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The Sky Library Guild is looking for Archivists

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The Sky Library Guild opens a recruitment of Archivists to replenish the Masterwork knowledge base

Any player who has knowledge about the game and is ready to translate it into the format of detailed written guides for training other players can receive the title of Archivist. The most detailed and useful guides will be added to the MasterWork knowledge base  with attribution.

image.png How to become an Archivist?

If you want to help other players learn the secrets and intricacies of game mechanics, you will have to pass the test to join the Heavenly Guild.

  • Select a topic for the guide from the sections:
    • Helpful information;
    • Game mechanics;
    • Game class;
    • Instance;
    • Quest.
  • Make sure that the article on the topic you have chosen is not in the Masterwork knowledge base in the section Articles;
  • Fill out the guide in accordance with the requirements (listed below) and publish it on our forum in the section Sky Library Guild;
  • Send your guide to the knowledge keeper by following link and filling out a special Google form;
  • Open personal messages in the messenger you specified (Telegram, Discord);
  • Wait for a response from the knowledge keeper.

Keepers of knowledge have the right to send the guide for revision, indicating a list of comments, or to refuse an applicant for the title of Archivist without explanation.
At the testing stage, keepers of knowledge evaluate the compliance of the proposed guide with the requirements and concept of MasterWork. Next, a decision is made to assign the player the status of Archivist. All candidates who submit the form will receive feedback from the knowledge keeper in a private message on Telegram or Discord.
The work of players who have received the title of Archivist will be posted in the Masterwork knowledge base, all other works will remain publicly available on the E-Global project forum.

image.png Requirements for the content and design of articles

Requirements for the content and design of articles

image.png Game mechanics

All game mechanics, skills, monster parameters and rewards from them, settings and instance schedules must comply with the Masterwork concept or not contradict it if you are describing the basic mechanics.

image.png Guides by class

Guides for individual classes should contain the following information:

  • All class information must be consistent with the MasterWork concept;
  • Consistent description of information about professions of the specified class;
  • Features of the class — advantages and disadvantages;
  • Combat characteristics;
  • Equipment at different levels — from the choice of weapons and armor, to shirts and talismans;
  • A list of all skills and their application in different game situations;
  • Description of possible builds and play styles;
  • Description of possible group compositions in which the class will be useful and effective.

 image.jpeg Quest Guides

Guides for completing quests should contain the following information:

  • Starting NPC;
  • Levels available for accepting the quest;
  • Conditions for accepting a quest (race, class, completion of previous quests), if any;
  • Reward for completing the quest. If the reward is random or by choice, a list of all available rewards;
  • Step-by-step description of the quest;
  • Screenshots of quest NPCs and monsters with a mark of their location on the map;
  • Hints if completing a quest stage is not obvious.

image.png Other information

Use of images:

  • The image size must be no more than 1200px wide;
  • Allowed formats — JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF;
  • Try to use images that are optimized for the web. To do this, you can use special online services, for example Optimizilla;
  • Screenshots must be created only on MasterWork servers;
  • Images must be posted on the forum or taken from the project's knowledge base, links to third-party resources are prohibited;
  • The number of images is unlimited;
  • Images must not violate the laws of the CIS countries.

Using links is only possible for project resources:

Video usage:

  • The video must be posted on YouTube video hosting;
  • Game video materials must be filmed only on MasterWork servers;
  • The video must be of adequate quality (at least 1080p), the sound must be of adequate volume, and speech must be clearly audible;
  • Video materials must not violate the laws of the CIS countries.

image.png Reward for participants

Archivists whose work will be posted in the MasterWork knowledge base receive a reward for their work:

  • A colored nickname to choose from for your character;
  • A unique permanent agathion with an auto-loot function — Owl;
    The Archivist is guaranteed to receive an agathion in all subsequent seasons;
  • A unique cloak (in development) with cloak parameters for VIP level 4;
  • Financial support from 5 to 50 dollars for each article, depending on its size and value (at the discretion of the knowledge keeper).
    The archivist can receive support both in game currency and in cash transition

Candidates who do not receive Archivist status will be awarded at the support of the knowledge keeper.
Rewards are gived within a week after confirmation of Archivist status and publication of the article in the project knowledge base.

image.png Conditions of the promo

Conditions of the promotion

By participating in the promotion, you transfer to the E-Global project the rights to edit and use text materials, images and video materials of the article at the discretion of the project.

The management of the E-Global project independently decides the number of Archivists and the term of cooperation with them.

Archivists do not become official representatives or employees of the E-Global project. They do not receive a special status in the game or special treatment from the project.

The management of the E-Global project may revise the terms and conditions of remuneration at any time. This includes suspending, changing the conditions of participation or canceling the promotion. If changes are made to the promotion, the new terms and conditions will come into effect from the moment of publication, without further notice.

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