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Night of Horrors: Halloween Time

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Welcome, friends! 👻

A foggy night has descended upon our magical world, and something magical and terrifying is already floating in the air... Today, when the shadows come to life, and the world is filled with spirits of the past, we open the gates to the mysterious and frightening world of Halloween! On this unsettling night, let's dive together into the festive atmosphere. 🎃

To lift your spirits, we've created a festive atmosphere! And to feel it, update your client with the updater through the "Fast Check" button.

Find the Festive Pumpkin in any city and take a small gift that we have prepared especially for you 🎁
And also, don't hesitate to take a buff from it! It does not take up a buff slot and lasts a whole hour!

For the Fire & Water servers:

  • Changes the character's appearance
  • Increases MP & HP regeneration
  • Incoming Healing Power +8%
  • MP Cost -5%
  • Incoming MP Recovery Power +10 units

For the Etenal server:

  • Changes the character's appearance
  • Bonus Exp & SP +50%
  • Item & Spoil Drop Chance +25%
  • Max. CP & MP +15%
  • Speed +5
  • Defense against all Attributes +10
  • PvE Damage +5%
  • MP Consumption -10%

The event will last until November 7th, inclusive.

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For connoisseurs of the beautiful and terrifying: in the Personal Account store, you can purchase a unique costume for changing the appearance of armor, changing the appearance of weapons, as well as... mounts! Please note: the sale of items is limited in time and is only valid until November 13th! After that, it will be impossible to purchase them.

The appearance of the costume is available in the fitting room at NPC Rylai.

You can also view the appearance of the costume, weapons, and mounts right in this video:



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🎁 Contest! 🎁

Let's together support the atmosphere of celebration and mystery that will awaken admiration and trepidation in our hearts. On this night, when the boundaries between reality and fiction blur, we invite you to share your most frightening in-game stories and screenshots!

Contest dates: from October 31, 2023, to November 7, 2023.

What to do?

Write a short story about the horrors your character faced on Halloween night! Perhaps it was a witches' sabbath? Or was the character swept away by ghosts? We give free rein to your imagination! The main thing is that the story should not be too long, very interesting, and everything should happen in the world of our favorite game.

Also, put on the costume (use the buff that you received from the Festive Pumpkin), take screenshots in the decorated city, and share them with us on the forum.


Prizes for screenshots will be drawn among all participants using a randomizer. 10 winners will receive:

  • etc_cake_of_wheatlfour_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngMW Vitality Pie
  • br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.pngpannel_unconfirmed.pngBox with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL Levels
  • br_vitality_potion_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngVitality Maintaining Potion
  • br_vitality_potion_i01.pngpanel_sa.pngVitality Replenishing Potion
  • br_fruit_cocktail_i00.pngSweet Fruit Cocktail
  • br_fruit_cocktail_i01.pngFresh Fruit Cocktail
  • br_cp_potion_i01.pngPersonal Greater CP Potion
  • br_cash_greater_healing_potion_i00.pngPersonal Greater Healing Potion
  • etc_pig_adena_i01.pngIvory Coin


Among all the stories, we will select the three most captivating, and they will receive:

  • 14-Day Premium Account + Halloween Costume, which can only be purchased in the Personal Account until November 13.


Remember: the opinion of the administration may not coincide with the opinion of the players, but we strive to approach the evaluation of works objectively.

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