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MW ll: Territory Wars

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Date: 22.01
Time: 20:00 - 22:00 server time
Participation: visit Mercenary Captain and register


Dear friends!

Territory Wars will take place this Saturday (22.01), Territory Wars sign up is already available. 
Note: participation in Territory Wars will not require a castle owned by your clan.


Etc badge black i00 0.jpg General

To participate in TW you will need to choose a territory you are going to fight for and visit NPC Mercenary Captain in this town. To sign up choose following lines:

  1. Territory Registration and Information;
  2. Merc. Sing Up.
      Reveal hidden contents


Information for clans and leaders

  • As a clan leader you can sign up your entire clan for a certain territory at once. You will need to visit NPC Mercenary Captain in a town you want to fight for and choose following lines:
    • Territory Registration and Information;
    • Clan Sing Up.
  • If you own a castle, your clan will be automatically signed for castle's territory defense. Other clan member won't be able to sign for other territories.



🕙 When

  • Territory Wars will automatically start:
    • Date: Saturday, 22.01;
    • Time: 20:00 - 22:00 server time (19:00 - 21:00 CET).




  • Any character can register for any territory at NPC Mercenary Capitan.
  • Any character above level 40 can participate.
    • Note! You need to be at least level 61 to complete TW quests and get territory badges as reward. 
  • Registration will be closed in 2 hours before TW start;
  • Members of a clan that owns a castle will have territory stat bonuses even if territory ward is moved to another territory.
    • Note! Bonus will not be doubled if you still own territory ward.
  • Wards cannot be carried out of Combat Siege Zone.
    • If a character that carries ward leaves Combat Zone for more than 15 seconds, ward will disappear.
  • You won't be able to invite characters to your clan one hour before TW start and for the entire event.
  • Resurrection type skills will not work in Combat Zones during Territory Wars.
    • Please note!  skill0247.png Build Headquarters,  skill0247.png Outpost Construction or Crystals in Castles will not affect Resurrection skills. etc_charm_of_courage_i05.pngCharm of Courage - will work as intended;
    • When a character is dead, it can be teleported to outpost, flag or castle without any restrictions.
  • Fortresses will not be a part of TW, territory catapults will not spawn as well.
  • To become Skill1323 0.jpg Noblesse you will need to collect 50 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg Territory Badges (instead of 100).
  • Etc badge black i00 0.jpg Territory Badge store has been updated: 
    • etc_codex_of_giant_i03.png Giant's Codex - Mastery - 25 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg (instead of 80)
    • etc_scroll_of_return_i01.png 10 Blessed Scroll of Escape - 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.png Adena и 1 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg (instead of 40 for 1 BSoE);
    • etc_super_hp_potion_i05.png Territory Health Recovery Potion - 1 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg (instead of 8);
    • Accessary healer circlet i00 0.jpg Accessories - 8 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg (instead of 80);
    • Jewelry a-grade.png A-gr:
      • accessary_inferno_ring_i00.png Earth Protection Ring  - 60 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg;
      • accessary_inferno_earing_i00.png Protection Earring  - 90 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg;
      • accessary_inferno_necklace_i00.png Darkness Protection Necklace  - 120 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg.
    • Jewelry s-grade.png S-80 gr:
      • accessory_ring_of_domi_protection_i00.pn Earth Royal Guard Ring  - 80 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg;
      • accessory_earring_of_domi_protection_i00 Guard Earring  - 120 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg;
      • accessory_nectklace_of_domi_protection_i Darkness Royal Guard Necklace  - 160 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg.
    • Boxes with belts a-grade.png A and s-grade.png S-gr - 35 Etc badge black i00 0.jpg (instead of 70);
    • You can also exchange your Etc badge black i00 0.jpg Territory Badges for Badges of any other territory:
      • etc_badge_black_i00.png Gludio Territory Badge = etc_badge_black_i00.png Dion Territory Badge + 350.000 etc_adena_i00.png Adena or family_coin_i00.png Master Coin.



image.png Other

  • Visit NPC Scorpio in Aden town to purchase useful combat items:
    • etc_penalty_recovery_i00.pngRecovery Spellbook for Combat Use - 14 image.png Fame;
    • etc_super_cp_potion_i00.pngblue_tab.pngBattle CP Recovery Potion - 40 image.png Fame;
    • etc_super_hp_potion_i00.pngblue_tab.pngBattle Health Recovery Potion - 14 image.png Fame;
    • etc_super_mp_potion_i00.pngblue_tab.pngBattle Mana Recovery Potion - 92 image.png Fame.
      • We want to remind you that image.png Fame can be purchased at NPC butler.png Butler for family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin and NPC advent.png Adventurers' Guide for etc_pig_adena_i01.pngIvory Coin.
  • You can also purchase etc_charm_of_courage_i05.png Charm of Courage for different levels at NPC Ralford in Ivory Tower. Price from 17.000 to 130.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena.



image.png Castle Sieges

  • Monday, January 23
    • ☀️ Day (16:00-18:00 server time):
      • Gludio;
      • Dion;
      • Oren;
      • Aden;
      • Schuttgart.
    • 🌙 Evening (20:00 - 22:00 server):
      • Giran;
      • Innadril;
      • Goddard;
      • Rune.



Show them who is the boss of a territory! Good luck!





with ❤️, E-Global & Averia



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