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Hello ... I tried to go on Averia TEST server because I wanted to BUY some stuff (Like the turtle Ascetic and the SUPER MEW THE CAT) items for this server ... so before to buy ... I go test them in test server right???


But there is many problem with this ... see, I play x55 server and the test server is not the same as x55 ... (Cannot have buffs ... and cannot have proffession change to 3rd class or subs)


You make a server for testing purpose ... theres even one button for making level up instantly... but u must make a QUEST to getting 3rd prof... this is RIDICULOUS...


Please fix this (Make same ALT + B as in x55 ... with BUFFS and TELEPORTS and with BUY 3rd PROF and SUBCLASS / NOBLESS)


ALSO all the ITEMS that seem to work on x55 do NOT WORK on test server ...


Turtle Ascetic for example, it suppose to give you Weapon and Armor Maintenance ... IT DONT WORK IN TEST SERVER


All it does is BUFF U and the buff it give u do NOTHING ... he repeat to BUFF U and BUFF U and BUFF U again and again and again and it does NOTHING...


Many items are also bugg in this server ... Just Use the same server file as x55 but put full adena and gm shop for testing purpose + the auto level up / downlevel button and infinite avery averinks averia feather ... like normal test server... so we can REALLY test stuff...


I also wanted to test CLAN SKILLS ETC so put blood oath / Blood alliance to buy in gm shop ...


Could you please fix this Test server so I can really TEST stuff before buying on x55 server (I think to spend 50$ real money but before I wanna know if it work....)

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