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So we are a group of players, still under decision about joining Averia.

I have a few questions:

1. EU community exists? I logged on x55 and x15, I spammed for about 20min for engl speaking players to ask a few questions and 0 answers.

2. Does macro works here for decreasing re-use time and if yes, does soulshots/spirit shots lag exists? Or u can use skills on macro without any shots lag.

3. Afterall its java server, so how is the geodata outside and inside of olympiad? All the 4 arenas are working properly? After casted a skill if target goes behind a structure it interrupts ur skill and shows the massage "Cannot see the target" or if the skill is already casted it does dmg?

4. Any way to make EN fully working updater, because now we have to use RU updater, then download files from the forum to change RU voices to EN, to change map to EN, then type .cfg inside the game and change from RU to EN but the .cfg menu is on russian and it's hard for the ppl who doesnt speak RU to find where is the option to switch languages, etc., it's annoying.

5. Some of the NPCs dialogues inside the game are on russian, even tho u have used all EN files on forum to fully switch RU to EN.

6. After applying EN files, some items are still on RU langauge including Averia currency and some NPC names I believe. Anyway to fix it ?

7. Does the GM team inside the game using EN language while organizing events, making important announcements?


That's for now :)

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So we are a group of players, still under decision about joining Averia.

I have a few questions:

1. EU community exists? I logged on x55 and x15, I spammed for about 20min for engl speaking players to ask a few questions and 0 answers.

2. Does macro works here for decreasing re-use time and if yes, does soulshots/spirit shots lag exists? Or u can use skills on macro without any shots lag.

3. Afterall its java server, so how is the geodata outside and inside of olympiad? All the 4 arenas are working properly? After casted a skill if target goes behind a structure it interrupts ur skill and shows the massage "Cannot see the target" or if the skill is already casted (40-50%, I forgot how much exactly) it does dmg?

4. Any way to make EN fully working updater, because now we have to use RU updater, then download files from the forum to change RU vocies to EN, to change map to EN, then type .cfg inside the game and change from RU to EN but the .cfg menu is on russians and it's hard for the ppl who doesnt speak RU to find where is the option to switch languages, etc., it's annoying.

5. Some of the NPCs dialogues inside the game are on russian, even tho u have used all EN files on forum to fully switch RU to EN.

6. After applying EN files, some items are still on RU langauge including Averia currency and some NPC names I believe. Anyway to fix it ?

7. Does the GM team inside the game using EN language while organizing events, making important announcements?


That's for now :)

1. 98% is russian on this server, as u know only 1% of them can speak english. Thans why i did'nt got answar. (We don't have GM in game, who can help ue, but u can ask on forum and u will always get answer :)

2. marco is working and soul/spirit shots lag is working 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. u have 2 wait for admin(they have a answer :)

7. We have new Moderator on forum, who trying to make some events for english speasking ppl. Her name on forum is Kitty, you can ask here about new events.:-)

Одним из главных признаков счастья и гармонии является полное отсутствие потребности кому-то, что-то доказывать.

Нельсон Мандела

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So we are a group of players, still under decision about joining Averia.


I have a few questions:


1. EU community exists? I logged on x55 and x15, I spammed for about 20min for engl speaking players to ask a few questions and 0 answers.


2. Does macro works here for decreasing re-use time and if yes, does soulshots/spirit shots lag exists? Or u can use skills on macro without any shots lag.


3. Afterall its java server, so how is the geodata outside and inside of olympiad? All the 4 arenas are working properly? After casted a skill if target goes behind a structure it interrupts ur skill and shows the massage "Cannot see the target" or if the skill is already casted it does dmg?


4. Any way to make EN fully working updater, because now we have to use RU updater, then download files from the forum to change RU voices to EN, to change map to EN, then type .cfg inside the game and change from RU to EN but the .cfg menu is on russian and it's hard for the ppl who doesnt speak RU to find where is the option to switch languages, etc., it's annoying.


5. Some of the NPCs dialogues inside the game are on russian, even tho u have used all EN files on forum to fully switch RU to EN.


6. After applying EN files, some items are still on RU langauge including Averia currency and some NPC names I believe. Anyway to fix it ?


7. Does the GM team inside the game using EN language while organizing events, making important announcements?



That's for now :)

3. It works normally, all 4 arenas. If more, than 60% of spell casted-damage`ll be done, if less-it`ll interrupt.

4. We`re planning to create updater with English by default t so foreign players don`t have to do all that

5-6 Please, say or make screenshots with these NPC\dialogues and we`ll fix it)

7.I`m GM of international section on the forum (if I`m absent, Narcissa and Automatic sometimes answer there) and I translate all information about events on the forum. There`re announcements in English in game about events, actions, voting etc.

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3. It works normally, all 4 arenas. If more, than 60% of spell casted-damage`ll be done, if less-it`ll interrupt.

4. We`re planning to create updater with English by default t so foreign players don`t have to do all that

5-6 Please, say or make screenshots with these NPC\dialogues and we`ll fix it)

7.I`m GM of international section on the forum (if I`m absent, Narcissa and Automatic sometimes answer there) and I translate all information about events on the forum. There`re announcements in English in game about events, actions, voting etc.

Great, thank you for the info :)

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