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MasterWork II: Grand Olympiad

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Dear players!

For the 4th season of the MasterWork server, we are preparing for you a unique update of the Grand Olympiad .
It will affect modes, arenas, their selection, as well as general improvements. 

If the Grand Olympiad is an integral part of your gameplay, we recommend that you carefully read all the innovations and changes!




accessory_hero_cap_i00.png Best of Three

On the 4th season of the MasterWork server , we introduced a new unique system for the Grand Olympiad - Bo3 !

Bo3 (Best of 3) - “Best of Three” or “up to 2 victories”, a system that allows you to determine the winner in 3 battles (if necessary), in other words “up to two victories” according to the principle “without class restrictions, 1x1” .
Now that you have gone to the Olympiad and an opponent has been selected for you, you will fight with him until one of you gets 2 victories. Thus, if the score is 1-1, the battle will move to the 3rd arena.

Let's take a closer look :

  • You register for the Olympiad (as usual);
  • An opponent is selected for you and teleported to a random arena ;
    • Note!
      • We have expanded the number of Arenas to 9. You will meet both familiar arenas and new ones. More on this separately.
      • On OBT you can observe the logic of random selection of an arena, but already on the season server the “ Ban and Pick ” system of selected arenas will be available to you. More on this separately.
  • All the usual functionality is available to you:
    • NPC Buffer;
    • Time to prepare before the start of the fight.
      • At the 50th second (10 after the teleport), your CP\HP\MP will be restored.
    • Closed gate;
  • After your battle ends (by damage or time), you have 10 seconds, after which you will be moved to the next random arena.
  • After moving to the next arena:
    • You are given the usual time to prepare;
    • Your  CP\HP\MP parameters will be restored (immediately and at the 50th second);
    • Your skills will NOT be restored : they will have the same cooldown as they did during the battle;
      • Including Talismans.
  • If after the second battle the score becomes equal (if, for example, you won the first battle, and your opponent won the second), you will be moved to the 3rd arena.
  • In the third Arena you will also have time to prepare;
  • Based on the results of the 3rd battle, the global winner will be determined;
  • When flying/after flying to the Olympiad, skill cooldown works according to the usual rules:
    • This means that all skills that have a cooldown time of MORE than 30 minutes do not cooldown;
    • Red Talisman 32_lifeforce.pngpanel_2.png- Life Force  will not cooldown;
    • If, when TP'ing to/from the Olympiad, you equip talismans (for example, 32_divineprotection.pngpanel_2.pngBlue Talisman - Divine Protection ), they will cooldown, since they have a cooldown of less than 30 minutes. As was written above - 32_lifeforce.pngpanel_2.pngRed Talisman - Life Force does not cooldown under any circumstances.

Various situations :

  • When restarting/exiting/relogging at any time during the battle (after moving from the city to the Olympiad):
    • The character who made the restart will be declared a loser and points will be deducted from him (and awarded to the opponent);
    • A character who makes a restart will receive a Registration Penalty - within 10 minutes he will not be able to register for the Olympiad;
      • Note! The OBT is set to 2 minutes.
  • A draw means two characters lose (both will lose points);
  • If the first two battles are a draw, there will be no third battle and the characters will move to the city;
  • If in one of the battles there is a victory for one player, and in the other there is a draw, you will be moved to the 3rd arena;
    • In this case, the player who wins once will have a chance to get 2 points and win, and the second will have a chance to get one, tie on points and cause a draw (which leads to the defeat of both characters).
  • The minimum number of available battles within Bo3 is two, the maximum is 3. 


Additional information :

  • Limit on the number of battles: 50 (instead of 100);
    • Other Olympiad modes will be disabled.
  • The number of points is awarded as usual;
  • The number of  etc_nobless_teleport_coupon_i00.pngNoblesse Gate Pass and  scroll_of_verification_i00.pngOlympiad Token will be increased proportionately.




image.png New Arenas

The base number of arenas has been expanded from 3 to 9 . You will be able to see both the usual, changed and new Arenas.
In the new Arenas, some “usual” things may work differently: unusual shots, secluded places, and so on. We recommend that you study them, come up with new tactics and strategies.
The overall changes of the Olympiad open up enormous space for imagination and new possibilities. Try it 😉

Hidden text






4 pillars:




Mirror (new arena):


Domino (new arena):


Altar (new arena):


4 Knights (new arena):

Library (new arena):





image.png Ban&Pick (coming soon)

Currently in the final stages of development is a new system of Bans and Picks (blocking and selecting) Arenas, which will allow you and your opponent to block arenas that you definitely do not want to participate in, as well as select arenas that you definitely want to participate in.
After the development and introduction of the Bans and Picks system, it will complement the Bo3 system and work together. In this case, moving through the arenas will not be random, but from the list you select.

General logic:

  • After moving to the Olympiad, a window with 7 arenas will appear in front of you and your opponent;
  • In order of priority, you will do the following:
    • Player_1 blocks the arena;
    • Player_2 blocks the arena;
    • Player_1 selects an arena;
    • Player_2 selects an arena;
    • Player_1 blocks the arena;
    • Player_2 blocks the arena;
    • The 7th arena is automatically selected and will become the 3rd arena if needed during the battle.
  • We currently have 9 arenas, but this system only uses 7. Therefore, each season the arenas will be rotated randomly.
    • An alternative to this would be to add 2 more locks. We are currently exploring this possibility.

Thanks to this system, battles, especially Bo3, will become much more balanced, and you will not have to fight in the Arena, which you consider the weakest for your character.




image.jpeg Conclusions

We kindly ask you to be excited about the changes instead of skeptical and give them a chance. Based on your feedback and our experience, we believe that the new Olympiad may seem unusual, but in the long run it will become a favorite and take its place on par with other successful innovations of MasterWork.
We would like to note that we are ready and will continue to develop new systems and improve current ones. We will be adjusting this system to make your gaming experience as enjoyable as possible. However, in case of a negative reaction, we are ready:

  • Refine, change and correct problem areas;
  • Add a new mode as “optional” on one of the days;
  • Refuse changes and return to the classics. 

Everything will depend on whether you give them a chance and whether you like these changes!









point.png General information:

  • The first period of the Olympiad at MasterWork 2023:
    • Fights: November 16 - 19;
    • Heroes: November 20 - 27.
  • Olympiad cycles :
    • The Olympiad is divided into 2 week cycles (similar to the 7 Seals system):
      • Period of struggle (there are fights, but no heroes);
        • From Monday to Wednesday - Nothing happens, no fighting ;
        • Wednesday Thursday - Olympiad 1x1 Bo3 ;
        • Olympiad 1x1 (regular mode), class battles, 3x3 are no longer available .
      • Victory period (there are heroes, but no battles).
        • Hero status : Weapons, skills and chat for 7 days, Hero's visual aura and Cloak - for 14 days.
  • General rules:
    • Having skill1323.png Noblesse status is not necessary !
    • Registration is available from level 60;
      • As the server develops, the minimum level for participation in the Olympiad will gradually increase.
    • Starting number of points at the beginning of the fighting period: 30 PTS;
    • Number of points awarded per day (from Thursday to Sunday): +5 PTS;
    • Maximum number of points you can get for winning: 10 PTS.
    • Time of battles :
      • 5 hours a day: 18:30 ~ 23:30 Server time (19:30 ~ 00:30 Moscow time).
    • Four Arenas available (random):
      • Preparation time before departure to the Arena: 15 seconds;
      • Full recovery of CP/HP/MP occurs upon departure and 50 seconds before the start of the match;
      • Acceptable inventory load limit: 80%;
      • Before the battle, you can receive up to 5 enhancing effects from NPCs
      • Olympiad Stadiums are located in instanced zones, the number of simultaneous Arenas has been increased.
    • Launching Waves:
      • From 30 characters in queue.
    • Battle limit:
      • In total, you can conduct up to 50 battles per period (instead of 100).
  • 35 classes vying for Hero status :
    • Terramancer / Tectonic Sage characters (new class, gnome mage) can participate in the Olympiad and qualify for Hero status;
    • Judicator characters can make this subclass their base and claim Hero status;
    • Female and male Soul Breaker/Soul Hound characters are two different classes, each claiming their own Hero status.



event_six_party_box_i00.png Bonuses for Participation in the Olympiad:

  • image.png For First place in his class - Hero (valid for 14 days, does not work at the Olympiad):
    • Max CP, HP, MP +10%;
    • Clarity of all skills +5%;
    • 15% discount on the entire range of Manager Olympiads;
    • cloak_noblesse2_i00.pnghonors_panel.pngHero's Cloak - a two-week personal Hero's Cloak.
  • spacer.png For Second and Third places in their class (valid for 14 days, does not work at the Olympiad):
    • Max CP, HP, MP +7%;
    • Clarity of all skills +5%;
    • 10% discount on the entire range of Manager Olympiads.
  • spacer.png For Fourth - Sixth places in their class (valid for 14 days, does not work at the Olympiad):
    • Max CP, HP, MP +5%;
    • Clarity of all skills +4%;
    • 7% discount on the entire range of Manager Olympiads.
  • spacer.png For Seventh - Tenth places in your class (valid for 14 days, does not work at the Olympiad):
    • Max CP, HP, MP +3%;
    • Clarity of all skills +3%;
    • 5% discount on the entire range of Manager Olympiads.


Etc nobless teleport coupon i00 0.jpg Olympiad currency for participation in the Olympiad

  • At the Interlude stage - for participating in the Olympiad you receive etc_nobless_teleport_coupon_i00.pnga Noblesse Gate Pass, at the Gracia / High Five stages - scroll_of_verification_i00.pngan Olympiad Token.
  • The currency is balanced according to the general principle described below and its change is to the dynamic change in the range of goods in Olympiad Manager: to avoid a situation where new items relevant for later stages would be received for the accumulated “old” currency;
  • Accrual of Olympiad currency for victories:
    • 1h1 Bo3 - 500 ed.
  • Accrual of Olympiad Currency for defeats:
    • 1h1 Bo3 - 250 ed.
  • Receiving Olympiad Currency for daily achievements related to the Olympiad:
    • from 150 to 600 units. for each.
  • Receiving Olympiad Currency for the final calculation of the results of the Olympiad cycle:
    • Provided that the character has fought at least 9 battles and won at least 1 victory: 1 point = 1000 units;
    • Provided that the character has become a Hero in his class: from 120,000 units.



weapon_the_staff_of_hero_i01.png Hero Weapons

  • Standard bonuses for hero weapons are in place; however, less relevant weapons have received modifications, which, as practice has shown, allow you to effectively implement your class weapons, and not just the “spear/staff”;
  • At the first stages of the server, all Hero Weapons are Rank A and will develop along with the server; 
  • Parameters Physical / Mag. attacks - change with the development of the server and correspond to the best current rank of weapons of the server stage:
    • At the Interlude stage - Hero weapons also provide a bonus in the form of: +20% PvE and PvP damage;
    • At Gracia / High Five stages - this bonus increases, up to +70% PvE damage and +40% PvP damage.
  • 9 types of physical Hero weapons - received a built-in skill1077.png Focus bonus (+78 to P. Crit. Chance) in addition to the current bonuses:
    • weapon_the_hammer_of_hero_i00.png Infinity Crusher (Two-Handed);
    • weapon_the_dagger_of_hero_i01.png Infinity Stinger (Dagger);
    • weapon_the_sword_of_hero_i01.png Infinity Blade (Sword);
    • weapon_the_axe_of_hero_i01.png Infinity Axe (Blunt);
    • weapon_the_bow_of_hero_i01.png Infinity Bow (Bow);
    • weapon_the_fist_of_hero_i01.png Infinity Fang (Fists);
    • weapon_infinity_sword_i00.png Infinity Sword (Ancient Blade);
    • weapon_infinity_shooter_i00.png Infinity Shooter (Crossbow);
    • weapon_infinity_rapier_i00.png Infinity Rapier (Rapier).



skill0395.png Hero Skills

  • The list and parameters of skills change dynamically depending on the Server Stage:
    • Interlude:
      • spacer.png Heroic Miracle
        • P. Def. + 2250 , M. Def. + 1575 , buff cancel resistance +80, Speed +5. Duration: 30 sec;
        • P./ M. defense will dynamically increase as the server develops, up to 5400 and 4050 at the Gracia stage, respectively.
      • spacer.png Heroic Berserker

        • Increases Accuracy by 8, P. Atk. at 500, M. Atk. at 500, Atk. Spd. by 100, Speed by 20, resistance to removal of positive effects by 80, effectiveness of HP restoration skills by 100% and protects against negative effects. It also reduces P. Def. by 25%, M. Def. by 25%, Evasion by 8. Duration: 2 min.
      • skill1374.png Heroic Valor
        • Now affects the group and the alliance (and not just the clan);
        • Increases P. and M. Def. by 7%, protection from removal of effects by 80. Duration: 2 minutes;
          • As the Phys. server develops. and M. Def. increases up to 15%.
    • Gracia / High Five:
      • + skill1375.png Heroic Grandeur:
        • When success, it prohibits the use of any magical and physical skills;
          • Note! Temporarily does not apply other negative effects.
        • The effect lasts 20 seconds instead of 60 ;
        • Has a common cooldown with the skill1376.png Heroic Dread skill;
        • Cannot be removed by the skill1409.png Cleanse skill.
      • + skill1376.png Heroic Dread:
        • The effect lasts 15 seconds instead of 30;
        • Has a common cooldown with the skill1375.png Heroic Grandeur skill;
        • Cannot be removed by the Cleanse skill.skill1409.png 


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