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Hey there, priviet!


By any chance do you consider opening a new server, faster than Oct/Nov ?!  :) 

I think it would be very interesting for all the people out there, who enjoy playing here. 

Considering last sieges there were no attackers in some of the castles, considering in oly there are 10-12 max games / day, I think you can try open a vote poll or something if ppl are interested. 

WOULD BE SO NICE AND FUN to don't wait again 5-6 month to have the fresh fun again :)


ps: as personal opinion, maybe u can keep the stages with +/- 1 week longer or so , than this time  :P


Keep up the good work - best private server ever 

 thanks, sps in advance 

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17.05.2024 в 03:12, darkal3x сказав:

Hey there, priviet!


By any chance do you consider opening a new server, faster than Oct/Nov ?!  :) 

I think it would be very interesting for all the people out there, who enjoy playing here. 

Considering last sieges there were no attackers in some of the castles, considering in oly there are 10-12 max games / day, I think you can try open a vote poll or something if ppl are interested. 

WOULD BE SO NICE AND FUN to don't wait again 5-6 month to have the fresh fun again :)


ps: as personal opinion, maybe u can keep the stages with +/- 1 week longer or so , than this time  :P


Keep up the good work - best private server ever 

 thanks, sps in advance 

Hello! <3

Thank you for the suggestion and feedback. 

Tentatively the launch dates of the seasonal server will be in October/November (more likely October).

The duration of the stages will also be revised. 
More precise information will be available closer to the start of the OBT. 

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