skills -5%. The cooldown of all skills has been reduced by 20%.
image.png Rhythm of Dominance image.pngimage.png Siren + Champion 78 Chance Mage Crita +100%. MP Consumption Phys. skills -20%. Cooldown Phys. skills -10%.
image.png Rhythm of Resistance image.pngimage.png Alignment + Elemental 79

Resistance to all elements +30. Cooldown - 3 minutes.



image.png Battle Whisper (SwS)

  • The skill is available for learning from level 46, is a self-buff , lasts 20 minutes. Occupies a buff slot.
  • The skill is divided into 9 levels:
    • Level 46 character: P. Atk. +3.00%, P. Crit. Atk. +2%, Atk. Spd. +2%;
    • Level 52 character: P. Atk. +4.50%, P. Crit. Atk. +3%, Atk. Spd. +3%;
    • Level 60 character: P. Atk. +6.00%, P. Crit. Atk. +4%, Atk. Spd. +4%;
    • Level 64 character: P. Atk. +7.50%, P. Crit. Atk. +5%, Atk. Spd. +5%;
    • Level 68 character: P. Atk. +9.00%, P. Crit. Atk. +6%, Atk. Spd. +6%;
    • Level 70 character: P. Atk. +10.50%, P. Crit. Atk. +7%, Atk. Spd. +7%;
    • Level 72 character: P. Atk. +12.00%, P. Crit. Atk. +8%, Atk. Spd. +8%;
    • Level 74 character: P. Atk. +13.50%, P. Crit. Atk. +9%, Atk. Spd. +9%;
    • Level 76 character: P. Atk. +15.00%, P. Crit. Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +10%.


image.png Defense Motion (BD)
  • The skill is available for learning from level 46, is a self-buff, lasts 20 minutes. Occupies a buff slot.
  • The skill has been improved and divided into 9 levels:
    • Level 46 character: P. Def. +2%, M. Def. +2%, Evasion +1, Protection from Negative Effects +2%;
    • Level 52 character: P. Def. +5%, M. Def. +3%, Evasion +1, Protection from Negative Effects +3%;
    • Level 60 character: P. Def. +7%, M. Def. +4%, Evasion +2, Protection from Negative Effects +4%;
    • Level 64 character: P. Def. +10%, M. Def. +5%, Evasion +2, Protection from Negative Effects +5%;
    • Level 68 character: P. Def. +13%, M. Def. +6%, Evasion +3, Protection from Negative Effects +6%;
    • Level 70 character: P. Def. +16%, M. Def. +7%, Evasion +3, Protection from Negative Effects +7%;
    • Level 72 character: P. Def. +19%, M. Def. +8%, Evasion +4, Protection from Negative Effects +8%;
    • Level 74 character: P. Def. +22%, M. Def. +9%, Evasion +4, Protection from Negative Effects +9%;
    • Level 76 character: P. Def. +25%, M. Def. +10%, Evasion +5, Protection from Negative Effects +10%.


image.png New skill Assault (BD, SwS)
  • Swiftly rushes at the enemy. Cannot be used when equipped with a bow or crossbow (analogous to the Rush skill);
  • Learned at level 40.
  • Added the ability to improve Range (range of application):
    • from 200-400 (600) and up to 200-600 (800) when sharpened at +30.


image.png Higher Mana Gain (BD, SwS)
  • Now available for learning starting at level 40:
  • 15 (out of 27) skill levels are available for learning;
  • Increases the amount of MP restored under the influence of the Recharge skill.


skill0208.png Bow Mastery

  • Now available for learning by both Bards :
    • Increases P. Attack with Bow by 10 - 795 depending on skill level.


skill0113.png Long Shot (BD, SwS)

  • First skill level available: +200 to bow attack range.


image.png Sixth Sense (BD, SwS)
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
  • The skill increases Evasion by 15 when HP falls below 30% of its maximum.


image.png Aggression (BD, SwS)
  • The skill has been updated, now mobs or Bosses are less likely to fail.


image.png Inner Rhythm (BD, SwS)
  • At level 52, you can learn 1 level of skill. Reduces mana consumption of dance/song skills by 5%;
  • At level 70 you can learn level 2 of the skill. Reduces mana consumption of dance/song skills by 10%;
  • At level 78 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill. Reduces mana consumption of dance/song skills by 15%.


image.png Counter Rhythm (BD, SwS)
  • When performing a basic attack or using the Skill0028 0.jpg Aggression skill, you can knock out the Counter Rhythm trigger with a certain chance. Available for learning from level 40:
  • At level 40, you can learn 1 level of skill. Reducing the cost of using Dance/Song skills by 30%;
  • At level 64 you can learn level 2 of the skill. Reducing the cost of using Dance/Song skills by 45%;
  • At level 76 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill. Reducing the cost of using Dance/Song skills by 60%.


image.png Song of Purification (Sword Singer)
  • At level 60, you can learn 1 level of skill. Has an 80% chance of removing negative spell effects from a party member. Resistance to negative effects +30%, effectiveness of HP restoration magic +30%. Action time: 30 seconds;
  • At level 74 you can learn level 2 of the skill. Has an 80% chance of removing negative spell effects from a party member. Resistance to negative effects +30%, effectiveness of HP restoration magic +30%. Action time: 60 seconds;
  • At level 83 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill. Has an 80% chance of removing negative spell effects from a party member. Resistance to negative effects +30%, effectiveness of HP restoration magic +30%. Action time: 120 seconds.


skill0764.png Song of Wind Storm (Sword Singer)
  • Now gives 10% protection against bolts (crossbow), as well as protection against arrows (bow).


image.png Dance of Berserker (Blade Dancer)
  • Now available for learning from level 60:
    • At level 60, you can learn 1 level of skill. Reduces P. Def. by 8%, M. Def. by 16% and evasion by -4 for group members. Increases P. Atk. by 8%, M. Atk. by 16%, Speed. Atk. by 8%, Speed. Mag. by 8%, Running speed by +8. Action time: 30 seconds;
    • At level 74 you can learn level 2 of the skill. Reduces P. Def. by 8%, M. Def. by 16% and evasion by -4 for group members. Increases P. Atk. by 8%, M. Atk. by 16%, Speed. Atk. by 8%, Speed. Mag. by 8%, Running speed by +8. Action time: 60 seconds;
    • At level 83 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill. Reduces P. Def. by 8%, M. Def. by 16% and evasion by -4 for group members. Increases P. Atk. by 8%, M. Atk. by 16%, Speed. Atk. by 8%, Speed. Mag. by 8%, Running speed by +8. Action time: 120 seconds.
  • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated.


skill0058.png Elemental Heal (Swordsinger)

  • The skill restores the HP of party members (including the caster himself). Following the example of skill1402.png Major Group Heal.


skill0765.png Dance of Blade Storm (Blade Dancer)
  • Now gives 45% protection against bolts (crossbow), as well as against arrows (bow). Magic attack = -99%.


Skill0196 0.jpg Divine Blade toggle (Sword Singer)
  • Learned at level 43;
  • Ability to attack with Holy Power. Increases holy damage by 5%;
  • Holy Weapon Personal Effect ;Skill1043 0.jpg
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


Skill0197 0.jpg Divine Armor toggle (Sword Singer)
  • Learned at levels 40 and 46;
  • Increases resistance to Holy attacks by 7% / +10%;
  • Personal effect Resist Dark ;Skill1393 0.jpg
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


Skill0480 0.jpg Dark Blade toggle (Blade Dancer)
  • Learned at level 43;
  • The ability to attack with Dark Power. Increases Dark damage by 5%.
  • Personal effect similar to Dark Weapon ;Skill1443 0.jpg
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


Skill0481 0.jpg Dark Armor toggle (Blade Dancer)

  • Learned at levels 40 and 46;
  • Increases resistance to Dark attacks by 7% / +10%;
  • Personal effect Resist Holy +7% / +10%;Skill1392 0.jpg
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


skill0144.pngDual Weapon Mastery (BD only) and Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery (SwS only)skill0217.png

  • The passive effect also works on a new type of weapon: Dual Axes (as well as attack skills that work with a dagger).


skill0233.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Added for learninging Bardam;
  • Only the first 15 skill levels, similar to skill0232.pngHeavy Armor Mastery.


skill0147.pngM. Def.

  • Improved Power enchanting branch :
    • Now, in addition to a slight increase in M. Def. also gives +1% chance to block attacking M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).


skill0223.pngSting (BD only)

  • Bleeding effect from any source: in addition to periodic damage and slowing, it also deals minor damage depending on the distance the target has traveled.
  • Now, when modifying a skill to Power, the power of periodic damage increases significantly.


skill0129.pngPoison (BD only)

  • The poison effect of this skill now also reduces Speed by 10% and the Power of HP restoration magic by 15%.
  • Base cast time depending on Cast. Speed - has been slightly reduced.
  • The base cooldown has been slightly increased (to 5 seconds).
  • Now the skill can be enchanted for Power. The power of Poison is growing. 2 per upgrade round: “-63 (+0)” => -123 (+30).”


skill0209.png Dagger Mastery

  • Now available for learning by both Bards :
    • Increases P. Attack with a dagger by 4 - 113 depending on the skill level;
    • When auto-attacking, it triggers the corresponding trigger, which reduces the cost of all Attacking Physical. skills by 60%.
    • Allows you to use Dual Daggers;
    • The passive effect also works on a new type of weapon: Dualdaggers (as well as attack skills that work with a dagger).


A number of Bladedancer\Spectral Dancer class skills have been improved and can now be used with any weapon, namely:

  • skill0408.png Demonic Blade Dance ;
  • skill0084.png Poison Blade Dance ;
  • skill0765.png Dance of Blade Storm .


skill0061.png Cure Bleeding (SwS only)

  • Now heals a character from Bleeding at any level.


skill0021.png Poison Recovery (SwS only)

  • Now heals a character from Poison of any level.



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skill0092.png Tanks


skill0785.png Paladin


skill0785.png Battle Flame Icon

  • The list of weapons that interact with the skill has been expanded :
    • Chance Crit. Attack increases when using: weapon_sword_of_damascus_i00.png One-Handed Swords, weapon_guardians_sword_i00.png Two-Handed Swords, weapon_dual_sword_i00.png Dual Swords, weapon_dismantler_i00.png Ancient Swords, weapon_colichemarde_i00.png Rapiers, weapon_demons_sword_i00.png Daggers, dual_dagger_i00.png Dual Daggers (previously only one-handed/two-handed swords);
    • Power of Crit. Attack increases when using: weapon_deadmans_glory_i00.png One-handed Axes / Maces, weapon_star_buster_i00.png Two-handed Axes / Maces, weapon_r_dualblunt_i00.pngDual Axes / Maces, weapon_bellion_cestus_i00.png Brass knuckles (previously only one-handed / two-handed axes / maces).
  • The skill is divided into 4 levels :
    • Level 60 : For 20 seconds, resistance to negative effects increases by 20%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 20%. P. Def. and M. Def. by 25%, Atk. Spd. by 15%, Accuracy by 3, Speed by 15. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 50, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 50%. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 72 : For 25 seconds, resistance to negative effects increases by 24%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 24%. P. Def. and M. Def. by 30%, Atk. Spd. by 18%, Accuracy by 4, Speed by 18. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 60, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 60%. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 79 : For 30 seconds, resistance to negative effects increases by 28%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 28%. P. Def. and M. Def. by 35%, Atk. Spd. by 21%, Accuracy by 5, Speed by 21. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 70, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 70%. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 83 : For 60 seconds, resistance to negative effects increases by 40%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 40%. P. Def. and M. Def. by 50%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, Accuracy by 6, Speed by 30. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 50, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 100% Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%.
  • Note! This skill can only be used outside of the Great Olympiad ;
  • Now does not requireskill0784.png Spirit of Phoenix charges when used;
  • The skill will disappear for all party members when the character who cast it leaves;
  • Basic (not fixed) cooldown: 10 minutes.


skill0912.pngSummon Imperial Phoenix

  • The skill is divided into two levels of learning:

    • Character level 78: weaker Phoenix without the Phoenix Cleanse skill;
      Character level 83: current Phoenix.


skill0528.png Shield of Faith

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:

    • Level 58: P. Def. +900, M. Def. +600, 30% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill;
      Level 70: P. Def. +1200, M. Def. +900, 50% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill;
      Level 79: P. Def. +3600, M. Def. +2700, 90% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.

  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group;
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, cooldown will remain unchanged;

  • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated. Valid for 120 seconds;

  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


image.png Combat Aura

  • The skill has been improved: in addition to the usual effects, it also increases M. Atk. by 3 / 4 / 5% and Cast. Speed party members by 2 / 2.5 / 3% depending on the level.
    • At level 52: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 3%, Atk. Spd. by 3%, Cast. Speed on 2%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +3%;
    • At level 64: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 4%, Atk. Spd. by 4%, Cast. Speed by 2.5%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +4%;
    • At level 70: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Cast. Speed by 3%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +5%.
  • The skill enchanting remained unchanged:
    • from +1% to +10% to P./ M. Def. for +1 .. +30.
  • Does not turn off upon death.


image.png Royal Sacrifice

  • At level 49: You increase P. Def. and M. Def. of the target (party member) by 30%, while transferring 90% of the damage incoming to yourself. Action time: 8 seconds. Fixed cooldown of the skill - 60 seconds.
  • Does not interrupt skill0528.png the Shield of Faith skill (both effects can work simultaneously).
  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


image.png Touch Of Life

  • The levels required to learn the skill have been changed:
    • Level 1 is learned at character level 56
    • Level 2 is learned at character level 68
    • Level 3 is learned at character level 78 (no changes)


skill0232.pngHeavy Armor Mastery

  • Now, in addition to the passive 15% - 35% protection from P. Crit. Damage also gives 5% - 20% protection from M. Crit. Damage;
  • When modifying a skill, now, in addition to increasing protection from P. Crit. Damage from 35% to 50% also increases protection from M. Crit. Damage from 20% to 35% (for +1 .. +30).


skill0147.png M. Def.

  • Improved Power enchanting branch :
    • Now, in addition to a slight increase in M. Def. also gives +1% chance to block attacking M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).

skill0110.png Ultimate Defense

  • Now does not block the character's movement, but slows down your character by 90% during the effect.
  • The skill enchanting remained unchanged:
    • -80% to -50% reduction in Speed for +1 .. +30.


skill0985.png Challenge for Fate

  • Attacks enemies in front of you and distracts their attention. Applies the effect of Challenge Faith and increases P. Def./M. Def. Duration: 15 sec.
  • Levels of study:
    • 1st level: 76 lvl, 6,250,000 SP.


skill0528.png Shield of Faith

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:

    • Level 58: P. Def. +900, M. Def. +600, 30% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 70: P. Def. +1200, M. Def. +900, 50% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 79: P. Def. +3600, M. Def. +2700, 90% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.

  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, cooldown will remain unchanged.

  • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated. Valid for 120 seconds.

  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


image.png Combat Aura

  • The skill has been improved: in addition to the usual effects, it also increases M. Atk. by 3 / 4 / 5% and Cast. Speed party members by 2 / 2.5 / 3% depending on the level.
    • At level 52: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 3%, Atk. Spd. by 3%, Cast. Speed on 2%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +3%;
    • At level 64: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 4%, Atk. Spd. by 4%, Cast. Speed by 2.5%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +4%;
    • At level 70: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Cast. Speed by 3%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +5%.
  • A new branch of skill sharpening for Power has been added (+1% to Physical and Magic Defense for every +3-4 levels of improvement, up to +10% at +30).
  • No longer turns off upon death.


Skill10006 0.jpg Incredible Endurance (Paladin)

  • Passive skill - self trigger: When you receive damage, there is a chance that a trigger will work on you, increasing your character's characteristics*:
    • At level 60: P. Def. +100, Defense from Fire +10, Defense from Darkness +10, Incoming Healing Power +10%;
    • At level 74: P. Def. +250, Defense from Fire +20, Defense from Darkness +20, Incoming Healing Power +20%;
    • At level 80: P. Def. +500, Defense from Fire +30, Defense from Darkness +30, Incoming Healing Power +30%.
  • Note! This skill is a replacement for the altered skill0784.png Spirit of Phoenix skill (according to the MasterWork concept); Battle Flame Icon does not require charging from this skill, but will require an analogue for the Olympiad. skill0785.png

* Depending on the skill level, the maximum available effect level increases. So, for example, having the 3rd level of a skill, when you are attacked, you first receive the effect of the 1st level, if you continue to be attacked - the 2nd, then the 3rd, respectively. The duration of the effect is 20 seconds, when the next level of the effect is applied, the time is updated.


skill0810.png Vanguard (Paladin, Temple Knight)

  • Transformation skills: skill0814.png Full Swing, skill0816.png Cleave, skill957.png Guillotine Attack are now linked to the Holy element.


Skill0318 0.jpg Aegis Stance (Paladin, Dark Avenger)

  • The skill no longer consumes MP when channeled.


skill0785.png Battle Flame Icon

  • The list of weapons that interact with the skill has been expanded :
    • Chance Crit. Attack increases when using: weapon_sword_of_damascus_i00.png One-Handed Swords, weapon_guardians_sword_i00.png Two-Handed Swords, weapon_dual_sword_i00.png Dual Swords, weapon_dismantler_i00.png Ancient Swords, weapon_colichemarde_i00.png Rapiers, weapon_demons_sword_i00.png Daggers, dual_dagger_i00.png Dual Daggers (previously only one-handed/two-handed swords);
    • Power of Crit. Attack increases when using: weapon_deadmans_glory_i00.png One-handed Axes / Maces, weapon_star_buster_i00.png Two-handed Axes / Maces, weapon_r_dualblunt_i00.pngDual Axes / Maces, weapon_bellion_cestus_i00.png Brass knuckles (previously only one-handed / two-handed axes / maces).
  • The skill is divided into 4 levels :
    • Level 60 : For 20 seconds, resistance to negative effects increases by 20%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 20%. P. Def. and M. Def. by 25%, Atk. Spd. by 15%, Accuracy by 3, Speed by 15. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 50, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 50%. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 72 : For 25 seconds, resistance to negative effects increases by 24%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 24%. P. Def. and M. Def. by 30%, Atk. Spd. by 18%, Accuracy by 4, Speed by 18. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 60, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 60%. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 79 : For 30 seconds, resistance to negative effects increases by 28%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 28%. P. Def. and M. Def. by 35%, Atk. Spd. by 21%, Accuracy by 5, Speed by 21. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 70, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 70%. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 83 : For 60 seconds, resistance to negative effects increases by 40%, resistance to buff canceling attacks by 40%. P. Def. and M. Def. by 50%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, Accuracy by 6, Speed by 30. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 50, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 100% Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%.
  • Note! This skill can only be used outside of the Great Olympiad ;
  • Now does not requireskill0784.png Spirit of Phoenix charges when used;
  • The skill will disappear for all party members when the character who cast it leaves;
  • Basic (not fixed) cooldown: 10 minutes.


skill0784.png Olympiad Spirit of Phoenix (83rd level)

  • Note! This skill can only be used at the Great Olympiad ;
  • You share your soul with the Phoenix, and he, in turn, shares his with you. Phoenix Soul level increases by a certain amount when you take damage. Upon reaching the third level of the skill, it becomes possible to use the Olympiad Flame Icon ;skill0785.png
  • Does not have additional bonuses (they work from the passive skill Skill10006 0.jpgIncredible Endurance), is used only for using an active skill.


skill0785.png Olympiad Flame Icon (level 83)

  • Note! This skill can only be used at the Great Olympiad ;
  • When party members feel the touch of the Phoenix's Will, their combat effectiveness increases significantly. Increases ____ (original parameters);
  • Requires charging skill0784.png Olympiad Spirit of Phoenix to use.


image.png Aggression

  • The skill has been updated so that mobs or bosses are less likely to fail.


image.png New skill Ready to Fight

  • At level 40: When using the Aggression skill, you and your party members receive an 8-second increase in defensive characteristics: P./ M. Def. +5%, Healing Effectiveness +5%, Debuff Resistance +5%. Action time - 8 seconds.


image.png Sixth Sense

  • At level 52: The skill increases Evasion by 15 when HP falls below 30% of its maximum.


image.png Knighthood

  • At level 52: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 22. Shield defence increased by 3%;
  • At level 70: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 44. Shield defence increased by 6%;
  • At level 78: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 88. Shield defence increased by 12%.


image.png New skill Royal Sacrifice

  • At level 49: You increase P. Def. and M. Def. of the target (party member) by 30%, while transferring 90% of the damage incoming to yourself. Action time: 8 seconds. Fixed cooldown of the skill - 60 seconds.
  • No longer interrupts skill0528.png Shield of Faith (both effects can work simultaneously).
  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


Skill0983 0.jpg Patience

  • At level 60: When taking damage, there is a chance to increase the damage dealt by skills by 20%.


Skill0984 0.jpg Shield Strike

  • Level to learns: from 40 to 85 level;
  • Attacks the enemy with a shield. Power 833-4640, depending on skill level;
  • Increases the enemy's desire to attack. Requires a shield;
  • Base cooldown: 6 seconds.


Skill0082 0.jpg Majesty

  • The effect duration of the skill has been increased to 5 minutes.


image.png Physical Mirror

  • At level 52: reflection of P. Skills 10%, M. Skills 3%;
  • At level 70: reflection of P. Skills 15%, M. Skills 5%;
  • At level 78: reflection of P. Skills 30%, M. Skills 10%.


image.png Touch Of Life

  • At level 56: Restores 50% HP, increases resistance to removal of positive effects by 100% and imposition of negative effects by 30%, the effectiveness of HP restoration spells by 30%. Restores 20 HP every second. Action time - 30 seconds;
  • At level 68: Restores 50% HP, increases resistance to removal of positive effects by 100% and imposition of negative effects by 30%, the effectiveness of HP restoration spells by 30%. Restores 35 HP every second. Action time - 60 seconds;
  • At level 78: Restores 50% HP, increases resistance to removal of positive effects by 100% and imposition of negative effects by 30%, the effectiveness of HP restoration spells by 30%. Restores 50 HP every second. Action time - 120 seconds.


Skill0196 0.jpg Divine Blade toggle

  • At level 43: Ability to attack with Holy Power. Increases holy damage by 5%;
  • Holy Weapon Personal Effect ;Skill1043 0.jpg
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


Skill0197 0.jpg Divine Armor toggle

  • At level 40: increases resistance to Holy attacks by 7%;
  • At level 46: increases resistance to Holy attacks by 10%;
  • Personal effect Skill1393 0.jpg Resist Dark ;
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


skill0912.png Summon Imperial Phoenix

  • Summons the Phoenix Spirit to fight on your side;
  • The duration of action is increased by 10 times;
  • Summon and Maintain: 4 etc_stone_gray_i00.pngSpirit Ore;
  • The skill is divided into two levels of learning:
    • Character level 78: weaker Phoenix without the Phoenix Cleanse skill;
      Character level 83: current Phoenix.


skill0454.png Symbol of Defense (Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, Shillien Templar)

  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 1000 to P. Def.;
    • + 800 to M. Def.;
    • + 80% resistance to removing positive effects (all types of cancel).
  • + New effects:
    • + 20% resistance to Bow/Crossbow attacks (similar to skill0112.png Deflect Arrow ).


skill0232.pngHeavy Armor Mastery

  • Now, in addition to the passive 15% - 35% protection from P. Crit. Damage also gives 5% - 20% protection from M. Crit. Damage;
  • When modifying a skill, now, in addition to increasing protection from P. Crit. Damage from 35% to 50% also increases protection from M. Crit. Damage from 20% to 35% (for +1 .. +30).


skill0147.png M. Def.

  • Improved Power enchanting branch :
    • Now, in addition to a slight increase in M. Def. also gives +1% chance to block attacking M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0082.pngMajesty
  • skill0350.pngetc_level_panel_lv3.pngPhysical Mirror



skill0787.png Temple Knight

image.png Eva's Bane new skill

  • Learned from level 55, has 10 levels of study and an improvement branch for Cooldown + Power.
  • Hit the target at close range, inflicting P. damage with the ability to Crit. Impact and Over Impact.
  • Has a very high chance of inflicting a 15-second negative effect: -50% to the target's incoming healing (similar to Necromancer's Curse Disease)
  • Fixed cooldown: 60 seconds. When sharpened for Reload, it decreases by 1 sec. per round, up to 30 sec. recharge by +30.
  • Requires a Sword or Blunt to use.


image.png Shield Whirlwind new skill

  • Learned from level 52, has 11 levels of study and an improvement branch for Distance + Power.
  • Throws a shield at the target from a distance of 200 to 600, dealing P. damage with the ability to Crit. Impact and Over Impact.
  • Has a high chance of inflicting a 2-second negative effect that:
    • Switches the enemy's target to the one throwing the shield;
    • Reduces Speed, Attack and Casting Speed by 75%.
  • Unfixed cooldown: 30 seconds.
  • When sharpened for Distance, it increases the maximum Cast Range by +10 units per round, up to “600-900” by +30.
  • To use, you need a Shield and a minimum distance of 200 to the target.

skill0787.png Battle Touch of Eva skill changed

  • General characteristics:
    • Learned at levels 60, 72, 79, 83. The effect on the group lasts 20/ 25/ 30/ 60 seconds.
      • 1st level (character level 60): 20 seconds;
        Level 2 (character level 72): 25 seconds;
        Level 3 (character level 79): 30 sec, as before;
        Level 4 (character level 83) : 60 sec, same as before.
    • Now has a common type of effect with other Icons (cannot be used simultaneously with Paladin/ ShK analog skills, but can be used before/after). skill0785.pngskill0789.png
    • Can now be used simultaneously with image.png Touch of Life.
    • Basic (not fixed) cooldown: 10 minutes.
  • Effect, for all party members
    • At all skill levels:
      • Protection from negative effects +40%;
      • MP Burn Protection +40%;
      • Incoming Treatment Power +30%;
      • Restores 50% of Max. HP.
    • Depending on skill level:
      • Increases P. Atk. Spd. with all types of weapons by 15/ 18/ 21/ 30%;
      • Increases movement speed by 15, 18, 21, 30 units;
      • Increases evasion by 5/ 6/ 7/ 10 units;
      • Restores 25/ 30/ 35/ 50 units. HP per tick.


skill0528.png Shield of Faith

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:

    • Level 58: P. Def. +900, M. Def. +600, 30% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 70: P. Def. +1200, M. Def. +900, 50% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 79: P. Def. +3600, M. Def. +2700, 90% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.

  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, cooldown will remain unchanged.

  • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated. Valid for 120 seconds.

  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


image.png Combat Aura

  • The skill has been improved: in addition to the usual effects, it also increases M. Atk. by 3 / 4 / 5% and Cast. Speed party members by 2 / 2.5 / 3% depending on the level.
    • At level 52: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 3%, Atk. Spd. by 3%, Cast. Speed on 2%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +3%;
    • At level 64: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 4%, Atk. Spd. by 4%, Cast. Speed by 2.5%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +4%;
    • At level 70: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Cast. Speed by 3%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +5%.
  • The skill enchanting remained unchanged:
    • from +1% to +10% to P./ M. Def. for +1 .. +30.
  • Does not turn off upon death.


skill0352.pngShield Bash

  • Increased stun time from 2 to 4 seconds.


skill0067.png Summon Life Cubic


  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0449.png Summon Attractive Cubic


  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0010.png Summon Storm Cubic


  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0779.pngSummon Smart Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


image.png Royal Sacrifice

  • At level 49: You increase P. Def. and M. Def. of the target (party member) by 30%, while transferring 90% of the damage incoming to yourself. Action time: 8 seconds. Fixed cooldown of the skill - 60 seconds.
  • Does not interrupt skill0528.png the Shield of Faith skill (both effects can work simultaneously).
  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


skill0058.png Elemental Heal

  • The skill restores the HP of party members (including the caster himself). Following the example of skill1402.png Major Group Heal.


image.png Touch Of Life

  • The levels required to learn the skill have been changed:
    • Level 1 is learned at character level 56
    • Level 2 is learned at character level 68
    • Level 3 is learned at character level 78 (no changes)


image.png Eva's Bane new skill

  • Learned from level 55, has 10 levels of study and an improvement branch for Cooldown + Power.
  • Hit the target at close range, inflicting P. damage with the ability to Crit. Impact and Over Impact.
  • Has a very high chance of inflicting a 15-second negative effect: -50% to the target's incoming healing (similar to Necromancer's Curse Disease)
  • Fixed cooldown: 60 seconds. When sharpened for Reload, it decreases by 1 sec. per round, up to 30 sec. recharge by +30.
  • Requires a Sword or Blunt to use.


image.png Shield Whirlwind new skill

  • Learned from level 52, has 11 levels of study and an improvement branch for Distance + Power.
  • Throws a shield at the target from a distance of 200 to 600, dealing P. damage with the ability to Crit. Impact and Over Impact.
  • Has a high chance of inflicting a 2-second negative effect that:
    • Switches the enemy's target to the one throwing the shield;
    • Reduces Speed, Attack and Casting Speed by 75%.
  • Unfixed cooldown: 30 seconds.
  • When sharpened for Distance, it increases the maximum Cast Range by +10 units per round, up to “600-900” by +30.
  • To use, you need a Shield and a minimum distance of 200 to the target.


skill0787.png Battle Touch of Eva skill changed

  • General characteristics:
    • Learned at levels 60, 72, 79, 83. The effect on the group lasts 20/ 25/ 30/ 60 seconds.
      • 1st level (character level 60): 20 seconds;
        Level 2 (character level 72): 25 seconds;
        Level 3 (character level 79): 30 sec, as before;
        Level 4 (character level 83) : 60 sec, same as before.
    • Now has a common type of effect with other Icons (cannot be used simultaneously with Paladin/ ShK analog skills, but can be used before/after). skill0785.pngskill0789.png
    • Can now be used simultaneously with image.png Touch of Life.
  • Effect, for all party members
    • At all skill levels:
      • Protection from negative effects +40%;
      • MP Burn Protection +40%;
      • Incoming Treatment Power +30%;
      • Restores 50% of Max. HP.
    • Depending on skill level:
      • Increases P. Atk. Spd. with all types of weapons by 15/ 18/ 21/ 30%;
      • Increases movement speed by 15, 18, 21, 30 units;
      • Increases evasion by 5/ 6/ 7/ 10 units;
      • Restores 25/ 30/ 35/ 50 units. HP per tick.
  • Now does not requireskill0786.png Eva's Will charges when used;
  • The skill will disappear for all party members when the character who cast it leaves;
  • Basic (not fixed) cooldown: 10 minutes.


skill0352.pngShield Bash

  • The skill is divided into levels (previously learned at character level 77), depending on the difference in the levels of the skill and the target, the chance of success depends.
  • At all skill levels: Attacks with a shield. Stuns for 4 seconds. The enemy loses his target. Requires a shield. The base cooldown depends on the skill level:
    • Level 52: Base cooldown: 9 seconds;
    • Level 58: Basic cooldown: 8 seconds;
    • Level 62: Basic cooldown: 7 seconds;
    • Level 66: Basic cooldown: 6 seconds;
    • Level 70: Basic cooldown: 5 seconds;
    • Level 74: Basic cooldown: 4 seconds;
    • Level 77: Basic cooldown: 3 seconds.
  • Added the ability to modify to “Fire Weakness” and “Water Weakness”, similar to skill0353.pngShield Slam.

skill0528.png Shield of Faith

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:

    • Level 58: P. Def. +900, M. Def. +600, 30% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 70: P. Def. +1200, M. Def. +900, 50% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 79: P. Def. +3600, M. Def. +2700, 90% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.

  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, cooldown will remain unchanged.

  • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated. Valid for 120 seconds.

  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


skill0067.png Summon Life Cubic


  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0449.png Summon Attractive Cubic


  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0010.png Summon Storm Cubic


  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0779.pngSummon Smart Cubic

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels, the character level for learning the maximum level has been reduced from 80 to 79:
    • Level 55: Cleanses the character, removing up to 1 negative effect, no more than once every 30 seconds. Summon Cost: 18 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 70: Cleanses the character, removing up to 2 negative effects, no more than once every 20 seconds. Summon Cost: 28 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 79: Standard skill operation: Cleanses the character, periodically removing all negative effects, periodically inflicting Magic damage, applying a negative effect to the target that reduces P. Atk by 23%. Summoning cost: 38 Spirit Ore.
  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0110.png Ultimate Defense

  • Now does not block the character's movement, but slows down your character by 90% during the effect.
  • The skill enchanting remained unchanged:
    • -80% to -50% reduction in Speed for +1 .. +30.



image.png Combat Aura

  • The skill has been improved: in addition to the usual effects, it also increases M. Atk. by 3 / 4 / 5% and Cast. Speed party members by 2 / 2.5 / 3% depending on the level.
    • At level 52: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 3%, Atk. Spd. by 3%, Cast. Speed on 2%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +3%;
    • At level 64: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 4%, Atk. Spd. by 4%, Cast. Speed by 2.5%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +4%;
    • At level 70: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Cast. Speed by 3%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +5%.
  • A new branch of skill sharpening for Power has been added (+1% to Physical and Magic Defense for every +3-4 levels of improvement, up to +10% at +30).
  • Does not turn off upon death.


Skill10006 0.jpg Incredible Endurance (Temple Knight)

  • Passive skill - self trigger: When you receive damage, there is a chance that a trigger will work on you, increasing your character's characteristics*:
    • At level 60: Mage. Defense +100, Water Defense +10, Holy Defense +10, P. Ch. Crete. Attacks +10%;
    • At level 74: Mage. Defense +200, Water Defense +20, Holy Defense +20, P. Ch. Crete. Attacks +20%;
    • At level 80: Mage. Defense +400, Water Defense +30, Holy Defense +30, P. Ch. Crete. Attacks +30%.
  • Note! This skill is a replacement for the changeable skill skill0786.png Eva's Will (according to the MasterWork concept); Battle Touch of Eva does not require charging from this skill, but will require an analogue for the Olympiad. skill0787.png

* Depending on the skill level, the maximum available effect level increases. So, for example, having the 3rd level of a skill, when you are attacked, you first receive the effect of the 1st level, if you continue to be attacked - the 2nd, then the 3rd, respectively. The duration of the effect is 20 seconds, when the next level of the effect is applied, the time is updated.


skill0810.png Vanguard (Paladin, Temple Knight)

  • Transformation skills: skill0814.png Full Swing , skill0816.png Cleave , skill957.png Guillotine Attack are now linked to the Holy element.


skill0786.png Olympiad Eva's Will (Eva's Templar)

  • Note! This skill can only be used at the Great Olympiad ;
  • You become an extension of Eve's Will. Eva's Will level increases by a certain amount when you take damage. As she grows, the ability to use skill0787.png Olympiad Touch of Eva becomes available;
  • Does not have additional bonuses (they work from the passive skill Skill10006 0.jpgIncredible Endurance), is used only for using an active skill.


skill0787.png Olympiad Touch of Eva (Eva's Templar)

  • Note! This skill can only be used at the Great Olympiad ;
  • Restores the HP of party members by 50% and increases resistance to removal of positive effects by 100%, resistance to Negative effects by 30%, and the power of HP restoration magic by 30%. It also restores 50 HP every second. Action time: 1 min.
  • Requires charging skill0786.png Olympiad Eva's Will to use.


image.png Aggression

  • The skill has been updated so that mobs or bosses are less likely to fail.


image.png New skill Ready to Fight

  • At level 40: When using the Aggression skill, you and your party members receive an 8-second increase in defensive characteristics: P./ M. Def. +5%, Healing Effectiveness +5%, Debuff Resistance +5%. Action time - 8 seconds.


image.png Sixth Sense

  • At level 52: The skill increases Evasion by 15 when HP falls below 30% of its maximum.


image.png Knighthood

  • At level 52: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 22. Shield defence increased by 3%;
  • At level 70: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 44. Shield defence increased by 6%;
  • At level 78: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 88. Shield defence increased by 12%.


image.png New skill Royal Sacrifice

  • At level 49: You increase P. Def. and M. Def. of the target (party member) by 30%, while transferring 90% of the damage incoming to yourself. Action time: 8 seconds. Fixed cooldown of the skill - 60 seconds.
  • Does not interrupt skill0528.png the Shield of Faith skill (both effects can work simultaneously).
  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


Skill0983 0.jpg Patience

  • At level 60: When taking damage, there is a chance to increase the damage dealt by skills by 20%.


Skill0984 0.jpg Shield Strike

  • Level to learns: from 40 to 85 level;
  • Attacks the enemy with a shield. Power 833-4640, depending on skill level;
  • Increases the enemy's desire to attack. Requires a shield;
  • Base cooldown: 6 seconds.


Skill0351.png Magical Mirror

  • At level 52: reflection of P. Skills 3%, skill mage 10%;
  • At level 70: reflection of P. Skills 5%, skill mage 15%;
  • At level 78: reflection of P. Skills 10%, skill mage 30%;


image.png Banish Undead

  • Added for learning Temple Knight from level 55 (like the Paladin class).


image.png Touch Of Life

  • At level 60: Restores 50% HP, increases resistance to removal of positive effects by 100% and imposition of negative effects by 30%, the effectiveness of HP restoration spells by 30%. Restores 20 HP every second. Action time - 30 seconds;
  • At level 72: Restores 50% HP, increases resistance to removal of positive effects by 100% and imposition of negative effects by 30%, the effectiveness of HP restoration spells by 30%. Restores 35 HP every second. Action time - 60 seconds;
  • At level 78: Restores 50% HP, increases resistance to removal of positive effects by 100% and imposition of negative effects by 30%, the effectiveness of HP restoration spells by 30%. Restores 50 HP every second. Action time - 120 seconds.


skill0058.png Elemental Heal

  • This skill now restores the HP of party members (including the caster). Following the example of skill1402.png Major Group Heal.


Skill0196 0.jpg Divine Blade toggle

  • At level 43: Ability to attack with Holy Power. Increases holy damage by 5%;
  • Holy Weapon Personal Effect ;Skill1043 0.jpg
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


Skill0197 0.jpg Divine Armor toggle

  • At level 40: increases resistance to Holy attacks by 7%;
  • At level 46: increases resistance to Holy attacks by 10%;
  • Personal effect Skill1393 0.jpg Resist Dark ;
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


skill0454.png Symbol of Defense (Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, Shillien Templar)

  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 1000 to P. Def.;
    • + 800 to M. Def.;
    • + 80% resistance to removing positive effects (all types of cancel).
  • + New effects:
    • + 20% resistance to Bow/Crossbow attacks (similar to skill0112.png Deflect Arrow ).


skill0232.pngHeavy Armor Mastery

  • Now, in addition to the passive 15% - 35% protection from P. Crit. Damage also gives 5% - 20% protection from M. Crit. Damage;
  • When modifying a skill, now, in addition to increasing protection from P. Crit. Damage from 35% to 50% also increases protection from M. Crit. Damage from 20% to 35% (for +1 .. +30).


skill0147.png M. Def.

  • Improved Power enchanting branch :
    • Now, in addition to a slight increase in M. Def. also gives +1% chance to block attacking M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).


skill0061.png Cure Bleeding

  • Now heals a character from Bleeding at any level.


skill0021.png Poison Recovery

  • Now heals a character from Poison of any level.


skill0233.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Only the first 15 skill levels.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0351.pngetc_level_panel_lv3.pngMagical Mirror



skill0789.png Shillien Knight

image.png Shield Whirlwind new skill

  • Learned from level 52, has 11 levels of study and an improvement branch for Distance + Power.
  • Throws a shield at the target from a distance of 200 to 600, dealing P. damage with the ability to Crit. Impact and Over Impact.
  • Has a high chance of inflicting a 2-second negative effect that:
    • Switches the enemy's target to the one throwing the shield;
    • Reduces Speed, Attack and Casting Speed by 75%.
  • Unfixed cooldown: 30 seconds.
  • When sharpened for Distance, it increases the maximum Cast Range by +10 units per round, up to “600-900” by +30.
  • To use, you need a Shield and a minimum distance of 200 to the target.


skill0789.png Battle Spirit of Shilen

  • The list of weapons that interact with the skill has been expanded :
    • Chance Crit. Attack increases when using: weapon_sword_of_damascus_i00.png One-Handed Swords, weapon_guardians_sword_i00.png Two-Handed Swords, weapon_dual_sword_i00.png Dual Swords, weapon_dismantler_i00.png Ancient Swords, weapon_colichemarde_i00.png Rapiers, weapon_demons_sword_i00.png Daggers, dual_dagger_i00.png Dual Daggers (previously only one-handed/two-handed swords);
    • Power of Crit. Attack increases when using: weapon_deadmans_glory_i00.png One-handed Axes / Maces, weapon_star_buster_i00.png Two-handed Axes / Maces, weapon_r_dualblunt_i00.pngDual Axes / Maces, weapon_bellion_cestus_i00.png Brass knuckles (previously only one-handed / two-handed axes / maces).
  • The skill is divided into 4 levels :
    • Level 60: Increases P. Def. for 20 seconds. and Mag. Atk by 15%, Speed by 15, Atk. Spd. by 15%. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 50, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 50%. 20% of physical damage dealt in melee is restored to HP, does not apply to damage from skills. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 72: Increases P. Def. for 25 seconds. and Mag. Atk by 18%, Run Speed by 18, Atk. Spd. by 18%. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 60, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 60%. 25% of physical damage dealt in melee is restored to HP, does not apply to damage from skills. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 79 : Increases P. Def. for 30 seconds. and Mag. Atk by 21%, Run Speed by 21, Atk. Spd. by 21%. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 70, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 70%. 30% of physical damage dealt in melee is restored to HP, does not apply to damage from skills. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 83: Increases P. Def. for 60 seconds. and Mag. Atk by 30%, Speed by 30, Atk. Spd. by 30%. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 100, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 100% 40% of physical damage dealt in melee is restored to HP, does not apply to damage from skills. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%.
  • Pain of Shilen no longer requires skill0788.png charging when used;
  • The skill will disappear for all party members when the character who cast it leaves;
  • Basic (not fixed) cooldown: 10 minutes


skill0788.png Olympiad Pain of Shilen (Shillien Templar)

  • Note! This skill can only be used at the Great Olympiad ;
  • You share your pain with Shilen, and she, in turn, shares hers with you. Shilen's Pain level increases by a certain amount when you take damage. As it grows, it becomes possible to use skill0789.png Olympiad Spirit of Shilen;
  • Does not have additional bonuses (they work from the passive skill Skill10006 0.jpgIncredible Endurance), is used only for using an active skill.


skill0789.png Olympiad Spirit of Shilen (Shillien Templar) (level 83)

  • Note! This skill can only be used at the Great Olympiad ;
  • Gains the Will of Shilen and increases the combat abilities of party members. Increases P. Atk by 30%, Speed by 30%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, chance of crit. hit when using a sword at 100, Critical Power magic when using blunt weapons at 100%. 40% of physical damage dealt in melee is restored to HP, does not apply to damage from skills. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%. Action time: 1 min.
  • Requires charging skill0788.png Olympiad Pain of Shilen to use.


image.png Aggression

  • The skill has been updated so that mobs or bosses are less likely to fail.


image.png New skill Ready to Fight

  • At level 40: When using the Aggression skill, you and your party members receive an 8-second increase in defensive characteristics: P./ M. Def. +5%, Healing Effectiveness +5%, Debuff Resistance +5%. Action time - 8 seconds.


image.png Combat Aura

  • The skill has been improved: in addition to the usual effects, it also increases M. Atk. by 3 / 4 / 5% and Cast. Speed party members by 2 / 2.5 / 3% depending on the level.
    • At level 52: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 3%, Atk. Spd. by 3%, Cast. Speed on 2%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +3%;
    • At level 64: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 4%, Atk. Spd. by 4%, Cast. Speed by 2.5%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +4%;
    • At level 70: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Cast. Speed by 3%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +5%.
  • The skill enchanting remained unchanged:
    • from +1% to +10% to P./ M. Def. for +1 .. +30.
  • Does not turn off upon death.


skill0352.pngShield Bash

  • Increased stun time from 2 to 4 seconds.


skill0528.png Shield of Faith

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:

    • Level 58: P. Def. +900, M. Def. +600, 30% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 70: P. Def. +1200, M. Def. +900, 50% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 79: P. Def. +3600, M. Def. +2700, 90% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.

  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, cooldown will remain unchanged.

  • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated. Valid for 120 seconds.

  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


image.png Royal Sacrifice

  • At level 49: You increase P. Def. and M. Def. of the target (party member) by 30%, while transferring 90% of the damage incoming to yourself. Action time: 8 seconds. Fixed cooldown of the skill - 60 seconds.
  • Does not interrupt skill0528.png the Shield of Faith skill (both effects can work simultaneously).
  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


skill0278.png Summon Viper Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes;
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).
  • The trigger frequency of the cube has been increased by 2.5 times, from 20 to 10 seconds;
  • Now the die inflicts one of two negative effects with a 50/50 chance:
    1. skill1168.pngCubic Poison (old effect);
    2. skill1263.pngCurse Gloom:
      • Has a high chance of placing a negative effect on the target that:
        • Before entering ATT:
          • Reduces the target's magical defense by 15%;
          • Reduces resistance to all 6 elements by 5-10%, depending on the skill level.
        • With ATT input:
          • Reduces the target's magical defense by 15%;
          • Reduces all 6 types of target's defensive ATT by 5-25, depending on the skill level.


skill0779.pngSummon Smart Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0022.png Summon Vampiric Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0033.png Summon Phantom Cubic

  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~90 times during its lifetime).


image.png Touch of Death

  • The levels required to learn the skill have been changed:
    • Level 1 is learned at character level 56
    • Level 2 is learned at character level 68
    • Level 3 is learned at character level 78 (no changes)



  • The chance of success has been slightly increased.
  • Base cast time depending on Spd. Magic - has been slightly reduced.
  • The base cooldown has been slightly increased (to 5 seconds).
  • Now the skill can be enchanted for Power. The power of Poison is growing. 2 per upgrade round: “-63 (+0)” => -123 (+30).”



image.png Shield Whirlwind new skill

  • Learned from level 52, has 11 levels of study and an improvement branch for Distance + Power.
  • Throws a shield at the target from a distance of 200 to 600, dealing P. damage with the ability to Crit. Impact and Over Impact.
  • Has a high chance of inflicting a 2-second negative effect that:
    • Switches the enemy's target to the one throwing the shield;
    • Reduces Speed, Attack and Casting Speed by 75%.
  • Unfixed cooldown: 30 seconds.
  • When sharpened for Distance, it increases the maximum Cast Range by +10 units per round, up to “600-900” by +30.
  • To use, you need a Shield and a minimum distance of 200 to the target.


image.png Combat Aura

  • The skill has been improved: in addition to the usual effects, it also increases M. Atk. by 3 / 4 / 5% and Cast. Speed party members by 2 / 2.5 / 3% depending on the level.
    • At level 52: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 3%, Atk. Spd. by 3%, Cast. Speed on 2%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +3%;
    • At level 64: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 4%, Atk. Spd. by 4%, Cast. Speed by 2.5%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +4%;
    • At level 70: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Cast. Speed by 3%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +5%.
  • The skill enchanting remained unchanged:
    • from +1% to +10% to P./ M. Def. for +1 .. +30.


skill0352.pngShield Bash

  • The skill is divided into levels (previously learned at character level 77), depending on the difference in the levels of the skill and the target, the chance of success depends.
  • At all skill levels: Attacks with a shield. Stuns for 2 seconds. The enemy loses his target. Requires a shield. The base cooldown depends on the skill level:
    • Level 52: Base cooldown: 9 seconds;
    • Level 58: Basic cooldown: 8 seconds;
    • Level 62: Basic cooldown: 7 seconds;
    • Level 66: Basic cooldown: 6 seconds;
    • Level 70: Basic cooldown: 5 seconds;
    • Level 74: Basic cooldown: 4 seconds;
    • Level 77: Basic cooldown: 3 seconds.


skill0779.pngSummon Smart Cubic
  • The skill is divided into 3 levels, the character level for learning the maximum level has been reduced from 80 to 79:
    • Level 55: Cleanses the character, removing up to 1 negative effect, no more than once every 30 seconds. Summon Cost: 18 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 70: Cleanses the character, removing up to 2 negative effects, no more than once every 20 seconds. Summon Cost: 28 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 79: Standard skill operation: Cleanses the character, periodically removing all negative effects, periodically inflicts Magic damage, imposes a negative effect on the target, forcing it to attack the owner of the Cube. Summoning cost: 38 Spirit Ore.


skill0110.png Ultimate Defense

  • Now does not block the character's movement, but slows down your character by 90% during the effect.
  • The skill enchanting remained unchanged:
    • -80% to -50% reduction in Speed for +1 .. +30.


Skill10006 0.jpg Incredible Endurance (Shillien Knight)

  • Passive skill - trigger that applies only to yourself: When you receive damage, there is a chance that a trigger will work on you, increasing your character's characteristics*:
    • At level 60: Vampirism +3%, Wind Protection +10, Darkness Protection +10, Critical Damage +10%;
    • At level 74: Vampirism +5%, Wind Protection +20, Darkness Protection +20, Critical Damage +15%;
    • At level 80: Vampirism +8%, Wind Protection +30, Darkness Protection +30, Critical Damage +25%.
  • Note! This skill is a replacement for the modified skill0788.pngPain of Shilen skill (according to the MasterWork concept); Battle Touch of Shilen does not require charging from this skill, but will require an analogue for the Olympiad.skill0789.png

* Depending on the skill level, the maximum available effect level increases. So, for example, having the 3rd level of a skill, when you are attacked, you first receive the effect of the 1st level, if you continue to be attacked - the 2nd, then the 3rd, respectively. The duration of the effect is 20 seconds, when the next level of the effect is applied, the time is updated.


skill0810.png Vanguard

  • Transformation skills: skill0815.png Blade Hurricane , skill0817.png Double Strike , skill958.png Triple Blade Slash are now linked to the element of Darkness.
  • Transformation skills: skill0815.png Blade Hurricane , skill0817.png Double Strike , skill958.png Triple Blade Slash also works with a new type of weapon: Dual Axes / Dualblunt.


skill0789.png Battle Spirit of Shilen

  • The list of weapons that interact with the skill has been expanded :
    • Chance Crit. Attack increases when using: weapon_sword_of_damascus_i00.png One-Handed Swords, weapon_guardians_sword_i00.png Two-Handed Swords, weapon_dual_sword_i00.png Dual Swords, weapon_dismantler_i00.png Ancient Swords, weapon_colichemarde_i00.png Rapiers, weapon_demons_sword_i00.png Daggers, dual_dagger_i00.png Dual Daggers (previously only one-handed/two-handed swords);
    • Power of Crit. Attack increases when using: weapon_deadmans_glory_i00.png One-handed Axes / Maces, weapon_star_buster_i00.png Two-handed Axes / Maces, weapon_r_dualblunt_i00.pngDual Axes / Maces, weapon_bellion_cestus_i00.png Brass knuckles (previously only one-handed / two-handed axes / maces).
  • The skill is divided into 4 levels :
    • Level 60: Increases P. Def. for 20 seconds. and Mag. Atk by 15%, Speed by 15, Atk. Spd. by 15%. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 50, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 50%. 20% of physical damage dealt in melee is restored to HP, does not apply to damage from skills. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 72: Increases P. Def. for 25 seconds. and Mag. Atk by 18%, Run Speed by 18, Atk. Spd. by 18%. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 60, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 60%. 25% of physical damage dealt in melee is restored to HP, does not apply to damage from skills. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 79 : Increases P. Def. for 30 seconds. and Mag. Atk by 21%, Run Speed by 21, Atk. Spd. by 21%. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 70, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 70%. 30% of physical damage dealt in melee is restored to HP, does not apply to damage from skills. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%;
    • Level 83: Increases P. Def. for 60 seconds. and Mag. Atk by 30%, Speed by 30, Atk. Spd. by 30%. When using one-handed, two-handed, ancient and dual swords, rapiers, one-handed and dual daggers: the chance of inflicting a Crit increases. Impact by 100, when using one-handed, two-handed, dual blunt weapons and brass knuckles: Critical Damage increases by 100% 40% of physical damage dealt in melee is restored to HP, does not apply to damage from skills. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%.
  • Pain of Shilen no longer requires skill0788.png charging when used;
  • The skill will disappear for all party members when the character who cast it leaves;
  • Basic (not fixed) cooldown: 10 minutes


skill0788.png Olympiad Pain of Shilen (Shillien Templar)

  • Note! This skill can only be used at the Great Olympiad ;
  • You share your pain with Shilen, and she, in turn, shares hers with you. Shilen's Pain level increases by a certain amount when you take damage. As it grows, it becomes possible to use skill0789.png Olympiad Spirit of Shilen;
  • Does not have additional bonuses (they work from the passive skill Skill10006 0.jpgIncredible Endurance), is used only for using an active skill.


skill0789.png Olympiad Spirit of Shilen (Shillien Templar) (level 83)

  • Note! This skill can only be used at the Great Olympiad ;
  • Gains the Will of Shilen and increases the combat abilities of party members. Increases P. Atk by 30%, Speed by 30%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, chance of crit. hit when using a sword at 100, Critical Power magic when using blunt weapons at 100%. 40% of physical damage dealt in melee is restored to HP, does not apply to damage from skills. Reduces the power of HP restoration magic by 80%. Action time: 1 min.
  • Requires charging skill0788.png Olympiad Pain of Shilen to use.


image.png Aggression

  • The skill has been updated so that mobs or bosses are less likely to fail.


image.png New skill Ready to Fight

  • At level 40: When using the Aggression skill, you and your party members receive an 8-second increase in defensive characteristics: P./ M. Def. +5%, Healing Effectiveness +5%, Debuff Resistance +5%. Action time - 8 seconds.


image.png Sixth Sense

  • At level 52: The skill increases Evasion by 15 when HP falls below 30% of its maximum.


image.png Knighthood

  • At level 52: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 22. Shield defence increased by 3%;
  • At level 70: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 44. Shield defence increased by 6%;
  • At level 78: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 88. Shield defence increased by 12%.


skill0528.png Shield of Faith

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:

    • Level 58: P. Def. +900, M. Def. +600, 30% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 70: P. Def. +1200, M. Def. +900, 50% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 79: P. Def. +3600, M. Def. +2700, 90% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.

  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, cooldown will remain unchanged.

  • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated. Valid for 120 seconds.

  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


image.png Royal Sacrifice

  • At level 49: You increase P. Def. and M. Def. of the target (party member) by 30%, while transferring 90% of the damage incoming to yourself. Action time: 8 seconds. Fixed cooldown of the skill - 60 seconds.
  • Does not interrupt skill0528.png the Shield of Faith skill (both effects can work simultaneously).
  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


Skill0983 0.jpg Patience

  • At level 60: When taking damage, there is a chance to increase the damage dealt by skills by 20%.


Skill0984 0.jpg Shield Strike

  • Level to learns: from 40 to 85 level;
  • Attacks the enemy with a shield. Power 833-4640, depending on skill level;
  • Increases the enemy's desire to attack. Requires a shield;
  • Base cooldown: 6 seconds.


Skill0351.png Magical Mirror

  • At level 52: reflection of P. Skills 3%, skill mage 10%;
  • At level 70: reflection of P. Skills 5%, skill mage 15%;
  • At level 78: reflection of P. Skills 10%, skill mage 30%;


image.png Touch of Death

  • At level 56: Removes up to 3 buffs and takes away 90% CP. Max. CP -90%. The effectiveness of HP restoration magic is -30%. The effectiveness of received negative effects is +30%. debuff duration 30 seconds;
  • At level 68: Removes up to 4 buffs and takes away 90% of CP. Max. CP -90%. The effectiveness of HP restoration magic is -30%. The effectiveness of received negative effects is +30%. debuff duration 60 seconds;
  • At level 78: Removes up to 5 buffs and takes away 90% of CP. Max. CP -90%. The effectiveness of HP restoration magic is -30%. The effectiveness of received negative effects is +30%. Debuff duration is 120 seconds.


Skill0480 0.jpg Dark Blade toggle

  • Learned at level 43;
  • The ability to attack with Dark Power. Increases Dark damage by 5%.
  • Personal effect similar to Skill1443 0.jpg Dark Weapon ;
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


Skill0481 0.jpg Dark Armor toggle

  • At level 40: Increases resistance to Dark attacks by 7%;
  • At level 46: Increases resistance to Dark attacks by 10%;
  • Personal effect Skill1392 0.jpg Resist Holy +7% / +10%;
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


skill0454.png Symbol of Defense (Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, Shillien Templar)

  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 1000 to P. Def.;
    • + 800 to M. Def.;
    • + 80% resistance to removing positive effects (all types of cancel).
  • + New effects:
    • + 20% resistance to Bow/Crossbow attacks (similar to skill0112.png Deflect Arrow ).


skill0232.pngHeavy Armor Mastery

  • Now, in addition to the passive 15% - 35% protection from P. Crit. Damage also gives 5% - 20% protection from M. Crit. Damage;
  • When modifying a skill, now, in addition to increasing protection from P. Crit. Damage from 35% to 50% also increases protection from M. Crit. Damage from 20% to 35% (for +1 .. +30).


skill0147.png M. Def.

  • Improved Power enchanting branch :
    • Now, in addition to a slight increase in M. Def. also gives +1% chance to block attacking M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).


skill0233.png Light Armor Mastery

  • Only the first 15 skill levels.


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0351.pngetc_level_panel_lv3.pngMagical Mirror



skill0762.png Hell Knight

skill0762.png Battle Insane Crusher

  • The reduction in Max has been removed from the negative effect. CP at all skill levels.
  • The skill is divided into 4 levels :
    • Level 60: Power 1360 units. With a certain probability, for 15 seconds, reduces resistance to negative effects by -15% and the effectiveness of HP restoration magic by -15%. Requires a sword/club. Ignores shield. Possible critical. hit. Over-hit is possible;
    • Level 72: Power 3095 units. With a certain probability, for 20 seconds, reduces resistance to negative effects by -18% and the effectiveness of HP restoration magic by -18%. Requires a sword/club. Ignores shield. Possible critical. hit. Over-hit is possible;
    • Level 79: Power 5106 units. Cancels 0 to 2 buffs from nearby enemies. With a certain probability, for 30 seconds, reduces resistance to negative effects by -21% and the effectiveness of HP restoration magic by -21%. Requires a sword/club. Ignores shield. Possible critical. hit. Over-hit is possible;
    • Level 83: Power 8409 units. Cancels 0 to 4 buffs from nearby enemies. With a certain probability, for 60 seconds, reduces resistance to negative effects by -30% and the effectiveness of HP restoration magic by -30%. Requires a sword/club. Ignores shield. Possible critical. hit. An overshot is possible.
  • Note! For the "Battle" version of the skill, all the same conditions apply as in previous MW seasons:
    • Can only be used outside of the Great Olympiad;
    • Skill0761 0.jpg Seed of Revenge does not require charging when used;
    • Basic (non-fixed) cooldown: 60 seconds.


image.png Touch of Death

  • The levels required to learn the skill have been changed:
    • Level 1 is learned at character level 56
    • Level 2 is learned at character level 68
    • Level 3 is learned at character level 78 (no changes)


skill0528.png Shield of Faith

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:

    • Level 58: P. Def. +900, M. Def. +600, 30% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 70: P. Def. +1200, M. Def. +900, 50% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 79: P. Def. +3600, M. Def. +2700, 90% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.

  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, cooldown will remain unchanged.

  • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated. Valid for 120 seconds.

  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


image.png Royal Sacrifice

  • At level 49: You increase P. Def. and M. Def. of the target (party member) by 30%, while transferring 90% of the damage incoming to yourself. Action time: 8 seconds. Fixed cooldown of the skill - 60 seconds.
  • Does not interrupt skill0528.png the Shield of Faith skill (both effects can work simultaneously).
  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


image.png Combat Aura

  • The skill has been improved: in addition to the usual effects, it also increases M. Atk. by 3 / 4 / 5% and Cast. Speed party members by 2 / 2.5 / 3% depending on the level.
    • At level 52: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 3%, Atk. Spd. by 3%, Cast. Speed on 2%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +3%;
    • At level 64: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 4%, Atk. Spd. by 4%, Cast. Speed by 2.5%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +4%;
    • At level 70: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Cast. Speed by 3%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +5%.
  • The skill enchanting remained unchanged:
    • from +1% to +10% to P./ M. Def. for +1 .. +30.
  • Does not turn off upon death.


image.png Combat Aura

  • The skill has been improved: in addition to the usual effects, it also increases M. Atk. by 3 / 4 / 5% and Cast. Speed party members by 2 / 2.5 / 3% depending on the level.
    • At level 52: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 3%, Atk. Spd. by 3%, Cast. Speed on 2%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +3%;
    • At level 64: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 4%, Atk. Spd. by 4%, Cast. Speed by 2.5%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +4%;
    • At level 70: Increases P./ M. Atk. party members by 5%, Atk. Spd. by 5%, Cast. Speed by 3%. Increases the power of incoming healing by +5%.
  • The skill enchanting remained unchanged:
    • from +1% to +10% to P./ M. Def. for +1 .. +30.
  • Does not turn off upon death.


skill0110.png Ultimate Defense

  • Now does not block the character's movement, but slows down your character by 90% during the effect.
  • The skill enchanting remained unchanged:
    • -80% to -50% reduction in Speed for +1 .. +30.


Skill10006 0.jpg Incredible Endurance

  • Passive skill - self trigger: When you receive damage, there is a chance that a trigger will work on you, increasing your character's characteristics*:
    • At level 60: P. Attack +100, Critical Chance +10%, Critical Damage +5%;
    • At level 74: P. Attack +150, Critical Chance +15%, Critical Damage +10%;
    • At level 80: P. Attack +300, Critical Chance +30%, Critical Damage +25%.
  • Note! This skill is a replacement for the altered Skill0761 0.jpg Spirit of Phoenix skill (according to the MasterWork concept); Battle Insane Crusher does not require charging from this skill, but will require an analogue for the Olympiad.skill0762.png

* Depending on the skill level, the maximum available effect level increases. So, for example, having the 3rd level of a skill, when you are attacked, you first receive the effect of the 1st level, if you continue to be attacked - the 2nd, then the 3rd, respectively. The duration of the effect is 20 seconds, when the next level of the effect is applied, the time is updated.


skill0810.png Vanguard

  • Transformation Skills: skill0815.png Blade Hurricane , skill0817.png Double Strike , skill958.png Triple Blade Slash are now linked to the element of Darkness.
  • Transformation skills: skill0815.png Blade Hurricane , skill0817.png Double Strike , skill958.png Triple Blade Slash also works with a new type of weapon: Dual Axes / Dualblunt.


Skill0318 0.jpg Aegis Stance (Paladin, Dark Avenger)

  • The skill no longer consumes MP when channeled.


skill0762.png Battle Insane Crusher

  • The reduction in Max has been removed from the negative effect. CP at all skill levels.
  • The skill is divided into 4 levels :
    • Level 60: Power 1360 units. With a certain probability, for 15 seconds, reduces resistance to negative effects by -15% and the effectiveness of HP restoration magic by -15%. Requires a sword/club. Ignores shield. Possible critical. hit. Over-hit is possible;
    • Level 72: Power 3095 units. With a certain probability, for 20 seconds, reduces resistance to negative effects by -18% and the effectiveness of HP restoration magic by -18%. Requires a sword/club. Ignores shield. Possible critical. hit. Over-hit is possible;
    • Level 79: Power 5106 units. Cancels 0 to 3 buffs from nearby enemies. With a certain probability, for 30 seconds, reduces resistance to negative effects by -21% and the effectiveness of HP restoration magic by -21%. Requires a sword/club. Ignores shield. Possible critical. hit. Over-hit is possible;
    • Level 83: Power 8409 units. Cancels 0 to 4 buffs from nearby enemies. With a certain probability, for 60 seconds, reduces resistance to negative effects by -30% and the effectiveness of HP restoration magic by -30%. Requires a sword/club. Ignores shield. Possible critical. hit. An overshot is possible.
  • Skill0761 0.jpg Seed of Revenge no longer requires charging when used;
  • Basic (non-fixed) cooldown: 60 seconds.


Skill0761 0.jpg Olympiad Seed of Revenge

  • Note! This skill can only be used at the Great Olympiad ;
  • Sows a Seed of Vengeance that grows at a constant rate when you are attacked. Phys. increases in proportion to growth. Atk. As it grows, it becomes possible to use skill0762.png Olympiad Insane Crusher;
  • Does not have additional bonuses (they work from the passive skill Skill10006 0.jpgIncredible Endurance), is used only for using an active skill.


skill0762.png Battle Insane Crusher (Hell Knight) (level 83)

  • Note! This skill can only be used at the Great Olympiad ;
  • Delivers a Power Strike and a Dark Curse to surrounding enemies when Fury reaches its limit. Cancels one or more enemy buffs, greatly reducing max. CP for a certain time. Resistance to negative effects and the effectiveness of HP restoration magic are reduced. Requires a sword/club. Ignores shield. Possible critical. hit. Possibly an overshot.
  • RequiresSkill0761 0.jpg Olympiad Seed of Revenge to be charged to use.


image.png Aggression

  • The skill has been updated so that mobs or bosses are less likely to fail.


image.png New skill Ready to Fight

  • At level 40: When using the Aggression skill, you and your party members receive an 8-second increase in defensive characteristics: P./ M. Def. +5%, Healing Effectiveness +5%, Debuff Resistance +5%. Action time - 8 seconds.


image.png Sixth Sense

  • At level 52: The skill increases Evasion by 15 when HP falls below 30% of its maximum.


image.png Knighthood

  • At level 52: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 22. Shield defence increased by 3%;
  • At level 70: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 44. Shield defence increased by 6%;
  • At level 78: Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor by 88. Shield defence increased by 12%.


skill0528.png Shield of Faith

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:

    • Level 58: P. Def. +900, M. Def. +600, 30% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 70: P. Def. +1200, M. Def. +900, 50% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.
      Level 79: P. Def. +3600, M. Def. +2700, 90% of the damage received by the group goes to the Tank who used the skill.

  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, cooldown will remain unchanged.

  • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated. Valid for 120 seconds.

  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


image.png New skill Royal Sacrifice

  • At level 49: You increase P. Def. and M. Def. of the target (party member) by 30%, while transferring 90% of the damage incoming to yourself. Action time: 8 seconds. Fixed cooldown of the skill - 60 seconds.
  • Does not interrupt skill0528.png the Shield of Faith skill (both effects can work simultaneously).
  • The skill is available in the skill0810.pngVanguard transformation.


Skill0983 0.jpg Patience

  • At level 60: When taking damage, there is a chance to increase the damage dealt by skills by 20%.


Skill0984 0.jpg Shield Strike

  • Level to learns: from 40 to 85 level;
  • Attacks the enemy with a shield. Power 833-4640, depending on skill level;
  • Increases the enemy's desire to attack. Requires a shield;
  • Base cooldown: 6 seconds.


Skill0082 0.jpg Majesty

  • The effect duration of the skill has been increased to 5 minutes.


image.png Physical Mirror

  • At level 52: reflection of P. Skills 10%, M. Skills 3%.
  • At level 70: reflection of P. Skills 15%, M. Skills 5%
  • At level 78: reflection of P. Skills 30%, M. Skills 10%.


image.png Touch of Death

  • At level 60: Removes up to 3 buffs and takes away 90% CP. Max. CP -90%. The effectiveness of HP restoration magic is -30%. The effectiveness of received negative effects is +30%. debuff duration 30 seconds;
  • At level 72: Removes up to 4 buffs and takes away 90% of CP. Max. CP -90%. The effectiveness of HP restoration magic is -30%. The effectiveness of received negative effects is +30%. debuff duration 60 seconds;
  • At level 78: Removes up to 5 buffs and takes away 90% of CP. Max. CP -90%. The effectiveness of HP restoration magic is -30%. The effectiveness of received negative effects is +30%. Debuff duration is 120 seconds.


Skill0480 0.jpg Dark Blade toggle

  • Learned at level 43;
  • The ability to attack with Dark Power. Increases Dark damage by 5%.
  • Personal effect similar to Skill1443 0.jpg Dark Weapon ;
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


Skill0481 0.jpg Dark Armor toggle

  • At level 40: Increases resistance to Dark attacks by 7%;
  • At level 46: Increases resistance to Dark attacks by 10%;
  • Personal effect Skill1392 0.jpg Resist Holy +7% / +10%;
  • Consumption: 0 MP.


skill0454.png Symbol of Defense (Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, Shillien Templar)

  • Dome duration: 120 seconds;
  • Basic effects:
    • + 1000 to P. Def.;
    • + 800 to M. Def.;
    • + 80% resistance to removing positive effects (all types of cancel).
  • + New effects:
    • + 20% resistance to Bow/Crossbow attacks (similar to skill0112.png Deflect Arrow ).


skill0232.pngHeavy Armor Mastery

  • Now, in addition to the passive 15% - 35% protection from P. Crit. Damage also gives 5% - 20% protection from M. Crit. Damage;
  • When modifying a skill, now, in addition to increasing protection from P. Crit. Damage from 35% to 50% also increases protection from M. Crit. Damage from 20% to 35% (for +1 .. +30).


skill0147.png M. Def.

  • Improved Power enchanting branch :
    • Now, in addition to a slight increase in M. Def. also gives +1% chance to block attacking M. skills, up to 5% at +30 (at +1, +8, +15, +23 and +30).


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill0082.pngMajesty
  • skill0439.pngShield of Revenge
  • skill0350.pngetc_level_panel_lv3.pngPhysical Mirror




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image.png Healers


Skill1335.png Bishop

skill1553.png Chain Heal

  • The skill is divided into 7 levels:
  • Restores % Max. HP of the target and to allies around the target who received the most severe damage. The amount of HP recovery gradually decreases: by 3% for each target, up to 10%.
    __ units required etc_stone_gray_i00.pngSpirit Ore.
    • Level 56: 16% Max. HP, up to 3 allies, cooldown: 15 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 64: 18% Max. HP, up to 4 allies, cooldown: 14 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 70: 20% Max. HP, up to 5 allies, cooldown: 13 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 74: 22% Max. HP, up to 6 allies, cooldown: 11 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 79: 25% Max. HP, up to 7 allies, cooldown: 9 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 81: 27% Max. HP, up to 8 allies, cooldown: 7 sec. 4 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 83: 30% Max. HP, up to 10 allies, cooldown: 5 sec. 4 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.


skill1425.png Purification Field

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels:
    • Level 70: Removes all negative effects from nearby party members.
    • Level 80: Removes all negative effects from nearby group/clan/alliance members.
  • General information about the skill at all levels:
    • Cooldown is fixed 20 minutes.
    • Consumes 50 MP to cast. Cost of use: 1 Magic Symbol.
    • Base cast time: 5 seconds.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


skill1426.png Miracle

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels:
    • Level 62: Fully restores HP to all party members.
    • Level 80: Fully restores HP to all members of the group/clan/alliance.
  • General skill changes at all levels:
    • Does not consume MP to cast. Application cost: 1 Magic Symbol;
    • Base cast time: 5 seconds.
  • The cooldown is no longer a fixed 60 minutes, so recharging can be accelerated due to the corresponding effects (Gift of the Seraphim, Rhythm of Purity, and so on); previously cooldown was: fixed 60 minutes

  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


skill11755.png Summon Assistant new skill

  • A skill that summons an uncontrollable assistant, similar to skill0067.pngSummon Life Cubic;
  • Learned at level 44, developed at character levels 52, 58, 64, 70, 74:
    • Periodically uses Group Treatment and selectively removes from 1 to 3 negative effects from Bishop himself or random members of the Group;
    • The strength of healing and the frequency of Purification depend on the level of skill and the complexity of the situation in the Group (the average HP value of the characters in the group and the number of negative effects on them).
  • The skill will no longer remove buffs from 4554_1.pngHot Spring Malaria and similar ones (of any level).
    • Please note that this applies exclusively to the above skill.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).

Explanation: this is a small support, a conditional “nurse with a doctor”, but the dice will not “play for you”. You can't take it with a skill link.


skill11776.png Medic on the battlefield new skill

  • Passive skill that grants partial protection from AOE damage in PvP:
    • Level 48 : Absorbs 10% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 66 : Absorbs 12% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 76 : Absorbs 15% of AoE damage in PvP.
  • Cannot be used at the Great Olympiad;

Explanation: we are talking about damage caused by skills to other characters that hit several targets at once, for example, skill0007.pngGladiator’s Sonic Storm or skill1171.pngMagpie’s Blazing Circle will cause you 10 / 12 / 15% less damage than without this skill.

skill1524.png Surrender to the Divine (Inquisitor)

  • Added a link to ATT holy +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.

skill1401.png Major Heal

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each "+1" when Enchanting by Strength/Cost.
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill1218.png Greater Battle Heal

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each "+1" when Enchanting by Strength/Cost.
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill1459.pngDivine Power

  • Skill improved:
  • Now, in addition to a 15-second increase in the power of restorative magic and a reduction in MP cost by 50%, it also increases P. and Mag. Defense, resistance to negative effects by 40% and resistance to canceling positive effects by 50%.
    • Level 56: For 15 seconds, increases the power of restorative magic by 350, reduces MP costs by 50%, increases P. and M. Def. by 15%, resistance to negative effects by 40%, and resistance to canceling positive effects by 50%.
    • Level 68: For 15 seconds, increases the power of restorative magic by 500, reduces MP costs by 50%, increases P. and M. Def. by 25%, resistance to negative effects by 40%, and resistance to canceling positive effects by 50%.
    • Level 79: For 15 seconds, increases the power of restorative magic by 1000, reduces MP costs by 50%, increases P. and M. Def. by 35%, resistance to negative effects by 40%, and resistance to canceling positive effects by 50%.

image.png Resurrection

  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 400;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 700.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.


skill1254.pngMass Resurrection

  • Now also resurrects Group members, even if they are not members of your clan/alliance.


skill1335.pngBalance Life

  • Skill modification available for Cost:
    • Reduces MP Consumption from 123 to 62 when enchanted from +0 to +15.



  • The base chance of success the skill has been increased.

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

skill1043.png Holy Weapon

  • Now you can Enchant, similar to Dark Weapon Slb/Judicator: increases the attack of ATT of Holy from 20 to 50: up to +30 ATT for +1, then 0/1 per round.

skill1353.png Divine Protection

  • Now you can Enchant, similar to Prophet’s Elemental Protection: increases ATT protection from Holy from 20 to 50 and ATT from Darkness from 30 to 60 by +2 for each round of enchanting.

skill1409.png Cleanse

  • Added the ability to enchant skills by Range.
  • Base cast range: 600.
  • Increased casting range when sharpening: +20, up to +300 by +15.
    +0 = 600, +1 = 620, +2 = 640, ..., +14 = 880, +15 = 900

skill1018.png Purify

  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been proportionately increased

skill1505.png Sublime Self-Sacrifice:

  • The skill has been changed, the 4th skill level has been added:
    • Was :
      • Level 1 at lvl 60, gives 50% HP recovery, 350 MP and celestial for 5 seconds. Cast time - 6 seconds;
      • Level 2 at lvl 74, gives 100% HP recovery, 650 MP and celestial for 10 seconds. Cast time - 5 seconds;
      • Level 3 at lvl 83, gives 100% restoration of CP, HP, MP and celestial for 15 seconds. Cast time - 4 seconds.
    • Became :
      • Level 1 at lvl 60, gives 50% HP recovery, 250 units. and 15% MP and celestial for 5 seconds. Cast time - 7 seconds;
      • Level 2 at lvl 72, gives 75% HP recovery, 500 units. and 20% MP and celestial for 7 seconds. Cast time - 6 seconds;
      • Level 3 at lvl 81, gives 100% restoration of CP and HP, 750 units. and 25% MP and celestial for 15 seconds. Cast time - 5 seconds;
      • Level 4 at lvl 83, gives 100% restoration of CP, HP, MP and celestial for 15 seconds. Cast time - 4 seconds.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


skill11755.png Summon Assistant new skill

  • A skill that summons an uncontrollable assistant, similar to skill0067.pngSummon Life Cubic;
  • Learned at level 44, developed at character levels 52, 58, 64, 70, 74:
    • Periodically uses Group Treatment and selectively removes from 1 to 3 negative effects from Bishop himself or random members of the Group;
    • The strength of healing and the frequency of Purification depend on the level of skill and the complexity of the situation in the Group (the average HP value of the characters in the group and the number of negative effects on them).
  • The skill will no longer remove buffs from 4554_1.pngHot Spring Malaria and similar ones (of any level).
    • Please note that this applies exclusively to the above skill.

Explanation: this is a small support, a conditional “nurse with a doctor”, but the dice will not “play for you”. You can't take it with a skill link.


skill11776.png Medic on the battlefield new skill

  • Passive skill that grants partial protection from AOE damage in PvP:
    • Level 48 : Absorbs 10% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 66 : Absorbs 12% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 76 : Absorbs 15% of AoE damage in PvP.
  • Cannot be used at the Great Olympiad;

Explanation: we are talking about damage caused by skills to other characters that hit several targets at once, for example, skill0007.pngGladiator’s Sonic Storm or skill1171.pngMagpie’s Blazing Circle will cause you 10 / 12 / 15% less damage than without this skill.

skill1401.png Major Heal

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each "+1" when Enchanting by Strength/Cost.
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill1218.png Greater Battle Heal

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each "+1" when Enchanting by Strength/Cost.
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.


skill1553.png Chain Heal

  • The skill is divided into 7 levels:
  • Restores % Max. HP of the target and to allies around the target who received the most severe damage. The amount of HP recovery gradually decreases: by 3% for each target, up to 10%.
    __ units required etc_stone_gray_i00.pngSpirit Ore.
    • Level 56: 16% Max. HP, up to 3 allies, cooldown: 15 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 64: 18% Max. HP, up to 4 allies, cooldown: 14 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 70: 20% Max. HP, up to 5 allies, cooldown: 13 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 74: 22% Max. HP, up to 6 allies, cooldown: 11 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 79: 25% Max. HP, up to 7 allies, cooldown: 9 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 81: 27% Max. HP, up to 8 allies, cooldown: 7 sec. 4 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 83: 30% Max. HP, up to 10 allies, cooldown: 5 sec. 4 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.


skill1425.png Purification Field

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels:
    • Level 70: Removes all negative effects from nearby party members.
    • Level 80: Removes all negative effects from nearby group/clan/alliance members.
  • General information about the skill at all levels:
    • Cooldown is fixed 20 minutes.
    • Consumes 50 MP to cast. Cost of use: 1 Magic Symbol.
    • Base cast time: 5 seconds.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


skill1426.png Miracle

  • The skill is divided into 2 levels:
    • Level 62: Fully restores HP to all party members.
    • Level 80: Fully restores HP to all members of the group/clan/alliance.
  • General skill changes at all levels:
    • Does not consume MP to cast. Application cost: 1 Magic Symbol;
    • Base cast time: 5 seconds.
  • The cooldown is no longer a fixed 60 minutes, so recharging can be accelerated due to the corresponding effects (Gift of the Seraphim, Rhythm of Purity, and so on); previously cooldown was: fixed 60 minutes

  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


skill1018.png Purify

  • The skill has been changed : the list of dispelled negative effects has been expanded:
    • Purify now dispels the following effects :
    • skill1170.pngParalysis;
    • skill0129.pngPoison;
    • skill0096.pngBleeding;
    • skill1169.pngFear;
    • skill1069.pngSleep;
    • skill1201.pngRoot;
    • skill1160.pngSlow.
  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been proportionately increased


image.png Cleanse
  • Skill changed : the cooldown time at the first two levels has been reduced:
  • At level 56:
    • Dispels the weakening effects of spells cast on the target.
    • Consumes 1 unit. etc_holy_grail_i00.pngHoly Water of Einhasad.
    • Base cooldown: 14 seconds ;
  • At level 70:
    • Dispels the weakening effects of spells cast on the target.
    • Consumes 2 units. etc_holy_grail_i00.pngHoly Water of Einhasad.
    • Base cooldown: 11 seconds ;
  • At level 78:
    • Dispels the weakening effects of spells cast on the target.
    • Consumes 3 units. etc_holy_grail_i00.pngHoly Water of Einhasad.
    • Base cooldown: 8 seconds .
  • Added the ability to enchant skills by Range.
  • Base cast range: 600.
  • Increased casting range when sharpening: +20, up to +300 by +15.
    +0 = 600, +1 = 620, +2 = 640, ..., +14 = 880, +15 = 900


Skill 11766 1.jpg Divine Punishment

  • New Active PvE skill that deals damage:
    • Has 15 levels, learned from level 40 to 74. character;
    • Power: 51 - 109 depending on skill level;
    • PvE skill for damage to a single target, having 0 PvP damage;
    • Element: Holiness;
    • Radius: 750;
    • Base cooldown: 2 seconds;
    • It is analogous to the skill Skill1523 0.jpgin Inquisitor, but does not require transformation and does not cause damage to players.


Skill 11817 1.jpg Divine Flash

  • New Active AoE PvE skill that deals damage:
    • Has 15 levels, learned from level 40 to 74. character;
    • Power: 29 - 61 depending on skill level;
    • PvE skill for area damage that has 0 PvP damage;
    • Element: Holiness;
    • Radius: 500;
    • Base cooldown: 4 seconds;
    • It is analogous to the skill Skill1528 0.jpgin Inquisitor, but does not require transformation and does not cause damage to players.

skill1524.png Surrender to the Divine (Inquisitor)

  • Added a link to ATT holy +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.


skill1459.pngDivine Power

  • Skill improved:
  • Now, in addition to a 15-second increase in the power of restorative magic and a reduction in MP cost by 50%, it also increases P. and Mag. Defense, resistance to negative effects by 40% and resistance to canceling positive effects by 50%.
    • Level 56: For 15 seconds, increases the power of restorative magic by 350, reduces MP costs by 50%, increases P. and M. Def. by 15%, resistance to negative effects by 40%, and resistance to canceling positive effects by 50%.
    • Level 68: For 15 seconds, increases the power of restorative magic by 500, reduces MP costs by 50%, increases P. and M. Def. by 25%, resistance to negative effects by 40%, and resistance to canceling positive effects by 50%.
    • Level 79: For 15 seconds, increases the power of restorative magic by 1000, reduces MP costs by 50%, increases P. and M. Def. by 35%, resistance to negative effects by 40%, and resistance to canceling positive effects by 50%.


image.png Sublime Self-Sacrifice
  • Now available for learning from level 60:
    • Level 1 at lvl 60, gives 50% HP recovery, 250 units. and 15% MP and celestial for 5 seconds. Cast time - 7 seconds;
    • Level 2 at lvl 72, gives 75% HP recovery, 500 units. and 20% MP and celestial for 7 seconds. Cast time - 6 seconds;
    • Level 3 at lvl 81, gives 100% restoration of CP and HP, 750 units. and 25% MP and celestial for 15 seconds. Cast time - 5 seconds;
    • Level 4 at lvl 83, gives 100% restoration of CP, HP, MP and celestial for 15 seconds. Cast time - 4 seconds.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


image.png Body of Avatar

  • Now any skill level will restore HP, even if a similar buff has already been applied.


image.png Turn to Stone
  • Now available for learning from level 48.


image.png Resurrection
  • Now has a fixed MP consumption, regardless of skill level - 59 MP at all levels.
  • The skill now resurrects not only clan and alliance members, but also dead party members , even if they are not members of your clan/alliance;
  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 400;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 700.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.


image.png Mass Resurrection
  • Now has a fixed MP consumption, regardless of skill level - 243 MP at all levels.
  • Now also resurrects Group members, even if they are not members of your clan/alliance.


skill1335.pngBalance Life

  • Skill modification available for Cost:
    • Reduces MP Consumption from 123 to 62 when enchanted from +0 to +15.



  • The base chance of success the skill has been increased.

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.
image.png Divine Lore
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
  • At level 52: Reduces MP cost for magical skills by 3%;
  • At level 70: Reduces MP cost for magical skills by 5%;
  • At level 78: Reduces MP cost for magic skills by 7%.

skill1043.png Holy Weapon

  • Now you can Enchant, similar to Dark Weapon Slb/Judicator: increases the attack of ATT of Holy from 20 to 50: up to +30 ATT for +1, then 0/1 per round.

skill1353.png Divine Protection

  • Now you can Enchant, similar to Prophet’s Elemental Protection: increases ATT protection from Holy from 20 to 50 and ATT from Darkness from 30 to 60 by +2 for each round of enchanting.

image.png Mass Wind Walk

A new skill, Mass Wind Walk, has been added :image.png

  • Learned at level 30;
  • Applies the 2nd level Wind Walk effect to all party members;
  • MP consumption x4.


Transfer of skills

  • When acquiring 3 professions with the classes Cardinal , Eva's Saint , Shillien Saint , the Skill Transfer system becomes available, which makes it possible to receive ability(s) from other classes.
  • Note! Classes receive a different number of items for which abilities are learned ( Holy Pomander )
    • Cardinal - 2 Holy Pomander;
    • Eva's Saint - 2 Holy Pomander;
    • Shillien Saint - 3 Holy Pomander.



skill1355.png Elven Elder

skill1553.png Chain Heal

  • The skill is divided into 7 levels:
  • Restores % Max. HP of the target and to allies around the target who received the most severe damage. The amount of HP recovery gradually decreases: by 3% for each target, up to 10%.
    __ units required etc_stone_gray_i00.pngSpirit Ore.
    • Level 56: 16% Max. HP, up to 3 allies, cooldown: 15 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 64: 18% Max. HP, up to 4 allies, cooldown: 14 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 70: 20% Max. HP, up to 5 allies, cooldown: 13 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 74: 22% Max. HP, up to 6 allies, cooldown: 11 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 79: 25% Max. HP, up to 7 allies, cooldown: 9 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 81: 27% Max. HP, up to 8 allies, cooldown: 7 sec. 4 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 83: 30% Max. HP, up to 10 allies, cooldown: 5 sec. 4 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.


skill1428.pngMass Recharge

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:
    • Level 66: Restores 420 MP to all party members. Base cast time: 7 seconds.
    • Level 74: Restores 650 MP to all party members. Base cast time: 6 seconds.
    • Level 80: Restores 1500 MP to all party members. Base cast time: 5 seconds.
  • General skill changes at all levels:
  • The cooldown is no longer a fixed 60 minutes, so recharging can be accelerated due to the corresponding effects (Gift of the Seraphim, Rhythm of Purity, and so on); previously cooldown was: fixed 60 minutes
  • Consumes 50 MP to cast. Cost of use: 1 Magic Symbol.


skill1255.pngParty Recall: Clan Hall/ Fortress/ Castle

  • Three new skills have been added that can be learned at level 56.
  • Skills are analogues of the First level Party Recall;
  • Basic spell casting time: 20 seconds (same as 1st level PR);
  • Both PR and these 3 new analogue skills have a SAME cooldown;
  • Available for use only if the caster has the appropriate possession (KH/Fort/Castle);
  • Cost to learn: 95,000 SP and 100 corresponding scrolls.


skill1182.pngResist Aqua

  • Now available for learning by the Elven Elder class
    • 3 levels of study, at 58, 62, 66 lvl. character.


Many buffs are now learned earlier:

  • skill1303.pngWild Magic
    • Was: 62, 70
    • Now: 56, 66
  • skill1259.pngResist Shock
    • Was: 40, 52, 64, 72
    • Now: 40, 48, 58, 66
  • skill1304.pngAdvanced Block
    • Was: 58, 66, 72
    • Now: 56, 60, 64
  • skill1243.pngBless Shield
    • Was: 40, 48, 56, 62, 66, 70
    • Now: 40, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64
  • skill1078.pngConcentration
    • Was: 20, 30, 44, 52, 60, 68
    • Now: 20, 30, 40, 48, 56, 64
  • skill1354.pngArcane Protection
    • Was: 72, 77
    • Now: 66 , 77


Combo buffs can now be learned at level 68:
Also for all combo buffs, except Wild Concentration, the cost has been reduced

wm_conc_combo.pngImproved Wild Concentration - 3.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

improved_resist.pngImproved Resist - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1504.pngImproved Movement - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1503.pngImproved Shield Defense - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1502.pngImproved Critical Attack - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1499.pngImproved Combat - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena


skill1355.pngProphecy of Water

  • Level 1 of the skill is learned at character level 70.


skill11783.png Time Lapse new skill

  • Active skill that affects the selected target;
  • Reduces the remaining duration of all negative effects on the character, the % reduction in time depends on the skill level;
  • Fixed reload time: 30 seconds;
  • Three skill levels:
    • Level 44: Reduces the remaining duration of all negative effects by 30%;
    • Level 62: Reduces the remaining duration of all negative effects by 40%;
    • Level 70: Reduces the remaining duration of all negative effects by 50%.
  • The skill can be improved by Reuse:
    • Reduces the fixed reload time from 30 seconds to 15 seconds (from +0 to +30).

Explanation: The calculation takes into account the time of negative effects on the target at the time the skill is used on it. skill1248.pngFor example, Seal of Suspension hangs on the target , the base time of the negative effect is 120 seconds, but this debuff has already hung on the character for 30 seconds and there are 90 seconds left until the end of the effect. Level 3 skill11783.png Time Lapse will reduce the duration of the debuff by 50% of the remaining 90 seconds: to 45 seconds. You can't take it with a skill link.

skill1524.png Surrender to the Divine (Inquisitor)

  • Added a link to ATT holy +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.

skill11776.png Medic on the battlefield new skill

  • Passive skill that grants partial protection from AoE damage:
    • Level 48 : Absorbs 10% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 64 : Absorbs 12% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 76 : Absorbs 15% of AoE damage in PvP.
  • Cannot be used at the Great Olympiad;

Explanation: we are talking about damage caused by skills to other characters that hit several targets at once, for example, skill0007.pngGladiator’s Sonic Storm or skill1171.pngMagpie’s Blazing Circle will cause you 10 / 12 / 15% less damage than without this skill.

image.png Resurrection

  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 400;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 700.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill1401.png Major Heal

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each "+1" when Enchanting by Strength/Cost.
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill1013.png Recharge

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each "+1" when Enchanting by Strength/Cost.
    • Base distance: 400;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 700.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill1020.png Vitalize

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each "+1" when Enchanting by Strength/Cost.
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.


image.png Blessing of Eva

  • Now available for learning from level 60:
    • At level 60: Cast Eva's Blessing. Restores 25% HP and MP. With a certain probability it eliminates negative effects;
    • At level 70: Casts Eva's Blessing. Restores 50% HP and MP. With a certain probability it eliminates negative effects;
    • At level 79: Cast Eva's Blessing. Restores 75% HP and MP. With a certain probability it eliminates negative effects;
    • At level 83: Cast Eva's Blessing. Restores 100% HP, CP and MP. With a certain probability it eliminates negative effects.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.

  • Works only in a group.


skill1460.pngMana Gain

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:
    • Level 60: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 25. MP consumption to apply the effect: 60.
    • Level 72: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 45. MP consumption to apply the effect: 120.
    • Level 79: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 85. MP consumption to apply the effect: 180.



  • The base chance of success the skill has been increased.

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

skill1043.png Holy Weapon

  • Now you can Enchant, similar to Dark Weapon Slb/Judicator: increases the attack of ATT of Holy from 20 to 50: up to +30 ATT for +1, then 0/1 per round.

skill1353.png Divine Protection

  • Now you can Enchant, similar to Prophet’s Elemental Protection: increases ATT protection from Holy from 20 to 50 and ATT from Darkness from 30 to 60 by +2 for each round of enchanting.


skill1553.png Chain Heal

  • The skill is divided into 7 levels:
  • Restores % Max. HP of the target and to allies around the target who received the most severe damage. The amount of HP recovery gradually decreases: by 3% for each target, up to 10%.
    __ units required etc_stone_gray_i00.pngSpirit Ore.
    • Level 56: 16% Max. HP, up to 3 allies, cooldown: 15 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 64: 18% Max. HP, up to 4 allies, cooldown: 14 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 70: 20% Max. HP, up to 5 allies, cooldown: 13 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 74: 22% Max. HP, up to 6 allies, cooldown: 11 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 79: 25% Max. HP, up to 7 allies, cooldown: 9 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 81: 27% Max. HP, up to 8 allies, cooldown: 7 sec. 4 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 83: 30% Max. HP, up to 10 allies, cooldown: 5 sec. 4 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.


skill1428.pngMass Recharge

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:
    • Level 66: Restores 420 MP to all party members. Base cast time: 7 seconds.
    • Level 74: Restores 650 MP to all party members. Base cast time: 6 seconds.
    • Level 80: Restores 1500 MP to all party members. Base cast time: 5 seconds.
  • General skill changes at all levels:
  • The cooldown is no longer a fixed 60 minutes, so recharging can be accelerated due to the corresponding effects (Gift of the Seraphim, Rhythm of Purity, and so on); previously cooldown was: fixed 60 minutes
  • Consumes 50 MP to cast. Cost of use: 1 Magic Symbol.


skill1255.pngParty Recall: Clan Hall/ Fortress/ Castle

  • Three new skills have been added that can be learned at level 56.
  • Skills are analogues of the First level Party Recall;
  • Basic spell casting time: 20 seconds (same as 1st level PR);
  • Both PR and these 3 new analogue skills have a SAME cooldown;
  • Available for use only if the caster has the appropriate possession (KH/Fort/Castle);
  • Cost to learn: 95,000 SP and 100 corresponding scrolls.


skill1182.pngResist Aqua

  • Now available for learning by the Elven Elder class
    • 3 levels of study, at 58, 62, 66 lvl. character.


Many buffs are now learned earlier:

  • skill1303.pngWild Magic
    • Was: 62, 70
    • Now: 56, 66
  • skill1259.pngResist Shock
    • Was: 40, 52, 64, 72
    • Now: 40, 48, 58, 66
  • skill1304.pngAdvanced Block
    • Was: 58, 66, 72
    • Now: 56, 60, 64
  • skill1243.pngBless Shield
    • Was: 40, 48, 56, 62, 66, 70
    • Now: 40, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64
  • skill1078.pngConcentration
    • Was: 20, 30, 44, 52, 60, 68
    • Now: 20, 30, 40, 48, 56, 64
  • skill1354.pngArcane Protection
    • Was: 72, 77
    • Now: 66 , 77


skill11783.png Time Lapse new skill

  • Active skill that affects the selected target;
  • Reduces the remaining duration of all negative effects on the character, the % reduction in time depends on the skill level;
  • Fixed reload time: 30 seconds;
  • Three skill levels:
    • Level 44: Reduces the remaining duration of all negative effects by 30%;
    • Level 62: Reduces the remaining duration of all negative effects by 40%;
    • Level 70: Reduces the remaining duration of all negative effects by 50%.
  • The skill can be improved by Reuse:
    • Reduces the fixed reload time from 30 seconds to 15 seconds (from +0 to +30).

Explanation: The calculation takes into account the time of negative effects on the target at the time the skill is used on it. For example, a Seal of Suspension hangs on the targetskill1248.png, base time of the negative effect: 120 seconds, however, this debuff has already hung on the character for 30 seconds and there are 90 seconds left until the end of the effect. Level 3 skill11783.png Time Lapse will reduce the duration of the debuff by 50% of the remaining 90 seconds: to 45 seconds. You can't take it with a skill link.

skill11776.png Medic on the battlefield new skill

  • Passive skill that grants partial protection from AoE damage:
    • Level 48 : Absorbs 10% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 64 : Absorbs 12% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 76 : Absorbs 15% of AoE damage in PvP.
  • Cannot be used at the Great Olympiad;

Explanation: we are talking about damage caused by skills to other characters that hit several targets at once, for example, skill0007.pngGladiator’s Sonic Storm or skill1171.pngMagpie’s Blazing Circle will cause you 10 / 12 / 15% less damage than without this skill.


skill1460.pngMana Gain

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:
    • Level 60: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 25. MP consumption to apply the effect: 60.
    • Level 72: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 45. MP consumption to apply the effect: 120.
    • Level 79: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 85. MP consumption to apply the effect: 180.



  • The base chance of success the skill has been increased.

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

skill1355.png Prophecy of Water

  • Skill changed : divided into two levels:
    • At level 70 : Increases for party members:
      • Chance to inflict M. Crete. Strike by 1;
      • MP recovery by 20%;
      • P. Atk. at 5%;
      • P. Def. 10 %;
      • Atk. Spd. 10 %;
      • M. Atk. 10 %;
      • M. Def. 10 %;
      • Casting Speed by 10%;
      • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
      • Reduces Speed by 20%
      • Reduces MP consumption by 5%;
      • Consumes 5 units. etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore . Action time: 5 min.
    • At level 78 : Increases for party members:
      • Chance to inflict M. Crete. Strike for 2;
      • MP recovery by 20%;
      • P. Atk. 10 %;
      • P. Def. 20 %;
      • Atk. Spd. 20 %;
      • M. Atk. 20 %;
      • M. Def. 20 %;
      • Casting Speed by 20%;
      • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
      • Reduces Speed by 20%
      • Reduces MP consumption by 5%;
      • Consumes 10 units. etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore . Action time: 5 min.

skill1401.png Major Heal

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each "+1" when Enchanting by Strength/Cost.
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill1020.png Vitalize

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each "+1" when Enchanting by Strength/Cost.
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill1013.png Recharge

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each "+1" when Enchanting by Strength/Cost.
    • Base distance: 400;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 700.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.


Skill 11766 1.jpg Divine Punishment

  • New Active PvE skill that deals damage:
    • Has 15 levels, learned from level 40 to 74. character;
    • Power: 51 - 109 depending on skill level;
    • PvE skill for damage to a single target, having 0 PvP damage;
    • Element: Holiness;
    • Radius: 750;
    • Base cooldown: 2 seconds;
    • It is analogous to the skill Skill1523 0.jpgin Inquisitor, but does not require transformation and does not cause damage to players.


Skill 11817 1.jpg Divine Flash

  • New Active AoE PvE skill that deals damage:
  • Has 15 levels, learned from level 40 to 74. character;
  • Power: 29 - 61 depending on skill level;
  • PvE skill for area damage that has 0 PvP damage;
  • Element: Holiness;
  • Radius: 500;
  • Base cooldown: 4 seconds;
  • It is analogous to the skill Skill1528 0.jpgin Inquisitor, but does not require transformation and does not cause damage to players.

skill1524.png Surrender to the Divine (Inquisitor)

  • Added a link to ATT holy +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.


image.png Clarity
  • The skill is available for learning from level 58:
  • At level 58, you can learn 1 level of skill: Reduces MP consumption of physical skills by 20%, magical skills by 4%, songs/dances by 10%;
  • At level 66, you can learn the 2nd level of the skill: Reduces the MP consumption of physical skills by 25%, magical skills by 7%, songs/dances by 15%;
  • At level 74, you can learn the 3rd level of the skill: Reduces the MP consumption of physical skills by 30%, magic skills by 10%, song/dance by 20%.


image.png Blessing of Eva
  • Now available for learning from level 60:
    • At level 60: Cast Eva's Blessing. Restores 25% HP and MP. With a certain probability it eliminates negative effects;
    • At level 70: Casts Eva's Blessing. Restores 50% HP and MP. With a certain probability it eliminates negative effects;
    • At level 79: Cast Eva's Blessing. Restores 75% HP and MP. With a certain probability it eliminates negative effects;
    • At level 83: Cast Eva's Blessing. Restores 100% HP, CP and MP. With a certain probability it eliminates negative effects.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


image.png Turn to Stone
  • Now available for learning from level 48.


image.png Resurrection
  • Now has a fixed MP consumption, regardless of skill level - 59 MP at all levels.
  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 400;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 700.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.


image.png Divine Lore
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
  • At level 52: Reduces MP cost for magical skills by 3%;
  • At level 70: Reduces MP cost for magic skills by 5%;
  • At level 78: Reduces MP cost for magic skills by 7%.


skill1354.png Arcane Protection

  • First skill level:
    • +20% resistance to buff canceling attacks, +15% resistance to DeBuffs;
    • Learned at level 66 (1,250,000 SP);
    • Consumption: 60 MP.
  • Second skill level:
    • +30% resistance to buff canceling attacks, +20% resistance to DeBuffs;
    • Learned at level 76 (5,000,000 SP);
    • Consumption: 70 MP.

skill1043.png Holy Weapon

  • Now you can Enchant, similar to Dark Weapon Slb/Judicator: increases the attack of ATT of Holy from 20 to 50: up to +30 ATT for +1, then 0/1 per round.

skill1353.png Divine Protection

  • Now you can Enchant, similar to Prophet’s Elemental Protection: increases ATT protection from Holy from 20 to 50 and ATT from Darkness from 30 to 60 by +2 for each round of enchanting.


Combo buffs

  • All combo buffs are learned from level 68 for 2,500,000 adena (except for Improved Wild Concentration). Duration - 40 minutes.etc_adena_i00.png


image.png Improve Combat
  • Combination of effects to increase P. Atk. and increase P. Def. gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases P. Atk. and P. Def. by 15%


image.png Improve Critical Attack
  • Combination of effects to increase Critical Chance and increasing the power of Crit. Atk. gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases Critical Chance by 30%, and the power of Crit. Atk. - by 35%


image.png Improve Shield Defence
  • The combination of the effects of increasing the chance of blocking with a shield and increasing Shield Defense gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases shield block chance by 30% and Shield Defense by 50%


image.png Improve Movement
  • The combination of the effects of increasing Speed and increasing Evasion gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases Speed by 33 and Evasion by 4


image.png Improved Resist
  • New combo buff that combines Resist Shock and Mental Shield
  • The skill can be enchanted to increase protection from stuns, similar to Resist Shock


wmconc3.png Improved Wild Concentration

  • Available to the Elven Elder and Shillien Elder classes ;
  • Learned at level 68;
  • Study cost: 3,500,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena ;
  • Consumes 35 MP;
  • Combines 2 buffs skill1303.pngWild Magic and skill1078.pngConcentration .


image.png Mass Wind Walk
  • A new skill, Mass Wind Walk, has been added :image.png
    • Learned at level 30;
    • Applies the 2nd level Wind Walk effect to all party members;
    • MP consumption x4.


Transfer of skills

  • When acquiring 3 professions with the classes Cardinal , Eva's Saint , Shillien Saint , the Skill Transfer system becomes available, which makes it possible to receive ability(s) from other classes.
  • Note! Classes receive a different number of items for which abilities are learned ( Holy Pomander )
    • Cardinal - 2 Holy Pomander;
    • Eva's Saint - 2 Holy Pomander;
    • Shillien Saint - 3 Holy Pomander.



skill1357.png Shillien Elder

skill1553.png Chain Heal

  • The skill is divided into 7 levels:
  • Restores % Max. HP of the target and to allies around the target who received the most severe damage. The amount of HP recovery gradually decreases: by 3% for each target, up to 10%.
    __ units required etc_stone_gray_i00.pngSpirit Ore.
    • Level 56: 16% Max. HP, up to 3 allies, cooldown: 15 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 64: 18% Max. HP, up to 4 allies, cooldown: 14 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 70: 20% Max. HP, up to 5 allies, cooldown: 13 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 74: 22% Max. HP, up to 6 allies, cooldown: 11 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 79: 25% Max. HP, up to 7 allies, cooldown: 9 sec. 3 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 81: 27% Max. HP, up to 8 allies, cooldown: 7 sec. 4 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 83: 30% Max. HP, up to 10 allies, cooldown: 5 sec. 4 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.


skill1428.pngMass Recharge

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:
    • Level 66: Restores 420 MP to all party members. Base cast time: 7 seconds.
    • Level 74: Restores 650 MP to all party members. Base cast time: 6 seconds.
    • Level 80: Restores 1500 MP to all party members. Base cast time: 5 seconds.
  • General skill changes at all levels:
  • The cooldown is no longer a fixed 60 minutes, so recharging can be accelerated due to the corresponding effects (Gift of the Seraphim, Rhythm of Purity, and so on); previously cooldown was: fixed 60 minutes
  • Consumes 50 MP to cast. Cost of use: 1 Magic Symbol.


skill1255.pngParty Recall: Clan Hall/ Fortress/ Castle

  • Three new skills have been added that can be learned at level 56.
  • Skills are analogues of the First level Party Recall;
  • Basic spell casting time: 20 seconds (same as 1st level PR);
  • Both PR and these 3 new analogue skills have a SAME cooldown;
  • Available for use only if the caster has the appropriate possession (KH/Fort/Castle);


skill1357.png Prophecy of Wind

  • Level 1 of the skill is learned at character level 70.


Skill1507 0.jpg Lord of Vampires

  • Can only be used in a group.


Many buffs are now learned earlier:

  • skill1303.pngWild Magic
    • Was: 62, 70
    • Now: 56, 66
  • skill1268.pngVampiric Rage
    • Was: 30, 44, 58, 72
    • Now: 30, 44, 58, 66
  • skill1078.pngConcentration
    • Was: 20, 30, 44, 52, 60, 68
    • Now: 20, 30, 40, 48, 56, 64
  • skill1354.pngArcane Protection
    • Was: 72, 77
    • Now: 66 , 77


Combo buffs can now be learned at level 68:
Also for all combo buffs, except Wild Concentration, the cost has been reduced

wm_conc_combo.pngImproved Wild Concentration - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1500.pngImproved Magic - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

improved_rampage.pngImproved Rampage - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1502.pngImproved Critical Attack - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1499.pngImproved Combat - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena


skill11776.png Medic on the battlefield new skill

  • Passive skill that grants partial protection from AoE damage:
    • Level 48 : Absorbs 10% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 66 : Absorbs 12% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 76 : Absorbs 15% of AoE damage in PvP.
  • Cannot be used at the Great Olympiad;

Explanation: we are talking about damage caused by skills to other characters that hit several targets at once, for example, skill0007.pngGladiator’s Sonic Storm or skill1171.pngMagpie’s Blazing Circle will cause you 10 / 12 / 15% less damage than without this skill.

skill1524.png Surrender to the Divine (Inquisitor)

  • Added a link to ATT holy +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.

image.png Resurrection

  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 400;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 700.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill1218.png Blessed Blood

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each “+1” when Enchanting to Strength/Time.
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill1018.png Purify

  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been proportionately increased

skill1460.pngMana Gain

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:
    • Level 60: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 25. MP consumption to apply the effect: 60.
    • Level 72: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 45. MP consumption to apply the effect: 120.
    • Level 79: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 85. MP consumption to apply the effect: 180.



  • The base chance of success the skill has been increased.

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.


skill11776.png Medic on the battlefield new skill

  • Passive skill that grants partial protection from AoE damage:
    • Level 48 : Absorbs 10% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 66 : Absorbs 12% of AoE damage in PvP;
    • Level 76 : Absorbs 15% of AoE damage in PvP.
  • Cannot be used at the Great Olympiad;

Explanation: we are talking about damage caused by skills to other characters that hit several targets at once, for example, skill0007.pngGladiator’s Sonic Storm or skill1171.pngMagpie’s Blazing Circle will cause you 10 / 12 / 15% less damage than without this skill.



  • The base chance of success the skill has been increased.

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

skill1357.png Prophecy of Wind Skill changed : divided into two levels:

  • At level 70 : Increases for party members:
  • Max. HP at 10%;
  • Chance P. Crete. Impact by 10%;
  • Power Crit. Atk. Magic by 10%;
  • P. Atk. at 5%;
  • M. Atk. 10 %;
  • P. Def. 10 %;
  • M. Def. 10 %;
  • Atk. Spd. 10 %;
  • Casting Speed by 10%;
  • Effect of Vampirism from Basic Attack in melee by 5%;
  • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
  • Reduces Speed by 20%;
  • Consumes 5 units. Spirit Ore .etc_stone_gray_i00.png
  • Action time: 5 min.
  • At level 78 : Increases for party members:
    • Max. HP at 20%;
    • Chance P. Crete. Impact by 20%;
    • Power Crit. Atk. Magic by 20%;
    • P. Atk. 10 %;
    • M. Atk. 20 %;
    • P. Def. 20 %;
    • M. Def. 20 %;
    • Atk. Spd. 20 %;
    • Casting Speed by 20%;
    • Effect of Vampirism from Basic Attack in melee by 5%;
    • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
    • Reduces Speed by 20%;
    • Consumes 10 units. Spirit Ore .etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Action time: 5 min.


skill1018.png Purify

  • The skill has been changed : the list of dispelled negative effects has been expanded:
    • Purify now dispels the following effects :
    • skill1170.pngParalysis;
    • skill0129.pngPoison;
    • skill0096.pngBleeding;
    • skill1169.pngFear;
    • skill1069.pngSleep;
    • skill1201.pngRoot;
    • skill1160.pngSlow.
  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been proportionately increased


skill1013.png Recharge

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each "+1" when Enchanting by Strength/Cost.
    • Base distance: 400;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 700.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

image.png Resurrection

  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 400;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 700.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill1218.png Blessed Blood

  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting a skill by 10 for each “+1” when Enchanting to Strength/Time.
    • Base distance: 600;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 900.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.
skill1553.png Chain Heal
  • Skill changed : a new level has been added:
  • At level 60:
    • Restores 20% to the selected target and 5 more targets in random order (to allies in the area who have the least health), reducing the recovery power by 3% HP per bounce, up to 10%.;
    • Base cooldown: 13 seconds;
    • Cost: 87 MP and 2 etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
  • At level 79:
    • Restores 25% to the selected target and 7 more targets in random order (to allies in the area who have the least health), reducing the recovery power by 3% HP per bounce, up to 10%.;
    • Base cooldown: 9 seconds;
    • Cost: 130 MP and 3 etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
  • At level 83:
    • Restores 30% to the selected target and 10 more targets in random order (to allies in the area who have the least health), reducing the recovery power by 3% HP per bounce, up to 10%. ;
    • Base cooldown: 5 seconds;
    • Cost: 194 MP and 4 etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.


Skill 11766 1.jpg Divine Punishment

  • New Active PvE skill that deals damage:
    • Has 15 levels, learned from level 40 to 74. character;
    • Power: 51 - 109 depending on skill level;
    • PvE skill for damage to a single target, having 0 PvP damage;
    • Element: Holiness;
    • Radius: 750;
    • Base cooldown: 2 seconds;
    • It is analogous to the skill Skill1523 0.jpgin Inquisitor, but does not require transformation and does not cause damage to players.


Skill 11817 1.jpg Divine Flash

  • New Active AoE PvE skill that deals damage:
  • Has 15 levels, learned from level 40 to 74. character;
  • Power: 29 - 61 depending on skill level;
  • PvE skill for area damage that has 0 PvP damage;
  • Element: Holiness;
  • Radius: 500;
  • Base cooldown: 4 seconds;
  • It is analogous to the skill Skill1528 0.jpgin Inquisitor, but does not require transformation and does not cause damage to players.

skill1524.png Surrender to the Divine (Inquisitor)

  • Added a link to ATT holy +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.


skill1460.pngMana Gain

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels:
    • Level 60: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 25. MP consumption to apply the effect: 60.
    • Level 72: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 45. MP consumption to apply the effect: 120.
    • Level 79: Increases the target’s MP recovery efficiency by 85. MP consumption to apply the effect: 180.


image.png Soul Cry
  • The skill is available for learning from level 40. MP consumption to maintain the skill has been reduced to 1 at all skill levels.


image.png Fatal Strike, image.png Major Heal, image.png Clarity, Skill1400 0.jpg Turn Undead, Skill1050.png Return и Skill1255.png Party Recall
  • Skills are now available for learning;
  • PR is only the first level, the rest of the skills are fully available.


Skill1507 0.jpg Lord of Vampires
  • Absorbs HP from melee physical damage dealt (does not work with skills):
    • At level 60: absorbs 20% HP;
    • At level 70: absorbs 30% HP;
    • At level 79: absorbs 50% HP;
    • At level 83: original skill parameters.
  • Duration: 30 sec;
  • Cooldown: 150 seconds.
  • Can only be used in a group.


image.png Shillien Sacrifice ( New skill)
  • Which allows you to sacrifice your health to gain MP.
  • HP consumption :
    • At level 56: 650 HP;
    • At level 68: 975 HP;
    • At level 76: 1300 HP.
  • Receiving MP :
    • At level 56: 260 MP;
    • At level 68: 390 MP;
    • At level 76: 520 MP.
  • Cooldown: 120 seconds (fixed)


image.png Turn to Stone
  • Now available for learning from level 48.


image.png Resurrection
  • Now has a fixed MP consumption, regardless of the skill level - 59 MP at all levels;
  • Added 3-7 skill levels for learning. At level 7, restores ~60% of lost experience.


image.png Divine Lore
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
  • At level 52: Reduces MP cost for magical skills by 3%;
  • At level 70: Reduces MP cost for magic skills by 5%;
  • At level 78: Reduces MP cost for magic skills by 7%.


skill1354.png Arcane Protection

  • First skill level:
    • +20% resistance to buff canceling attacks, +15% resistance to DeBuffs;
    • Learned at level 72 (1,250,000 SP);
    • Consumption: 60 MP.
  • Second skill level:
    • +30% resistance to buff canceling attacks, +20% resistance to DeBuffs;
    • Learned at level 76 (5,000,000 SP);
    • Consumption: 70 MP.


Combo buffs

  • All combo buffs are learned from level 72 for 3,500,000 adena . Duration - 40 minutes.


image.png Improve Combat
  • Combination of effects to increase P. Atk. and increase P. Def. gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases P. Atk. and P. Def. by 15%
  • Now has a mass counterpart that affects the group (Mass Combo Buff).


image.png Improve Magic
  • Combination of increasing effects M. Atk. and increases M. Def. gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases M. Atk. by 75%, and M. Def. - by 30%


image.png Improve Critical Attack
  • Combination of effects to increase Critical Chance and increasing the power of Crit. Atk. gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases Critical Chance by 30%, and the power of Crit. Atk. - by 35%


image.png Improve Rampage
  • New combo buff combining Haste and Vampiric Rage skills


wmconc3.png Improved Wild Concentration

  • Available to the Elven Elder and Shillien Elder classes ;
  • Learned at level 72;
  • Study cost: 3,500,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena ;
  • Consumes 35 MP;
  • Combines 2 buffs skill1303.pngWild Magic and skill1078.pngConcentration .


image.png Mass Wind Walk
  • A new skill, Mass Wind Walk, has been added :image.png
    • Learned at level 30;
    • Applies the 2nd level Wind Walk effect to all party members;
    • MP consumption x4.


Transfer of skills

  • When acquiring 3 professions with the classes Cardinal , Eva's Saint , Shillien Saint , the Skill Transfer system becomes available, which makes it possible to receive ability(s) from other classes.
  • Note! Classes receive a different number of items for which abilities are learned ( Holy Pomander )
    • Cardinal - 2 Holy Pomander;
    • Eva's Saint - 2 Holy Pomander;
    • Shillien Saint - 3 Holy Pomander.



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image.png Buffers


Skill1363.png Warcryer

skill1553.png Chain Heal

  • The skill is divided into 7 levels:
  • Restores % Max. HP of the target and to allies around the target who received the most severe damage. The amount of HP recovery gradually decreases: by 3% for each target, up to 10%.
    __ units required Spirit Ore.etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 56: 16% Max. HP, up to 3 allies, cooldown: 15 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 64: 18% Max. HP, up to 4 allies, cooldown: 14 sec. 2 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 70: 20% Max. HP, up to 5 allies, cooldown: 13 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 74: 22% Max. HP, up to 6 allies, cooldown: 11 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 79: 25% Max. HP, up to 7 allies, cooldown: 9 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 81: 27% Max. HP, up to 8 allies, cooldown: 7 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 83: 30% Max. HP, up to 10 allies, cooldown: 5 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png


skill1535.pngChant of Movement

  • The combination of the effects of increasing the Speed and Evasion of party members gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases Speed by 33, Evasion by 4;
  • Now learned at level 56 (instead of 72);
  • Like other combo effects, it still requires 2,500,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena to learn



image.png Gate Chant

  • At level 66: Summons all party members. Cooldown - 30 minutes;


Many buffs are now learned earlier:

  • skill1308.pngChant of Predator
    • Was: 40, 60, 68
    • Now: 40, 48, 56
  • skill1310.pngChant of Vampire
    • Was: 44, 58, 66, 74
    • Now: 44, 56, 60, 66
  • skill1362.pngChant of Spirit
    • Was: 72, 77
    • Now: 66 , 77
  • skill1284.pngChant of Revenge
    • Was: 60, 66, 72
    • Now: 56, 64, 70


Combo buffs can now be learned at level 68:

skill1499.pngChant of Combat - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1502.pngChant of Critical Attack - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1535.pngChant of Movement - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

chant_of_condition.pngChant of Condition - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena


image.png Motive of Victory и skill1363.pngChant of Victory

  • Now learned at character level 70
  • Cost to learn - 3.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena


image.png Chant of Protection

  • Does not replace skill1542.png Counter Critical of equal level;

skill1549.png Chant of Elements

  • A new branch of skill sharpening for Power has been added (+2 to attribute defense for each level);

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

skill0927.png Burning Chop

  • At all levels, it deals damage with small cone AoE (similar to Bards' skill0986.png Deadly Strike );
  • Basic attribute: Fire; etc_fire_stone_i00.png
  • When upgraded to Power, in addition to the base damage, periodic damage now also increases, +1 for every 2 rounds of sharpening:
    • From 66 units / tick (at +0) to 82 units / tick (at +30).

"Target/spot" variants of the following effects are now also available (the cost in MP and Spirit Ore for new target skills has been commensurately reduced, the cooldown of new target skills has been commensurately reduced):

  • image.png War Motive (target analogue of War Chant ) skill1390.png
  • image.png Earth Motive (target analogue of Earth Chant )skill1391.png
  • image.png Motive of Victory (target analogue of Chant of Victory )skill1363.png
  • image.png Magnus' Motive (target analogue of Magnus' Chant )skill1413.png
  • The War Motive and Earth Motive skills are standardized and applied accordingly: image.png image.png
    • Targeted buffs cover mass buffs, mass ones do not cover point ones. Mass Shield > Mass Might;
    • Great Shield = Great Might > Mass Great Shield > Mass Great Might.

"Target/spot" variants of the following effects are now also available (the cost in MP and Spirit Ore for new target skills has been commensurately reduced, the cooldown of new target skills has been commensurately reduced):

  • image.png War Motive (target analogue of War Chant ) skill1390.png
  • image.png Earth Motive (target analogue of Earth Chant )skill1391.png
  • image.png Motive of Victory (spot equivalent of Chant of Victory, only applies to party members )skill1363.png
  • image.png Magnus' Motive (spot analogue of Magnus' Chant, applies only to party members )skill1413.png


  • The War Motive and Earth Motive skills are standardized and applied accordingly: image.png image.png
    • Targeted buffs cover mass buffs, mass ones do not cover point ones. Mass Shield > Mass Might;
    • Great Shield = Great Might > Mass Great Shield > Mass Great Might.


Skill 11536 3.jpg Life Impact

  • New active healing skill that works in conjunction with Chant of Life:image.png
    • When a group member is under the effect of Chant of Life , you can specifically activate the Life Impact skill on him . This will interrupt the effect of Chant of Life and instantly restore % HP to the selected target, depending on the level of the skill:
      • At level 49: 15% of the target's maximum HP;
      • At level 60: 23% of target's maximum HP;
      • At level 68: 30% of the target's maximum HP;
    • Base cooldown time: 15 seconds;
    • The skill cannot be used on yourself.


Skill1363.png Chant of Victory
  • Skill changed : divided into two levels:
    • At level 70 : Restores 20% HP of party members, Increases for party members:
      • Max. HP at 10%;
      • Critical Damage by 10%;
      • Chance M. Crit. Atk. by 1;
      • P. Atk. at 5%;
      • M. Atk. 10%;
      • P. Def. 10%;
      • M. Def. 10%;
      • Atk. Spd. 10%;
      • Casting Speed by 10%;
      • Accuracy by 2;
      • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
      • Reduces Speed by 20%;
      • Consumes 20 units. etc_stone_gray_i00.pngSpirit Ore.
      • Action time: 5 min.
    • At level 78 : Restores 20% HP of party members, Increases for party members:
      • Max. HP at 20%;
      • Critical Damage by 20%;
      • Chance M. Crit. Atk. for 2;
      • P. Atk. 10%;
      • M. Atk. 20%;
      • P. Def. 20%;
      • M. Def. 20%;
      • Atk. Spd. 20%;
      • Casting Speed by 20%;
      • Accuracy by 4;
      • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
      • Reduces Speed by 20%;
      • Consumes 40 units. etc_stone_gray_i00.pngSpirit Ore.
      • Action time: 5 min


skill1543.png Great Fury
  • The skill has been changed : the effect gives more attack speed at the initial levels of the skill:
    • At level 40: Increase attack speed by 20%;
    • At level 58: Increase attack speed by 25%;
    • At level 70: Increase attack speed by 30%;
    • At level 77: Increase attack speed by 35%;
    • At level 83: Increase attack speed by 50%;
    • *Great Fury can now be knocked out with a normal attack (not just with Skill0927.pngBurning Chop).


skill1553.png Chain Heal

  • The skill is divided into 7 levels:
  • Restores % Max. HP of the target and to allies around the target who received the most severe damage. The amount of HP recovery gradually decreases: by 3% for each target, up to 10%.
    __ units required Spirit Ore.etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 56: 16% Max. HP, up to 3 allies, cooldown: 15 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 64: 18% Max. HP, up to 4 allies, cooldown: 14 sec. 2 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 70: 20% Max. HP, up to 5 allies, cooldown: 13 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 74: 22% Max. HP, up to 6 allies, cooldown: 11 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 79: 25% Max. HP, up to 7 allies, cooldown: 9 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 81: 27% Max. HP, up to 8 allies, cooldown: 7 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 83: 30% Max. HP, up to 10 allies, cooldown: 5 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png


Skill1092 0.jpg Fear

  • The chance of success has been slightly increased.


Skill1102 0.jpg Aura Sink

  • The chance of success has been slightly increased;
  • The skill can be enchanted after receiving the 3rd profession for Chance or Power.

skill0927.png Burning Chop

  • At all levels, it deals damage with small cone AoE (similar to Bards' skill0986.png Deadly Strike );
  • Basic attribute: Fire; etc_fire_stone_i00.png
  • When upgraded to Power, in addition to the base damage, periodic damage now also increases, +1 for every 2 rounds of sharpening:
    • From 66 units / tick (at +0) to 82 units / tick (at +30).


Skill1244 0.jpg Freezing Flame

  • The chance of success has been slightly increased;
  • The skill can be enchanted after receiving the 3rd profession for Chance or Power.


image.png Chant of Protection

  • At level 60: Decreases crit power. attacks on group members by 10%;
  • At level 72: Reduces crit power. attacks on group members by 15%;
  • At level 79: Reduces crit power. attacks on group members by 30%.
  • Does not replace skill1542.png Counter Critical of equal level;

skill1549.png Chant of Elements

  • Increases resistance to elemental attacks by 20. Duration: 20 minutes.
  • Levels of study:
    • 1st level: 80 lvl, 60,000,000 SP.
  • A new branch of skill sharpening for Power has been added (+2 to attribute defense for each level);

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

skill1362.png Chant of Spirit

  • First skill level:
    • +20% resistance to buff canceling attacks, +15% resistance to DeBuffs;
    • Learned at level 72 (1,250,000 SP);
    • Consumption: 240 MP.
  • Second skill level:
    • +30% resistance to buff canceling attacks, +20% resistance to DeBuffs;
    • Can be learned at level 77 (5,000,000 SP);
    • Consumption: 280 MP.


image.png Chant of Revenge
  • At level 60: Each party member returns 10% of any damage taken to the attacker. Action time 20 seconds;
  • At level 66: Each party member returns 15% of any damage taken to the attacker. Action time 20 seconds;
  • At level 72: Each party member returns 20% of any damage taken to the attacker. Action time 20 seconds;
  • When you leave the group, the effect is interrupted. The cooldown time of the skill is 10 minutes.
  • The recast block now fires immediately after the effect is activated.

*Any types of Reflect do not return damage exceeding the max. Character's HP. Let's say if Valakas hits 1,000,000 damage to a character who has 5,000 HP, then the return of damage will be 5,000.


image.png Chant of Life
  • Now the skill additionally restores 5% HP of party members when used;
  • Base cast time changed from 7 to 4 seconds;
  • At all levels - costs half as much MP.


image.png Gate Chant

  • At level 66: Summons all party members. Cooldown - 30 minutes;
  • At level 78: Summons all party members. Cooldown is 10 minutes.


image.png Higher Mana Gain

  • Now available for learning starting at level 40:
  • 15 (out of 27) skill levels are available for learning;
  • Increases the amount of MP restored under the influence of the Recharge skill.


image.png Turn to Stone

Now available for learning from level 48.


image.png Divine Lore
  • At level 52: Reduces MP cost for magical skills by 3%;
  • At level 70: Reduces MP cost for magic skills by 5%;
  • At level 78: Reduces MP cost for magic skills by 7%.


image.png Chant of Berserker

  • Available for learning from level 44
    • At level 44: Reduces P. Def. for 20 minutes. Def. by 5%, M. Def. by 10%, Evasion -2, P. Atk. +5%, M. Atk. by 10%, Speed. Atk. by 5%, Speed. Mag. by 5%, movement speed by 5 for all group members
    • At level 52: Reduces P. Def. for 20 minutes. Def. by 8%, M. Def. by 16%, Evasion -4, P. Atk. +8%, M. Atk. by 16%, Speed. Atk. by 8%, Speed. Mag. by 5%, movement speed by 8 for all group members.


Combo buffs

  • All combo buffs are learned from level 72 for 3,500,000 adena . Duration - 40 minutes.


image.png Chant of Combat

  • Combination of effects to increase P. Atk and P. Def. group members gives a significant advantage in battle. P. Atk. +15%, P. Def. - by 15%


image.png Chant of Critical Attack
  • Combination of effects to increase Critical Chance and the Critical Power group members gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases Critical Chance by 30%, Critical Power - by 35%


image.png Chant of Blood Awakening

  • A combination of damage absorption and increased Atk. Spd. Increases Spd. Atk by 33% and absorbs 9% of HP from damage dealt to the enemy.


image.png Chant of Movement
  • The combination of the effects of increasing the Speed and Evasion of party members gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases Speed by 33, Evasion by 4;
  • Learned at level 56.


chant_of_condition.png Chant of Condition

  • Combination of effects to increase max. HP and max. MP of party members gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases max. HP by 35%, max. MP by 35%. Action time: 40 min.


warc_combo.png Chant of Protection Spirit

  • Combines 2 buffs skill1362.pngChant of Spirit and skill1461.png Chant of Protection .
  • First skill level:
    • +15% Critical Damage Resistance, +20% resistance to buff canceling attacks, +15% resistance to DeBuffs;
    • Can be learned at level 72 (3,500,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena );
    • Consumption: 240 MP.
  • Second skill level:
    • +30% Critical Damage Resistance, +30% resistance to buff canceling attacks, +20% resistance to DeBuffs;
    • Can be learned at level 79 (3,500,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena );
    • Consumption: 280 MP.


Skill1414.png Overlord

skill1553.png Chain Heal

  • The skill is divided into 7 levels:
  • Restores % Max. HP of the target and to allies around the target who received the most severe damage. The amount of HP recovery gradually decreases: by 3% for each target, up to 10%.
    __ units required Spirit Ore.etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 56: 16% Max. HP, up to 3 allies, cooldown: 15 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 64: 18% Max. HP, up to 4 allies, cooldown: 14 sec. 2 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 70: 20% Max. HP, up to 5 allies, cooldown: 13 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 74: 22% Max. HP, up to 6 allies, cooldown: 11 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 79: 25% Max. HP, up to 7 allies, cooldown: 9 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 81: 27% Max. HP, up to 8 allies, cooldown: 7 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 83: 30% Max. HP, up to 10 allies, cooldown: 5 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png


skill1427.png Flames of Invincibility

  • The skill has been renamed to Alliance Flames of Invincibility .
  • Level 1:
    • Duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds.
  • Level 2:
    • Duration increased from 12 to 15 seconds.

skill1427.png Party Flames of Invincibility new skill

  • Only affects the group;
  • Cooldown is 20 minutes, fixed. Cooldown shared with skill1427.png Alliance Flames of Invincibility;
    • Please note that the base skill1427.png Flames of Invincibility has a 30 minute cooldown. Thus, Party Flames of Invincibility has a shorter cooldown (at all levels), and the effect lasts longer (at the first two levels), compared to its basic counterpart.skill1427.png
  • Has 3 levels of study:
    • Level 1:
      • Level to learn 58;
      • Action time 12 seconds.
    • Level 2:
      • Level to learn 70;
      • Action time is 18 seconds.
    • Level 3:
      • Level to learn 79:
      • Action time is 30 seconds.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


image.png Pa'agrio's Honor

  • The 1st level of the skill is learned at character level 58.


skill1282.pngPa'agrian Haste

  • Level 1 of the skill is now learned at character level 44 for 27,000 SP;
  • Level 2 of the skill is now learned at character level 56 for 96,000 SP.


skill1306.pngRitual of Life

  • Now learned earlier:
    • Was: 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74
    • Now: 56, 60, 64, 68, 70 , 74


Combo buffs can now be learned at level 68:

skill1538.pngCondition of Pa'agrio - 2,500,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1365.pngSoul of Pa'agrio - 2,500,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1537.pngCritical of Pa'agrio - 2,500,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1364.pngEye of Pa'agrio - 2,500,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1536.pngCombat of Pa'agrio - 2,500,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena


skill1414.pngblue_tab.pngParty Victory of Pa'agrio

  • Level 1 of the skill is now learned at character level 70.


Skill 11536 3.jpg Life Impact

  • New active healing skill , similar to Warcryer, working in conjunction with The Heart of Pa'agrio :skill1256.png
    • When a group member is under the effect of Chant of Life , you can specifically activate the skill The Heart of Pa'agrio on him . This will interrupt the effect of The Heart of Pa'agrio and instantly restore % HP to the selected target, depending on the skill level:
      • At level 49: 15% of the target's maximum HP;
      • At level 60: 23% of target's maximum HP;
      • At level 68: 30% of the target's maximum HP.
    • Base cooldown time: 15 seconds;
    • The skill cannot be used on yourself.

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

skill0927.png Burning Chop

  • At all levels, it deals damage with small cone AoE (similar to Bards' skill0986.png Deadly Strike );
  • Basic attribute: Fire; etc_fire_stone_i00.png
  • When upgraded to Power, in addition to the base damage, periodic damage now also increases, +1 for every 2 rounds of sharpening:
    • From 66 units / tick (at +0) to 82 units / tick (at +30).


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill1415.pngPa'agrio's Emblem
  • skill1416.pngPa'agrio's Fist


skill1553.png Chain Heal

  • The skill is divided into 7 levels:
  • Restores % Max. HP of the target and to allies around the target who received the most severe damage. The amount of HP recovery gradually decreases: by 3% for each target, up to 10%.
    __ units required Spirit Ore.etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 56: 16% Max. HP, up to 3 allies, cooldown: 15 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 64: 18% Max. HP, up to 4 allies, cooldown: 14 sec. 2 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 70: 20% Max. HP, up to 5 allies, cooldown: 13 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 74: 22% Max. HP, up to 6 allies, cooldown: 11 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 79: 25% Max. HP, up to 7 allies, cooldown: 9 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 81: 27% Max. HP, up to 8 allies, cooldown: 7 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 83: 30% Max. HP, up to 10 allies, cooldown: 5 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png


skill1427.png Flames of Invincibility

  • The skill has been renamed to Alliance Flames of Invincibility .
  • Level 1:
    • Duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds;
  • Level 2:
    • Duration increased from 12 to 15 seconds;
  • Level 3:
    • Action time - 30 seconds (no changes).
  • Base cooldown: 1800 seconds at all skill levels;
  • Consumes 1 unit. etc_dragon_egg_i02.pngMagic Symbol at all skill levels.


skill1427.png Party Flames of Invincibility New Skill

  • Only affects the group;
  • Cooldown is 20 minutes, fixed. Cooldown shared with skill1427.png Alliance Flames of Invincibility;
    • Please note that the base skill1427.png Flames of Invincibility has a 30 minute cooldown. Thus, Party Flames of Invincibility has a shorter cooldown (at all levels), and the effect lasts longer (at the first two levels), compared to its basic counterpart.skill1427.png
  • Has 3 levels of study:
    • Level 1:
      • Level to learn 58;
      • Action time 12 seconds.
    • Level 2:
      • Level to learn 70;
      • Action time is 18 seconds.
    • Level 3:
      • Level to learn 79:
      • Action time is 30 seconds.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


image.png Pa'agrio's Honor

  • The 1st level of the skill is learned at character level 58.


skill1282.pngPa'agrian Haste

  • Level 1 of the skill is now learned at character level 44 for 27,000 SP;
  • Level 2 of the skill is now learned at character level 56 for 96,000 SP.


skill1306.pngRitual of Life

  • Now learned earlier:
    • Was: 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74
    • Now: 56, 60, 64, 68, 70 , 74


Skill 11536 3.jpg Life Impact

  • New active healing skill , similar to Warcryer, working in conjunction with The Heart of Pa'agrioskill1256.png:
    • When a group member is under the effect of Chant of Life , you can specifically activate the skill The Heart of Pa'agrio on him . This will interrupt the effect of The Heart of Pa'agrio and instantly restore % HP to the selected target, depending on the skill level:
      • At level 49: 15% of the target's maximum HP;
      • At level 60: 23% of target's maximum HP;
      • At level 68: 30% of the target's maximum HP.
    • Base cooldown time: 15 seconds;
    • The skill cannot be used on yourself.


skill0949.png Onslaught of Pa'agrio
  • Skill changed : divided into 3 levels:
    • At level 72:
      • Burns and causes damage. Takes away 35 HP from enemies every second for 15 sec;
      • Requires a blunt weapon. Possible Superblow. Power 1895. Requires a blunt weapon. Over-hit possible;
      • Base cooldown: 9 seconds.
    • At level 78:
      • Burns and causes damage. Takes away 61 HP from enemies every second for 15 seconds;
      • Requires a blunt weapon. Possible Superblow. Power 2875. Requires a blunt weapon. Over-hit possible;
      • Base cooldown: 6 seconds.
    • At level 83:
      • Burns and causes damage. Takes away 92 HP from enemies every second for 15 sec;
      • Power 4312. Requires a blunt weapon. Over-hit possible;
      • Base cooldown: 3 seconds.

skill0927.png Burning Chop

  • At all levels, it deals damage with small cone AoE (similar to Bards' skill0986.png Deadly Strike );
  • Basic attribute: Fire; etc_fire_stone_i00.png
  • When upgraded to Power, in addition to the base damage, periodic damage now also increases, +1 for every 2 rounds of sharpening:
    • From 66 units / tick (at +0) to 82 units / tick (at +30).


image.png Party Victory of Pa'agrio

  • Skill changed : divided into two levels:
    • At level 70 :
      • Restores 20% of group members' CP, Increases for group members:
      • Max. CP at 10%;
      • Max. MP at 10%;
      • Chance P. Crete. Impact by 10%;
      • Power Mage. Crete. Impact by 10%;
      • P. Atk. at 5%;
      • M. Atk. 10%;
      • P. Def. 10%;
      • M. Def. 10%;
      • Atk. Spd. 10%;
      • Casting Speed by 10%;
      • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
      • Reduces Speed by 20%;
      • Consumes 20 units. Spirit Ore . Action time: 5 min.etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • At level 78 :
      • Restores 20% CP of party members, Increases for party members:
      • Max. CP at 20%;
      • Max. MP at 20%;
      • Chance P. Crete. Impact by 20%;
      • Power Mage. Crete. Impact by 20%;
      • P. Atk. 10%;
      • M. Atk. 20%;
      • P. Def. 20%;
      • M. Def. 20%;
      • Atk. Spd. 20%;
      • Casting Speed by 20%;
      • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
      • Reduces Speed by 20%;
      • Consumes 40 units. Spirit Ore . Action time: 5 min.etc_stone_gray_i00.png


image.png Fury of Pa'agrio
  • Available for learning from level 48
  • At level 48: increases Atk. Spd. group/clan members by 15%.
  • At level 56: increases Atk. Spd. group/clan members by 33%


image.png Pa'agrio's Honor

  • Changed skill learning levels:
  • At level 58, you can learn 1 level of skill;
  • At level 66 you can learn level 2 of the skill;
  • At level 70, you can learn level 3 of the skill;
  • At level 72, you can learn level 4 of the skill;
  • At level 74, you can learn level 5 of the skill.


image.png Higher Mana Gain
  • Now available for learning starting at level 40:
  • 15 (out of 27) skill levels are available for learning;
  • Increases the amount of MP restored under the influence of the Recharge skill.

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.
image.png Eye of Pa'agrio
  • Now available for learning from level 72
  • At level 72: combines the effects of increasing Accuracy and Critical Defense. Impact. For clan members: Accuracy +4, chance of receiving Crit. Impact -15%.
  • At level 77: combines the effects of increasing Accuracy and Critical Defense. Impact. For clan members: Accuracy +4, chance of receiving Crit. Impact -30%
  • Action time increased from 20 minutes to 40 minutes


image.png Soul of Pa'agrio
  • Now available for learning from level 68
  • Duration increased from 20 to 40 minutes


image.png Turn to Stone
  • Now available for learning from level 48.


image.png Divine Lore
  • Now available for learning from level 52:
  • At level 52: Reduces MP cost for magical skills by 3%;
  • At level 70: Reduces MP cost for magic skills by 5%;
  • At level 78: Reduces MP cost for magic skills by 7%.


skill1414.png Victory of Pa'agrio
  • Some changes have been made to the skill that do not affect its parameters.
  • Skill effect replacement logic:
    • The skill effect does not replace similar skills and is replaced by them ( skill1363.png Chant of Victory, skill1413.png Magnus' Chant, prophecy_of_earth.png Prophecy of Earth, skill1356.png Prophecy of Fire, skill1357.png Prophecy of Wind, skill1355.png Prophecy of Water)
  • The skill has been divided into two , which have a common cooldown:
    • Added a new skill image.pngAlliance Victory of Pa'agrio, which has a common cooldown with the new skill Party Victory of Pa'agrio and affects the alliance.image.png
    • Added a new skill Party Victory of Pa'agrio, which has a common cooldown with the Alliance Victory of Pa'agrio skill and only affects the group.image.png image.png
      • Note! Party Victory of Pa'agrio can be upgraded to the Penalty branch , just like the basic skill. Interchangeable with the skills Chant of Victory, Magnus' Chant, Prophecy of Earth, Prophecy of Fire, Prophecy of Wind, Prophecy of Water.image.pngskill1363.png skill1413.png prophecy_of_earth.png skill1356.png skill1357.png skill1355.png


Combo buffs
  • All combo buffs are learned from level 68 for 2,500,000 adena . Duration - 40 minutes.


image.png Combat of Pa`agrio
  • Combination of effects to increase P. Atk. and P. Def. members of the group and clan gives a significant advantage in battle. P. Atk. +15%, P. Def. - by 15%


image.png Critical of Pa'agrio
  • Combination of effects to increase Critical Chance and the Critical Power members of the group and clan gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases Critical Chance by 30%, Critical Power - by 35%


image.png Condition of Pa`agrio
  • Combination of effects to increase max. HP and max. MP of party members gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases max. HP by 35%, max. MP - by 35%


image.png Eye of Pa`agrio
  • Combines the effects of increasing Accuracy and Critical Defense. Impact. For group and clan members: Accuracy +4, chance of receiving Crit. Impact -30%


image.png Soul of Pa`agrio
  • Combines the effects of increasing M. Atk. and M. Def. Increases M. Atk. members of the group and clan around by 75% M. Def. by 30%


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill1415.pngPa'agrio's Emblem
  • skill1416.pngPa'agrio's Fist




skill1553.png Chain Heal

  • The skill is divided into 7 levels:
  • Restores % Max. HP of the target and to allies around the target who received the most severe damage. The amount of HP recovery gradually decreases: by 3% for each target, up to 10%.
    __ units required Spirit Ore.etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 56: 16% Max. HP, up to 3 allies, cooldown: 15 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 64: 18% Max. HP, up to 4 allies, cooldown: 14 sec. 2 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 70: 20% Max. HP, up to 5 allies, cooldown: 13 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 74: 22% Max. HP, up to 6 allies, cooldown: 11 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 79: 25% Max. HP, up to 7 allies, cooldown: 9 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 81: 27% Max. HP, up to 8 allies, cooldown: 7 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 83: 30% Max. HP, up to 10 allies, cooldown: 5 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png


Many buffs are now learned earlier:

  • skill1045.pngBless the Body и skill1048.pngBless the Soul
    • Level 44: Max. HP/MP +10%
    • Level 48: Max. HP/MP +15%
    • Level 52: Max. HP/MP +20%
    • Level 56: Max. HP/MP +25%
    • Level 60: Max. HP/MP +30%
    • Level 64: Max. HP/MP +35%
  • skill1243.pngBless Shield
    • Was: 40, 48, 56
    • Now: 40, 48, 52
  • skill1078.pngConcentration
    • Was: 20, 30, 44, 52, 60, 68
    • Now: 20, 30, 40, 48, 56, 64


Combo buffs can now be learned at level 68:

skill1499.pngImproved Combat - 1.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1499.pngpanel_redlibra.pngMass Improved Combat - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1501.pngImproved Condition - 1.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1501.pngpanel_redlibra.pngMass Improved Condition - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1502.pngImproved Critical Attack - 1.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1502.pngpanel_redlibra.pngMass Improved Critical Attack - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

improved_rampage.pngImproved Rampage - 1.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

improved_rampage.pngpanel_redlibra.pngMass Improved Rampage - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

improved_benefit.pngImproved Benefit - 1.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

improved_benefit.pngpanel_redlibra.pngMass Improved Benefit - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena


The 1st level of the following skills is now learned at character level 70:

prophecy_of_earth.pngProphecy of Earth - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill32387.pngRevelation of Earth - 3.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill1356.pngProphecy of Fire - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena

skill32388.pngRevelation of Fire - 3.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena


skill1411.pngMystic Immunity

  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


skill1524.png Surrender to the Divine (Inquisitor)

  • Added a link to ATT holy +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.
  • 15% Chance to cancel Resist Holy effect

image.png Resurrection

  • Now has a fixed MP consumption, regardless of the skill level - 59 MP at all levels;
  • Added skill levels 3-9 for learning. At level 9, restores ~70% of lost experience.
  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 400;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 700.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

New "mass" variants of the following effects (the cost in MP and Spirit Ore for new mass skills has been commensurately increased, the cooldown of new mass skills has been commensurately increased):

  • skill32387.pngRevelation of Earth (mass analogue of Prophecy of Earth)prophecy_of_earth.png
  • skill32388.pngRevelation of Fire (mass analogue of Prophecy of Fire)skill1356.png


Greater Might and Greater Shield skills are standardized and applied accordingly: skill1388.png skill1389.png

  • Targeted buffs cover mass buffs, mass ones do not cover point ones. Mass Shield > Mass Might;
  • Great Shield = Great Might > Mass Great Shield > Mass Great Might.


skill1553.png Chain Heal

  • The skill is divided into 7 levels:
  • Restores % Max. HP of the target and to allies around the target who received the most severe damage. The amount of HP recovery gradually decreases: by 3% for each target, up to 10%.
    __ units required Spirit Ore.etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 56: 16% Max. HP, up to 3 allies, cooldown: 15 sec. 2 units etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ore.
    • Level 64: 18% Max. HP, up to 4 allies, cooldown: 14 sec. 2 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 70: 20% Max. HP, up to 5 allies, cooldown: 13 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 74: 22% Max. HP, up to 6 allies, cooldown: 11 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 79: 25% Max. HP, up to 7 allies, cooldown: 9 sec. 3 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 81: 27% Max. HP, up to 8 allies, cooldown: 7 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • Level 83: 30% Max. HP, up to 10 allies, cooldown: 5 sec. 4 units Spirit Ore. etc_stone_gray_i00.png


Some buffs are now learned earlier:

  • skill1045.pngBless the Body и skill1048.pngBless the Soul
    • Level 44: Max. HP/MP +10%
    • Level 48: Max. HP/MP +15%
    • Level 52: Max. HP/MP +20%
    • Level 56: Max. HP/MP +25%
    • Level 60: Max. HP/MP +30%
    • Level 64: Max. HP/MP +35%
  • skill1243.pngBless Shield
    • Was: 40, 48, 56
    • Now: 40, 48, 52
  • skill1078.pngConcentration
    • Was: 20, 30, 44, 52, 60, 68
    • Now: 20, 30, 40, 48, 56, 64


“Mass” versions of the following effects are now also available (the cost in MP and Spirit Ore for new mass skills has been commensurately increased, the cooldown of new mass skills has been proportionately increased):

  • skill32387.pngRevelation of Earth (mass analogue prophecy_of_earth.pngProphecy of Earth)
  • skill32388.pngRevelation of Fire (mass equivalent skill1356.pngProphecy of Fire)


skill1411.png Mystic Immunity

  • Skill changed : divided into three levels:
    • At level 60: Makes the target immune to the weakening effects of spells for 10 sec;
    • At level 72: Makes the target immune to the weakening effects of spells for 15 sec;
    • At level 79: Makes the target immune to the debilitating effects of spells for 30 sec.
  • The skill now gains a +15 second cooldown if you join a group.
    Explanation: When you create/join a group and if this skill was not on cooldown (or the cooldown of this skill was ≤ 15 seconds), then the skill will receive 15 seconds of cooldown. Otherwise, reloading will remain unchanged.


skill1356.png Prophecy of Fire
  • Skill changed : divided into two levels:
    • At level 70 : Increases for party members:
      • Max. MP at 10%;
      • HP Regeneration Speed by 20%;
      • Critical Damage by 10%;
      • Chance M. Crit. Atk. by 1;
      • P. Atk. at 5%;
      • M. Atk. 10%;
      • P. Def. 10%;
      • M. Def. 10%;
      • Atk. Spd. 10%;
      • Casting Speed by 10%;
      • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
      • Reduces Speed by 20%;
      • Consumes 5 units. Spirit Ore . Action time: 5 min.etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • At level 78 : Increases for party members:
      • Max. MP at 20%;
      • HP Regeneration Speed by 20%;
      • Critical Damage by 20%;
      • Chance M. Crit. Atk. for 2;
      • P. Atk. 10%;
      • M. Atk. 20%;
      • P. Def. 20%;
      • M. Def. 20%;
      • Atk. Spd. 20%;
      • Casting Speed by 20%;
      • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
      • Reduces Speed by 20%;
      • Consumes 10 units. Spirit Ore . Action time: 5 min.etc_stone_gray_i00.png


prophecy_of_earth.png Prophecy of Earth

  • Skill changed : divided into two levels:
    • At level 70 : Increases for party members:
      • Max. HP at 10%;
      • Critical Damage by 10%;
      • Chance M. Crit. Atk. by 1;
      • P. Atk. at 5%;
      • M. Atk. 10%;
      • P. Def. 10%;
      • M. Def. 10%;
      • Atk. Spd. 10%;
      • Casting Speed by 10%;
      • Accuracy by 2;
      • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
      • Reduces Speed by 20%;
      • Consumes 5 units. Spirit Ore . Action time: 5 min.etc_stone_gray_i00.png
    • At level 78 : Increases for party members:
      • Max. HP at 20%;
      • Critical Damage by 20%;
      • Chance M. Crit. Atk. for 2;
      • P. Atk. 10%;
      • M. Atk. 20%;
      • P. Def. 20%;
      • M. Def. 20%;
      • Atk. Spd. 20%;
      • Casting Speed by 20%;
      • Accuracy by 4;
      • Resistance to negative effects by 10%;
      • Reduces Speed by 20%;
      • Consumes 10 units. Spirit Ore . Action time: 5 min.etc_stone_gray_i00.png



Skill 11766 1.jpg Divine Punishment

  • New Active PvE skill that deals damage:
    • Has 15 levels, learned from level 40 to 74. character;
    • Power: 51 - 109 depending on skill level;
    • PvE skill for damage to a single target, having 0 PvP damage;
    • Element: Holiness;
    • Radius: 750;
    • Base cooldown: 2 seconds;
    • It is analogous to the skill Skill1523 0.jpg in Inquisitor, but does not require transformation and does not cause damage to players.


Skill 11817 1.jpg Divine Flash

  • New Active AoE PvE skill that deals damage:
  • Has 15 levels, learned from level 40 to 74. character;
  • Power: 29 - 61 depending on skill level;
  • PvE skill for area damage that has 0 PvP damage;
  • Element: Holiness;
  • Radius: 500;
  • Base cooldown: 4 seconds;
  • It is analogous to the skill Skill1528 0.jpg in Inquisitor, but does not require transformation and does not cause damage to players.

skill1524.png Surrender to the Divine (Inquisitor)

  • Added a link to ATT holy +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.


skill1564.png Piercing Attack

  • Target P. Def. reduction: 23% (similar to Hex skill)
  • Action time on target: 30 seconds (similar to the Hex skill)


image.png Fatal Strike

  • The skill is available for learning from level 40.


image.png Soul Cry

  • The skill is available for learning from level 40. MP consumption to maintain the skill has been reduced to 1 at all skill levels.


Skill1400 0.jpg Turn Undead

  • The skill is now available for learning.


image.png Inquisitor

  • Transformation has been added:
    • In transformation, in addition to attacking skills, there is the Invocation abilityimage.png Skill1523.pngimage.png
      • Level to learns: 56, 60, 64, 68, 72;
      • For 30 sec. reduces defense power by 90%, restores MP every second (depending on character level). If damage is caused to the character, the effect of the skill ends.
    • Massive buffs have also been added to the transformation.


Skill1542 0.jpg Counter Critical

  • Starting from the 1st level of the skill, it will have an active trigger:
    • Counter Critical provides static protection that reduces the severity of critical damage taken. Also, when a character who is under the buff effect receives damage, there is a chance that an active buff trigger will be applied to him, which will increase his characteristics, namely:
      • At level 60:
        • Passive effect: -10% crit damage. attacks on you;
        • Trigger effect: +15% crit power of melee physical damage (does not work with skills except Blow skills) for 8 seconds.
      • At level 72:
        • Passive effect: -15% crit damage. attacks on you;
        • Trigger effect: +25% crit power of melee physical damage (does not work with skills except Blow skills) for 8 seconds.
      • At level 79:
        • Passive effect: -30% crit damage. attacks on you;
        • Trigger effect: +50% crit power of melee physical damage (does not work with skills except Blow skills) for 8 seconds.
      • At level 83:
        • Passive effect: -30% crit damage. attacks on you;
        • Trigger effect: +100% crit power for melee physical damage (does not work with skills except Blow skills) for 8 seconds. Requires br_spell_books_magic_i01.png Forgotten Scroll - Counter Critical . Works in conjunction with skill1461.png Chant of Protection (or Chant of Protection Spirit) .warc_combo.png


image.png Prophecy of Earth ( New skill)

  • A new skill from the Prophecy\Victory group, which will have the following characteristics:
    • Max. HP +20%, chance M. Crete. Atk. +2, Critical Power +20%, P. Atk. +10%, P. Def. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, M. Atk. +20%, M. Def. +20%, Cast. Speed +20%, resistance to negative effects +10%, Accuracy -4. Speed -20%.
    • Is a target analogue of the skill skill1363.png Chant of Victory
  • Note! The basic skill Hierophant skill1356.png Prophecy of Fire will remain unchanged, but is now learned at half the cost (SP).


image.png Higher Mana Gain

  • Now available for learning starting at level 40:
  • 15 (out of 27) skill levels are available for learning;
  • Increases the amount of MP restored under the influence of the Recharge skill . "> ">

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

Skill1255.png Party Recall

  • Available for learning at level 48;
  • SH and PP have only the First level of skill.


image.png Resurrection

  • Now has a fixed MP consumption, regardless of the skill level - 59 MP at all levels;
  • Added skill levels 3-9 for learning. At level 9, restores ~70% of lost experience.
  • Added a new skill enchanting branch: Range / Distance:
  • The base casting distance of the spell now increases when Enchanting the skill by 10 for each "+1".
    • Base distance: 400;
    • Maximum distance when enchanted: 700.
      • The casting distance of the skill has been increased proportionately.


image.png Turn to Stone

  • Now available for learning from level 48.


image.png Divine Lore

  • Now available for learning from level 52:
  • At level 52: Reduces MP cost for magical skills by 3%;
  • At level 70: Reduces MP cost for magic skills by 5%;
  • At level 78: Reduces MP cost for magic skills by 7%.


skill1352.png Elemental Protection

  • A new branch of skill sharpening for Power has been added (+2 to attribute defense for each level);

skill1043.png Holy Weapon

  • Now you can Enchant, similar to Dark Weapon Slb/Judicator: increases the attack of ATT of Holy from 20 to 50: up to +30 ATT for +1, then 0/1 per round.


Combo buffs

  • All combo buffs are learned from level 68 for 2,500,000 adena . Duration - 40 minutes.


image.png Improve Combat

  • Combination of effects to increase P. Atk. and increase P. Def. gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases P. Atk. and P. Def. by 15%.
  • Now has a mass counterpart that affects the group (Mass Combo Buff).


image.png Improve Condition

  • Combination of magnification effects Max. HP and Increase Max. MP gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases Max. HP and Max. MP by 35%.
  • Now has a mass counterpart that affects the group (Mass Combo Buff).


image.png Improve Critical Attack

  • Combination of effects to increase Critical Chance and increasing the power of Crit. Atk. gives a significant advantage in battle. Increases Critical Chance by 30%, and the power of Crit. Atk. - by 35%.
  • Now has a mass counterpart that affects the group (Mass Combo Buff).


image.png Improve Rampage

  • A combination of damage absorption and increased Atk. Spd. Increases Spd. Atk by 33% and absorbs 9% of HP from damage dealt to the enemy. ">
  • Now has a mass counterpart that affects the group (Mass Combo Buff).


image.png Improve Benefit

  • A new combo buff that combines the Regeneration and Kiss of Eva skills.
  • Now has a mass counterpart that affects the group (Mass Combo Buff).


image.png Mass Buff

  • Mass buffs have been added that are applied immediately to the group;
  • Skills appear at the MAXIMUM level of the original skill;
  • MP consumption for using skills x4;
  • Now Combo Buffs also have a mass counterpart.
  • List of skills:
    • image.png Mass Wind Walk - 30 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Might - 40 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Shield - 44 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Mental Shield - 56 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Magic Barrier - 52 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Berserker Spirit - 52 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Focus - 52 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Death Whisper - 56 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Haste - 52 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Acumen - 48 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Bless the Body - 72 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Bless the Soul - 70 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Concentration - 68 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Guidance - 56 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Greater Might - 74 lvl;
    • image.png Mass Greater Shield - 74 lvl.

Skills Greater Might skill1388.png и skill1389.pngGreater Shield standardized and applied accordingly:

  • Targeted buffs cover mass buffs, mass ones do not cover point ones. Mass Shield > Mass Might;
  • Great Shield = Great Might > Mass Great Shield > Mass Great Might.


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skill1406.png Summoners



Now all summoner transformations are available to each summoner, and a new, fourth transformation has been added. All transformations automatically learn skill levels up to character level 85.


Skill10254 0.jpg Spirit of Saggitarius (new skill)

This transformation was developed so that a class that rarely gets a place in a group could potentially replace a classic archer, give the necessary buff , and the group would not lose in its combat characteristics.

  • A new skill that allows you to absorb the spirit of your summon to change the type of skills to combat ones;
    • If you have summoned a summon, it disappears, but you don’t need to specifically call it to go into transformation.
  • Note! This is a combat transformation for the open world. It will be impossible to use it at the Olympiad ;
  • Casting time: 2 seconds;
  • Cooldown: 2 seconds (fixed);
  • It has level 1, but after the 74th and up to the 85th level of the character, the skills grow, similar to similar transformations for tanks and heals;
  • List of transformation skills and features:
    • Passive skills:
      • Skill0431 0.jpg Spirit Archer:
        • Increases PvE P. damage. Skills by 15% , 25% , 35% , P. Atk. +50, +100, +200 and max attack range by 25, 50, 100 when using a bow.
      • skill0113.pngpanel_2.pngSpirit Long Shot:
        • Increases archery range.
          • At level 40: +200;
          • At level 60: +300;
          • At level 72: +400.
      • image.png Blessing of Saggitarius (level 1)
      • skill0415.png Spirit of Saggitarius (level 1)
    • Active skills:
      • skill0101.png Spirit Stun:
        • A stunning shot that damages the target and stuns them for 9 seconds. Requires a bow. Over-hit is possible;
        • After level 74, the skill will improve, similar to the + Chance enhancement for the basic one.
      • skill0019.png Double Spirit Shot:
        • Allows you to quickly fire two arrows. Possible critical. hit. An overshot is possible. Requires a bow;
        • Increased Skill Power for the skill. Range and speed of application unchanged;
        • The skill has a basic connection to the fire attribute.
      • Skill0024 0.jpg Spirit Burst:
        • Exploding arrows damage multiple enemies at a distance. Requires a bow. An overshot is possible.
        • Increased damage for the skill in PvP, significantly increased damage in PvE (similar to Burst Shot). The radius and range of the skill are unchanged;
        • The skill has a basic connection to the fire attribute.
        • Now the skill can deal a critical hit (x2, STR affects).
          • Please note that the chance of a critical hit is higher in PvE than in PvP.
      • Skill0099 0.jpg Rapid Spirit:
        • Increases archery speed by 12%.
      • Race -appropriate archer skill with reduced parameters:
        • skill0313.png Snipe : Critical Chance +10%. Other parameters are unchanged.
        • skill0413.png Rapid Fire : Atk. Spd. increases by 10%. Other parameters are unchanged.
        • skill0414.png Dead Eye : Critical Damage +10% Other parameters are unchanged.
  • str_up.png Basic parameters:
    • STR: 36;
    • DEX: 35;
    • CON: 36.


Skill11252 0.jpg Spirit of Magician (new skill)

This transformation was developed so that a class that rarely gets a place in a group could potentially replace a classic mage, give the necessary buff , and the group would not lose in its combat characteristics.

  • A new skill that allows you to absorb the spirit of your summon to change the type of skills to combat ones;
    • If you have summoned a summon, it disappears, but you don’t need to specifically call it to go into transformation.
  • Note! This is a combat transformation for the open world. It will be impossible to use it at the Olympiad ;
  • Each class has its own set of skills, which corresponds to a mage of the same race . That is, the skills of a Warlock are similar to the skills of a Sorcerer.
  • Casting time: 2 seconds;
  • Cooldown: 2 seconds (fixed);
  • Has level 1, but the power of skills varies depending on the character’s level;
  • In stock:
    • Analogues of targeted attack skills skill1235.pngskill1230.pngskill1239.png
    • Analogues of mass attack skills skill1295.pngskill1171.pngskill1176.png
    • Elemental skill "Betray" skill1071.pngskill1083.pngskill1074.png
    • skill1417.png Spirit Flash : analogue of the magician's Aura Flash skill , cooldown 10 sec.
    • Class-appropriate set of support skills skill1331.pngskill1332.pngskill1909.png
    • For the Phantom Summoner:
      • skill1169.png Curse Fear
  • str_up.png Basic parameters correspond to the summoner class, that is, they do not change


Skill11258 0.jpg Spirit of Assasin (new skill)

This transformation was developed so that a class that rarely gets a place in a group could potentially replace a melee soldier, give the necessary buff , and the group would not lose any of its combat characteristics.

  • A new skill that allows you to absorb the spirit of your summon to change the type of skills to combat ones;
    • If you have summoned a summon, it disappears, but you don’t need to specifically call it to go into transformation.
  • Note! This is a combat transformation for the open world. It will be impossible to use it at the Olympiad ;
  • Casting time: 2 seconds;
  • Cooldown: 2 seconds (fixed);
  • Has level 1, but the power of skills varies depending on the character’s level;
  • List of transformation skills:
    • skill0263.png Spirit Blow:
      • Potentially lethal attack. Possible fatal blow. An overshot is possible. Requires a dagger;
      • Power: 1107 - 5479.
    • skill0030.png Spirit Stab:
      • Suddenly attacks the enemy from behind. Requires a Dagger or Dual Daggers. Possible critical. hit. Possible half-kill. Over-hit is possible;
      • Power: 1107 - 5479.
    • Skill0004 0.jpg Spirit Dash:
      • Increases movement speed by 40 (60);
    • Skill0356 0.jpg Spirit Chance
      • Reduces the chance to inflict a crit. front impact by 30% and side impact by 30%. Increases the chance to inflict a crit. rear impact at 60%.
    • Skill0357 0.jpg Spirit Power
      • Reduces crit damage. front impact by 30%. Increases crit damage. side impact by 30% and rear impact by 60%.
    • Skill0821 0.jpg Spirit Step
      • Approaches the enemy from behind.
    • Class-appropriate set of support skills skill1331.pngskill1332.pngskill1909.png
  • str_up.png Basic parameters:
    • STR: 41
    • DEX: 34
    • CON: 32


m_class_heavy.png Spirit of Knight (new skill)

This transformation was developed so that a class that rarely gets a place in a group could potentially replace a tank, give the necessary buff , and the group would not lose in its combat characteristics.

  • A new skill that allows you to absorb the spirit of your summon to change the type of skills to combat ones;
    • If you have summoned a summon, it disappears, but you don’t need to specifically call it to go into transformation.
  • Note! This is a combat transformation for the open world. It will be impossible to use it at the Olympiad ;
  • Casting time: 2 seconds;
  • Cooldown: 2 seconds (fixed);
  • Has level 1, but the power of skills varies depending on the character’s level;
  • List of transformation skills
    • Passive skills:
      • skill0232.pngHeavy Armor Mastery
      • skill0153.pngShield Mastery
    • Active skills:
      • skill0028.png Hate of Spirit
      • image.png Ultimate Defense
      • skill0402.png Arrest of Spirit
      • skill0401.png Judgement of Spirit
      • Class-appropriate set of support skills skill1331.pngskill1332.pngskill1909.png
  • Basic parameters:
    • STR: 41
    • CON: 34
    • DEX: 32



Skill1331 0.jpg Warlock

skill1331.png Single Blessing of Queen and skill11846.png Single Gift of Queen new skills

  • They are analogues of the party Blessing of Queen and Gift of Queen.
  • Can only be used in a group
  • The cost of use is 4 times lower, the rollback is 2 times lower.
  • Base range of use is 400.
  • They are learned automatically along with their group counterpart.


skill1349.png Final Servitor

  • Level 1 of the skill is now learned at character level 70.



  • No longer shares a cooldown with Dimension Spiral;
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds (fixed);
  • Level 9 skills are learned automatically upon taking a second profession.


skill0010.png Summon Storm Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill1279.png Summon Binding Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


image.png Servitor Share

  • The first level of the skill, as before, is available at character level 40:
    • Transfers 50% to the servant P. Atk./ P. Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 15% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 15% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
  • The second skill level is available for learning:
    • At Character level 76, with the Third Profession;
    • The effect of the skill is different Outside the Olympiad and at the Olympiad:
      • Outside the Olympiad : Transfers 75% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 35% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 30% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner;
      • At the Olympiad : Transfers 50% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
    • Now the skill can be improved; sharpening on Power evenly increases the bonuses transferred to the Servant, up to +100% to P. and up to 50% to M. Atk. / Def. outside the Olympiad (up to +75% to P. and up to 40% to M. Atk./Def. at the Olympiad).


skill0779.pngSummon Smart Cubic

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels, the character level for learning the maximum level has been reduced from 80 to 79:
    • Level 55: Cleanses the character, removing up to 1 negative effect, no more than once every 30 seconds. Summon Cost: 18 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 70: Cleanses the character, removing up to 2 negative effects, no more than once every 20 seconds. Summon Cost: 28 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 79: Standard skill operation: Cleanses the character, periodically removing all negative effects, periodically deals Magic damage to the target and heals the Master. Summoning cost: 38 Spirit Ore.

skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.


skill1383.png Mass Surrender to Fire

  • Added a link to fire ATT +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.
  • When success, cancels skill1191.pngResist Fire;


skill1285.png Seed of Fire

  • Now available to learn for the Warlock class at level 66
  • Now you can Enchant: increases ATT from 20 to 50, +1 for each round of enchanting.

skill1331.png Single Blessing of Queen and skill11846.png Single Gift of Queen new skills

  • They are analogues of the party Blessing of Queen and Gift of Queen.
  • Can only be used in a group
  • The cost of use is 4 times lower, the rollback is 2 times lower.
  • Base range of use is 400.
  • They are learned automatically along with their group counterpart.


From levels 76 to 85, you will automatically receive new skill levels , skill1331.pngBlessing of Queen and skill11846.pngGift of Queen (from levels 4 to 13).

  • These buffs do not provide parameters for increasing effects, but their level and duration of action increase.
  • Example:
    • skill1331.pngBlessing of Queen at level 75 will last 120 seconds.
    • At 76th - 150 seconds and has a skill level of 77.
    • At 77 - 165 seconds and has a skill level of 78.
    • At 79 - 180 seconds and has a skill level of 79.
    • And so on, until 85, where the buff will last 285 seconds and has a skill level of 86.


skill1349.png Final Servitor

  • The skill is divided into two levels
    • At level 70: Restores 20% HP. Max. HP +20%, Accuracy +4, P. Atk. +10%, P. Def. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, P. Crit. Atk. Chance/ Damage +20%, M. Def. +20%, M. Atk. +20%, Cast. Speed +20%, resistance to negative effects +20. Speed -20%.
      Doesn't work at the Olympiad!
    • At level 78: Restores 20% HP. Max. HP +20%, Accuracy +4, P. Atk. +10%, P. Def. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, strength/chance P. Crete. Atk +20%, M. Def. +20%, M. Atk. +20%, Cast. Speed +20%, resistance to negative effects +20. Speed -20%.
      Works at the Olympiad.



  • Now the skill will be learned after the second profession.
  • Power: 49 - 108;
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds (fixed).


skill1383.png Mass Surrender to Fire

  • Added a link to fire ATT +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.


skill1285.png Seed of Fire

  • Now available to learn for the Warlock class at level 66
  • Now you can Enchant: increases ATT from 20 to 50, +1 for each round of enchanting.


image.png Blessing & Gift of Queen

  • Learned and used on the character itself
    • At level 56: increases strength (+20%) and critical chance. impact (+25%) of group members (Blessing); increases P. Atk (+6%) and Accuracy (+2) of party members (Gift)
    • At level 62: increases strength (+22%) and critical chance. impact (+27%) of group members (Blessing); increases P. Atk (+8%) and Accuracy (+2) of party members (Gift)
    • At level 68: increases strength (+25%) and critical chance. impact (+30%) of group members (Blessing); increases P. Atk (+10%) and Accuracy (+3) of party members (Gift)
    • Automatically learned at appropriate levels
  • From levels 76 to 85, you will automatically receive new levels of the Blessing of Queen and Gift of Queen skills (from levels 4 to 13). skill1331.pngskill11846.png
  • These buffs do not provide parameters for increasing effects, but their level and duration of action increase.
  • Example:
    • The level 75 buff will last for 120 seconds.
    • At 76th - 150 seconds and has a skill level of 77.
    • At 77 - 165 seconds and has a skill level of 78.
    • At 79 - 180 seconds and has a skill level of 79.
    • And so on, until 85, where the buff will last 285 seconds and has a skill level of 86.


image.png All summons , including panthers and golems, live noticeably longer, consume Spirit Ore and do not consume experience .


Skill11272 0.jpg New skill Replace

  • Available for learning from level 48:
  • At level 48 : Swaps the summoner with his servant at a distance of 700 range. Cooldown 60 seconds;
  • At level 64 : Swaps the summoner with his servant at a distance of 1100 range. Cooldown 60 seconds;
  • At level 76: Swaps the summoner with his servant at a distance of 1500 range. Cooldown 60 seconds.


image.png Dimension Spiral

  • Point Magic. Samoneer nuke, available from level 40;
  • Can be learned up to level 85;
  • Now the base cooldown of the skill is 12 seconds instead of 15.
  • Items and skills that reduce cooldown now affect Dimension Spiral.
  • Superkick available.


image.png Mutual Response

  • Available for learning from level 40:
  • During a basic attack and an attack with the Dimension Spiral skill, it chances to restore the HP and MP of the servant.


image.png Servitor Share

  • The first level of the skill, as before, is available at character level 40:
    • Transfers 50% to the servant P. Atk./ P. Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 15% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 15% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
  • The second skill level is available for learning:
    • At Character level 76, with the Third Profession;
    • The effect of the skill is different Outside the Olympiad and at the Olympiad:
      • Outside the Olympiad : Transfers 75% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 35% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 30% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner;
      • At the Olympiad : Transfers 50% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
    • Now the skill can be improved; sharpening on Power evenly increases the bonuses transferred to the Servant, up to +100% to P. and up to 50% to M. Atk. / Def. outside the Olympiad (up to +75% to P. and up to 40% to M. Atk./Def. at the Olympiad).


skill0779.pngSummon Smart Cubic

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels, the character level for learning the maximum level has been reduced from 80 to 79:
    • Level 55: Cleanses the character, removing up to 1 negative effect, no more than once every 30 seconds. Summon Cost: 18 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 70: Cleanses the character, removing up to 2 negative effects, no more than once every 20 seconds. Summon Cost: 28 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 79: Standard skill operation: Cleanses the character, periodically removing all negative effects, periodically deals Magic damage to the target and heals the Master. Summoning cost: 38 Spirit Ore.
  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0010.png Summon Storm Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill1279.png Summon Binding Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

image.png Summon Lore

  • Now available for learning from level 52:
  • At level 52, you can learn 1 level of skill. Increase P. Def by 20 and Cast. Speed by 2% when wearing light armor; increase Phys. Def by 15 and Cast. Speed by 2% when wearing magic armor. Reducing MP consumption for magical skills by 1%;
  • At level 70 you can learn level 2 of the skill. Increase P. Def by 40 and Cast. Speed by 3% when wearing light armor; increase Phys. Def by 30 and Cast. Speed by 4% when wearing magic armor. Reducing MP consumption for magical skills by 2%;
  • At level 78 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill. Increase P. Def by 80 and Cast. Speed by 5% when wearing light armor; increase Phys. Def by 60 and Cast. Speed by 7% when wearing magic armor. Reduces MP consumption for magic skills by 3%.

image.png Servitor Barrier

  • Now available for learning from level 60:
  • At level 60, you can learn 1 level of skill. Grants the servant invulnerability for 10 seconds. Absorbs 5 units. Spirit Ore;
  • At level 72 you can learn level 2 of the skill. Grants the servant invulnerability for 15 seconds. Absorbs 5 units. Spirit Ore;
  • At level 79 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill. Grants the servant invulnerability for 30 seconds. Absorbs 5 units. Spirit Ore.

Skill1301.png Servitor Blessing

  • Removes Hold, Paralysis and Spd reduction effects from the Servant. Atk. and Speed.
  • Now available for research at level 60 for 150,000 SP

skilltransform1.png Spirit of the Cat

  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels;
  • You absorb the spirit of your servant in order to turn into a powerful creature, improving your characteristics and gaining new skills. Valid for 5/5 minutes. Cooldown: 60/30 minutes.
  • Levels of study:
    • 1st level: 80 lvl, 40,000,000 SP;
    • Level 2: 83 lvl, Forgotten Scroll - Spirit of the Cat br_spell_books_magic_i01.png


Skill1331 0.jpg Elemental Summoner

Skill1331 0.jpg Single Blessing & image.png Single Gift of Seraphim new skills

  • They are analogues of the party Blessing of Seraphim and Gift of Seraphim.
  • Can only be used in a group
  • The cost of use is 4 times lower, the rollback is 2 times lower.
  • Base range of use is 400.
  • They are learned automatically along with their group counterpart.


skill1349.png Final Servitor

  • Level 1 of the skill is now learned at character level 70.


skill0067.png Summon Life Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill1280.png Summon Aqua Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


image.png Servitor Share

  • The first level of the skill, as before, is available at character level 40:
    • Transfers 50% to the servant P. Atk./ P. Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 15% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 15% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
  • The second skill level is available for learning:
    • At Character level 76, with the Third Profession;
    • The effect of the skill is different Outside the Olympiad and at the Olympiad:
      • Outside the Olympiad : Transfers 75% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 35% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 30% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner;
      • At the Olympiad : Transfers 50% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
    • Now the skill can be improved; sharpening on Power evenly increases the bonuses transferred to the Servant, up to +100% to P. and up to 50% to M. Atk. / Def. outside the Olympiad (up to +75% to P. and up to 40% to M. Atk./Def. at the Olympiad).


skill0779.pngSummon Smart Cubic

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels, the character level for learning the maximum level has been reduced from 80 to 79:
    • Level 55: Cleanses the character, removing up to 1 negative effect, no more than once every 30 seconds. Summon Cost: 18 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 70: Cleanses the character, removing up to 2 negative effects, no more than once every 20 seconds. Summon Cost: 28 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 79: Standard skill operation: Cleanses the character, periodically removing all negative effects, periodically deals Magic damage to the target and heals the Master. Summoning cost: 38 Spirit Ore.
  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.


skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.


skill1384.png Mass Surrender to Water

  • Added binding to water ATT +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.


skill1286.png Seed of Water (Spellsinger)

  • Now available for learning by Elemental Summoner at level 66
  • Now you can Enchant: increases ATT from 20 to 50, +1 for each round of enchanting.


Skill1331 0.jpg Single Blessing & image.png Single Gift of Seraphim new skills

  • They are analogues of the party Blessing of Seraphim and Gift of Seraphim.
  • Can only be used in a group
  • The cost of use is 4 times lower, the rollback is 2 times lower.
  • Base range of use is 400.
  • They are learned automatically along with their group counterpart.


skill1349.png Final Servitor

  • The skill is divided into two levels
    • At level 70: Restores 20% HP. Max. HP +20%, Accuracy +4, P. Atk. +10%, P. Def. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, P. Crit. Atk. Chance/ Damage +20%, M. Def. +20%, M. Atk. +20%, Cast. Speed +20%, resistance to negative effects +20. Speed -20%.
      Doesn't work at the Olympiad!
    • At level 78: Restores 20% HP. Max. HP +20%, Accuracy +4, P. Atk. +10%, P. Def. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, strength/chance P. Crete. Atk +20%, M. Def. +20%, M. Atk. +20%, Cast. Speed +20%, resistance to negative effects +20. Speed -20%.
      Works at the Olympiad.


skill1175.pngAqua Swirl

  • Power: 49 - 108;
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds (fixed);
  • Level 9 skills are learned automatically upon taking a second profession.


skill1384.png Mass Surrender to Water

  • Added binding to water ATT +20 units, which increases the chance of success;
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element;
  • If successful, cancels Resist Aqua.skill1182.png


skill1286.png Seed of Water

  • Now available for learning by Elemental Summoner at level 66
  • Now you can Enchant: increases ATT from 20 to 50, +1 for each round of enchanting.


image.png Blessing & Gift of Seraphim

  • Learned and used on the character itself
    • At level 56: increases MP regeneration by 30% (Blessing), reduces the cooldown time of magical skills by 30% (Gift)
    • At level 62: increases MP regeneration by 32% (Blessing), reduces the cooldown time of magical skills by 32% (Gift)
    • At level 68: increases MP regeneration by 35% (Blessing), reduces the cooldown time of magical skills by 35% (Gift)
    • Automatically learned at appropriate levels
  • From levels 76 to 85, you will automatically receive new levels of the skill11372.pngGift of Seraphim and skill1332.pngBlessing of Seraphim skills (from levels 4 to 13).
  • These buffs do not provide parameters for increasing effects, but their level and duration of action increase.
  • Example:
    • The level 75 buff will last for 120 seconds.
    • At 76th - 150 seconds and has a skill level of 77.
    • At 77 - 165 seconds and has a skill level of 78.
    • At 79 - 180 seconds and has a skill level of 79.
    • And so on, until 85, where the buff will last 285 seconds and has a skill level of 86.


image.png All summons , including panthers and golems, live noticeably longer, consume Spirit Ore and do not consume experience .


Skill11272 0.jpg New skill Replace

  • Available for learning from level 48:
  • At level 48 : Swaps the summoner with his servant at a distance of 700 range. Cooldown 60 seconds;
  • At level 64 : Swaps the summoner with his servant at a distance of 1100 range. Cooldown 60 seconds;
  • At level 76: Swaps the summoner with his servant at a distance of 1500 range. Cooldown 60 seconds.


image.png Dimension Spiral

  • Point Magic. Samoneer nuke, available from level 40;
  • Can be learned up to level 85;
  • Now the base cooldown of the skill is 12 seconds instead of 15.
  • Items and skills that reduce cooldown now affect Dimension Spiral.
  • Superkick available.


image.png Mutual Response

  • Available for learning from level 40:
  • During a basic attack and an attack with the Dimension Spiral skill, it chances to restore the HP and MP of the servant.


image.png Servitor Share

  • The first level of the skill, as before, is available at character level 40:
    • Transfers 50% to the servant P. Atk./ P. Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 15% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 15% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
  • The second skill level is available for learning:
    • At Character level 76, with the Third Profession;
    • The effect of the skill is different Outside the Olympiad and at the Olympiad:
      • Outside the Olympiad : Transfers 75% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 35% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 30% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner;
      • At the Olympiad : Transfers 50% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
    • Now the skill can be improved; sharpening on Power evenly increases the bonuses transferred to the Servant, up to +100% to P. and up to 50% to M. Atk. / Def. outside the Olympiad (up to +75% to P. and up to 40% to M. Atk./Def. at the Olympiad).


skill0779.pngSummon Smart Cubic

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels, the character level for learning the maximum level has been reduced from 80 to 79:
    • Level 55: Cleanses the character, removing up to 1 negative effect, no more than once every 30 seconds. Summon Cost: 18 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 70: Cleanses the character, removing up to 2 negative effects, no more than once every 20 seconds. Summon Cost: 28 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 79: Standard skill operation: Cleanses the character, periodically removing all negative effects, periodically deals Magic damage to the target and heals the Master. Summoning cost: 38 Spirit Ore.
  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.


image.png Summon Lore

  • Now available for learning from level 52:
  • At level 52, you can learn 1 level of skill. Increase P. Def by 20 and Cast. Speed by 2% when wearing light armor; increase Phys. Def by 15 and Cast. Speed by 2% when wearing magic armor. Reducing MP consumption for magical skills by 1%;
  • At level 70 you can learn level 2 of the skill. Increase P. Def by 40 and Cast. Speed by 3% when wearing light armor; increase Phys. Def by 30 and Cast. Speed by 4% when wearing magic armor. Reducing MP consumption for magical skills by 2%;
  • At level 78 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill. Increase P. Def by 80 and Cast. Speed by 5% when wearing light armor; increase Phys. Def by 60 and Cast. Speed by 7% when wearing magic armor. Reduces MP consumption for magic skills by 3%.


image.png Servitor Barrier

  • Now available for learning from level 60:
  • At level 60, you can learn 1 level of skill. Grants the servant invulnerability for 10 seconds. Absorbs 5 units. Spirit Ore;
  • At level 72 you can learn level 2 of the skill. Grants the servant invulnerability for 15 seconds. Absorbs 5 units. Spirit Ore;
  • At level 79 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill. Grants the servant invulnerability for 30 seconds. Absorbs 5 units. Spirit Ore.


Skill1301.png Servitor Blessing

  • Removes Hold, Paralysis and Spd reduction effects from the Servant. Atk. and Speed.
  • Now available for research at level 60 for 150,000 SP


skilltransform1.png Spirit of the Unicorn

  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels;
  • You absorb the spirit of your servant in order to turn into a powerful creature, improving your characteristics and gaining new skills. Valid for 5/5 minutes. Cooldown: 60/30 minutes.
  • Levels of study:
    • 1st level: 80 lvl, 40,000,000 SP;
    • Level 2: 83 lvl, Forgotten Scroll - Spirit of the Unicorn br_spell_books_magic_i01.png


Skill1333 0.jpg Phantom Summoner

Skill1909.png Single Shadow Blessing & Skill1913.png Single Shadow Gift new skills

  • They are analogues of the party Shadow Blessing and Shadow Gift.
  • Can only be used in a group
  • The cost of use is 4 times lower, the rollback is 2 times lower.
  • Base range of use is 400.
  • They are learned automatically along with their group counterpart.


skill1349.png Final Servitor

  • Level 1 of the skill is now learned at character level 70.


image.png Servitor Share

  • The first level of the skill, as before, is available at character level 40:
    • Transfers 50% to the servant P. Atk./ P. Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 15% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 15% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
  • The second skill level is available for learning:
    • At Character level 76, with the Third Profession;
    • The effect of the skill is different Outside the Olympiad and at the Olympiad:
      • Outside the Olympiad : Transfers 75% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 35% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 30% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner;
      • At the Olympiad : Transfers 50% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
    • Now the skill can be improved; sharpening on Power evenly increases the bonuses transferred to the Servant, up to +100% to P. and up to 50% to M. Atk. / Def. outside the Olympiad (up to +75% to P. and up to 40% to M. Atk./Def. at the Olympiad).


skill1281.png Summon Spark Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0033.png Summon Phantom Cubic

  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0779.pngSummon Smart Cubic

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels, the character level for learning the maximum level has been reduced from 80 to 79:
    • Level 55: Cleanses the character, removing up to 1 negative effect, no more than once every 30 seconds. Summon Cost: 18 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 70: Cleanses the character, removing up to 2 negative effects, no more than once every 20 seconds. Summon Cost: 28 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 79: Standard skill operation: Cleanses the character, periodically removing all negative effects, periodically deals Magic damage to the target and heals the Master. Summoning cost: 38 Spirit Ore.
  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.


skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.


skill1385.png Mass Surrender to Wind

  • Added binding to wind ATT +20 units, which increases the chance of success.
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element.
  • When success, cancels skill1189.png Resist Wind;


skill1287.png Seed of Wind(Spellhowler)

  • Now available to learn for the Phantom Summoner class at level 66
  • Now you can Enchant: increases ATT from 20 to 50, +1 for each round of enchanting.

Skill1909.png Single Shadow Blessing & Skill1913.png Single Shadow Gift new skills

  • They are analogues of the party Shadow Blessing and Shadow Gift.
  • Can only be used in a group
  • The cost of use is 4 times lower, the rollback is 2 times lower.
  • Base range of use is 400.
  • They are learned automatically along with their group counterpart.


skill1349.png Final Servitor

  • The skill is divided into two levels
    • At level 72: Restores 20% HP. Max. HP +20%, Accuracy +4, P. Atk. +10%, P. Def. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, P. Crit. Atk. Chance/ Damage +20%, M. Def. +20%, M. Atk. +20%, Cast. Speed +20%, resistance to negative effects +20. Speed -20%.
      Doesn't work at the Olympiad!
    • At level 78: Restores 20% HP. Max. HP +20%, Accuracy +4, P. Atk. +10%, P. Def. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, strength/chance P. Crete. Atk +20%, M. Def. +20%, M. Atk. +20%, Cast. Speed +20%, resistance to negative effects +20. Speed -20%.
      Works at the Olympiad.


Skill1909.png Shadow Blessing new skill

  • A new party skill (buff) that increases the chance of success Blow skills. Replaces/replaces Skill1913.png Shadow Gift.


Skill1913.png Shadow Gift new skill

  • A new party skill (buff) that increases the chance of success Lethal skills. Replaces/replaces Skill1909.png Shadow Blessing.


skill1155.png Corpse Burst

  • Now available for learning for the Phantom Summoner class.


skill1281.png Summon Spark Cubic

  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0033.png Summon Phantom Cubic

  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


image.png All summons , including panthers and golems, live noticeably longer, consume Spirit Ore and do not consume experience .


Skill11272 0.jpg New skill Replace

  • Available for learning from level 48:
  • At level 48 : Swaps the summoner with his servant at a distance of 700 range. Cooldown 60 seconds;
  • At level 64 : Swaps the summoner with his servant at a distance of 1100 range. Cooldown 60 seconds;
  • At level 76: Swaps the summoner with his servant at a distance of 1500 range. Cooldown 60 seconds.


image.png Dimension Spiral

  • Point Magic. Samoneer nuke, available from level 40;
  • Can be learned up to level 85;
  • Now the base cooldown of the skill is 12 seconds instead of 15.
  • Items and skills that reduce cooldown now affect Dimension Spiral.
  • Superkick available.


image.png Mutual Response

  • Available for learning from level 40:
  • During a basic attack and an attack with the Dimension Spiral skill, it chances to restore the HP and MP of the servant.


image.png Servitor Share

  • The first level of the skill, as before, is available at character level 40:
    • Transfers 50% to the servant P. Atk./ P. Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 15% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 15% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
  • The second skill level is available for learning:
    • At Character level 76, with the Third Profession;
    • The effect of the skill is different Outside the Olympiad and at the Olympiad:
      • Outside the Olympiad : Transfers 75% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 35% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 30% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner;
      • At the Olympiad : Transfers 50% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 25% Max. HP/MP, 25% Critical Strike Chance, 20% P. Atk. Spd. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
    • Now the skill can be improved; sharpening on Power evenly increases the bonuses transferred to the Servant, up to +100% to P. and up to 50% to M. Atk. / Def. outside the Olympiad (up to +75% to P. and up to 40% to M. Atk./Def. at the Olympiad).


skill0779.pngSummon Smart Cubic

  • The skill is divided into 3 levels, the character level for learning the maximum level has been reduced from 80 to 79:
    • Level 55: Cleanses the character, removing up to 1 negative effect, no more than once every 30 seconds. Summon Cost: 18 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 70: Cleanses the character, removing up to 2 negative effects, no more than once every 20 seconds. Summon Cost: 28 Spirit Ore;
    • Level 79: Standard skill operation: Cleanses the character, periodically removing all negative effects, periodically deals Magic damage to the target and heals the Master. Summoning cost: 38 Spirit Ore.
  • The lifespan of the cube has been increased from 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Fixed the work of the cube. Previously, the activating frequency was greatly reduced after 20 activations, now the cube can be activated every 10 seconds (that is, ~360 times during its lifetime).


skill0213.png Boost Mana

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

skill1385.png Mass Surrender to Wind

  • Added binding to wind ATT +20 units, which increases the chance of success;
  • Now the skill does not increase protection from ATT of the opposite element;
  • When success, cancels skill1189.png Resist Wind.


skill1287.png Seed of Wind

  • Now available for learning by the Phantom Summoner class at level 66;
  • Now you can Enchant: increases ATT from 20 to 50, +1 for each round of enchanting.


image.png Summon Lore

  • Now available for learning from level 52:
  • At level 52, you can learn 1 level of skill. Increase P. Def by 20 and Cast. Speed by 2% when wearing light armor; increase Phys. Def by 15 and Cast. Speed by 2% when wearing magic armor. Reducing MP consumption for magical skills by 1%;
  • At level 70 you can learn level 2 of the skill. Increase P. Def by 40 and Cast. Speed by 3% when wearing light armor; increase Phys. Def by 30 and Cast. Speed by 4% when wearing magic armor. Reducing MP consumption for magical skills by 2%;
  • At level 78 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill. Increase P. Def by 80 and Cast. Speed by 5% when wearing light armor; increase Phys. Def by 60 and Cast. Speed by 7% when wearing magic armor. Reduces MP consumption for magic skills by 3%.


image.png Servitor Barrier

  • Now available for learning from level 60:
  • At level 60, you can learn 1 level of skill. Grants the servant invulnerability for 10 seconds. Absorbs 5 units. Spirit Ore;
  • At level 72 you can learn level 2 of the skill. Grants the servant invulnerability for 15 seconds. Absorbs 5 units. Spirit Ore;
  • At level 79 you can learn the 3rd level of the skill. Grants the servant invulnerability for 30 seconds. Absorbs 5 units. Spirit Ore.


Skill1301.png Servitor Blessing

  • Removes Hold, Paralysis and Spd reduction effects from the Servant. Atk. and Speed.
  • Now available to learn at level 60


skilltransform1.png Spirit of the Phantom

  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels;
  • You absorb the spirit of your servant in order to turn into a powerful creature, improving your characteristics and gaining new skills. Valid for 5/5 minutes. Cooldown: 60/30 minutes.
  • Levels of study:
    • 1st level: 80 lvl, 40,000,000 SP;
    • Level 2: 83 lvl, Forgotten Scroll - Spirit of the Phantom br_spell_books_magic_i01.png



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skill1417.png Mages



skill1083.png Surrender To Fire (Sorcerer):

  • Has +20 fire attribute (before entering ATT with the fire element);
  • Basic reduction in protection from the fire attribute -30 (before entering ATT -30% protection from fire);
  • When success, cancels skill1191.png Resist Fire;
  • The “Power” enchanting branch is now the only one that adds -2 to attribute resistance per level.


skill1071.png Surrender To Water (Spellsinger):

  • Has +20 water attribute (before entering ATT with the water element);
  • Basic reduction in protection from the water attribute -30 (before entering ATT -30% protection from water);
  • When success, cancels skill1182.png Resist Aqua;
  • The “Power” enchanting branch is now the only one that adds -2 to attribute resistance per level.


skill1074.png Surrender To Wind (Spellhowler):

  • Has +20 wind attribute (before entering ATT with the wind element);
  • Basic reduction in protection from the wind attribute -30 (before entering ATT -30% protection from wind);
  • When success, cancels skill1189.png Resist Wind;
  • The “Power” enchanting branch is now the only one that adds -2 to attribute resistance per level.


skill1223.png Surrender To Earth (Terramancer, Spellsinger):

  • Has +20 earth attribute (before entering ATT with the earth element;
  • Basic reduction in protection from the earth attribute -30 (before entering ATT -30% protection from earth);
  • When success, cancels skill1548.png Resist Earth;
  • The “Power” enchanting branch is now the only one that adds -2 to attribute resistance per level.


skill1445.png Surrender to Dark (Spellhowler):

  • Has +20 darkness attribute (before entering ATT with the element of darkness);
  • Basic reduction in protection from the dark attribute -30 (before entering ATT -30% protection from darkness);
  • When success, cancels skill1393.png Resist Dark;
  • The “Power” enchanting branch is now the only one that adds -2 to attribute resistance per level.


skill1451.png Fire Vortex Buster (Sorcerer):

  • When used, there is a 100% chance of canceling the target on an enemy.


skill1453.png Ice Vortex Crusher (Spellsinger):

  • When used, there is a 100% chance of canceling the target on an enemy.


skill1456.png Wind Vortex Slug (Spellhowler):

  • When used, there is a 100% chance of canceling the target on an enemy.


skill32635.png Earth Vortex Crusher (Terramanser):

  • When used, there is a 100% chance of canceling the target on an enemy.


skill1513.png Soul Vortex Extinction (Soul Breaker (M/ F)):

  • When used, there is a 100% chance of canceling the target on an enemy.


skill1548.png Resist Earth (Geomancer)

  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +20 to +70.


skill1263.png Curse Gloom (Necromancer):

  • Deals Dark damage.
  • Has 20 Darkness attack attribute. (Stacks with your weapon's ATT);
  • Has a high chance of placing a negative effect on the target that:
    • Before entering ATT:
      • Reduces the target's magical defense by 15%;
      • Reduces resistance to all 6 elements by 5-10%, depending on the skill level.
    • With ATT input:
      • Reduces the target's magical defense by 15%;
      • Reduces all 6 types of target's defensive ATT by 5-25, depending on the skill level.
  • Improvement branches available:
    • Time:
      • Increases the duration of the negative effect by +1 second for every +1 enchant.
    • Chance:
      • Increases the chance of success a negative effect by +1% for every +1 to enchant.
    • Regardless of the choice of enchantment branch with sharpening, the reduction in the target’s defensive ATT increases, from -25 defensive ATT for an unimproved skill, to -50 for a skill improved by +30.


skill1191.png Resist Fire (Sorcerer)

  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +20 to +70.


skill1182.png Resist Aqua (Spellsinger)

  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +20 to +70.


skill1189.png Resist Wind (Spellhowler)

  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +20 to +70.


skill1548.png Resist Earth (Geomancer)

  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +20 to +70.


skill1393.png Resist Dark - (Necromancer)

  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +30 to +80.


skill1443.png Dark Weapon (Necromancer):

  • Available for learning by the Necromancer class:
    • Level to learn 46.
  • Before entering ATT:
    • Gives a weapon a dark attack.
  • With ATT input:
    • Increases attack with dark attribute by +20.
  • The "Power" enchantment branch is available:
    • +1 to the attack bonus with the dark attribute for every +1 to enchant.


skill32624.png Poisoned Dust (Geomancer):

  • The "Power" enchantment branch is available:
    • +5 to periodic damage from poison per +1 to enchant level.


skill1233.png Decay (Sorcerer):

  • The element of the skill has been changed, now the skill has 20 base ATT of the Fire Release. (Stacks with your weapon's ATT);
  • The "Power" enchantment branch is available:
    • +5 to periodic damage from poison per +1 to enchant level.


skill1417.pngAura Flash (Sorcerer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler)

  • The base cooldown time of the skill has been increased by 0.5 seconds, from 4 to 4.5, respectively. Similar to the skills of the Gladiator: skill0009.png Sonic Buster and Tyrant : skill0017.pngForce Burst .
    • As before, there is no zero second skill cooldown.
  • Now the skill does not disrupt the target in PvP , but still disrupts the use of skills (casts).
  • Note! In PvE the skill remains unchanged!


image.png Arcane Roar (Sorcerer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler)

  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • At level 52: Increases resistance to elemental attacks by 2% and increases magic power by 1%;
    • At level 70: Increases resistance to elemental attacks by 3% and increases magic power by 2%;
    • At level 78: Increases resistance to elemental attacks by 5% and increases magic power by 3%.


image.png Necromancy (Necromancer)

  • Now available for learning from level 52:
    • At level 52: Increases resistance to dark magic attacks by 3% and magic power by 1%;
    • At level 70: Increases resistance to dark magic attacks by 5% and magic power by 2%;
    • At level 78: Increases resistance to dark attacks by 10% and magic power by 3%.


image.png Arcane Shield (Sorcerer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler)

  • Now available for learning from level 60:
    • At level 60: Increases P. and M. Def. by 25%. Reduces damage taken by 25% and transfers the remaining damage to MP consumption. The effect disappears if MP runs out. Action time: 10 seconds. Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes;
    • At level 74: Increases P. and M. Def. by 30%. Reduces damage taken by 30% and transfers the remaining damage to MP consumption. The effect disappears if MP runs out. Action time: 10 seconds. Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes;
    • At level 79 (previously learned at 81): Increases P. and M. Def. by 35%. Reduces damage taken by 35% and transfers the remaining damage to MP consumption. The effect disappears if MP runs out. Action time: 10 seconds. Fixed cooldown: 5 minutes.

skill0213.png Boost Mana (Sorcerer, Necromancer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler)

  • When enchanting, it now increases Max. MP from 200 to 500, +10 per round.

skill0229.png Fast Mana Recovery (Sorcerer, Necromancer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler)

  • When enchanted, it now evenly increases MP Regeneration from 3.4 to 8 units. per tick, +0.15 per round.

skill1285.png Seed of Fire (Sorcerer)

  • Now you can Enchant: increases ATT from 20 to 50, +1 for each round of enchanting.

skill1286.png Seed of Water (Spellsinger)

  • Now you can Enchant: increases ATT from 20 to 50, +1 for each round of enchanting.

skill1287.png Seed of Wind(Spellhowler)

  • Now you can Enchant: increases ATT from 20 to 50, +1 for each round of enchanting.

skill1296.png Rain of Fire (Sorcerer)

  • Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with these skills).

skill1295.png Aqua Splash (Spellsinger)

  • Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with these skills).

skill1176.png Tempest (Spellhowler)

  • Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with these skills).

Skill1492.png Flame Armor (Sorcerer)

  • Now available for learning from level 70:
    • Flame Armor burns enemies attacking you with fire;
    • Instead of resistance to an attribute, under Interlude conditions it gives resistance to its element by 15%;
    • Trigger chance increased to 30%.


Skill1493.png Frost Armor (Spellsinger)

  • Now available for learning from level 70:
    • Frost Armor slows down enemies by 15%;
    • Instead of resistance to an attribute, under Interlude conditions it gives resistance to its element by 15%;
    • Trigger chance increased to 30%.


image.png Hurricane Armor (Spellhowler)

  • Now available for learning from level 70:
    • Hurricane Armor reduces the attack speed of enemies attacking you by 15%;
    • Instead of resistance to an attribute, under Interlude conditions it gives resistance to its element by 15%;
    • Trigger chance increased to 30%.


image.png Meteor (Sorcerer, Necromancer)

  • Now available for learning from level 79.
  • Skills no longer have a fixed cooldown.
    • Base cooldown: 300 seconds
    • “Accelerated” by the effects of the Rhythm of Purity, Gift of the Seraphim, etc.
  • Inflict Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with these skills)
  • Can be sharpened! The Power enchantment branch increases both the base power of the skill and the periodic damage when the effect passes:
    • From 117 (+0) to 140, 1~2 per enchant level;
    • From -100 (+0) to -250 (+15), 10 per enchant level.


image.png Star Fall (Spellsinger, Spellhowler)

  • Now available for learning from level 79.
  • Skills no longer have a fixed cooldown.
    • Base cooldown: 300 seconds
    • “Accelerated” by the effects of the Rhythm of Purity, Gift of the Seraphim, etc.
  • Inflict Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with these skills)
  • Can be sharpened! The Power enchantment branch increases both the base power of the skill and the periodic damage when the effect passes:
    • From 117 (+0) to 140, 1~2 per enchant level;
    • From -100 (+0) to -250 (+15), 10 per enchant level.


Skill1457.png Empowering Echo (Spellhowler)

  • At level 40: Increases MP consumption by 25% and M. Def. Atk. by 15%;
  • At level 64: Increases MP consumption by 30% and M. Atk. by 20%;
  • At level 79: Increases MP consumption by 35% and M. Atk. by 25%.


skill1554.png Aura Blast (Archmage, Mystic Muse, Storm Screamer, Soul Hound)

  • The skill has been divided into 2 levels and will be added at the appropriate stage;
  • At level 80:
    • Additionally inflicts 94 damage to the target and the enemy around the target. non-elemental damage in PvP and 133 units. in PvE and restores MP;
    • Cast range: 700;
    • Recoil: 25, not fixed.
  • At level 82:
    • Additionally inflicts 141 damage to the target and the enemy around the target. non-elemental damage in PvP and 199 units. in PvE and restores MP;
    • Application range: 900 ;
    • Cooldown: 15, not fixed.


skill1342.png Light Vortex

  • Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with this skill).

skill32636.png Mud Vortex

  • Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with this skill).

skill1419.png Volcano

  • Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with this skill).

skill1420.png Cyclone

  • Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with this skill).

skill1421.png Raging Waves

  • Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with this skill).

skill1423.png Gehenna

  • Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with this skill).

skill32637.png Earthquake Epicenter

  • Inflicts Overhit (+25% experience when finishing off with this skill).


Skill1334.png All Samons (Necromancer)

  • They live noticeably longer and consume Spirit Ore;
  • do not consume experience;
  • No longer require a corpse to summon;
  • The summoning cast time has been increased by one and a half times.


image.png Resist Dark (Necromancer)

  • Now available for learning from level 58:
  • At level 58: Increases Darkness cost by +15/23/30%. Reduces defense against Holy by 7%;
  • At level 66: Increases Darkness cost by +15/23/30%. Reduces defense against Holy by 11%;
  • At level 74: Increases Darkness cost by +15/23/30%. Reduces defense against Holy by 15%.
  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +30 to +80.


image.png Curse Gloom (Necromancer)

  • The skill works according to "Interlude/Gracia" until the Gracia stage, then it works according to High Five:
    • At the Interlude stage: Weakens M. Def. enemy by 23% for 30 seconds;
    • At the Gracia and High Five stages: Deals damage using the element of Darkness, Weakens M. Def. target by 15% and reduces resistance to all 6 elements.


image.png Transfer Pain (Necromancer)

  • The necromancer (but not other owners of this skill) has increased character levels to learn this skill:
    • At level 40: Redirects 10% damage to the servant;
    • At level 56: Redirects 20% damage to the servant;
    • At level 66: Redirects 30% damage to the servant;
    • At level 74: Redirects 40% damage to the servant;
    • At level 76: Redirects 50% of damage to the servant.


image.png Servitor Share (Necromancer)

  • The first level of the skill is now available at level 70 (previously at 74):
    • Transfers 50% to the servant P. Atk./ P. Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 10% Max. HP/MP, 20% Critical Hit Chance, 10% P. Speed. Atk. and 3% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
  • The second skill level is available for learning:
    • At Character level 76, with the Third Profession;
    • The effect of the skill is different Outside the Olympiad and at the Olympiad:
      • Outside the Olympiad: Transfers 75% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 35% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 15% Max. HP/MP, 30% Critical Hit Chance, 15% P. Speed. Atk. and 5% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner;
      • At the Olympiad: Transfers 50% of P. to the servant. Atk. / Def., 25% M. Atk. / M. Def. and 10% Max. HP/MP, 20% Critical Hit Chance, 10% P. Speed. Atk. and 3% Casting Speed regarding the characteristics of the summoner.
    • Now the skill can be improved; sharpening on Power evenly increases the bonuses transferred to the Servant, up to +100% to P. and up to 50% to M. Atk. / Def. outside the Olympiad (up to +75% to P. and up to 40% to M. Atk./Def. at the Olympiad).


skill5239.png The duration of the following self-buff skills has been increased to 20 minutes :

  • skill1285.pngSeed of Fire
  • skill1286.pngSeed of Water
  • skill1287.pngSeed of Wind

skill1169.png Curse Fear (Sorcerer, Necromancer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler)

  • The base cooldown of the skill has been increased to 6 seconds.
  • The duration of the effect when enchanting at Time + Cost now increases by 1 second. instead of 2 seconds, as it was before. Thus, the action time previously when sharpening at +30: 70 sec., Now: 40 sec.
    +1 = 11 sec, +2 = 12 sec, +3 = 13 sec and so on.


skill1083.png Surrender To Fire (Sorcerer):

  • Has +20 fire attribute (before entering ATT with the fire element);
  • Basic reduction in protection from the fire attribute -30 (before entering ATT -30% protection from fire);
  • When success, cancels skill1191.png Resist Fire;
  • The “Power” enchanting branch is now the only one that adds -2 to attribute resistance per level.


skill1071.png Surrender To Water (Spellsinger):

  • Has +20 water attribute (before entering ATT with the water element);
  • Basic reduction in protection from the water attribute -30 (before entering ATT -30% protection from water);
  • When success, cancels skill1182.png Resist Aqua;
  • The “Power” enchanting branch is now the only one that adds -2 to attribute resistance per level.


skill1074.png Surrender To Wind (Spellhowler):

  • Has +20 wind attribute (before entering ATT with the wind element);
  • Basic reduction in protection from the wind attribute -30 (before entering ATT -30% protection from wind);
  • When success, cancels skill1189.png Resist Wind;
  • The “Power” enchanting branch is now the only one that adds -2 to attribute resistance per level.


skill1223.png Surrender To Earth (Terramancer, Spellsinger):

  • Has +20 earth attribute (before entering ATT with the earth element);
  • Basic reduction in protection from the earth attribute -30 (before entering ATT -30% protection from earth);
  • When success, cancels skill1548.png Resist Earth;
  • The “Power” enchanting branch is now the only one that adds -2 to attribute resistance per level.


skill1445.pngSurrender to Dark (Spellhowler):

  • Has +20 darkness attribute (before entering ATT with the element of darkness);
  • Basic reduction in protection from the dark attribute -30 (before entering ATT -30% protection from darkness);
  • When success, cancels skill1393.png Resist Dark;
  • The “Power” enchanting branch is now the only one that adds -2 to attribute resistance per level.


skill1451.png Fire Vortex Buster (Sorcerer):

  • When used, there is a 100% chance of canceling the target on an enemy.

skill1453.png Ice Vortex Crusher (Spellsinger):

  • When used, there is a 100% chance of canceling the target on an enemy.

skill1456.png Wind Vortex Slug (Spellhowler):

  • When used, there is a 100% chance of canceling the target on an enemy.

skill32635.png Earth Vortex Crusher (Terramanser):

  • When used, there is a 100% chance of canceling the target on an enemy.

skill1513.png Soul Vortex Extinction (Soul Hound):

  • When used, there is a 100% chance of canceling the target on an enemy.

skill1548.png Resist Earth (Geomancer)

  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +20 to +70.

skill1263.png Curse Gloom (Necromanser):

  • Deals Dark damage.
  • Has 20 Darkness attack attribute. (Stacks with your weapon's ATT);
  • Has a high chance of placing a negative effect on the target that:
    • Before entering ATT:
      • Reduces the target's magical defense by 15%;
      • Reduces resistance to all 6 elements by 5-10%, depending on the skill level.
    • With ATT input:
      • Reduces the target's magical defense by 15%;
      • Reduces all 6 types of target's defensive ATT by 5-25, depending on the skill level.
  • Improvement branches available:
    • Time:
      • Increases the duration of the negative effect by +1 second for every +1 enchant.
    • Chance:
      • Increases the chance of success a negative effect by +1% for every +1 to enchant.
    • Regardless of the choice of enchantment branch with sharpening, the reduction in the target’s defensive ATT increases, from -25 defensive ATT for an unimproved skill, to -50 for a skill improved by +30.

skill1191.png Resist Fire (Sorcerer)

  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +20 to +70.
  • Now available for learning from level 58:
    • At level 58: Increases Fire protection by 15%. Reduces protection from Water by 3%;
    • At level 62: Increases Fire protection by 23%. Reduces protection from Water by 5%;
    • At level 66: increases defense against Fire by 30%. Reduces protection from Water by 7%.

skill1182.png Resist Aqua (Spellsinger)

  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +20 to +70.

skill1189.png Resist Wind (Spellhowler)

  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +20 to +70.
  • Now available for learning from level 58:
    • At level 58: increases wind protection by 15%. Reduces protection from Earth by 3%;
    • At level 62: increases wind protection by 23%. Reduces protection from Earth by 5%;
    • At level 66: increases protection from Wind by 30%. Reduces protection from Earth by 7%.

skill1548.png Resist Earth (Geomancer)

  • Removed irrelevant enchant branches for Time and Cost.
  • We remind you:
    • The Power branch has been updated on our server, as a result of which the defensive ATT increases from +20 to +70.

skill1443.png Dark Weapon (Necromancer):

  • Available for learning by the Necromancer class:
    • Level to learn 46.
  • Before entering ATT:
    • Gives a weapon a dark attack.
  • With ATT input:
    • Increases attack with dark attribute by +20.
  • The "Power" enchantment branch is available:
    • +1 to the attack bonus with the dark attribute for every +1 to enchant.

skill32624.png Poisoned Dust (Geomancer):

  • The "Power" enchantment branch is available:
    • +5 to periodic damage from poison per +1 to enchant level.

skill1233.png Decay (Sorcerer):

  • The element of the skill has been changed, now the skill has 20 base ATT of the fire element. (Stacks with your weapon's ATT);
  • The "Power" enchantment branch is available:
    • +5 to periodic damage from poison per +1 to enchant level.



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