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MasterWork II: Adventurers' Guide

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In this topic you can learn more about Club Manager Adventurers' Guide - the most popular NPC on MasterWork!

You can find etc_royal_membership_i00.png MW Club Manager Adventurers' Guide NPC next to Gatekeeper in every town and all start locations.
Speak to this NPC to:

  • skill1501.png Get support magic for yourself and your pet;
  • etc_letter_blue_i00.png Get Daily Quests and rewards for them;
  • etc_pig_adena_i01.png Exchange event currency Ivory Coin for useful items;
  • skill0000.png Use free Club Teleports. 


  • Magic Support (before certain character level), all Daily Quests and Ivory Coin store will be available even without etc_royal_membership_i00.png Club Card. 
  • Support Magic access without having a Club Card levels will be increased with each stage transition:
    • For MasterWork II - after launch there will be 1-40 levels, but on MasterWork I current levels are 1-72. 
  • Ivory Coin Store assortment and item prices will also change as server goes into later stages:
    • For MasterWork II - consumable items, shadow D-grade weapons, enchant scrolls and stones(D and C grade). For MasterWork I - Weapons A-grade with SA, enchant scrolls A-grade and consumable items. 



skill1501.png Magic support

  • After server launch 60 minutes long magic support for all characters 1-39 levels will be available for free.
  • You can buff your pet. Pet buff list depends on your character's level.
  • Buff levels will increase after your character reaches level 70;
  • You can set up buff profiles;
  • Club Card ownership gives access to:
    • Support magic at any character level;
    • Saving personal buff profile.

List of available buffs:




etc_letter_blue_i00.png Daily quests


In the new season of Masterwork 2024, daily tasks have been replaced with missions. Now you won't forget to take or turn in a quest - daily and weekly missions are always with you and are activated automatically. You can view the list of available missions by opening a special window by clicking on the corresponding button in the quick access side menu (right side of the screen).





ench_wp_stone_i00.png Ivory Coin Store

  • etc_pig_adena_i01.png Ivory Coin - personal event currency, that you can obtain by taking part in promo and events both in-game and our socials. This coins cannot be purchased for any other currency.
  • Store assortment will change as server develops. You can buy shadow weapons, unique runes, consumables and other items that will help you to develop your character.

Ivory coin store assortment: 


Скрытый текст
  • fame_1.png 1 Fame - 1 Ivory Coin;
  • vesper_cloack_i00.pngAncient Cloak (provides no bonuses) - 275 Ivory Coin & 2.500.000 adena / 25 MC;
  • br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.png Box with personal XP Rune +50% for 60 minutes - 250 Ivory Coins;
  • br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.png Box with personal XP Rune +50% for 5 hours - 850 Ivory Coins;
  • image.php?dm=VJMV.png Top D-grade (personal shadow weapons for 180 minutes) of your choice - 100 Ivory Coins;
  • image.php?dm=1SOZ.png {PvE} D-grade shirt (increases P.def/m.def and provides 3% PvE damage resistance) - 350 Ivory Coins & 250 Fame;
  • image.php?dm=W4D2.png {PvP} D-grade shirt (increases P.def/m.def and provides 1% PvP damage resistance) - 500 Ivory Coins & 350 Fame;
  • shield_shield_of_assistance_i00.png D-grade Shields (personal item) - 250 Ivory Coins & 5 MC;
  • etc_gem_clear_i00.png Dimensional Diamond (x10) - 1 Ivory Coin & 2.500 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_return_i00.png Scroll of Escape (x10) - 1 Ivory Coin & 2.000 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_resurrection_i00.png Scroll of Resurrection (x10) - 2 Ivory Coins & 10.000 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_return_agit_i00.png Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall (x10) - 1 Ivory Coin & 2.250 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_return_castle_i00.png Scroll of Escape: Castle (x10) - 1 Ivory Coin & 2.250 Adena;
  • etc_stone_gray_i00.png Spirit Ores (x100) - 5 Ivory Coins & 20.000 Adena;
  • etc_crystal_white_i00.png Soul Ores (x100) - 3 Ivory Coins & 12.500 Adena;
  • etc_energy_stone_i00.png Energy Stone (x100) - 1 Ivory Coin & 5.000 Adena;
  • etc_holy_grail_i00.png Einhasad's Holy Water (x10) - 7 Ivory Coins & 30.000 Adena;
  • etc_recall_crystal_i00.png Summoning Crystal - 3 Ivory Coins & 17.500 Adena;
  • etc_key_i00.png Thief Key (x10) - 1 Ivory Coin & 5.000 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i01.png Scroll: Enchant Armor (D-grade) - 10 Ivory Coins & 1.500 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i02.png Scroll: Enchant Armor (C-grade) - 25 Ivory Coins & 7.500 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i03.png Scroll: Enchant Armor (B-grade) - 50 Ivory Coins & 15.000 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i04.png Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-grade) - 100 Ivory Coins & 150.000 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i01.png Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D-grade) - 35 Ivory Coins & 7.500 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i02.png Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C-grade) - 90 Ivory Coins & 50.000 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i03.png Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B-grade) - 175 Ivory Coins & 150.000 Adena;
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i04.png Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-grade) - 350 Ivory Coins & 750.000 Adena;
  • ench_am_stone_i00.png Enchant Stone: Enchant Armor (D-grade) - 15 Ivory Coins;
  • ench_am_stone_i01.png Enchant Stone: Enchant Armor (C-grade) - 75 Ivory Coins;
  • ench_wp_stone_i00.png Enchant Stone: Enchant Weapon (D-grade) - 50 Ivory Coins;
  • ench_wp_stone_i01.png Enchant Stone: Enchant Weapon (C-grade) - 175 Ivory Coins.





skill0000.png Club teleports

  • With Club Card player has access to free teleports to a lot of locations and all towns; 
  • Locations change as server develops. For example Dragon Valley during Interlude stage is a lot different from Dragon Valley on High Five. 
  • Teleport locations divided into groups with location level displayed next to them.

Teleports list: 

Скрытый текст
  • Towns


  • Necropolis and Catacombs


Newbie hunting grounds: 


Middle hunting ground: 


High hunting grounds: 


  • Epic bosses







etc_royal_membership_i00.png Club card

  •  etc_royal_membership_i00.pngClub Card owners has access to:
  • Magic support from Adventurers' Guide after character's level 39;
  • Free teleportation from Adventurers' Guide and Gatekeepers to towns, villages, hunting areas;
  • Global "golden" chat (symbol >). Without level restriction. Delay between chat messages set to 60 seconds.

You can purchase Card at Club Manager Adventurers' Guide, at Premium Store Butler or account CP web store:

  • etc_royal_membership_i00.png Club Card 7 days - 15 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
  • etc_royal_membership_i00.png Club Card 30 days - 35 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
  • etc_royal_membership_i00.png Club Card 100 days - 90 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin
    • Do not forget that Master Coin is a tradable currency that can be sold or bought for any other in-game currency. If you are planning to play without making donations, you can still buy coins for adena and have access to club features. 
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