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08.02.2022 в 15:17, ShiKiba сказал:

Как думаешь, талик от блида завезут?

аве должен страдать o/

максимальный разгон кд = 100 птс за 100 боев o/ = оли фурмир

Ща еще в талик дефенса добавят -500 крит урона фиксированного и норм. Можно будет играть 


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Кстати надо бы ввести в таком случае - одноразованный талик клинса(аля обьединение всех черных таликов+ возможность снять дебафа 3 к примеру) - вот это бы всем зашло думаю

Кроме берсов :D

Изменено пользователем Cekatoz
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08.02.2022 в 14:30, Cekatoz сказал:

аве должен страдать o/

максимальный разгон кд = 100 птс за 100 боев o/ = оли фурмир

Ща еще в талик дефенса добавят -500 крит урона фиксированного и норм. Можно будет играть 


2к бек в Хексик и КВшечку..

Уж заживём!


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08.02.2022 в 17:38, ShiKiba сказал:

2к бек в Хексик и КВшечку..

Уж заживём!

Это если критом и   если это не пп 

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08.02.2022 в 15:33, Cekatoz сказал:

Кстати надо бы ввести в таком случае - одноразованный талик клинса(аля обьединение всех черных таликов+ возможность снять дебафа 3 к примеру) - вот это бы всем зашло думаю

Кроме берсов :D

отсутствие черных таликов это вообще какой то кек, ммм так нравится долбиться в задницу  получать от некра/овера рандомное сало на зеленой/фонтане и умирать, или от эпиняши с 2 кольцами рут и автолуз ловить

Изменено пользователем elektr4ka
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08.02.2022 в 13:51, iSCOOT сказал:

мм это я
так это оправдывает невозможность играть в игру, потому что даже 1 навык дальнего боя может убить меня на кролике? )

you think if the dc set is +6, not +3, it will save me? instead of full cp hp die, i will survive with 500 hp, zaebis bratan

They think that att save you from tyrant damage :kekw:

Casual damage after two steals in 135 fire def


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08.02.2022 в 18:00, doozdogg сказал:

They think that att save you from tyrant damage :kekw:

Casual damage after two steals in 135 fire def


cipkin is a 200 points player on scryde (where hero gks make 90%+ winrate) but here he closes his eyes, presses 1 button randomly, open, and im dead

the class in general is broken, as i wrote even on highest skill olympiad server its a top 1-3 farmer, but here its just so easy and retard friendly thats its disgusting, any random is farming 400+ pts, while good players on SUPPOSEDLY good classes hardstuck inbetween 100 and 200 pts


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08.02.2022 в 20:00, doozdogg сказал:

They think that att save you from tyrant damage :kekw:

Casual damage after two steals in 135 fire def


+12 skills, dark form + 20 att and 150 att weapon - over 180 fire attack u need at least 155 att def or it to be effective, else ther is no difference its 135 or just 60

still tyr dmg is kinda insane atm, full att +6 S sets should help though

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08.02.2022 в 21:31, iSCOOT сказал:

cipkin is a 200 points player on scryde (where hero gks make 90%+ winrate) but here he closes his eyes, presses 1 button randomly, open, and im dead

the class in general is broken, as i wrote even on highest skill olympiad server its a top 1-3 farmer, but here its just so easy and retard friendly thats its disgusting, any random is farming 400+ pts, while good players on SUPPOSEDLY good classes hardstuck inbetween 100 and 200 pts

yeap and I have no idea why they would give him not only LH, but also ability to escape from root/slow like wtf, how am i supposed to kill him? Cant outdps, cant outrun, cant slow, cant stun - he can do w/e he wants 

I've told it before, its gf oly with hf arena's - untill we have vesper sets full att this is just gonna be a shitshow, but for now - full stack DA, tyrs, PSs and slb's - entire 150+ pts pool 

Изменено пользователем bewater
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08.02.2022 в 22:06, bewater сказал:

yeap and I have no idea why they would give him not on LH, but also ability to escape from root/slow like wtf, how am i supposed to kill him? Cant outdps, cant outrun, cant slow, cant stun - he can do w/e he wants 

I've told it before, its gf oly with hf arena's - untill we have vesper sets full att this is just gonna be a shitshow, but for now - full stack DA, tyrs, PSs and slb's - entire 150+ pts pool 

the root remove skill he has it by default, lionheart broken, +8 sets are by default broken, skill dmg not neccesairily "broken" but not adjusted properly for the stages of the server, atleast olympiad wise for sure

its also insane they can prezealot for 30-40s already on 79


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09.02.2022 в 00:09, iSCOOT сказал:

the root remove skill he has it by default, lionheart broken, +8 sets are by default broken, skill dmg not neccesairily "broken" but not adjusted properly for the stages of the server, atleast olympiad wise for sure

its also insane they can prezealot for 30-40s already on 79

i belive it was arest and slows, not root(I might be wrong)

and yea +8 BW RARE sets that every1 has is bs for any robe on oly, impossible to outrun/catchup, not to mention +stun, that u can CHAIN

I have 16 less movespeed in TMh then in BWH rare, just saying..

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08.02.2022 в 22:29, bewater сказал:

i belive it was arest and slows, not root(I might be wrong)

and yea +8 BW RARE sets that every1 has is bs for any robe on oly, impossible to outrun/catchup, not to mention +stun, that u can CHAIN

I have 16 less movespeed in TMh then in BWH rare, just saying..

it removes all kind of movement debuff, arrest,root,slow, i think except for entangle SHOULDNT work, but everything else it cleanses

yep, those sets are broken, and the stun i dont even want to mention


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пока все нихуя тиранты слабенькие, сейчас с инстов каждому орку подвезут коре 3лвл, тогда посмотрим

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