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Rules and regulations

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Here is a list of simple rules. If you follow it your gaming experience will be joyful, exciting and vivid.

We need you to be a man on our girls-made project. (Unless you are a girl as well)

1. Do not tell anyone about Averia project.


2. Project Administration is pretty whimsical and appoints guilty players by itself. Guilty ones must agree, hang own head and keep silent humbly.


3. Project Administration doesn't appreciate flame, spam, rudeness etc. The most zealous rulebreakers will fall into a special list and will receive many different bonuses to both game and forum accounts.


4. Project Administration is not oppose erotic, but within reasonable limits.


5. Project Administration doesn't appreciate unqoutable nicknames or profile pictures. Breakers of this rule will get to the banishment to Siberia. Seriously.


6. Project Administration strictly forbids disclosure of personal information and private messaging with forum leadership members.


7. Hint: if you quote a post with violation you can probably join the author of bad post in his train to Siberia.


8. We all (almost all) are adults here and we won't find out who was the first to offend. If you take part in an offensive behaviour you probably should take a rest from forums for a few days. So pretty please, with sugar on top, be nice.


9. Project Administration also forbids any kind of cheating/tricking/fraud or swindle and will try hard to interrupt any type of it.


10. Project Administration is a bit tired of typing forum rules and hopes you can guess about other bad things by yourself.

Please remember: the nicer you are the happier is everyone around.



Project Administration provides a free gaming platform which is supported by own time and money.

It is totally free to you, therefore we do not accept any claims and complains, only suggestions and wishes.

Averia.ws Administration

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Forum rules

  • Spam/Advertisements/Links to other l2 projects –eternal ban
  • Foul / obscene language -4 points for 7 days
  • Topic “Up” more often that once a 24 hours -1 point for 5 days
  • Flood -4 points for 7 days
  • Discussing about administration, their actions in negative way or dissemination of false information-eternal ban
  • Contacts (as skype account etc) in Trade section –ban for 7 days
  • Unreasonable complains- ban for one day
  • Multicolored unreadable text -3 points for 7 days
  • Trade, change from one server to another –ban for 7 days
  • Incorrect section -2 points for 14 days
  • Insulting and intolerance behavior -4 points for 7 days
  • Posts in Russian in international section -2 point for 7 days (second time-4 points)

When you accumulate 10 points, your account is banned for some time. When a term of one break rules is over, quantity of points decreases and a ban is over.

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

"Spam/Advertisements/Links to other l2 projects –eternal ban". So i get ban for write someting bad about another server (no link etc) i dont knew the rules and i get the ban on forum account and game account... w/o any warning?:s but ok i respect it and next time i dont write nothing....

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"Spam/Advertisements/Links to other l2 projects –eternal ban". So i get ban for write someting bad about another server (no link etc) i dont knew the rules and i get the ban on forum account and game account... w/o any warning?:s but ok i respect it and next time i dont write nothing....

gave you a chat ban ? Forum ? Character? All together?

If the forum - here otpishite nickname previous uchetki . If the character - contact technical support

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i get a ban on all accounts and on forum =/ i was play there on Averia and like this server made by girls. and im remember similar situation and GM dont do nothing. so i think rules was changed (i know its my bad but why so serious action?:) =/ //// forum nick Intruz, game nick banned Intruz +3 accounts:)

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i get a ban on all accounts and on forum =/ i was play there on Averia and like this server made by girls. and im remember similar situation and GM dont do nothing. so i think rules was changed (i know its my bad but why so serious action?:) =/ //// forum nick Intruz, game nick banned Intruz +3 accounts:)

I'm sorry, but our server really strict rules . Create a theme for technical support , specify the login banned account and server. Of forum account banned

administrator, and he alone can you unban.


You have tried to exchange things between games ?

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