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Ranive' date=' post: 1083796, member: 1"']Because, when macros work, all players play selected wizards and gladiators ...

Sorry but not TRUE coz my CP is Dagger and is better too for dat pack !

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Sorry but not TRUE coz my CP is Dagger and is better too for dat pack !

Unfortunately, this option will not change in any way for the mile-classes we have good bonuses to gain experience and equipment

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I'm also waiting for Skill Spam , There's bonus for every class which use it, As SH,PK,Daggers,HEALERS,DEBUFFS, +++!

+1 ! W/O Spam is same all European server ! never innovates

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x70 with working macros maybe is bad idea ... 80% gladiators/mages .... and since its x70 gladiators will be rly OP ... this is my opinion ofc you can wait for gm answer :)

Sure , understandably Its form to disagree! But for me averia had one negative point! It becomes more of a "European" server! That will fall in exhaustion soon .

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