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Sacred Gang, predominantly a Lithuanian-based group, is extending an invitation to players from all over the world who thrive in party-based gameplay. Our community is structured into two main setups:

  • PVE setup that is focused towards pve/raids/advanced macro setups all while you chill yourself.
  • PVP setup which involves the primary characters for any player vs player content.(multiple off party characters like SLH/DAGGERS/OVERLORDS)
  • With a target of at least 20-30 members, we ensure that there's always someone else able to step in giving time for you to cool off. Some members  decide to split characters between two people, to cover morning/night or to have more days off and also we got casual players who play several hours a day doing specific given tasks or just levelling their own characters that are in line with our vision .

The main activities that we platform for people is:

  • PVP Content : GVG/Sieges/Epics/TW/Competitive Olympiad/Ganking.
  • Access to all PvE content : Raids(Tiat,Twins,Castle instances and so on) / High End open world PVE content in later stages.
  • Community chatrooms : A fun, positive atmosphere filled with passionate players ready to debunk and theory every new change or released patch note.

So far our community has established the following achievements:

  • Recognized as one of the most competitive groups in Olympiad, consistently securing heroes for some of the toughest classes, with a personal best of 5 heroes in one hero cycle.
  • Our DD consistently ranks in the top 100 PVP players.
  • Active on the server for 4 seasons with no signs of stopping!


Even though the prime time for us is during 18-24 hours Kyiv time zone, the discord server is barely ever empty as we accept people with shifting/nightime/daytime occupations.
Currently we are looking for players that have similar intentions as us and is interested for long term healthy gameplay that will last up to 6 or more months in the server. WE HAVE NO INTEREST IN PEOPLE THAT ARE HERE SHORT TERM .

last update 2024.06.25

We are open for discussion at any time. Discord : TonyHawke#6630 or IGN: TonyHawk or  Gend



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24.12.2023 в 11:06, valestrife сказал:

Do u offer to play with ur char ? Coz I can join as Judi or dd but I'm "low" (70 no noblesse with low gear)

Unfortunately, no. Only players that play two seasons or more with us are allowed to have their characters on their own private master account.

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