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MW ll: Gracia Stage

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Date: 21.01.22
Time: from 17:00 to 19:00 server time 


Dear players!

We are happy to inform you about transition our MasterWork to Gracia stage. Transition will take place on January 25th. 
This update will bring new instance zones, new important and valuable items, you will be able to develop your character much easier with many items adjustments to match current stage. This and more in patch notes below!


Server will be restarted and update will go live on 21.01.22 from 17:00 to 19:00 server time





Etc exp point i00 0.jpg Rates

  • Now it's much easier to get XP:
    Level XP from monsters XP from Bosses
    1-39 х7 х6
    40-51 х7 => х5 х5
    52-59 х5 => х3 х4
    60-71 х3 => х1 х3
    72-77 х1 х2
    78 х1 х1
    79 х0.1 х0.3
    80+ х0.01 х0.02





Accessory ring of baium i00 0.jpg Epic Bosses

  • Following Epic Bosses are leaving game world:
    • Orfen.png Orfen and Core.png Core.
      • Note! Bosses will come back in their instance-zone versions soon.
  • Epic Bosses image.png Queen Ant, image.png Zaken, image.png Baium stats have been significantly increased according to server concept as well as the rewards for slaying them!
  • Изменения во времени появлении текущих Эпических Боссов:
    • image.png Baium
      • Respawn: 7 days (every Friday);
      • Time: 21:30 - 22:30.
    • image.png Zaken
      • Respawn: 3 days (not changed);
      • First spawn after transition: 24.01 (same day with Queen Ant);
      • Time: 20:30 - 21:00.
    • image.png Queen Ant
      • Respawn: 3 day (instead of 2);
      • First spawn after transition: 24.01 (same day with Zaken);
      • Time: 21:00 - 21:30.
        • Note! Relic Watcher will now reward you with 3 etc_fruit_juice_glass_bottle_i01.png Bottle of Queen Ant's Soul instead of 2.
  • New Epic Bosses
    • image.png Antharas
      • New epic boss enters the world!
        • Level: 80;
        • Respawn time: 21:00 - 22:00 server time;
        • Respawn: 7 days (every Wednesday).
          • First spawn: February, 2nd.
        • Drop:
          • A and S гр. equipment;
          • accessory_earring_of_antaras_i00.pngEarring of Antharas  - 100%;
          • 1 Protection book of each type with 100% chance;
          • 2 Will books of each type with 100% chance.
    • image.png Frintezza
      • New epic boss enters the world!
        • Level: 80;
        • Respawn: 21:00 - 22:00 server time;
        • Respawn: 7 days (every Friday).
          • First spawn: February, 4th.
        • Drop:
          • A and S гр. equipment;
          • accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00.pngFrintezza's Necklace  - 100%;
          • 1 Protection book of each type with 100% chance;
          • 1 or 2 Will books of each type with 100% chance.





etc_map_yellow_i00.png Locations

  • Isle Of Prayer and Chromatic Highlands
    • Note! Dropped etc_fire_stone_i00.pngAttribute Stones will be disabled for inserting into weapons or armors for about a week;
      • Now you will be able to kill monsters with up to 5 characters in a group without warder panthers being spawnedТ;
      • Number of monsters is increased.
    • Monsters parameters (HP, Defenses, Attack, levels, XP, drop etc) changed to match MasterWork 2020 final form. 
  • Silent Valley
    • Monsters stats and drop will work according to Gracia Final;
  • Ancient Arcan City 
    • New instances can be found in this city as well as other instance zones. Teleport to Arcan City will be added to every gatekeeper. 
  • Other locations
    • Certain locations will get updates.
      • What is being changed: 
        • Spoil, Life Stones drop, Stats, Monsters skills, attribute defenses. 
      • Remain unchanged: 
        • Drop: real items instead of common;
        • Monsters behavior and population .




Ticket i00 0.jpg Instance Zones

  • card-bailor.png Baylor
    • New instance has been added, which is well known to the old-timers of our server - Baylor. The instance itself is included 3 corridors with mobs and at the end of each one you will find a Boss. As soon as you defeat each of the bosses, you can get to the main boss Baylor.
      Please note! Access to the main Boss will be closed until the server moves to the next stage - Gracia Final. Only through the killing of the Instance-Boss by the whole server you will open the HellBound Isle location. When the entire server will kill 1000 Bosses - a portal will appear in Heine town, which will allow you to get to the HB.

      • Added new Daily Quest to NPC advent.png Adventurers' Guide.
      • On a successful Baylor kill you will also get Chest of Dark Soul that contains Immortal jewelry pieces:
        • Etc_r1_ring_piece_0.jpg Piece of Immortal Ring - 1-2 pcs.
        • Etc_r1_earring_piece_0.jpg Piece of Immortal Earring - 1-2  pcs.
        • Etc_r1_necklace_piece_0.jpg Piece of Immortal Necklace - 1 pcs.
      • Stats:
        • R1_ring_i00_0.jpg Immortal Ring 60 M Def Item_grade_S.gif
        • R1_earring_i00_0.jpg Immortal Earring 79 M Def Item_grade_S.gif
        • R1_necklace_i00_0.jpg Immortal Necklace 106 M DefItem_grade_S.gif
      • This jewelry also provides additional bonuses:
        • Paralysis resistance;
        • Sleep resistance;
        • Hold/root resistance;
        • Stun/shock resistance;
        • Fear resistance.
          • With 2 identical items equipped only one will provide additional bonuses. 
      • Exchanging pieces:
        • 5 Etc_r1_ring_piece_0.jpg Piece of Immortal Ring + accessory_tateossian_ring_i00.png Tateossian Ring = R1_ring_i00_0.jpg Immortal Ring;
        • 7 Etc_r1_earring_piece_0.jpg Piece of Immortal Earring + accessory_tateossian_earring_i00.png Tateossian Earring = R1_earring_i00_0.jpg Immortal Earring;
        • 10 Etc_r1_necklace_piece_0.jpg Piece of Immortal Necklace + accessory_tateossian_necklace_i00.png Tateossian Necklace = R1_necklace_i00_0.jpg Immortal Necklace.
      • You can also exchange pieces 2 to 1:
        • Etc_r1_ring_piece_0.jpg Piece of Immortal Ring x1 = Piece of Immortal Earring x2 или Piece of Immortal Necklace x2;
        • Etc_r1_earring_piece_0.jpg Piece of Immortal Earring x1 = Piece of Immortal Ring x2 или Piece of Immortal Necklace x2;
        • Etc_r1_necklace_piece_0.jpg Piece of Immortal Necklace x1 = Piece of Immortal Ring x2 или Piece of Immortal Necklace x2.
      • Please note! To upgrade to accessory_ring_of_core_i00.png Ring of Core and accessory_earring_of_orfen_i00.png Earring of Orfen when you collect enough core_fragment.png Core \ orfen_fragment.png Orfen's Soul Fragment you will need immortal jewelry.
    • Requirements and other:
      • Group of 7-9 characters;
      • Level: 73-85;
      • Drop: S gr. weapons, armor, jewelry. Soul Crystal upgrade 10->13. Attribute Stones, enchant scrolls A and S grade.
      • Difficulty: high.
      • Location: Ancient Arcan City.
      • Reset: Вт, Чт, Сб;
    • Only 3 bosses will be available on Jan 21:
      • Coral Garden, RB Tears (78 lvl);
      • Steam Corridor, RB Kechi (78 lvl);
      • Emeral Squaer, RB Darnel (78 lvl).
      • Please note! Monsters and Bosses power reduced until complete Gracia Final update is implemented, but instance-zone difficulty is still high.
    • Instance Boss Baylor himself will be available after complete  Gracia Final update, after 1000 bosses will be killed HellBound isle will become available.
      • Players will be informed after every 100 bosses will be killed.
    • If you are not familiar with this instance zone, check out this video:
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  • image.png Twins
    • Instance zone is now available. 
      • Level: 76;
      • Group: 7-9 characters;
      • Difficulty: medium;
      • Reset: daily;
      • Location: Ancient Arcan City
      • Drops: books for learning certain skills for characters 79+.
    • Please note! We've also added Daily Quest to NPC advent.png Adventurers' Guide.
  • image.png Core and image.png Orfen  (will appear in about 2 weeks after transition)
    • New instance zone with 2 bosses, you can choose one to fight against.
      • Level: 76+;
      • Group: 7-9 characters;
      • Difficulty: medium;
      • Reset: Monday, Wednesday, Friday;
      • Location: Ancient Arcan City;
      • Rewards:
        • Successful completion of this instance zone is rewarded with certain amount of soul fragments. When you collect required amount of fragments, you will be able to exchange them for Epic Jewelry.
        • Note! To upgrade to accessory_ring_of_core_i00.png Ring of Core and accessory_earring_of_orfen_i00.png Earring of Orfen when you collected core_fragment.png Core \ orfen_fragment.png Orfen's Soul Fragment you will need Immortal jewelry, that can be obtained from completing Baylor instance zone.
      • Completion:
        • After entering instance zone you will see two statues. Depending on what statue you choose, you will be moved to alternate dimension.
          • Orfen:
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            • You will be attacked by Ofren immediately, but she will be invulnerable to your attacks. You will need to defeat one of her guards (bosses) to remove her barrier. Killed boss will not only remove barrier from Orfen but also reduce her p.def or m.def.
              • Boss that reduces Orfen's p.def can be found to the right from her nest. 
              • Boss that reduces Orfen's m.def can be found to the left from her nest. 
            • Once one of two bosses is killed, Orfen will teleport to her nest and will be waiting for you to attack.
            • You should watch out for Riba, they will try to restore Orfen's HP.
          • Core:
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            • You will be teleported to the 3rd floor of Cruma Tower and see monsters running in the circles.
            • One of this monsters is carrying a key that you will need to open the door to Core. New monsters will spawn until you open the door.
              • Group leader will get a key when certain monster is slain.
            • In the Core hall you will see two guards to the left and right from Core.
            • Boss is protected with a barrier and won't take damage. To remove that barrier you will need to slay one of two guards. Killed boss will also reduce Core's p.def or m.def.
            • After one guard is killed, second will disappear and Core's barrier will be removed. Now you can start attack Core.
  • Etc shirts a i04 0.jpg Pailaka
    • New zone available: Pailaka - Injured Dragon.
    • In this zone you will get good amount of EXP.
      • Level: 73 – 77;
      • Duration: 60 мин.
    • XP rewards for the first two Pailaka instance zones have been increased.
      • Pailaka - Song of Ice and Fire:
        • Level: 35-45 (instead of 36-42)
        • Old:
          • 1.860.000 EXP;
          • 480.000 SP.
        • New:
          • 5.580.000 EXP;
          • 1.440.000 SP.
      • Pailaka - Devil's Legacy:
        • Level: 58-70 (instead of 61-67)
        • Old:
          • 4.010.000 EXP;
          • 1.235.000 SP.
        • New:
          • 12.030.000 EXP;
          • 4.705.000 SP.
  • image.png Instances in Fortress and Castle
    • Level of Bosses and monsters at Fortress has been increased by 3~5:
      • 65-74 => 70-77.
    • Level of Bosses and monsters at Castle has been increased by 1~2:
      • 71-80 => 73-81.





accessory_hero_cap_i00.png Grand Olympiad

  • Starting from the next period your characters will get scroll_of_verification_i00.pngOlympiad Token instead of etc_nobless_teleport_coupon_i00.pngNoblesse Gate Pass.
    • You won't be able to exchange etc_nobless_teleport_coupon_i00.pngNoblesse Gate Pass for scroll_of_verification_i00.pngOlympiad Token. Both stores will be available.
  • Minimum level required: 72.
    • Please note. Minimum level required will be increased to 75 for the next period.
  • Weapon the axe of hero i00 0.jpg Hero Weapons will have increased M.atk and P.atk starting from the next Grand Olympiad period.
  • Hero Skills
    • skill0395.png Heroic Miracle improved tp P.Def 5400, M.Def 4050;
    • Added skill1375.pngHeroic Grandeur and skill1376.pngHeroic Dread.
      • Please note! This two skills share cooldown.
    • Starting from the next Grand Olympiad period all heroes will be able to use skill1374.png Heroic Valor not only on their main class, but also on all their sub classes.
      • Note! Other Hero skills will be only available for main class.





skillraid.png Raid Bosses

  • All Raid Bosses 80+ levels reduced to 80 (example: Gordon 87 => 80); 
  • Added 100% chance to drop 1-2 etc_fire_stone_i00.pngAttribute Stones from 80+ bosses;
  • S-gr equipment dropped from Epic Bosses, Instance Zones and Raid Bosses 80+ changed to unidentified;
  • card_devil_lilith.png Lilith and card_angel_anakim.png Anakim:
    • Levels increased from 75 to 78. Stats increased by 100%;
    • Updated drop list. Now will drop S-gr. weapons, etc_warding_orb_red_i00.png MasterWork Crystal А/S-gr.
  • Raid Bosses in Varka and Ketra for 4th and 5th alliance level quest:
    • Respawn: 8 + 0..4 hours.
  • Noblesse and Sub class bosses
    • Level of weapon_sprites_staff_i00.png Flame of Splendor Barakiel increased from 70 to 72.
    • Level of image.png Ghost Kabed, Barion, Karte and Verfa increased from 65 to 68:
  • Hero Rift
    • Boss respawn increased from 5 to 10 minutes (to avoid situations where boss can be killed twice);
    • Monster respawn decreased by 20~50%.





Etc box of adventure 1 i00 0.jpg Items

  • IMPORTANT! etc_fire_stone_i00.pngAttribute Stones will be disabled for about a week after transition to Gracia.
    • You can drop and store items but can't use them.
  • Etc recipe black i00 0.jpg S-gr weapons and armor crafting materials value is set to default.
  • br_cash_rune_of_rp_i00.pngtoggle_all_panel.pngRune of Crystal level 5 24-hour limited period now will also work for S-gr. 
  • yellow_def 32.jpg Talismans now will have default effects
    • 32_maxclarity.jpg Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity: -100% skill MP consumption;
    • 32_lifeforce.jpg Red Talisman of Life Force: 100% HP and MP;
    • 32_divineprotection.jpg Blue Talisman - Divine Protection: 3600 P.Def and 2700 M.Def.
  • skill0755.pngProtection of Rune, skill0757.pngProtection of Alignment, skill0756.pngProtection of Elemental
    • Now can be learned by any character 79+ with 3rd class
    • skill0757.pngProtection of Alignment and skill0756.pngProtection of Elemental can be obtained from Epic Bosses and Instance zone bosses:
      • Core, Orfen, Baylor.
    • skill0755.pngProtection of Rune can be only obtained from Epic Bosses.
  • We also want to remind you that you can create Foundation items not only by crafting but also with etc_warding_orb_red_i00.png MasterWork Crystals. You can find detailed information regarding MW Crystals here .
  • Parameters increased:
    • accessary_ring_of_mana_i00.pngPioneers Ring - now provides 32 M.Def;
    • br_wedding_ring_f_i00.pngGreater MW Ring  - now provides  40 M Def;
    • br_wedding_ring_m_i00.pngBlessed MW Ring  - now provides 48 M Def;
    • Weapon the axe of hero i00 0.jpg Hero Weapons will have increased M.atk and P.atk starting from the next Grand Olympiad period.







butler.png Butler and l2store.png L2Store

  • New Clover is added to all shops assortment, reduced price for old Clovers
    • br_four_leaf_clover_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngLucky Four-leaf Clover 1-81 lvl (New)

      • 1 pcs. = 10 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
      • 3 pcs. = 25 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
    • Please note! You can purchase Clovers on account CP store:
      • 10 pcs. = 75 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
    • br_four_leaf_clover_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngLucky Four-leaf Clover 1-52 lvl
      • 1 pcs. = 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 3);
      • 3 pcs. = 2 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 7).
    • br_four_leaf_clover_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngLucky Four-leaf Clover 1-64 lvl
      • 1 pcs. = 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 7);
      • 3 pcs. = 7 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 15).
    • br_four_leaf_clover_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngLucky Four-leaf Clover 1-76 lvl
      • 1 pcs. = 7 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 10);

3 pcs. = 15 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 25).

  • Price of br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.png EXP Rune +50% for levels 1-64 reduced:
    • 1 pc - 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
    • 3 pcs - 7 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
  • New items in Bosses and Classes sections from Jan 27th:
    • etc_crystal_blue_i00.png Ice Crystal (3rd profession) for 5 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin and 1.000.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena;
    • etc_stone_gray_i00.png Divine Stone (3rd profession) for 15 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin and 2.500.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena.
  • New item etc_treasure_box_i04.pngpanel_2.pngBox with Extra Entrance Passes - Zaken: contains two passes (Low and High Zaken).
    • Price - 4 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
  • New items in Supplies
    • 25 etc_super_cp_potion_i05.png Elixir of CP (S-Grade) - 4 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
    • 15 etc_super_hp_potion_i05.png Elixir of Life (S-Grade) - 4 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin;
    • 10 etc_super_mp_potion_i05.png Elixir of Mental Strength (S-Grade) - 4 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
    • C/B/А-gr elixirs price reduced from  2/3/4 to 1/2/3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin.
  • Reduced price of etc_broken_crystal_red_i00.pngcastle_tab.pngBlood Alliance:
    • 1 pc = 2 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 5);
    • 10 pcs = 15 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 40);
    • 50 pcs = 50 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 150).
  • To the  we've added SoE and BSoE
    • etc_scroll_of_return_i00.png SoE - 15.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena;
    • etc_scroll_of_return_i01.png BSoE - 150.000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena.


website_icon.png Control Panel (Web)

  • All new items or updated prices also updated in CP Store.
    • Do not forget about personal discount on your Master Account.
  • Created Kamael, and you are dreaming about viRUS_132_i00.png Autumn Legendary Costume? We've added it for you but only for a limited time!
    • During the week (ends on Jan 28) you will be able to purchase this costume. 
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skill1527.png Skills

  • Increased skill1323.png Noblesse Blessing casting time.
    • Now it's 0.7 seconds.
  • skill1505.png Sublime Self-Sacrifice improved
    • First skill level (character level 60) now will restore 350 MP;
      • Mana cost reduced to 55.
    • Second skill level (character level 74) now will restore 650 MP;
      • Mana cost reduced from 218 to 109.
    • Third skill level is unchanged.
  • Hero Skills
    • skill0395.png Heroic Miracle improved to P.Def 5400, M.Def 4050;
    • Added skill1375.pngHeroic Grandeur and skill1376.pngHeroic Dread.
      • Note! This two skills share cooldown according to MasterWork concept.
  • Skill3123 0.jpg Life Stone
    • All Item Skills from Etc mineral unique i03 0.jpg Life Stones will be upgraded to level 10.
  • skill1352.png Elements
    • Skills that use attributes will now work according to HF, instead of Interlude;
    • Passive and Active skills that use elements will works as intended;
    • Don't forget:
      • Weapons starting from С-gr. can be enchanted with Attribute up to 150 АТТ with stones and up to 300 with Crystals;
      • Armors С, B and A-gr. can be enchanted with Attribute up to 30 with stones and up to 60 with Crystals;
      • S-gr. armors can be enchanted with attribute up to 60 with stones and up to 120 with Crystals;
      • One armor piece can only contain single Attribute. Exception are full body armors that can contain two elements at the same time.
  • Removed etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png Spellbooks for 1st and 2nd professions;
  • Amount of image.png SP required for skill enchanting reduced by 30%;
  • Judicator
    • Judicator can now be chosen to become your main class after completing 3rd class quest.
      • Note! This action cannot be undone. Once class is changed, you will not be able to restore your main class.
      • Restrictions! If you've participated in the Grand Olympiad, you won't be able to change your main class.
    • After main class is changed, you can participate in Olympiad Games as Judicator.
    • You will need to complete quest in order to change your main class ("Seeds of Chaos"):
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      • 1. Еalk to Hierarch Kekropus in the Kamael Village. Show him your Star Of Destiny Star Of Destiny (you get it from Fate's Whisper ques). He sends you to speak with the Wizard in Forest of the Dead .

        2. Talk to the Mysterious Wizard Mysterious Wizard location on the map and in quest question select the option "What is it?".
        He sends you to hunt Needle Stakato Drone Needle Stakato Drone location on the map in Swamp of Screams area in order to get Black Echo Crystal Black Echo Crystal

        3. When you get the quest item go back to the Mysterious Wizard Mysterious Wizard location on the map . He summons Katenar

        4. Talk to Katenar. After some interesting chat with him he tells you to go and find Harkilgamed in Valley of the Saints.

        5. You can't find Harkilgamed directly - first you need to find and speak with one Rock Rock location on the map in order to summon him

        6. Talk to Harkilgamed. Now you go hunting the mobs as he said.
        7. Once you collect all 62 go back to the Rock Rock location on the map and talk to Harkilgamed again. After some quest chat screens he will send you to Hierarch Kekropus in the Kamael Villag (go there and speek with him).

        8. Now you have to meet Mao Mao location on the map in Soul Harbor. He will teleport you to Mother Nornil.

        9. Meet the last of the heroes Rodenpicula Rodenpicula location on the map in Nornil's Garden. She tells you many things and directs you to Mother Nornil Mother Nornil location on the map (the statue behind her).

        10. After talking to Mother Nornil talk again with Rodenpicula to get her permission for special ritual.

        11. She gives you permission so talk to Mother Nornil again.

        12. Eh so much talking - now talk to Rodenpicula for last time.

      • Note! You will need to complete Inspector 3rd class quest (Judicator) before changing your main class.
      • Attention! If you have at least 1 Olympiad Match in a current period, you will be only able to change your main class after Olympiad period end.





Etc question mark i00 0.jpg Miscellaneous

  • Changes in image.png 3rd class quest:
    • Now etc_eyeball_i00.pngHalisha's Mark will drop to every character in a group
  • Now monsters cannot be pulled too far from their respawn territory. This will not affect pulling AoE farm type spots.
    • We also want to point out that pulling low level bosses to high level characters is defined as project rules violation. Monster will be immediately killed and player who is breaking the rules will be punished. This also can cause permanent ban.
  • Enchanting etc_soul_stone_i00.png Soul Crystals on Epic Bosses and Instance zones
    • Epic bosses:
      • Queen Ant.png Queen Ant, Zaken.png Zaken, Baium.png Baium
        • 10 => 11 => 12 => 13 = 100% chance
    • Instance zones
      • Zaken.png Low Zaken
        • 10 => 11 = 5% 
        • 11 => 12 = 3%
      • Zaken.png High Zaken:
        • 10 => 11 = 7%
        • 11 => 12 = 5%
        • 12 => 13 = 1.5%
      • Twins.png Twins:
        • 10 => 11 = 3% х2 RB
        • 11 => 12 = 2% х2 RB
        • 12 => 13 = 1% х2 RB
      • Baylor.png Baylor - chain:
        • Darnel, KechiTears
          • 10 => 11 = 35% 
          • 11 => 12 = 15%
          • 12 => 13 = 5%
        • Baylor:
          • 10 => 11 = 50% 
          • 11 => 12 = 25%
          • 12 => 13 = 10%
  • Quest Containing the Attribute Power is available, and quests Shadow Weapon now lasts for 15 minutes.
    • We want to remind you that according to the concept of MasterWork server, you will get 4 personal etc_fire_stone_i00.png Attribute Stones (instead of 2).
  • Number of macro.png Macro increased from 66 to 100.
  • After completing 2nd part of an Etc bloodpledge point i00 0.jpg Academy you will be rewarded with 2 etc_broken_crystal_red_i00.pngcastle_tab.pngBlood Alliance instead of one.
    • You will get 3 etc_broken_crystal_red_i00.pngcastle_tab.pngBlood Alliance total: 1 for the first part (second profession) and 2 for the second (reaching level 52).
    • Blood Alliance at NPC butler.png Butler:
      • 1 pc = 2 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 5);
      • 10 pcs = 15 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 40);
        • 50 pcs = 50 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin (was 150).





Etc quest account reward i00 0.jpg A look into the future

  • Late January \ early February
    • Improved isle of Hellbound
      • Discovering new territories on Hellbound'a, S-grade armors quest, parts and essences;
    • New Epic Boss - Beleth;
    • New instance boss - Tiat;
    • Attribute stones (150+);
    • Dynasty equipment;
    • Locations updated (FoG, Stakato, Mithril Mines, Fields of Silence and Whispers, Giant Cave, Primeval Isle;
    • And a lot more!





A lot of unique players came to our server and daily online is still high for 3rd month straight!
We want to thank everyone for your trust, loyalty and contribution into server and MasterWork community development. We appreciate it and will continue to work hard to create a better server just for you! Thank you very much!


Due to the introduction of a large number of changes you will need to use image.png Updater and click on Full Check button.






with ❤️, E-Global & Averia

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