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Instance zones - best places to spend time outside open world PvE. Good drop, simple rules and isolation from open game world makes them essential for almost any player.
But what happens when number of such zones is increased with every stage and players don't have time? The game becomes instance zone simulator and nobody likes it.

We don't really like it when happens. Literally any player has a chance to spend time effectively with no competition but still have strong character to compete with other players.
We decided to change schedule and number of available instance zones for every stage so you still can get some good bonuses but don't spend your entire CP time for them.

Depending on server Phase and Stage some of instance-zones that you already used to will be removed and new zones will be added to replace them. For example Kamaloka: Hall of the Abyss and Labyrinth of the Abyss более won't be available after level 70. Instance zones Core and Orfen will be added to replace them.
It doesn't mean that Kamaloka will completely disappear: characters of suitable level will still can enter, but 70+ instance-zones won't be available. For each Phase and Stage there will be certain number of available instance zones.


Please note that in the first days the following restriction will apply to Ticket i00 0.jpg Kamaloka: Hall of the Abyss и Ticket i00 0.jpg Labyrinth of the Abyss:

  • Until 06:30 Sunday (27.11) - 49 and 59 Laba, and  53, 56 and 63 Kamaloka will be unavailable;
  • Until 06:30 Thuesday (29.11) - 59 Laba, and 63 Kamaloka will be  unavailable.


Server time: +2 GMT 

 Zone name Ticket i00 0.jpg Kamaloka: Hall of the Abyss (23 - 63) Ticket i00 0.jpg Kamaloka: Labyrinth of the Abyss (29 - 59)
 Level Character +- 5 levels of instance level Character +- 5 levels of instance level
 Reset Every day at 06:30 AM Every day at 06:30 AM
 Characters 2 - 6 2 - 9


  • Armor, Weapon;
  • Enchant scrolls, crafting parts, daily quest Etc_vitality_point_i00_0.jpg completion;
  • Equipment grade based on instance zone level:

23: armor_t34_u_i00.png etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i01.png   26: armor_t14_u_i00.png etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i01.png   
33: armor_t10_b_i00.pngetc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i01.png    36: shield_hoplon_i00.png etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i01.png

43: armor_t46_u_i00.png etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i02.png   46: weapon_mystery_sword_i00.png etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i02.png   
53: weapon_yaksa_mace_i00.png etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i03.png   56: armor_t59_ul_i00.png etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i03.png

  • Items displayed are examples of instance zone drop.
  • Doesn't mean that instance boss only drop this specific items. All bosses have large drop lists.
  • Weapons and jewelry;
  • Enchant scrolls, crafting parts, daily quest bless_scroll_r99.png completion;
  • Equipment grade based on instance zone level:

29: weapon_goathead_staff_i00.png accessary_elven_necklace_i00.png etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_d_i01.png     39: weapon_crystal_staff_i00.png accessary_necklace_of_darkness_i00.png etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_c_i02.png

49: weapon_deadmans_staff_i00.png accessary_necklace_of_binding_i00.png etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_c_i02.png     59: weapon_staff_of_evil_sprit_i00.png accessary_necklace_of_black_ore_i00.png etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_b_i03.png

  • Items displayed are examples of instance zone drop.
  • Doesn't mean that instance boss only drop this specific items. All bosses have large drop lists.
  • In addition to drop and daily quest completions you will also get increased amount of SP and EXP.
  • XP amount and drop chances will increase for less relevant instance zone as server goes into later stages
  • Single completion of accessary_mithril_ring_i00.png Pailaka: Song of Ice and Fire available to all players:
    • Level: from 35 to 45. Reward: XP, SP, Vitality points replenishment, D-grade jewelry.
  • Note that Kamaloka: Hall of the Abyss 63/66 and Labyrinth of the Abyss 69 are also available.
  • Restrictions for certain instance zones in the first few days:

    • Until 06:30 on Tuesday (October 31), the 59th laboratory and the 63rd chamber will be unavailable.

 Zone name Ticket i00 0.jpg Kamaloka: Hall of the Abyss (63-66) Ticket i00 0.jpg Kamaloka: Labyrinth of the Abyss (69) Zaken.png Zaken (66)
 Level Character +- 5 levels of instance level Character +- 5 levels of instance level 58 - 73
 Reset Every day at 06:30 AM Every day at 06:30 AM Monday/Wednesday/Friday 06:30
 Characters 2 - 6 2- 9 7 - 9
  • Armor, weapons and jewelry; Enchant scrolls, crafting parts;
  • Daily quest Etc_vitality_point_i00_0.jpg completion.

63: armor_t70_u_i00.png armor_t70_l_i00.png etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i03.png   66: armor_t68_g_i00.png armor_t68_b_i00.png etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i04.png

  • weapon_sword_of_ipos_i00.png Top A-grade weapons;
  • accessary_phoenixs_necklace_i02.png accessary_inferno_necklace_i00.png Low and Top A-gr jewelry;
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i04.png etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_a_i04.png Enchant scrolls, parts;
  • bless_scroll_r99.png Daily quest completion.


  • weapon_hazard_bow_i00.png Top B-grade weapons;
  • accessary_another_worlds_necklace_i00.pn accessary_necklace_of_phantom_i00.png accessary_cerberuss_necklace_i00.png Top B, Low and Top A-gr jewelry;
  • etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_b_i03.png chest_of_dark_soul.png zaken_hair_accessary.png Scrolls, Life Stones, parts;
  • image.php?di=L2GL.png Daily quest completion
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 12;
  • Jackpot:
    • etc_sb_transform_i00.png Transformation sealbook: Zaken;
    • accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00.png Zaken's Earring!


  • In addition to drop and daily quest completions you will also get increased amount of SP and EXP.
  • XP amount and drop chances will increase for less relevant instance zone as server goes into later stages
  • Single completion of etc_rbracelet_c_i00.png Pailaka: Devil's Legacy available to all players:
    • Level: from 58 to 70. Reward: XP and SP, Vitality replenishment, B-grade talisman bracelet.


 Zone name Twins Twins (78) Zaken.png Zaken (78) baylor.png Baylor (78) core.png Core & Orfen (80)
 Level 75 - 85 74 - 85 73 - 85 76 - 85
 Reset Every day at 06:30 AM Monday/Wednesday/Friday 06:30 Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday 06:30 Wednesday/Saturday 06:30
 Characters 2 - 9 7 - 9 7 - 9 7 - 9
  • skill1532.png skill0917.png Books needed for skills learned at level 79!
  • weapon_basalt_battlehammer_i00.png S-grade weapons;;
  • armor_t90_g_i00.png S-grade armor;
  • accessory_tateossian_necklace_i00.png S-grade jewelry;
  • etc_fire_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.png Attribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • weapon_crystal_of_deamon_i00.png accessary_inferno_necklace_i00.png Top A-grade weapons and jewelry
  • etc_unholy_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.png Attribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 12
  • image.php?di=L2GL.png Daily quest completion.
  • Jackpot:
    • etc_sb_transform_i00.png Transformation sealbook: Zaken;
    • accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00.png Zaken's Earring!
  • R1_necklace_i00_0.jpg R1_earring_i00_0.jpg R1_ring_i00_0.jpg Immortal jewelry!
  • barler_earring.png Baylor Earring;
  • weapon_arcana_mace_i00.png armor_t90_ul_i00.png S-grade armor and weapons;
  • etc_wind_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.png Attribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 13
  • Jackpot:
    • Protection_of_Elemental.png Protection of Alignment and Elemental (available at level 79)
  • image.png image.png Epic Jewelry forging!
  • weapon_heavens_divider_i00.png armor_t88_u_i00.png S-grade armor and weapons;
  • etc_wind_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.png Attribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 13
  • Jackpot:
    • core2.png orfen2.png enchanted epic jewelry;
    • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Books M/F/A Will;
    • Protection_of_Elemental.png Protection of Alignment and Elemental (available at level 79)
  • Single completion of etc_shirts_a_i04.png Pailaka: Injured Dragon:
    • Chracter level: from 73 to 77. Reward: Experience and SP, Vitality replenishment, A-grade shirt.
  • Hall of the Abyss and Labyrinth of the Abyss above 69 removed.
    • The last Labyrinth available is level 69, Kamaloka level 66.
  • Castle and Fortress owners - access to daily instance zone - Prison:
    • Reset: every day 6:30 AM;
    • Access: individual CD for each group;
    • Boss level and rewards will be increased as server grows and goes into later stages:
      • On Gracia drops will be armor_t76_ul_i00.png low A-grade armor_t84_ul_i00.png and top A-grade armor, accessary_phoenixs_necklace_i00.png Jewelry, etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Useful items. 
 Zone name Twins Twins (80) Zaken.png Zaken (80) baylor.png Baylor (80) core.png Core & Orfen (80)  queenant.png Queen Ant tiat.png Tiat (82)
 Level 75 - 85 74 - 85 76 - 85 76 - 85 76 - 85 76 - 85
 Reset Every day at 06:30 AM Monday/Wednesday/Friday 06:30 Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday 06:30 Wednesday/Saturday 06:30 Monday/Wednesday/Friday 06:30 Wednesday/Saturday 06:30
 Characters 2 - 9 7 - 9 7 - 9 7 - 9 7 - 9 18 - 45
  • skill1532.png skill0917.png Books needed for skills learned at level 79!
  • weapon_basalt_battlehammer_i00.png S-grade weapons;
  • armor_t90_g_i00.png S-grade armor;
  • accessory_tateossian_necklace_i00.png S-grade jewelry;
  • etc_fire_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.pngAttribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • weapon_angel_slayer_i00.png accessory_tateossian_necklace_i00.png S-grade armor and weapons; 
  • etc_unholy_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.png Attribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • image.php?di=L2GL.png Daily quest completion.;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 13
  • Jackpot:
    • etc_sb_transform_i00.png Transformation sealbook: Zaken;
    • accessory_earring_of_zaken_i03.png Zaken's Earring!
  • R1_necklace_i00_0.jpg R1_earring_i00_0.jpg R1_ring_i00_0.jpg Immortal Jewelry!
  • barler_earring.png Baylor Earring;
  • weapon_arcana_mace_i00.png armor_t93_uw_i00.png S-grade armor and weapons;
  • etc_wind_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.png Attribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 14
  • Jackpot:
    • Protection_of_Elemental.png Protection of Alignment и Elemental (available at level 79)
  • image.png image.png Epic Jewelry forging!
  • weapon_heavens_divider_i00.png armor_t91_uke_i00.png S-grade armor and weapons;
  • etc_wind_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.png Attribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 14
  • Jackpot:
    • core2.png orfen2.png enchanted epic jewelry;
    • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Books M/F/A Will;
    • Protection_of_Elemental.png Protection of Alignment и Elemental (available at level 79)
  • etc_fruit_juice_glass_bottle_i01.png Creating temporary Epic Jewelry!
  • weapon_heavens_divider_i00.png armor_t88_u_i00.png S-grade armor and weapons;
  • etc_wind_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.png Attribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 14
  • Jackpot:
    • accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i03.png Queen Ant ring;
    • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Books M/F/A Will;
    • Protection_of_Elemental.png Protection of Alignment and Elemental (available at level 79)
  • weapon_dynasty_blade_i00.png Dynasty Weapons;
  • weapon_icarus_sowsword_i00.png Icarus Weapons;
  • weapon_vesper_cutter_i00.png Vesper Weapons;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 13 - 16
  • etc_earth_stone_i00.png Attribute stones;
  • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Books M/F/A Will;
  • Protection_of_Elemental.png Protection of Alignment and Elemental


 Zone name Zaken.png Zaken (82) core.png Core & Orfen (82) queenant.png Queen Ant (82) frintezza.png Frintezza (85) freya.png Freya (85) tiat.png Tiat (82)
 Level 65 - 85 74 - 85 78 - 85 78 - 85 78 - 85 76 - 85
 Reset Monday/Wednesday/Friday 06:30 Wednesday/Saturday 06:30 Monday/Wednesday/Friday 06:30 Wednesday/Saturday 06:30 Wednesday/Saturday 06:30 Wednesday/Saturday 06:30
Characters 7 - 9 7 - 9 7 - 9 11 - 45 10 - 27 18 - 45
  • weapon_icarus_stick_i00.png accessary_bluelycan_necklace_i00.png S-80 armor and weapons;
  • etc_unholy_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.png Attribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;;
  • image.php?di=L2GL.png Daily quest completion.;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 14;
  • Jackpot:
    • etc_sb_transform_i00.png Transformation sealbook: Zaken;
    • accessory_earring_of_zaken_i03.png Zaken's Earring!
  • image.png image.png Epic Jewelry forging!
  • weapon_icarus_spiter_i00.png armor_t101_u_i00.png S-80 armor and weapons;
  • etc_wind_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.png Attribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 16
  • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Books M/F/A Will;
  • Protection_of_Elemental.png Forgotten scrolls - Protections.
  • Jackpot:
    • core2.png orfen2.pngenchanted epic jewelry;
  • etc_fruit_juice_glass_bottle_i01.png Creating temporary Epic Jewelry!
  • weapon_icarus_heavy_arms_i00.png armor_t100_u_i00.png S-80 armor and weapons;
  • etc_wind_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.png Attribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 16
  • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Books M/F/A Will;
  • Protection_of_Elemental.png Forgotten scrolls - Protections.
  • Jackpot:
    • accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i03.png Queen Ant ring;
  • accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00.pngFrintezza's Necklace;
  • weapon_icarus_sowsword_i00.png weapon_vesper_cutter_i00.png S80-S84 Weapons;
  • armor_t96_u_i01.png armor_t94_u_i03.png S80-S84 equipment;
  • etc_unholy_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.pngAttribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 16
  • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Books M/F/A Will;
  • Protection_of_Elemental.png Forgotten scrolls - Protections.
  • accessary_queen_of_ice_necklace_i00.pngFreya Necklace
  • weapon_icarus_sowsword_i00.png weapon_vesper_cutter_i00.png S80-S84 Weapons;
  • armor_t96_u_i01.png armor_t94_u_i03.png S80-S84 equipment;
  • etc_unholy_stone_i00.png familybox_ench.png chest_of_dark_soul.pngAttribute stones, Enchant scrolls, Life stones;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 10 - 16
  • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Books M/F/A Will;
  • Protection_of_Elemental.pngForgotten scrolls - Protections.
  • weapon_dynasty_blade_i00.png Dynasty Weapons;
  • weapon_icarus_sowsword_i00.png Icarus Weapons;
  • weapon_vesper_cutter_i00.png Vesper Weapons;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up 13 - 16
  • etc_earth_stone_i00.png Attribute stones;
  • br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Books M/F/A Will;
  • Protection_of_Elemental.png Protection of Alignment and Elemental





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