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Patchnote 20.11.23 - "Forest of the Dead"

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Restart: Monday, 11/20/23 at 06:30 server time (07:30 Minsk\Moscow time)
Entering new rates: Monday, 20.11.23 at 18:00 server time (19:00 Minsk\Moscow time)




Dear friends,

A new stage of the season is ahead MasterWork on servers 🔥 Fire и 💧 Water. It has been a long and difficult week, but new achievements and conquests await you ahead.
You can find out all the details of the innovations in our Patch Note 🙃


  • Server 💧 Water
    • PvP: 334.947;
    • PK: 59.274;
    • Characters: 40,430;
    • Clans: 191.
  • Server 🔥 Fire
    • PvP: 227.192;
    • PK: 32.400;
    • Characters: 34,002;
    • Clans: 177.
  • For 2 servers (🔥 Fire&💧 Water)
    • PvP: 562.139;
    • PK: 91.674;
    • Characters: 74,432;
    • Clans: 368.











image.png Important game events

Scandals, intrigues and forum wars continue, and we are expanding the content and the number of Epic Bosses for which Clans and Alliances can fight. This week we are introducing a new Epic Boss and adding 2 new castles.

Schedule of events for next week:

  • Monday 20th November:
    • image.png Technical work to install the update - 6:30;
    • etc_exp_point_i00.png Setting rates - 18:00;
    • etc_ssq_scroll_i00.pngChange of the period of 7 seals - 18:00 (week of victory, do not forget about registration and Lilith\Anakim);
    • image.png Zaken 20:45 ~ 21:15.
  • Tuesday 21 November:
    • image.png Orfen 20:30 ~ 21:00;
    • image.png Queen Ant 21:00 ~ 21:30.
  • Thursday 23 November:
    • image.png Сore 20:30 ~ 21:00;
    • image.png Zaken 20:45 ~ 21:15.
    • image.png Queen Ant 21:00 ~ 21:30.
  • Friday 24th November:
    • Themed Event "Black Friday";
    • Sieges of captured Clan Halls 20:00-21:00.
  • Saturday 25 November:
    • image.png Orfen 20:30 ~ 21:00;
    • image.png Queen Ant 21:00 ~ 21:30.
  • Sunday 26 November:
    • Sieges 16:00 - 18:00:
      • image.png Gludio;
      • image.png Dion;
      • image.png Schuttgart (new).
    • Sieges 20:00 - 22:00:
      • image.png Giran;
      • image.png Oren;
      • image.png Innadril (new).
    • image.png Zaken 20:45 ~ 21:15.








etc_exp_point_i00.png Rates

Rates are one of the most important indicators of the speed of development of your character and the pace of the game on the server as a whole. Adhering to the founding principles of MasterWork. we continue to accelerate the development of "catching up" companies. players and gradually push back the limit that can be achieved within the stage.

Rates will be installed on servers at 18:00 server time with no restart!

Now (from November 20, 18:00 to November 27, 17:59):

Level EXP from monsters SP from monsters EXP with RB
1-15 х5.00->x4.00 х5.00->x4.00 x3.00
15-30 x4.00->x3.00 х5.00->x4.00 x3.00
30-40 x3.00 x4.00->x3.00 x3.00
40-48 x3.00->x2.00 x3.00 x2.50
48-56 x2.00->x1.00 x3.00->x2.00 x2.00
56-67 x1.00 x2.00->x1.00 x2.00
67 x1.00 x1.00 x1.00
68 x0.10 x1.00 x0.20
69 x0.05 x0.10 x0.10
70+ x0.01 x0.05 x0.02

Details about how rates x3.00->x2.00 work:

Hidden text

lvl_30 = 3.00
lvl_31 = 2.90
lvl_32 = 2.80
lvl_33 = 2.70
lvl_34 = 2.60
lvl_35 = 2.50
lvl_36 = 2.40
lvl_37 = 2.30
lvl_38 = 2.20
lvl_39 = 2.10
lvl_40 = 2.00

Was (from November 13, 18:00 to November 20, 17:59):

Hidden text
Level EXP from monsters SP from monsters EXP with RB
1-30 x3.00 x3.00 x1.50
30-40 х3.00->x2.00 x3.00 x1.50->x2.00
40-52 х2.00->x1.00 х3.00->x2.00 x2.00
52-63 x1.00 x1.00 x2.00
63-64 x1.00 x1.00 x1.00
64-65 x0.10 x1.00 x0.20
65-66 x0.08 x0.10 x0.15
66-67 x0.06 x0.08 x0.125
67-68 x0.04 x0.06 x0.10
68-69 x0.02 x0.04 x0.05
69+ x0.01 x0.02 x0.02


  • Pet Experience:
    • Pets receive an independent portion of experience from the owner's level. The final experience numbers are calculated based on the pet's level. That is, this still remains 5% of the owner’s experience, but the specific figure depends on the pet’s level. If a character 68+ with an incoming experience rate of x0.10, has a 57th pet and receives 1000 experience from a mob, 5% of this experience goes to the pet, for him it will be 500 experience, since the pet has a rate of x1.









skillboss.png Epic and Raid Bosses

During raids you can always have an interesting time and measure your strength with your opponents.

  • image.png Zaken - Added a new Epic Boss.
    • First rep on Monday November 20th 20:45 ~ 21:15 server time.
  • image.pngimage.pngimage.pngimage.png
    • Level increased to 68;
    • The parameters are increased according to the level.
  • image.png Lilith;
    • Level increased to 68;
    • Basic characteristics have been increased according to the level;
    • Added new items to the drop:
      • familybox_ench.pngEnchanted MW Box 10-15;
      • etc_warding_orb_blue_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - B 15%;
      • etc_warding_orb_green_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - A 10%.
  • image.png Anakim:
    • Level increased to 68;
    • Basic characteristics have been increased according to the level;
    • Added new items to the drop:
      • familybox_ench.pngEnchanted MW Box 10-15;
      • etc_warding_orb_blue_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - B 15%;
      • etc_warding_orb_green_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - A 10%.
  • etc_imperial_scepter_i02.png Ghost Knight Cable, Barion, Map, Verfa:
    • Level increased to 60;
    • Basic characteristics have been increased according to the level.
  • Current Bosses still flag when attacking;
  • Boss damage increased by 15-28%:
    • Hidden text
      • Shillen's Messenger Cabrio 70 lvl;
      • For choir 70 lvl;
      • Roaring Skylancer 70 lvl;
      • Fafurion's Herald Lokness 70 lvl;
      • Meanas Anor 70 lvl;
      • Hail Queen Themis lvl 70;
      • Beast Lord Behemoth 70 lvl;
      • Anakim's Nemesis Zakaron 70 lvl;
      • Immortal Savior Mardil 71 lvl;
      • Eihalder Von Helman 71 lvl;
      • Doom Blade Tanatos 72 lvl;
      • Habits Chief Kandra lvl 72;
      • Water Dragon Seer Sheshark 72 lvl;
      • Death Lord Hallate 73 lvl;
      • Plague Golem 73 lvl;
      • Antharas Priest Cloe 74 lvl;
      • Krokian Padisha Sobekk lvl 74;
      • Icecle Empirer Bumbalump 74 lvl;
      • Core 75 lvl;
      • Storm Winged Naga 75 lvl;
      • Last Lesser Giant Olkuth 75 lvl;
      • Menacing Palatanos 75 lvl;
      • Bloody Empress Decabria 75 lvl;
      • Death Lord Ipos 75 lvl;
      • Death Lord Shax 75 lvl;
      • Flamestone Giant 76 lvl;
      • Ocean Flame Ashakiel 76 lvl.









image.png Locations

  • Hatoum Settlement - New location added:
    • Location: between Gludio Castle and The Patriot's Necropolis;
    • Difficulty level: Very difficult;
    • Optimal character levels are 68-72;
    • A large amount of experience from monsters;
    • A spoiler of materials for creating top A grade armor is available;
    • Drop of mid A grade weapons available;
    • Lucky Stones of grade A are dropped with a very low chance;
    • Blessed Scrolls are available for spoiling to improve armor and weapons of grade A;
    • SA leveling is available to the character who has finished off, with a low chance of 0.1-0.2% of levels 10->11->12 from monsters:
      • Hatoum Jarl;
      • Hatoum King


  • Wall of Argos:
    • The number of spots has been increased;
    • Accelerated resp monster;
    • Comfortable spot for farming and leveling at 66+ levels;
    • Optimal character levels are 66-76;
    • There are 2 author's quests available for armor and weapons of grade A:
  • Blazing Swamp:
    • The number of monsters has been increased;
    • Accelerated resp monster;
    • Comfortable location for farming "paravoz";
    • Missions with rewards in the form of reagents are available;
    • Standard quest available for reagents;
    • Optimal character levels are 66-74.
  • Tower of Insolence:
    • The number of monsters has been increased;
    • Accelerated resp monster;
    • Missions with rewards in the form of reagents are available;
    • Standard quest available for reagents;
    • Comfortable location for AOE farming;
    • Optimal character levels are 62-76;
  • Lair of Antharas:
    • Still remains a relevant location;
    • Optimal character levels are 60-76;
    • The spot in front of the bridge has been reworked:
      • The respawn mechanics have been changed: To start respawning monsters, you need to kill all the monsters in the room.
    • Useful quests available:
  • Silent Valley:
    • The number of monsters has been increased;
    • Accelerated Monster Spawn;
    • Monsters are tied to the spawn location (they do not run far from the spawn point).
  • Ancient Battleground:
    • The number of monsters has been increased;
    • Suitable for leveling 60-70;
    • Monsters are tied to the spawn location. (do not run far from the place of appearance);
    • Beneficial quest available.






image.png Butler

We are updating prices and adding new useful items.

etc_royal_membership_i00.png Club Manager Adventurers' Guide:

  • The level of obtaining a free buff has been increased. Now you can get a buff up to level 52 (not inclusive), without having etc_royal_membership_i00.png Club Card.

Changed some items and added new ones:

Subject Qty Price
etc_reagent_white_i00.pngGreater Healing Potion 50 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x2
etc_reagent_white_i00.pngGreater Healing Potion 200 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x7
etc_cp_potion_i00.pngCP Potion 50 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x1
etc_cp_potion_i01.pngGreater CP Potion 50 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x2
br_cp_potion_i01.pngPersonal Greater CP Potion 50 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x3
etc_cp_potion_i00.pngCP Potion
etc_cp_potion_i01.pngGreater CP Potion
br_cp_potion_i01.pngPersonal Greater CP Potion

100 each

family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x10

etc_sb_transform_i00.pngpanel_star_n2.pngExtra Entrance Pass - Business 66 Level 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x4
br_cash_pack_of_soulshot_b_i00.pngSoulshot Pack (B-Grade) 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x3
br_cash_pack_of_soulshot_a_i00.pngSoulshot Pack (A-Grade) 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x5
br_cash_pack_of_soulshot_s_i00.pngSoulshot Pack (S-Grade) 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x10
br_cash_pack_of_blessed_spiritshot_d_i00Blessed Spiritshot Pack (D-Grade) 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x1
br_cash_pack_of_blessed_spiritshot_c_i00Blessed Spiritshot Pack (C-Grade) 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x3
br_cash_pack_of_blessed_spiritshot_b_i00Blessed Spiritshot Pack (B-Grade) 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x10
br_cash_pack_of_blessed_spiritshot_a_i00Blessed Spiritshot Pack (A-Grade) 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x12
br_cash_pack_of_blessed_spiritshot_s_i00Blessed Spiritshot Pack (S-Grade) 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x20
br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.pngpannel_unconfirmed.pngBox with Rune of EXP+SP 50% for 1-64 Levels 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x3
br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.pngpannel_unconfirmed.pngBox with Rune of EXP+SP 50% for 1-64 Levels 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x7
br_four_leaf_clover_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngLucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv. 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x2
br_four_leaf_clover_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngLucky Vitality Clover for 1-52 Lv. 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x5
br_four_leaf_clover_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngLucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv. 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x5
br_four_leaf_clover_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngLucky Vitality Clover for 1-64 Lv. 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x12
br_four_leaf_clover_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngLucky Vitality Clover for 1-76 Lv. 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x10
br_four_leaf_clover_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngLucky Vitality Clover for 1-76 Lv. 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x25
etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png Books for learning 2nd class skills 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x1
etc_prefect_belt_i00.pngWolf Collar - level 50 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x25
etc_kukaburo_ocarina_i00.pngBaby Kookaburra Ocarina - level 50 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x25
etc_buffalo_panpipe_i00.pngBaby Buffalo Panpipe - level 50 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x25
etc_cougar_chime_i00.pngBaby Cougar Chime - level 50 1 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin x25

image.png 2 Profession

family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin х15
etc_adena_i00.png1 500 000
weapon_deathbreath_sword_i01.png MWSword of Whispering Death 1 coupon_weapon_c.pngpannel_weapon.pngPersonal Coupon Weapon C







l2store.png L2 Store

In the store you can buy super useful, but limited items.

  • br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.pngpannel_unconfirmed.pngBox with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL Levels - 5 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin
    • Available 1 piece per day (no changes).
  • etc_cake_of_wheatlfour_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngMW Vitality Pie - 3 family_coin_i00.pngMaster Coin
    • Available 3pcs per day.







etc_jewel_box_i00.png Items

We update stores according to the server stage, keeping up with the times!

  • weapon_eminence_bow_i00.png Weapon store:
    • A full assortment of weapons from grade has been added to arms dealers for sale;
    • A full range of Common weapons of D and C grades has been added to arms dealers;
    • Standardized cost and taxation in all cities.
  • armor_t62_ul_i00.png Armor store:
    • A full range of C grade armor has been added to armor merchants for sale;
    • A full range of Common armor D and C grades has been added to armor merchants;
    • Standardized cost and taxation in all cities.
  • accessary_necklace_of_mermaid_i00.png Jewelry store:
    • A full assortment of costume jewelry from grade has been added for sale to jewelry merchants;
    • A full assortment of Common jewelry of D and C grades has been added to jewelry merchants;
    • Standardized cost and taxation in all cities.
  • etc_mineral_unique_i03.png Life Stone:
    • Skill levels from Life Stones have been increased from level 60 to level 64;
    • The power of attacking and debuffing skills is increased in proportion to the skill level, for example:
      • Was: skill level 64, Power 92;
      • New: level 68, 97 Power.
        This change will improve skills from Life Stones every week until it reaches the maximum.
  • etc_talisman_i02.pngtime_tab.pngTalismans with active skills have been renamed:
    • "Red/Blue/White/ ..." replaced by Active.
  • 32_maxclarity.pngpanel_2.png ActiveTalisman of Maximum Clarity:
    • Reduces MP consumption for skills by 75% for 90 seconds.
  • 32_lifeforce.pngpanel_2.pngActive Talisman - Life Force:
    • Restores 75% HP and 50% MP.
  • 32_divineprotection.pngpanel_2.pngActive Talisman - Divine Protection:
    • Increases P. Def. by 2400 and M. Protection at 1800 for 10 seconds.
  • etc_warding_orb_green_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - A - drops with a small chance from the following Raid Bosses:
    • Shillen's Messenger Cabrio 70 lvl;
    • For choir 70 lvl;
    • Roaring Skylancer 70 lvl;
    • Fafurion's Herald Lokness 70 lvl;
    • Meanas Anor 70 lvl;
    • Hail Queen Themis lvl 70;
    • Beast Lord Behemoth 70 lvl;
    • Anakim's Nemesis Zakaron 70 lvl;
    • Immortal Savior Mardil 71 lvl;
    • Eihalder Von Helman 71 lvl;
    • Doom Blade Tanatos 72 lvl;
    • Habits Chief Kandra lvl 72;
    • Water Dragon Seer Sheshark 72 lvl;
    • Death Lord Hallate 73 lvl;
    • Plague Golem 73 lvl;
    • Antharas Priest Cloe 74 lvl;
    • Krokian Padisha Sobekk lvl 74;
    • Icecle Empirer Bumbalump 74 lvl;
    • Core 75 lvl;
    • Storm Winged Naga 75 lvl;
    • Last Lesser Giant Olkuth 75 lvl;
    • Menacing Palatanos 75 lvl;
    • Bloody Empress Decabria 75 lvl;
    • Death Lord Ipos 75 lvl;
    • Death Lord Shax 75 lvl;
    • Flamestone Giant 76 lvl;
    • Ocean Flame Ashakiel 76 lvl.







image.png Ivory Store

Complete missions and tasks, purchase useful items in this store!

  • The cost of Grade D Shadow Weapons has been reduced to 50 etc_pig_adena_i01.pngIvory Coin.
  • Added Ivory grade B weapons:
    • Personal weapon with characteristics +4 enchanting levels;
    • Has 180 Mana, similar to Shadow;
    • Contains the effect of SA;
    • Cost: 350 etc_pig_adena_i01.pngIvory Coin + 295,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena:
      • weapon_sword_of_damascus_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Damascus Sword;
      • weapon_lancia_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Lance;
      • weapon_deadmans_glory_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Deadman's Glory;
      • weapon_art_of_battle_axe_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Art of Battle Axe;
      • weapon_demons_sword_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Demons's Dagger;
      • weapon_bellion_cestus_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Bellion Chest;
      • weapon_hazard_bow_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Bow of Peril;
      • weapon_dual_sword_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Samurai Longsword*Samurai Longsword;
      • weapon_guardians_sword_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Guardian's Sword;
      • weapon_tears_of_wizard_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Wizard's Tear;
      • weapon_bone_of_kaim_vanul_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Kaim Vanul's Bones;
      • weapon_star_buster_i00.pngpanel_2.pngMW Ivory Star Buster.







image.png Achievements

Nice bonuses for your achievements!

  • Rewards in the Sub-classes section have been changed:
First Sub-class Second Sub-class Third Sub-class
coupon_weapon_c.pngpannel_weapon.pngPersonal Coupon Weapon C coupon_weapon_c.pngpannel_weapon.pngPersonal Coupon Weapon C coupon_weapon_c.pngpannel_weapon.pngPersonal Coupon Weapon C
coupon_arm_c.pngpanel_armor.pngPersonal Coupon Armor C coupon_arm_c.pngpanel_armor.pngPersonal Coupon Armor C coupon_arm_c.pngpanel_armor.pngPersonal Coupon Armor C
br_cash_pack_of_soulshot_c_i00.pngSoulshot Pack (C-Grade) br_cash_pack_of_soulshot_c_i00.pngSoulshot Pack (C-Grade) br_cash_pack_of_soulshot_c_i00.pngSoulshot Pack (C-Grade)
br_cash_pack_of_blessed_spiritshot_c_i00Blessed Spiritshot Pack (C-Grade) br_cash_pack_of_blessed_spiritshot_c_i00Blessed Spiritshot Pack (C-Grade) br_cash_pack_of_blessed_spiritshot_c_i00Blessed Spiritshot Pack (C-Grade)
br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.pngpannel_unconfirmed.pngBox with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL Levels x3 br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.pngpannel_unconfirmed.pngBox with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL Levels x5 br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00.pngpannel_unconfirmed.pngBox with Rune of Exp+Sp 50% for ALL Levels x7
br_fruit_cocktail_i00.pngSweet Fruit Cocktail x2 br_fruit_cocktail_i00.pngSweet Fruit Cocktail x3 br_fruit_cocktail_i00.pngSweet Fruit Cocktail x5
br_fruit_cocktail_i01.pngFresh Fruit Cocktail x2 br_fruit_cocktail_i01.pngFresh Fruit Cocktail x3 br_fruit_cocktail_i01.pngFresh Fruit Cocktail x5
br_vitality_potion_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngVitality Maintaining Potion br_vitality_potion_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngVitality Maintaining Potion x3 br_vitality_potion_i00.pngpanel_sa.pngVitality Maintaining Potion x3
br_vitality_potion_i01.pngpanel_sa.pngVitality Replenishing Potion br_vitality_potion_i01.pngpanel_sa.pngVitality Replenishing Potion x2 br_vitality_potion_i01.pngpanel_sa.pngVitality Replenishing Potion x3







image.png Luxury Shop

The store is expanding with the development of the server, so that the current, but not top, grade of equipment is easier to obtain.

  • The assortment of the Elite goods store has been updated, low grade B equipment has been added:
    armor_t1004_ul_i00.pngSubject etc_crystal_red_i00.pngCrystal (B-Grade) etc_crystal_green_i00.pngCrystal (C-Grade) etc_adena_i00.pngAdena
    weapon_sword_of_valhalla_i00.png Sword of Valhalla 579 1 737 3 966 000
    weapon_dark_elven_long_bow_i00.png Dark Elven Long Bow 579 1 737 3 966 000
    weapon_great_sword_i00.png Great Sword 579 1 737 3 966 000
    weapon_kris_i00.png Kris 579 1 737 3 966 000
    weapon_heavy_war_axe_i00.png Heavy War Axe 579 1 737 3 966 000
    weapon_kshanberk_i00.png Keshanberk 579 1 737 3 966 000
    weapon_sprites_staff_i00.png Sprite's Staff 579 1 737 3 966 000
    weapon_hell_knife_i00.png Hell Knife 579 1 737 3 966 000
    weapon_arthro_nail_i00.png Arthro Nail 579 1 737 3 966 000
    weapon_great_axe_i00.png Great Axe 579 1 737 3 966 000
    weapon_spell_breaker_i00.png Spell Breaker 579 1 737 3 966 000
    weapon_ice_storm_hammer_i00.png Ice Storm Hammer 579 1 737 3 966 000
    armor_t66_u_i00.png Avadon Heavy Set 346 1038 1 885 000
    armor_t67_ul_i00.png Avadon Leather Set 291 870 1 605 000
    armor_t59_ul_i00.png Avadon Robe Set 291 870 2 605 000
    armor_t64_u_i00.png Zubei's Heavy Set 346 1038 1 885 000
    armor_t65_u_i00.png Zubei's Leather Set 391 870 1 605 000
    armor_t56_u_i00.png Also robe set 291 870 1 605 000
    armor_leather_helmet_i00.png Avadon Circlet 52 156 335 000
    armor_t66_u_i00.png Avadon Breastplate 138 415 650 000
    armor_t66_l_i00.png Avadon Gaiters 86 259 450 000
    shield_avadon_shield_i00.png Avadon Shield 36 109 127 500
    armor_t67_ul_i00.png Avadon Leather Armor 169 506 820 000
    armor_t59_ul_i00.png Avadon Robe 169 506 820 000
    armor_t66_g_i02.png Sealed Avadon Gloves 35 104 225 000
    armor_t66_b_i02.png Sealed Avadon Boots 35 104 225 000
    armor_helmet_i00.png Zubei's Helmet 52 156 335 000
    armor_t64_u_i00.png Zubei's Breastplate 138 415 650 000
    armor_t64_l_i00.png Zubei's Gaiters: 86 259 450 000
    shield_shrnoens_shield_i00.png Zubei's Shield 36 109 127 500
    armor_t65_u_i00.png Zubei's Leather Shirt 104 311 500 000
    armor_t65_l_i00.png Zubei's Leather Gaiters 65 195 320 000
    armor_t56_u_i00.png Tunic of Zubei 104 311 500 000
    armor_t56_l_i00.png Stockings of Zubei 65 195 320 000
    armor_t64_g_i02.png Sealed Zubei's Gauntlets 35 104 225 000
    armor_t64_b_i02.png Sealed Zubei's Boots 35 104 225 000
    accessary_adamantite_necklace_i00.png Adamantite Necklace 56 170 350 000
    accessary_adamantite_earing_i00.png Adamantite Earring 42 127 262 500
    accessary_adamantite_ring_i00.png Adamantite Ring 28 85 175 000






image.png Missions

Don't forget to make good use of your time. For routine actions you can get an additional reward!

  • The general logic of Missions in the “Locations” section has been changed. For simplification and comfort of players:
    • For NOT ACTUAL "steps" Missions from the “Locations” section, you can now collect any monsters in this location.
      • This way there will be no need to stuff “blue” images. mobs in order to open access to the mission step that is relevant for your level.
        • An example at this stage is Dragon Walley - any monsters from this location count.
    • For locations relevant to the level of the mission stage, everything remains unchanged:
      • An example at this stage of ToI - to complete different steps of the mission it is necessary to kill certain mobs, for the initial steps - the first floors, then progressively.
  • Added a new Daily Zaken Mission: Kill instance Zaken. Mission Reward:
    • etc_pig_adena_i01.pngIvory Coin х35;
    • etc_jewel_gold_i00.pngZaken's Soul Fragment х1;
    • etc_exchange_box_i00.pngBusiness's Secret Chest:
      • damaged_zakens_earring.pngDamaged Zaken's Earring - 100%;
      • scroll_of_vanisher.pngScroll of Vanisher From 1 to 5pcs - 100%;
      • blessed_scroll_of_vanisher.pngBlessed Scroll of Vanisher От 1 до 2шт - 35%;
      • crystal_scroll_of_vanisher.pngCrystal Scroll of Vanisher - 15%.
  • Due to the development of the server, the rewards for the following Missions from the "Levels" section have been improved:
    Hidden text

    Level 3:

    • Type: Disposable;
    • Condition: Reach level 3;
    • Award:
      • etc_lottery_card_i00.png Newbie Guide's Weapon х2;
      • t32245.png Smile - Smile;
      • br_cash_healing_potion_i00.png Personal Healing Potion х5;
      • etc_soulshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners х400;
      • etc_spiritshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Spiritshot: No Grade for Beginners х200.

    Level 7:

    • Type: Disposable;
    • Condition: Reach level 7;
    • Award:
      • bm_challenger_wp_trade_ticket.png Newbie Guide Coupon (Boots);
      • accessary_blue_coral_ring_i00.png Blue Coral Ring;
      • br_cash_healing_potion_i00.png Personal Healing Potion х7;
      • etc_soulshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners х500;
      • etc_spiritshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Spiritshot: No Grade for Beginners х250.

    Level 10:

    • Type: Disposable;
    • Condition: Reach level 10;
    • Award:
      • bm_challenger_wp_trade_ticket.png Newbie Guide Coupon Gloves);
      • accessary_coral_earing_i00.png Coral Earring;
      • br_cash_healing_potion_i00.png Personal Healing Potion х10;
      • etc_soulshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners х600;
      • etc_spiritshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Spiritshot: No Grade for Beginners х300.

    Level 12:

    • Type: Disposable;
    • Requirement: Reach level 12;
    • Award:
      • bm_challenger_wp_trade_ticket.png Newbie Guide (Armor);
      • accessary_coral_earing_i00.png Coral Earring;
      • br_cash_healing_potion_i00.png Personal Healing Potion х12;
      • etc_soulshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners х700;
      • etc_spiritshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Spiritshot: No Grade for Beginners х350.

    Level 15:

    • Type: Disposable;
    • Condition: Reach level 15;
    • Award:
      • weapon_mace_of_priest_i00.png MW Priest Mace;
      • bm_challenger_wp_trade_ticket.png Newbie Guide Coupon (Шлем);
      • accessary_blue_diamond_necklace_i00.png Blue Diamond Necklace;
      • br_cash_healing_potion_i00.png Personal Healing Potion х15;
      • etc_soulshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners х800;
      • etc_spiritshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Spiritshot: No Grade for Beginners х400.

    Level 17:

    • Type: Disposable;
    • Condition: Reach level 17;
    • Award:
      • etc_lottery_card_i00.pngpannel_weapon.pngNewbie Guide's Weapon Exchange Coupon;
      • br_cash_healing_potion_i00.png Personal Healing Potion х17;
      • etc_soulshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Soulshot: No Grade for Beginners х1000;
      • etc_spiritshot_none_for_rookie_i00.png Spiritshot: No Grade for Beginners х500.

    Level 20:

    • Type: Disposable;
    • Condition: Reach level 20;
    • Award:
      • coupon_arm_d.pngpanel_armor.pngPersonal Coupon Armor D;
      • t32244.png Smile - Heart;
      • etc_pig_adena_i01.png Ivory Coin х15;
      • br_cash_healing_potion_i00.png Personal Healing Potion х20;
      • br_cash_soulshot_d_i00.png Soulshot (D-Grade) х1500;
      • br_cash_blessed_spiritshot_d_i00.png Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade) х750;
      • etc_super_cp_potion_i01.png Elixir of CP (D-Grade) х2.

    30 Level:

    • Type: Disposable;
    • Condition: Reach level 30;
    • Award:
      • coupon_weapon_d.pngpannel_weapon.pngPersonal Coupon Weapon D;
      • etc_pig_adena_i01.png Ivory Coin х20;
      • br_cash_healing_potion_i00.png Personal Healing Potion х30;
      • br_cp_potion_i01.png Personal Greater CP Potion х15 Personal Item. Restores CP by 200;
      • br_cash_soulshot_d_i00.png Soulshot (D-Grade) х1500;
      • br_cash_blessed_spiritshot_d_i00.png Blessed Spiritshot (D-Grade) х750;
      • etc_super_cp_potion_i01.png Elixir of CP (D-Grade) х2;
      • etc_super_hp_potion_i01.png Elixir of Life (D-Grade) х3.








armor_t1001_ul_i00.png Starting Equipment

  • Now, when creating a character, depending on the class, he receives a set of armor:
    • Warriors:
      • armor_helmet_i00.pngMW Oath Helm;
      • armor_t1001_ul_i00.pngMW Oath Armor;
      • armor_t1001_g_i00.pngMW Oath Gauntlets;
      • armor_t1001_b_i00.pngMW Oath Sabbath.
    • Mages:
      • armor_helmet_i00.pngMW Oath Helm;
      • armor_t1003_ul_i00.pngMW Oath Aketon;
      • armor_t1003_g_i00.pngMW Oath Padded Gloves;
      • armor_t1003_b_i00.pngMW Oath Sandals.
  • All new characters additionally receive:
    • ticket_i00.pngpanel_star_n2.pngExtra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Hall of the Abyss);
    • ticket_i00.pngpanel_star_n1.pngExtra Entrance Pass - Near Kamaloka;
    • ticket_i00.pngpanel_star_n3.pngExtra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka (Labyrinth).







ticket_i00.pngpanel_star_n1.pngInstance Zones

  • Added a new instance zone Daily Zaken:
    • Boss level: 66;
    • Entry is available for groups of 7-9 characters;
    • Character levels 60-72;
    • Entrance is from Giran Harbor;
    • Zone rollback occurs: Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6:30 am server time;
    • SA upgrade available:
      • 10->11 with a 3% chance;
      • 11->12 with a 2% chance.
    • Awards:
      • etc_jewel_box_i00.pngZaken Supplies - personal reward, each participant receives;
      • accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00.pngBusiness's Earring;
      • weapon_sword_of_damascus_i00.png Weapon top B grade;
      • etc_sword_body_i00.png In top B weapons;
      • accessary_another_worlds_necklace_i00.pnOtherworldly Jewelry;
      • accessary_necklace_of_phantom_i00.pngPhantom Jewelry;
      • accessary_cerberuss_necklace_i00.pngCerberus Jewelry;
      • business_hair_accessary.pngPirate King Hat;
      • etc_warding_orb_blue_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - B;
      • etc_warding_orb_green_i00.pngMasterWork Crystal - A;
      • etc_sb_transform_i00.pngTransform Spellbook: Zaken.


  • Added instance zones in Castles and Fortresses clans:
    • Entry is possible in a group of 5 to 9 people;
    • Boss levels 62-78;
    • Character levels 65+;
    • Each group has its own rollback instance zone;
    • Several groups can enter at the same time;
    • The zone instance rollback occurs at 6:30 am server time;
    • Reward. You receive EXP and SP, as well as items with some chance:
      • br_spell_books_sword_i00.pngForgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will;
      • archer_will_book.pngForgotten Scroll - Archer's Will;
      • br_spell_books_magic_i00.pngForgotten Scroll - Magician's Will;
      • familybox_ench.pngEnchanted MW Box;
      • chest_of_dark_soul.pngChest with Life Stone;
      • armor_t84_ul_i00.png Complete equipment of grade A;
      • etc_leather_gray_i00.pngMaterials for creating equipment of grade A;
      • uncommon.png Mount cards.











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with ❤️, E-Global & Averia


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