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Tournament on MasterWork Eternal — 10.000$ +

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Dear friends!


We are pleased to announce the GvG Tournament on the MasterWork Eternal project with gifts for both participants and an abundance of prizes!
The total prize fund of the tournament is $10,000 and will rise from the sale of special items in your Personal Account!

The tournament will be covered @Safero and @Ephas, as well as a number of invited guests on our radio and on the trovo channel.

Time: Autumn, before the start of the 5th season of MasterWork on the MasterWork Eternal server (dates will appear closer to the start of the tournament, in advance).
We are also planning to hold an entertaining tournament during the 4th season of MW in April, where you can compete with other players of the season and leave your mark on the history of our project! Details and dates will be provided in a separate topic.  

As a reward for the entertaining tournament, you will receive in-game valuables, and your names will be immortalized in the Champions Hall of Fame!
Also, the Group Leader will receive a memorial sign in the form of the “Aegis of Champions” (physical).


Tournament Details

  • image.png Rewards
    • The prize pool of the tournament is $10,000 and will be divided between the winner and a certain number of prize places;
      • +25% from the sale of special items in your Personal Account will rise the prize pool! Buy now and rise the prize pool for the start of Season 5!
    • In addition to the cash reward, there are also other prizes:
      • In honor of the tournament winners, a new Olympiad Arena will be created, the “Hall of Heroes” location will be created, and an NPC will be installed in cities who will tell anyone interested about the tournament winners;
      • Winners and runners-up will receive unique visual items that will also be available for the next season;
      • Prize winners will receive gifts in the form of game peripherals (one or more items per prize).


  • image.png Registration
    • The tournament is made for players of the MasterWork project, so any group that has played or plans to play on our project can apply to participate in the tournament.
      • You can leave applications in a special section of your Personal Account, which will be available closer to the start of the tournament;
      • All applications will be reviewed individually and approved unless team members:
        • Blocked on the server (for any of the violations);
        • They are not unwanted players in the project;
        • Players who try to bend the rules.
          Note! The administration reserves the right to refuse registration to a group either for the reason described or without naming one.
    • To submit an application, you need to use the special section in your Personal Account and fill out the form:
      Please note! The group application must be created by the Group Leader, who, among other things, will communicate with the administration, participate in social activities, use functions for making the tournament and make decisions.
      • Group name:
        • Full title;
        • Abbreviated name (up to 4 characters);
        • Pseudonym (if the group exercises the right to anonymity, more on that later).
      • Group avatar (64x64);
      • Screenshot of the group composition;
      • Audio/text presentation of the group (requested separately);
      • Group leader contact information:
        • Telegram;
        • Discord.
      • The composition of a group of 10 characters with a listing of the nickname and the game account of this character (only the game account, password and MA do not need to be specified).
        This way we will be able to initially verify that the players have given their consent to participate in the tournament.


  • image.png Tournament Format
    • The tournament will be held in semi-automatic mode. To participate, teams will need to register at the required time with a special manager (the system is similar to the system for the Olympiad);
    • Tournament grid:
      • Double Elimination - the tournament bracket will have the so-called Upper/Winners and Lower/Loosers bracket. It means:
        • If a team loses in the Upper Bracket, it goes into the Lower Bracket;
        • If a team loses in the Lower Bracket, it is eliminated from the tournament.
      • Group Stage - all tournament participants will be divided into groups, where they will have to fight with each team in the group. This will allow the teams to be divided into the upper and lower brackets.
        Note! The presence or absence of group stages will be confirmed closer to the start of the tournament and will depend on the number of participating teams.
      • Group battles will take place in the Best of 2 format (i.e. only 2 battles), which means: 
        • Win (2-0) - 3 points;
        • Lose (0-2) - 0 points;
        • Draw (1-1) - 1 point (each team).
    • Fights in the Upper and Lower Brackets:
      • The battles take place in the format of up to 2 victories (Best of 3/Best of 3);
      • All skills will be restored between battles;
      • All items will be restored between battles;
      • All parameters will be restored between battles;
      • Group leaders will have access to a system for Selecting and Blocking Arenas for conducting battles.
    • Skills, Health, Buff:
      • All skills will be restored before and between battles;
      • All health indicators (CP/HP/MP) will be restored before and between battles (following the example of the Olympics);
      • Each player will have access to a personal buff from the NPC manager.
        Note! Each player will have access to a personal buff, and not 5 for everyone.
        • Each player will have the opportunity to take several buffs from 2 groups, namely:
          • First group - 2 buffs available to choose from:
            • skill1388.pngGreater Might;
            • skill1389.pngGreater Shield;
            • skill1542.pngCounter Critical (but not skill1461.pngChant of Protection);
            • skill1548.pngResist Earth +21 Power;
            • skill1182.pngResist Aqua +21 Power;
            • skill1191.pngResist Fire +21 Power;
            • skill1189.pngResist Wind +21 Power;
            • skill1416.pngPa'agrio's Fist.
          • Second group - 1 buff available to choose from:
            • skill1332.pngSingle Blessing of Seraphim;
            • skill11372.pngSingle Gift of Seraphim;
            • skill1331.pngSingle Blessing of Queen;
            • skill11846.pngSingle Gift of Queen.
    • Arena Selection
      • After the players are moved from the city to the battle site, Group Leaders will have a window for Selecting and Blocking the Arena in which the battle will take place. The passage will be according to this principle:
        • A team is randomly selected to begin Blocking/Selecting;
        1. Arena Lockdown - Team 1;
        2. Arena Lockdown - Team 2;
        3. Arena Selection - Team 1;
        4. Arena Selection - Team 2;
        5. Arena Lockdown - Team 1;
        6. Arena Lockdown - Team 2;
        7. The last Arena is selected automatically from the remaining ones.
    • The maximum time for each battle is up to 15 minutes.
      • After the battle time has elapsed, the damage done will be calculated.


  • image.png Characters, level, equipment
    • Each team can apply for 11 characters in their group.
      • Each team will have the opportunity to replace up to two members of their team with another(s) before the start of the battle;
      • After the fight has begun, the lineup remains closed until the results are determined.
    • Characters
      • To participate, you need to have or download a character on the MasterWork Eternal server.
        • We remind you that all characters from all seasons are automatically transferred to the Eternal Server and are available to you.
      • You will use equipment that you obtain yourself on the Eternal server, but its maximum level will be set according to a certain limit.
        Please Note! If your equipment is above the specified limit, you should get a suitable one or we will provide it.
      • Limits!
        • Maximum character level - 83
          • There are also 3 sub-classes available up to level 75 inclusive;
          • All available skills from sub-class to level 75 are available for learning.
        • Character equipment.
          • Maximum available grade: armor_t96_u_i03.png Vorpal and below;
          • Maximum enchant level:
            • Magic weapons: +7;
            • Physical weapons: +10;
            • Set (any available): +6;
            • Jewelry: +6.
          • Setting attributes:
            • Weapons: 300;
            • Equipment: 3 x 60 (900).
        • Epic Jewelry
          • The Group Leader will be given a certain number of special coins, for which he will be able to purchase various Epic Jewelry at his discretion.
          • Purchased Epic Jewelry can only be used by members of that group.
        • Skill enchanting level
          Please note! If the level of enchant of your skills is higher than the level indicated below, it will be automatically reduced for the duration of the tournament.
          • Second class skills: +24;
          • Third class skills: +13.
      • Other items:
        • etc_stripe_shirts_s_i05.pngpvp_tab.pngMithril Shirt - PvP +6;
        • belt_top_s2.pngpvp_tab.pngRefined Top-Grade Magic Ornament Belt +6;
        • amor_evilness_cloak.pngpannel_intrepid.pngGlobal Elite Cloak which you can improve by CP\HP\MP;
        • Talismans:
          • 32_lifeforce.pngpanel_2.pngActive Talisman - Life Force;
          • 32_minclarity.pngpanel_2.pngActive Talisman - Minimum Clarity;
          • 32_maxclarity.pngpanel_2.pngActive Talisman of Maximum Clarity;
          • 32_meditation.pngpanel_2.pngActive Talisman - Meditation;
          • 32_divineprotection.pngpanel_2.pngActive Talisman - Divine Protection;
          • yellow_attack_32.pngpanel_2.pngInfinity Passive Talisman - Attack;
          • yellow_def_32.pngpanel_2.pngInfinity Passive Talisman - Defense;
          • yellow_speed_32.pngpanel_2.pngInfinity Passive Talisman - Speed;
          • yellow_regen_32.pngpanel_2.pngInfinity Passive Talisman - Regeneration.


  • image.jpeg Tournament Rules
    • All tournament participants accept all specified rules and undertake to comply with them;
    • All tournament participants understand and accept the fact that technical failures during the tournament are possible and were not created artificially against one or another participant.
      • The administration will take all possible actions to prevent any difficulties (technical or conceptual), and if they arise, every effort will be made to eliminate them;
      • If, if technical difficulties arise both on the server side and on the participants’ side, a replay is possible, it will be assigned;
      • If technical difficulties for either side arose after the battle began, and the impact of the participants was critical (killing a player, applying debuffs, critical damage, positional advantage, etc.) - the likelihood of a replay is significantly reduced.
    • If force majeure occurs, the administration will take all possible measures to eliminate it and reserves the right to decide to add or change the described rules.
      • Any actions of the administration will not be directed against any of the tournament participants. All decisions made are aimed solely at the quality and efficiency of the tournament.
    • All tournament participants agree not to shift responsibility for the result of the battle to any of the possible aspects, such as: technical errors, server concept, opponent, etc. By accepting the rules of participation in the tournament, all players accept responsibility for the result of their performance. Otherwise, we recommend that you do not participate and remain as a spectator.
      • Note! We are not talking about constructive criticism, which is reasonably described and presented to the administration. We are working on creating a tool for running tournaments with rewards and running it on an ongoing basis. Any help in improving the tournament at any stage is appreciated.
        We set ourselves the task of creating a tool for regular and systematic holding of tournaments, while taking the format and technical implementation to a new level. Developing something new and unique is often fraught with mistakes. For our part, we are trying to do everything in our power to ensure that you get the best experience when playing on our project, but we admit that difficulties may arise. We ask for your understanding and help us realize the best for you.
    • It is prohibited to use third party software;
    • During the tournament, all participants undertake to be on the Discord server provided by the administration.
      • The administration reserves the right to enter the participants’ channel during the battle to cover what is happening within the group during the battle (unless the group has exercised the right to anonymity, which will be discussed below);
      • The administration reserves the right to call the Group Leader or its representative for a pre/post match interview (unless the group has exercised the right to anonymity, which will be discussed below).
    • Each participant in the tournament undertakes to record each of his fights with a special program.
      • A program for recording a screen with a cursor will be provided by the administration or you can use your own;
        • Recording quality: minimum FullHD.
      • Each participant undertakes to provide a video recording of the fight upon the first request of the administration;
      • Each participant undertakes to save video materials until the end of the tournament.
        • If you don't have enough disk space to store recordings of all fights, you can use Google Disk or any other cloud storage.
          We recommend creating a new gmail account, which will allow you to store up to 15gb of records.
    • Tournament participants are prohibited from using public chats.
      • Exceptions:
        • Group leaders can use the chat to inform the administration about the current situation.
          Note! If this happens during a fight, you should bring the fight to an end, after which the situation will be reviewed and a decision made;
        • Participants can write messages at the level "gl, hf, gf" and so on.
          Note! Intended spam with such messages will also be regarded as a violation of the rules.
    • Any insult/disrespect during the tournament is prohibited.
      • Examples of such actions could be a given title, the name of a clan/alliance created for the tournament, a social action (for example, the emotion of crying/laughing) and so on. Respect your opponent.
    • Each group participating in the tournament can request the right to Anonymity.
      • All characters will receive an item that will change the character's in-game nickname;
      • A group that has requested the right to anonymity will not participate in media activities (interviews, podcasts, etc.) until it reaches the prizes. After this, the right to anonymity is revoked;
      • The final decision on whether to grant the right to Anonymity or not is made by the Administration on an individual basis.


  • image.png Violations of rules, measures and technical defeats
    • Violations of server rules can lead to either a warning (if the violation was minor) or disqualification.
      • Note! If a team was disqualified during or immediately after the fight (did not have time to play the next round), then the team it defeated takes its place;
      • Note! If a team is disqualified after having played the next round, the team(s) that lost previously will not be reinstated into the tournament.
    • Violation of the chat rules can lead to both the restriction of a specific player’s ability to use the chat and the disqualification of the team.
      • If the violation was gross, the entire group is disqualified, not just the participant (even if the group has 2 more characters to replace);
      • Note! The Group Leader is responsible for the players in his group.
    • If a team that received notification that the battle will begin at a certain time and was unable to provide its roster, it may:
      • Take advantage of the right to a 10-minute wait (once per match);
      • Start the battle without missing players (but at least 2 in the group);
      • Refuse to hold the match and receive a technical defeat.
        • Note! If the battle was a knockout match, the team leaves the tournament. If the fight was in the upper bracket, the team goes down to the lower bracket.
      • If during a battle one or more characters are disconnected from the server (disconnect, critical, computer reboot, internet drop), the following happens:
        • The fight continues until the result is determined;
        • After the end of the battle, if the next battle needs to be held to determine the winner (situation 1-0, 1-1), a “freeze” is automatically set for 5 minutes. After a player enters the world, he will be automatically moved to the arena and the teams will be transferred to the next one;
        • If a player does not appear in the game within 5 minutes, the battle will continue automatically and he will no longer be able to join his group within this match.


  • image.png Media
    • The tournament will be covered on our Radio and Stream trovo;
    • During the broadcast, co-hosts-analysts from our gaming community will be invited;
    • Before/after the fight, our broadcast studio will invite Group Leaders or their representatives for interviews;
    • All materials, including interviews, screen recordings of players that may be requested by the administration, can be used to create media content and advertising materials.



We invite all players to take part in our Tournament! We wish good luck to each and everyone!
May the strongest win!

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