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I am playing Dreadnaught on this server.


As you know Dreadnaught hit with pole ... we survive mainly because we take on alot of monster and we survive because of the HP DRAIN from each monster.


With Chant of Blood Awakening and Dance of Vampire it's 17% Drain HP on each hit. I am also a Programmer Analyst so I can in a way Understand sometimes when there is a problem, what the problem is and how to fix it.


And it seem I understand how this problem work.


SYNOPSYS: My character is in A Spot next to A wall .... Hitting on Let's Say 50 ennemies.



My HP Is trembling alot (Going down and up because of vampiric) Each time I do one swing, I gain back 30,000 HP (more than I have) So I only need to keep hitting to survive unless mobs can kill me altogether in 1 hit. I'm hitting and hitting and hitting and my life is VERY STABLE. Then... 1 monster of the whole group dies... and my life start to DROP LIKE HELL (Like I'm only draining from 1 mob now...) And it keep dropping and dropping and DEAD.... I die... Nothing I can do... when 50 mob hit me and I only drain hp from 1 mob... I die inevitably...




My Diagnostic of this bug is that, when POLE USER hit mobs they at first drain from ALL MOBS, but when 1 mob of the group dies... something in the way HP is drained and given to pole user changes and now the pole user will get HP back from only 1 mob... If you could please look into this and FIX THIS PROBLEM so that we can survive while hitting mobs... I have a +15 Eye of Slayer (+45% Patk against Dragons) + War Cry +15% patk and my Patk is 3100 so I should hit for around 6000 patk against dragons in a group of 30 dragons who hit me... I looked at my damage and in 1 swing I make 1100-1600 damage on normal hits and 6700-7500 damage on critical... and when the trigger Counter Critical is on, my critical go to 13200-17000 damage, and I'm hitting in 1 swing approx 24 monster so in AVERAGE I should make 35,000-42,000 damage.... this on a 20% drain rate would be 8000 hp back per hit (and I'm sure theres more than 24 mobs... plus I have passives to hit more mobs than the max amount but I've noticed in stakato nest that in l2J no matter the amount of mobs in front of u if they are all in same spot u will hit them all, even if there is 500) That is one bug but I do not complain since it works in my favor, it makes poles more powerfull, but this bug of draining from only 1 mob makes pole user VERY VERY BAD...


Please fix this problem... And give me estimate to how and when it will be fix

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I am playing Dreadnaught on this server.


As you know Dreadnaught hit with pole ... we survive mainly because we take on alot of monster and we survive because of the HP DRAIN from each monster.


With Chant of Blood Awakening and Dance of Vampire it's 17% Drain HP on each hit. I am also a Programmer Analyst so I can in a way Understand sometimes when there is a problem, what the problem is and how to fix it.


And it seem I understand how this problem work.


SYNOPSYS: My character is in A Spot next to A wall .... Hitting on Let's Say 50 ennemies.



My HP Is trembling alot (Going down and up because of vampiric) Each time I do one swing, I gain back 30,000 HP (more than I have) So I only need to keep hitting to survive unless mobs can kill me altogether in 1 hit. I'm hitting and hitting and hitting and my life is VERY STABLE. Then... 1 monster of the whole group dies... and my life start to DROP LIKE HELL (Like I'm only draining from 1 mob now...) And it keep dropping and dropping and DEAD.... I die... Nothing I can do... when 50 mob hit me and I only drain hp from 1 mob... I die inevitably...




My Diagnostic of this bug is that, when POLE USER hit mobs they at first drain from ALL MOBS, but when 1 mob of the group dies... something in the way HP is drained and given to pole user changes and now the pole user will get HP back from only 1 mob... If you could please look into this and FIX THIS PROBLEM so that we can survive while hitting mobs... I have a +15 Eye of Slayer (+45% Patk against Dragons) + War Cry +15% patk and my Patk is 3100 so I should hit for around 6000 patk against dragons in a group of 30 dragons who hit me... I looked at my damage and in 1 swing I make 1100-1600 damage on normal hits and 6700-7500 damage on critical... and when the trigger Counter Critical is on, my critical go to 13200-17000 damage, and I'm hitting in 1 swing approx 24 monster so in AVERAGE I should make 35,000-42,000 damage.... this on a 20% drain rate would be 8000 hp back per hit (and I'm sure theres more than 24 mobs... plus I have passives to hit more mobs than the max amount but I've noticed in stakato nest that in l2J no matter the amount of mobs in front of u if they are all in same spot u will hit them all, even if there is 500) That is one bug but I do not complain since it works in my favor, it makes poles more powerfull, but this bug of draining from only 1 mob makes pole user VERY VERY BAD...


Please fix this problem... And give me estimate to how and when it will be fix

u have 2 create same topic here: http://forum.averia.ws/forums/%D0%A2%D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B6%D0%BA%D0%B0-technical-support.20/

Одним из главных признаков счастья и гармонии является полное отсутствие потребности кому-то, что-то доказывать.

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I am playing Dreadnaught on this server.


As you know Dreadnaught hit with pole ... we survive mainly because we take on alot of monster and we survive because of the HP DRAIN from each monster.


With Chant of Blood Awakening and Dance of Vampire it's 17% Drain HP on each hit. I am also a Programmer Analyst so I can in a way Understand sometimes when there is a problem, what the problem is and how to fix it.


And it seem I understand how this problem work.


SYNOPSYS: My character is in A Spot next to A wall .... Hitting on Let's Say 50 ennemies.



My HP Is trembling alot (Going down and up because of vampiric) Each time I do one swing, I gain back 30,000 HP (more than I have) So I only need to keep hitting to survive unless mobs can kill me altogether in 1 hit. I'm hitting and hitting and hitting and my life is VERY STABLE. Then... 1 monster of the whole group dies... and my life start to DROP LIKE HELL (Like I'm only draining from 1 mob now...) And it keep dropping and dropping and DEAD.... I die... Nothing I can do... when 50 mob hit me and I only drain hp from 1 mob... I die inevitably...




My Diagnostic of this bug is that, when POLE USER hit mobs they at first drain from ALL MOBS, but when 1 mob of the group dies... something in the way HP is drained and given to pole user changes and now the pole user will get HP back from only 1 mob... If you could please look into this and FIX THIS PROBLEM so that we can survive while hitting mobs... I have a +15 Eye of Slayer (+45% Patk against Dragons) + War Cry +15% patk and my Patk is 3100 so I should hit for around 6000 patk against dragons in a group of 30 dragons who hit me... I looked at my damage and in 1 swing I make 1100-1600 damage on normal hits and 6700-7500 damage on critical... and when the trigger Counter Critical is on, my critical go to 13200-17000 damage, and I'm hitting in 1 swing approx 24 monster so in AVERAGE I should make 35,000-42,000 damage.... this on a 20% drain rate would be 8000 hp back per hit (and I'm sure theres more than 24 mobs... plus I have passives to hit more mobs than the max amount but I've noticed in stakato nest that in l2J no matter the amount of mobs in front of u if they are all in same spot u will hit them all, even if there is 500) That is one bug but I do not complain since it works in my favor, it makes poles more powerfull, but this bug of draining from only 1 mob makes pole user VERY VERY BAD...


Please fix this problem... And give me estimate to how and when it will be fix


btw . you CANT hit 50! enemies. There is not unlimited number of targets on WL... you dont know that? and some of targets can evade your hit. and why you wonder that you should hit for 6000 p atk ? mobs have p def too ...


EDIT: Pole mastery with NO enchant give you 19 targets with pole, if you have SA in pole that give you +4 = 23, fell swoop (+5) = 28 ....

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Hello Reedit, I think you never understand difference between L2J and L2OFF...


L2Off comes from leak of the real system of Lineage 2 OFFICIAL SERVER (Mainly from when they make public test server)

They are programmed in C++ and C# and they have the files ENCODED (means that to make change, you have to do hex and Assembly)


L2J is Java machine server. It's ripoff of L2Off server, but instead of having REAL SERVER, it's EMULATION (Don't you ever played nintendo 64 emulation on your computer, or SNES emulation to play Super Metroid or Mario All-Stars... This is the SAME) To edit stuff in L2J is more easy, because they have JAVA REAL FILES, so they can make easier changes... BUT... All the files, formulas, geodatas, system secrets, and everything else is "IMAGINED" by someone... by some people... So MOST of the stuff is WRONG.


In many cases, things don't work like retail, they just "IMMITATE" it... And for the most part, pole in L2J REALLY NOT work the same as retail.


In retail, you can hit as DREADNAUGHT 18 ennemies + 5 for SA +5 for "PVP" on weapon +X for how many you have in pole mastery Skill Enchant +3 (+More if Overenchanted) for Fell Swoop + PoleArm Accuracy Skill Enchant (I thiunk up to +3 at +30) and well... I think the GRAND TOTAL for amount of ennemies u can hit in 1 normal swing is 36 ennemies but I'm not sure.


But have you tested this in Averia friend? Go to stakato... take 50 mob in 1 corner and make couple hit... then check with /nexttarget all the HP of all mobs... and u will see, all mobs have lower HP, even if there is 50 of them, in this server the pole "mob restriction" dont work.


Altho I do think that if you are maybe a Shillen Templar and you use POLE since you do not have pole mastery that you won't be able to hit all tihs many monster but I've seen kamaels use pole so even that I'm not sure... I will try with tank later see how many ennemies we can hit



ALSO, there is another thing. Using skill like EARTHQUAKE or WHIRLWIND, in retail server, there is maximum of 16 ennemies it can hit in same time, and for many skills like Blazing Circle, Mass Hydro Blast, Rain of Fire, ETC (AOE SKILL) it supposed to hit a certain amount of monster and not more... But I think in this server, it hit all mob that is in the range of the skill... I'm not 100% sure for the skills, but for whirlwind, Earthquake, I know that I hit everything no matter the amount of mob.


So before to tell me it dont work, go check it out, and you will see why I say this. And if you would understand more clearly, this post (TOPIC) is not about how many mob I hit in 1 swing, it's about the HP DRAIN from this mobs after a certain amount of time the HP DRAIN seem to drop to almost 0 like i drain only from 1 mob, and my character dont survive.

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