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Hello, i have difficult time trying to play on your server :).

I've installed pure clean L2 H5 client and then update it throught your averia updater. After creating a game account, i succesfully pass through game login and then in server selection i can't acces into any of them. Can you help me and guide how to pass through server sellection?

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So only step left is to dowload this 590mb file?

I would suggest to download the whole client assembled by Averia Team.


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I've probably tryed all options, all went as prevoius:

Maybe i'll tell what i've tryed:

Firstly i've created webpage account and then the game account


Then i've install 4 Lineage 2 High Five client and:

1.I've downloaded Averia Updater and updated game thanks to it

2.I've downloaded only system folder and exchange it with original one

3.I've downloaded this 590mb patch, then launched Averia updater to update the rest

4.I've downloaded whole your server client through torrent


And all of this tryings ended here:


Can't enter to any of the servers on the list

My firewall is disactivated the same as Norton Antivirus

If i did something wrong? Really i'm trying hard to play on your server but i really want to play here :)

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