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MW II: 2nd Stage (13 December)

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December 13 (Monday) at 18:00 server time



Dear friends!

Global server update will go live on Monday. It will bring Second Stage of the First Phase on MasterWork II!
You can find all information about server concept on forum here.




Changes of the second stage 

When: on 13.12 (Monday) from 18:00 to 19:00 server time, right after Seven Signs event period.
Note! Server will not be available during this time!


Etc exp point i00 0.jpg Rates

  • Information about levels and EXP / SP
    • Level XP from monsters XP from bosses
      1 - 29 х5 х3
      30 - 51 х5 => х3 х3
      52 - 59 х3 => х1 х3
      60 - 70 х1 х2
      71 х1 х1
  • Additional restrictions for characters above level 71:
    • Level XP from monsters XP from bosses
      72 х0.1 х0.2
      73 х0.05 х0.1
      74 х0.01 х0.02
    • Characters with a level lower than first stage cap will get a bonus!

      • New characters and characters 1-39:
        • br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.png Rune +30% EXP & SP (48 hours)
      • Characters level 40-51:
        • br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.png Rune +25% EXP & SP (48 hours)
      • Characters level 52 - 59:
        • br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.png Rune +20% EXP & SP (48 hours)
      • Characters 60 level:
        • br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.png Rune +15% EXP & SP (48 hours)





Ticket i00 0.jpg Instance Zones

According to server concept new pool of instance zones will become available. Note that instance zones from the first stage still will be available.

 Instance zone Ticket i00 0.jpg Kamaloka: Hall of the Abyss (63-66) Ticket i00 0.jpg Kamaloka: Labyrinth of the Abyss (69) Zaken.png Zaken (66)
 Level Character +- 5 levels of instance level Character +- 5 levels of instance level 58 - 73
 Reset Every day at 06:30 AM Every day at 06:30 AM Monday/Wednesday/Friday 06:30
 Characters 2 - 6 2- 9 7 - 9
  • Armor, weapons and jewelry; Enchant scrolls, crafting parts;
  • Daily quest Etc_vitality_point_i00_0.jpg completion.


63: armor_t70_u_i00.png armor_t70_l_i00.png etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i03.png   66: armor_t68_g_i00.png armor_t68_b_i00.png etc_scroll_of_enchant_armor_i04.png



  • weapon_sword_of_ipos_i00.png Top A-grade weapons;
  • accessary_phoenixs_necklace_i02.png accessary_inferno_necklace_i00.png Low and Top A-gr jewelry;
  • etc_scroll_of_enchant_weapon_i04.png etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_a_i04.png Enchant scrolls, parts;
  • bless_scroll_r99.png Daily quest completion.



  • weapon_hazard_bow_i00.png Top B-grade weapons;
  • accessary_another_worlds_necklace_i00.pn accessary_necklace_of_phantom_i00.png accessary_cerberuss_necklace_i00.png Top B, Low and Top A-gr jewelry;
  • etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_b_i03.png chest_of_dark_soul.png zaken_hair_accessary.png Scrolls, Life Stones, parts;
  • image.php?di=L2GL.png Daily quest completion;
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals level up! 10-12 with 3% chance
  • Jackpot:
    • etc_sb_transform_i00.png Transformation sealbook: Zaken;
    • accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00.png Zaken's Earring!


  • In addition to drop and daily quest completions you will also get increased amount of SP and EXP.
  • XP amount and drop chances will increase for less relevant instance zone as server goes into later stages
  • Single completion of etc_rbracelet_c_i00.png Pailaka: Devil's Legacy available to all players:
    • Level: from 58 to 70. Reward: XP and SP, Vitality replenishment, B-grade talisman bracelet.


More information here: MasterWork II: Instance Zones.





skillboss.png Epic Bosses

According to server concept some Epic Bosses will change their status. Some of them will leave game world, some new will appear.

Epic Boss Card-aq.png Queen Ant Card-core.png Core Card-orf.png Orfen Card-zak.png Zaken Card-baium.png Baium Frintezza.png Frintezza
Status Available during whole stage Unavailable starting from second half of the stage Unavailable starting from second half of the stage Available during the whole stage Available during the whole stage Available from the second half of the stage
Level 70 70 70 70 72 72
Respawn (days) Every 2 days Every 4 days Every 4 days Every 3 days Every Friday (first on Dec. 17) Every 5 days
Respawn time 21:00 - 22:00 20:00 - 21:00 20:00 - 21:00 20:30 - 21:30 21:00 - 23:00 21:30 - 22:30
Jewelry accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00.png 100% accessory_ring_of_core_i00.png 150% accessory_earring_of_orfen_i00.png 150% accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00.png 100% accessory_ring_of_baium_i00.png 100% accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00.png 100%


armor_t68_u_i00.png B-gr. equipment
armor_t76_ul_i00.png A-gr. equipment
br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Will's (all types)
etc_warding_orb_green_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - A

armor_t68_u_i00.png B-gr. equipment
armor_t76_ul_i00.png A-gr. equipment
br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Will's (all types)
etc_warding_orb_green_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - A

armor_t68_u_i00.png B-gr. equipment
armor_t76_ul_i00.png A-gr. equipment
br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Will's (all types)
etc_warding_orb_green_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - A

armor_t68_u_i00.png B-gr. equipment
armor_t76_ul_i00.png A-gr. equipment
br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Will's (all types)
etc_warding_orb_green_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - A

Fame_1.png Fame upon entering
armor_t76_ul_i00.png A-gr. equipment
br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Will's (all types)
etc_warding_orb_green_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - A

armor_t76_ul_i00.png A-gr. equipment
armor_t88_u_i00.png S-gr. equipment
br_spell_books_sword_i00.png Will's (all types)
etc_warding_orb_green_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - A


More information about Epic Bosses here: MasterWork II: Epic Bosses.





Accessory_hero_cap_i00_0.jpg Olympiad

  • General
    • Access to Gran Olympiad:
      • From December 16 to 1. Character level 62+;
      • Olympiad will be disabled for the period from December 30 to January 2;
      • Later minimum level required will be changed to 66.
    • Heroes
      • Hero Weapons:
        • P.atk/M.atk increased according to server concept.
      • Ability Skill1374_0.jpg Heroic Valor now available to all heroes.
        • Parameters changed. Now provides:
          •  P.Def \ M.Def: +5%;
          • Cancel Resistance: +40%.
      • Parameters of Skill0395 0.jpg Heroic Miracle increased.
        • P.Def: 3000;
        • M.Def: 2250.


More information about Grand Olympiad here: MasterWork II: Grand Olympiad.





skill1013.png Skills

  • There is no special changes in skills for the second stage. Detailed information about skills here: MasterWork II: Skills and Mechanics;
  • But one skill will have some changes. We got a lot of feedback from players and now we ready to implement some changes.
  • skill1505.pngSublime Self-Sacrifice 
    • Now will restore fixed amount of MP on the first and second skill levels:
    • Level 1 (60):
      • 50% HP;
      • 250 ед. MP.
    • Level 2 (74):
      • 100% HP;
      • 400 ед. MP.
    • Level 3 (83):
      • 100% CP;
      • 100% HP;
      • 100% MP.





image.png Bonus Start

  • Now d-grade.png D-gr equipment can be used from level 1 without penalty skill4267.png без штрафа.
  • Achievement rewards changed:
    • Reaching level 20:
      • coupon_arm_d.pngpannel_armor.pngPersonal Coupon Armor: D-grade
    • Reaching level 40:
      • coupon_weapon_d.pngpannel_weapon.pngPersonal Coupon Weapon: D-grade
    • First subclass:
      • coupon_weapon_d.pngpannel_weapon.pngPersonal Coupon Weapon: D-grade
      • coupon_arm_d.pngpannel_armor.pngPersonal Coupon Armor: D-grade
    • Second subclass:
      • coupon_weapon_d.pngpannel_weapon.pngPersonal Coupon Weapon: D-grade
      • coupon_arm_c.pngpannel_armor.pngPersonal Coupon Armor: C-grade
    • Third subclass:
      • coupon_weapon_c.pngpannel_weapon.pngPersonal Coupon Weapon: C-grade
      • coupon_arm_c.pngpannel_armor.pngPersonal Coupon Armor: C-grade
    • NOTE! Achievement rewards updated according to server concept. If you already took rewards for achievements, you won't be able to get updated rewards.
    • Also new achievements now available:
      • Achievement "Become Noblesse";
      • Achievements for reaching levels 68, 72, 74, 76;
      • Achievement for completing 3rd class quest.
  • image.png Classes
    • Class change prices reduced:
      • 1st class - Free;
      • 2nd class - 1.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena or 10 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
  • Etc badge gold i00 0.jpg Sub class
    • Subclass quest Raid Bosses level increased:
      • From 55 to 65;
      • Stats slightly increased.
    • Sub class quest still available from level 52;
    • To add a new sub class you will need to level up your previous one to level 60;
    • Find out more about sub class here;
    • Added Etc imperial scepter i00 0.jpg scepters to NPC Butler assortment, but you still will need to complete quest;
      • To find scepters:
        • Go to Classes section.
  • Etc pig adena i01 0.jpg Ivory Store:
    • weapon_tears_of_wizard_i00.pngpanel_2.png ShadowTop b-grade.png B-gr weapons (with SA) will be available for etc_pig_adena_i01.pngIvory Coin .
  • image.png Club & Adventurers' Guide:
    • skill1501.png Free support magic for characters up to level 51
  • Etc quest account reward i00 0.jpg Items:
    • weapon_life_stick_i00.pngBest d-grade.png D-gr weapons, armor and jewelry can be purchased for etc_adena_i00.pngAdena;
    • armor_t62_ul_i00.pnglow_tab.pngCommon d-grade.png D and c-grade.png C-gr weapons, armor and jewelry can be purchased for etc_adena_i00.pngAdena;
    • armor_t1004_ul_i00.png Apella armor sets now available (Adena, Rune);
    • armor_t85_ul_i02.pngpannel_unconfirmed.pngAdded a-grade.png A-gr. unidentified equipment to monsters and Raid Bosses drop lists
  • butler.png Butler
    • etc_spell_books_element_i00.png Spellbooks now cost 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (instead of 2 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin).





image.png Misc

  • Файл:Создать Обычный Предмет.jpg Crafting
    • A-grade equipment crafting cost now set to default values (60%);
    • Note! S-grade recipes still have increased cost by 40% for the rest of second stage.
      • You can check crafting cost in Actions (Alt+C) -> image.png Recipe List.


  • Etc mineral unique i03 0.jpg Life Stone
    • All skills updated according to server concept.
      • Item Skills now have level 8 (was 6).


  • image.png Rune of Crystal
    • br_cash_rune_of_rp_i00.pngtoggle_all_panel.pngRune of Crystal level 5 24-hour limited period
    • Now also affect A-gr equipment:
      • А-gr - from level 56 (with rune);
      • S-gr - from level 76 (rune won' work).
  •  clan-skill.png Active clan skills
    • Added new skill:
      • spacer.png Clan Noblesse - applies Noblesse Blessing buff to all clan members around leader
        • Clan level required: 7;
        • Cooldown: 60 minutes;
        • Cost: 15 etc_broken_crystal_red_i00.pngpannel_rotten.pngProof of Loyalty .
  • Talismans
    • Cost will be increased as well as their effectiveness.
    • All talismans available at NPC butler.png Butler for etc_adena_i00.pngAdena and etc_adena_i00.pngAdena + family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
    • All talismans have increased MP.
    • Changes:
      • 32_divineprotection.jpg Divine Protection:
        • First stage IL: 1200 p.def and 900 m.def;
        • Second IL stage and first GF: 2400 p.def and 1800 m.def;
        • Second GF and further: 3600 p.def and 2700 m.def.
      • 32_lifeforce.jpg Life Force:
        • First stage IL: 50% HP и 30% MP;
        • Second IL stage and first GF: 75% HP и 50% MP;
        • Second GF and further: 100% HP и MP.
      • 32_maxclarity.jpg Maximum Clarity:
        • First stage IL:  50%;
        • Second IL stage and first GF: 75%;
        • Second GF and further: 100%.
    • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngNew talismans:
      • Talisman bonuses may be changed.
      • Yellow_attack_32.jpg Yellow Tallisman - Attack (new talisman)
        • P.atk. +22, M.atk. +30, Atk.speed. +15, Cast. Speed. +12, Crit. power +30.
        • This talisman provides combined effects of:
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Power;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Arcane Power;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Violent Haste;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Arcane Haste;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Critical Damage.
      • yellow_def 32.jpg Yellow Tallisman - Defence (new talisman)
        • P.def.+35, M.def.+30, Crit. power recieved -100, reduces critical chance of your attackers -3%. 
        • This talisman provides combined effects of:
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Defense;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Arcane Defense;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Critical Reduction;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Critical Dodging.
      • yellow_speed 32.jpg Yellow Tallisman - Speed (new talisman)
        • Speed +5, Accuracy +2, Evasion +2.
        • This talisman provides combined effects of:
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Speed;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Accuracy;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Evasion.
      • yellow_regen 32.jpg Yellow Tallisman - Regeneration (new talisman)
        • Healing power +40, CP, HP, MP regeneration. +10%.
        • This talisman provides combined effects of:
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Healing;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Mental Regeneration;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of CP Regeneration;
          • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngYellow Talisman of Physical Regeneration.





a82af5e55c9f17f0a88a0e5908444506.png Store

  • 81d81e6b49012acb5a072b8d6717d0d1.png Packages
    • Starter packages updated:
      • etc_box_of_adventure_2_i00.pngpannel_wisdom.pngStarter Set  95 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin :
        • coupon_weapon_c.pngpannel_weapon.pngPersonal Coupon Weapon: C-grade;
        • coupon_arm_c.pngpannel_armor.pngPersonal Coupon Armor: C-grade;
        • Jewelry set accessary_necklace_of_binding_i00.pngMW Necklace of Seal ;
        • 10.000 br_cash_soulshot_c_i00.pngSoulshot (C-Grade) ;
        • 6.000 br_cash_blessed_spiritshot_c_i00.pngBlessed Spiritshot (C-Grade) .
      • New items in etc_box_of_adventure_3_i00.pngpannel_intrepid.pngUnique Set for 125 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin :
        • coupon_weapon_c.pngpannel_weapon.pngPersonal Coupon Weapon: C-grade х3;
        • coupon_arm_c.pngpannel_armor.pngPersonal Coupon Armor: C-grade х2;
        • Jewelry set  accessary_necklace_of_binding_i00.pngMW Necklace of Seal ;
        • 20.000 br_cash_soulshot_c_i00.pngSoulshot (C-Grade) ;
        • 12.000 br_cash_blessed_spiritshot_c_i00.pngBlessed Spiritshot (C-Grade) .
      • Other
        • Removed d72005dc14fbacd78c76ad7eb53d52a7.png NG shots (now all newly created characters have them)
        • When purchased through control panel packages will contain Ivory Coins:
          •  etc_box_of_adventure_2_i00.pngpannel_wisdom.pngStarter Set  - 250 etc_pig_adena_i01.pngIvory Coin
          •  etc_box_of_adventure_3_i00.pngpannel_intrepid.pngUnique Set  - 500 etc_pig_adena_i01.pngIvory Coin
    • All characters that previously purchased Etc_box_of_adventure_3_i00.pngpannel_intrepid.pngUnique Set - will get one coupon of each type.
  • Etc badge gold i00 0.jpg Sub class
    • Added Etc imperial scepter i00 0.jpg scepters to NPC Butler assortment, but you still will need to complete quest;
      • To find scepters:
        • Go to Classes section.
    • Cost:
      • 15 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin
  • Etc vitality point i00 0.jpg Vitality:
    • Shop updated:
    • Added br_four_leaf_clover_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngLucky Four-leaf Clover 1-76 lvl
      • 1 pc - 10 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin
      • 3 pcs - 25 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin
    • br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.png Rune of Exp+Sp 50% (1-64 lvl) - now can be purchased at NPC butler.png Butler and on Control Panel.

      family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin
  • rooster.png Pets
    • Now have level 55 (was 40).
  • Fame_1.png Fame (new)
    • Fame_1.png Fame (1 fame) - 1 etc_pig_adena_i01.pngIvory Coin;
    • Fame_1.png Fame (50 fame) - 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
  • etc_potion_scarlet_i00.png Potions
    • etc_reagent_white_i00.pngGreater Healing Potion (50) now cost 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (instead of 5 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin);
    • etc_reagent_white_i00.pngGreater Healing Potion (200) new cost 10 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (instead of 15 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin).
    • etc_cp_potion_i00.pngCP Potion (50) now cost 1 (instead of 3)
    • etc_cp_potion_i01.pngGreater CP Potion (50) (new) now cost 2 ;
    • br_cp_potion_i01.pngMW CP Potion (50) now cost 3 (instead of 7);
    • etc_cp_potion_i01.png 3 types of CP Potion (100; 100; 100) now cost 10 (instead of 15).
  • etc_scroll_gray_i00.png Scrolls
    • etc_scroll_of_return_i01.pngBlessed Scroll of Escape (3 scrolls) now cost 3 (instead of 5);
    • etc_scroll_of_resurrection_i01.pngBlessed Scroll of Resurrection (3 scrolls) now cost 5 (instead of 7).
  • etc_str_hena_i00.png Dyes
    • image.png 
      • +1/-1 10 pcs. - 2 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
      • +2/-2 10 pcs. - 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
      • +3/-3 10 pcs. - 4 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
      • +4/-4 10 pcs. - 5 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
  • etc_beast_soul_shot_i00.png Shots
    • image.png Spiritshots;
      • Pet 5000 spiritshots - 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
      • D gr. 3000 spiritshots - 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
      • C gr. 3000 spiritshots - 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
      • B gr. 2000 spiritshots - 4 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
      • A gr. 1500 spiritshots - 7 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
    • image.png Физ. Заряды;
      • Pet 5000 soulshots - 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
      • D gr. 5000 soulshots - 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
      • C gr. 5000 soulshots - 2 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
      • B gr. 3000 soulshots - 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
      • A gr. 3000 soulshots - 4 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
  • Etc letter envelope i00 0.jpg Misc
    • Etc_piece_of_cloth_red_i00_0.jpg Blood Cloth (Baium) - 5 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin + 250.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena
    • Ticket i00 0.jpg Extra entrance pass - Instance Zone Zaken.png Zaken.
  • l2store.pngetc_adena_i00.pngAdena L2Store
    • Once per day:
      • br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.png Rune of Exp+Sp 50% (for ALL levels) - 5 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
      • etc_cake_of_wheatlfour_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngMW Vitality Pie:
        • First - 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
        • Second - 5 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
        • Third - 7 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.





Etc question mark i00 0.jpg What to do during second stage

  • Skill1323 0.jpg Noblesse status available from sub class level 70
    • Only a group that last hits RB Barakiel will get quest items; 
    • Note! Starting from December 20 after RB Barakiel is killed, special box will appear. You will get etc_vesper_caster_piece_i00.pngStaff of Goddess: Rain Song Fragment from this box. Collect 3 fragments and you will get weapon_sprites_staff_i00.pngStaff of Goddess: Rain Song;
    • You will still be able to get Staff from RB Barakiel. 
  • 3rd class quest:
    • Etc barka friendship 2 i00 0.jpg Alliance with Varka \ Ketra - available from level 72;
    • Etc crystal blue i00 0.jpg Hot Springs - available from level 72.
  • A-grade crafting, especially Top A-grade sets (Armor t80 ul i00 0.jpg Nightmare и Armor t85 ul i00 0.jpg Majestic);
  • All classes get skill upgrades and access to new skills that will change gameplay. This stage is not only new levels and equipment, it will change your class a lot;
  • Same as on previous MasterWork last year, there will be New Year Holidays from December 27 to January 4. More information will be posted in a separate topic.
    • What to expect:
      • 🎅 New Year event and New Year celebration;
      • Epic Bosses and Grand Olympiad will be disabled for holiday duration.
  • By the end of the second stage there will be another important change: Skill1444 0.jpg Kamael race (In January).


We hope that you enjoyed and had much fun on the first stage. And we sure that second stage will not disappoint you 😉


PS: Market (Control Panel) will become available in ~10 days.





point.png Forum navigation


Do not forget that you can track server statistics on Control Panel., streams in Media section, find good company (clan or a group) on Recruitment section on forum.






with❤️, E-Global & Averia




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